But obviously, in the face of Wolff and Tony's eye warning, Alice didn't hesitate anymore, still struggling with her own tricks. Since she has decided to help them, it is impossible to stop.

At this time, the biggest killer in Alice's hands is naturally the method Li Yi often used after coming to the fairy world. That is the power of the original power. You know, there is also a very strong source of power in Alice's body. It's just that in Alice's present state, there is no power to refine a trace of it. Because even if their identity is special, it is impossible to refine a trace of the original power before reaching the Guiyuan realm. And now Alice is just the strength that has just advanced to the first level of the Guiyuan Realm, so although there are huge treasures in the body, they have not opened one of them.

However, at this time, Alice knew that she didn't need to refine the original power in her body, because at this time, there was Wolfe, and Wolfe wanted to resist Tianlei with the power of the magic circle. bombardment. So in fact, as long as Alice releases the inherent power in her body, it is like Tony constantly releases the mellow spiritual power in her body, so that it can actually help Wolfe resist this kind of thunder. It was precisely because of such an idea that Alice decided to shoot.

After thinking about her idea, Alice began to transfer her unrefined source power to the circle.

Seeing Alice's move, Wolfe wanted to stop it. But I thought about it again. If I stopped Alice again at this time, I would definitely make Alice think that they had underestimated Alice, which would also cause Alice some damage. So at this time, Wolfe finally accepted Alice's practice.

And after Alice's original power was transferred to the circle, and Wolff was transformed into the circle's defensive power, both Wolfe and Tony felt much less pressure. Although Alice is not strong enough, the power of the original power cannot be underestimated. This has nothing to do with strength, but an understanding of heaven and earth. Although Alice hasn't had time to refine the source power in her body, she can continue to convey the source power, which can also play a big role.

And taking advantage of Alice's assistance, Wolfe and Tony were also furious, and at the same time exerted the power of the source, even completely supporting the already shaky circle.

At this time, the third Sky Thunder was already the end of the strong crossbow, so after the blink of an eye, under the joint efforts of Wolff, Tony and Alice, the third Sky Thunder disappeared. The crisis of the three of them finally passed.

However, after passing over, Wolfe did not relax a little, but immediately said to Alice: "Alice, stop your hands first, the source of the power is too precious, don't waste it."

But after talking about it, although Alice closed, Wolf and Tony did not dare to take it lightly. Because this thunderstorm is indeed too weird, so at this time, Wolf and Tony are also afraid to relax. Having already suffered a loss before, Wolfe could not have suffered a second loss on the same thing.

So even though the power of the sky and thunder has dissipated, when seeing the thunder cloud in the sky still has not dissipated, Wolfe is still supporting this magic circle with all his strength.

But at this time, the practitioners of Chicheng who were present were completely improved on the strength of Wolf, Tony and Alice. When the phalanx was crumbling before, in fact, they all already believed that Wolfe, Tony and Alice, the three of them had been difficult to persist. After all, it is clear that although Wolfe and Tony have gone all out, they can only maintain the normal operation of the magic circle. If they want to really offset the power of the sky, if there is no strong aid force, then Everything is empty talk. But at that time, Alice was seriously injured by the power of the shock when Tian Lei's first impact. Therefore, at that time, Alice, in the eyes of many Chicheng practitioners, could not play any role at all.

But even Alice, who was not optimistic about many of the strongmen in Chicheng, played a vital role in the end. And the power exerted by Alice was the real thing that shocked the Chicheng powerhouses present. That's the power of the source. You must know that if you want to release the power of the source, you can't achieve this without the strength of the supreme state. And even among the many powerful players of the highest realm, there are very few people who can truly exert their original power. So how could one not be surprised to see Alice was able to exert such power at this time.

After seeing this, Chi Yanhou finally began to look squarely at this humble nun. After thinking of her relationship with Li Yi, as well as the relationship between Li Yi and Wolf and Tony, Chi Yanhou could see something implicitly. Chi Yanhou knows that Li Yi's strength level fell because of some things, so now it is so weak, but even so, Li Yi can exert the power of the original source, this one thing is A few of the strongest powerhouses in Chicheng are obvious to all. So although Li Yi's strength is still insufficient, Chi Yanhou did not underestimate Li Yi.

But now, the same thing as Li Yi happened to this female cultivator whose strength is also the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm, that is, she exerted her original power. Such a situation is naturally significant in Chi Yanhou's eyes. Chi Yanhou knew that since Li Yi had experienced some unknown things, he would now show such a weird fighting power. Then Alice, who had an unusual relationship with Li Yi, also had such a performance at this time. Only one point, that is, the experience of Alice and Li Yi seems to be the same. Moreover, there are many puzzling things about Wolfe and Tony together with Alice.

Wolfe is just a cultivator who has just advanced to the strength of the supreme realm, but he can use the magic circle in a magic weapon to withstand the powerful blow of the powerful force with the higher rank of the supreme realm. This kind of thing, if it is simply explained by that magic circle, then it would be a bit too underestimating Wolfe. Because among the strong players on the field, everyone who knows the game method knows that the reason why Wolf can do it before, except that the method they rely on is really amazing, but he can completely master it. And to exert the power brought by that magic circle, this has an inescapable relationship.

So at this time, when Chi Yanhou looked at Wolf, Tony and Alice, his eyes were different. In his view, these three people are definitely not simple guys, and even they may be It is the same level of existence as Li Yi, and even a much stronger character than Li Yi. In this way, that is to say, Wolff and Tony's future achievements may be higher than Li Yi. However, Li Yi claimed to be a strong man of high-level strength of the highest realm. Then, to what extent were these people strong at first, with such doubts, Chi Yanhou even disregarded his identity and took the initiative Flying towards Wolf and Tony, and Alice, who had escaped at this time.

