'I don't know if this old patriarch will play tricks again, huh, it's not good, I will go directly to Ruo Bing to pick it up, anyway, just look at it, and it's not that it's not too stupid, this old patriarch, It's just...' Li Yi thought to himself.

In the old patriarch's room, the old patriarch was holding a seemingly old book and was reading it seriously. Occasional sighs showed that the old patriarch's heart was not calm, and his eyes exuded from time to time. Shine, from the side, shows that this old man is not as simple as giving others an impression.

"Cough...cough...cough..." There was a sudden coughing sound suddenly in the silent room. The old patriarch quickly covered his mouth with a handkerchief-like kerchief, but this kind of coughing was too violent, which directly led to the old The patriarch was out of breath and could not stop it for a while. I don't know if Li Yi saw such a scene, would he think that the old patriarch would deceive him.

After a while, the old patriarch finally adjusted his breath and calmed himself down. Without taking the old patriarch to deal with the things in his hand, the knock on the door outside the house came to mind.

The old patriarch's brow furrowed lightly, not knowing what came to mind.

"Who is it?" the old patriarch asked after a while.

"Report to the patriarch, Wei Zilong asks for advice."

"whats the matter?"

"He said he would only see you in person, and he said that it was what you ordered. No matter when, whenever he wants to see you, we have to give notice." People outside seem to feel that the patriarch's mood is not very good, so The quick answer should also be an explanation.

"Okay, without further ado, let him come in. By the way, if there is news about that, you must tell me the first time."

"Okay, I know……"


Wei Zilong usually walked into the old patriarch's room. Almost all people familiar with him knew that since following Zhang Ink, Wei Zilong's temperament had changed a lot. If he used to be a honest and trustworthy young man, If you don’t even think about it, then now you feel a little gloomy, a person who is hard to understand.

After entering the room, Wei Zilong saw the old patriarch sitting at the table with a handkerchief in his hand. His face was pale, and there seemed to be some sweat beads between his forehead. The hand holding the handkerchief was very hard.

"I have seen the patriarch." Wei Zilong greeted politely.

"You don't have to be more polite, let's say, there is something important that is so anxious." The old patriarch seemed to be anxious, so there was no politeness in speaking.

"It's nothing, but Master Zhang heard that we have forgotten the tribe's family has a previous note of the master craftsman, so he wanted to borrow it and look at it, saying that he wanted to find out how to master it from the inside, which is also for more Ok help us to forget the tribe"

"Well? How did he know about this matter?" The old patriarch was still a bit strange about Zhang Mo knowing this thing, because he had no outsiders when he told Li Yi that day, and he I believe that people present will not say this.

Hearing this question from the patriarch, Wei Zilong not only felt a little embarrassed, but smiled on his own, and Zhang Mo said to himself: If the patriarch asked me how I knew about this, you would Say that I know everything and know everything. If the old man doesn't believe it, you say I heard it from some people of the forgotten tribe.

"Master Zhang knows that you will ask this question, so he says he knows everything and knows everything." Wei Zilong also listened to Zhang Mo's words, so he recounted what Zhang Mo told him to say.

"Wei Zilong, do you think I will believe these gibberish?" The old patriarch's tone suddenly became harsher, or because of his long-standing position, he did not anticipate himself in anticipation. At this time, the old patriarch made Wei Zilong sincere. There is some fear.

"Don't dare, the patriarch and adult forgive sins, I really obey your instructions, and serve Master Zhang with all my