Seeing that Chiyan Hou, the host of Chicheng came over at this time, Wolf also knew that the thundercloud in the sky should no longer be in danger. After all, if there is really any potential threat, then this city host of Akagi will certainly not appear at this time. After all, the third Sky Thunder has already reached the very terrifying power. If there is a fourth Sky Thunder, then if Chi Yanhou participates at this time, it will definitely be under great threat.

And just when Wolfe just thought of this, the thunderclouds in the sky really began to dissipate slowly, and as they were when they came together, the speed of dissipation was also very rapid.

Seeing this, Wolfe, Tony and Alice finally smiled at each other happily and celebrated that they had finally overcome the difficulties. However, they all know that at this time, the city lord of Chicheng who suddenly came over must be difficult to deal with.

Because at this time, Wolfe suddenly thought of a thing, that is, when Li Yi was here, he knew that the three of them were about to face a very dangerous situation, but after knowing that they would definitely be foolproof, Li Yi was busy. 'S left Chicheng. Looking at Li Yi's appearance, it seems very unwilling to see the strong among the Chicheng. Among the strong men in Chicheng, Chi Yanhou must be the person Li Yi least wants to see.

So at this time, the appearance of Chi Yanhou meant that Wolf would definitely delay some time to join Li Yi. However, at this time, Chi Yanhou was offended again, so in the end Wolfe could only put a smile on his face, and then smiled at the newly arrived Chi Yanhou: "Oh, I don’t know what happened to the Lord Lord. ?"

Seeing Wolf take the initiative to speak, Chi Yanhou did not have any accidents. After all, in Chi Yanhou's opinion, such a character as Wolfe is definitely impossible to be controlled by others. But Chi Yanhou now has no hostility towards Wolfe. After all, Chi Yanhou knows that at this time, it is really very unwise to have enmity with the guys who seem to have hidden huge secrets in them. Things. Moreover, Chi Yanhou also believes that they will definitely bring many benefits to Chicheng in the future. Just because they have just advanced to the supreme realm, they are able to exert the power of the source, which is enough to prove all this.

So when I heard Wolf’s words, Chi Yanhou immediately smiled and said, “Oh, Your Excellency is Wolf, right, is Li Yi’s companion right. I’ve heard Li Yi talk about you before, and listen Say that you and your friends are going to retreat and prepare to impact the strength of the supreme realm. Unexpectedly, it hasn't been long before you and your friends have really advanced to the strength of the supreme realm. It's gratifying, gratifying, and gratifying Congratulations." After all, Chi Yanhou smiled and looked at Tony and Alice behind Wolf.

Wolfe, Tony and Alice also responded politely to the kindness shown by Chi Yanhou now. After all, at this time, Wolfe also didn't want to be too rigid with Chi Yanhou. Moreover, at this time, Chi Yanhou came to congratulate for the first time, and Wolf and others could not behave so badly.

So Wolf said with a smile: "The Lord of the City Lord is interested, and this time he closed with his companions and hit the supreme realm. The result was such a tremendous movement, the impact, I hope that the Lord of the City Lord will not mind."

Hearing this, Chi Yan Hou said with a smile: "It’s alright, anyway, what else do you care about this trivial matter. But you two can be promoted to the highest level, which is also a great thing for us in Chicheng Ah. The situation in which you should be robbed before is indeed earth-shattering, but we should not be able to participate in this affair even if we are willing to help. For this, I hope you do not care."

Chi Yanhou said that the dripping water did not leak. In the case just now, Wolfe and Tony were naturally very clear. After all, this kind of thing should be robbed. Except the people who should be robbed, there is really no way for others to participate.

So after this, Wolfe also said with a smile: "Oh, the Lord of the City speaks loudly. How can this kind of thing bother the adults, we can handle it."

Hearing Wolfe's words, Chi Yanhou couldn't help but shine. Because Chi Yanhou had come here just to tell Wolfe them about this matter, and there was no reason for lethal suffering. Since Chi Yanhou is now here, how could Chi Yanhou give up this opportunity.

"Oh, for this, I wanted to say before. The way you robbed before really amazed me, I don't know, what kind of treasure is the magic weapon you held before, can you lend me a look? "Speaking of which, Chi Yanhou finally stated his ultimate goal.

Hearing Chi Yanhou's words, Wolfe was stunned for the first time, because Wolfe really didn't think that after Chi Yanhou came here, he would ask such words in the first sentence. But when I thought about it, Wolfe was relieved when he arrived. After all, Wolfe himself knows that although he and Tony have now advanced to the supreme realm, they are only the strength of the first level, and in the previous time, there was no realm of the thunder, the middle level of the stable state, the first level of the supreme realm. The cultivator of strength. But even then, he and Tony and Alice, but **** lived such a magical thunderstorm, such a thing is not a red flame, in fact, even all the supreme realm strength but strong All of them are very concerned and shocked.

After all, only those who have reached that step can have such a direct feeling, especially Chi Yanhou. Among the practitioners of Chicheng who came out this time, Chi Yanhou's strength is the most powerful, so only Chi Yanhou is The clearest is that the bombardment of the power of the third thunder sky is actually equivalent to his full blow. But this is the kind of attack, but it is the last to let the two superiors of the first-level strength of the supreme realm combine with one of the strong-level powers of the Guiyuan realm, and all three of them have just advanced, and even the realm is not stable. The guys who lived, but they resisted the bombardment of that kind of powerful thunder.

To be able to do this, the strength of the three of them is surprisingly one reason, but in fact the people present can be seen, that is, although the three of them are already very powerful, especially Wolf and Tony , The two of them are not only the strongest elementary powers of the upper realm, but also can exert the power of the original power, but even so, they can not become the three of them can withstand the level of thunder The main reason for the attack.

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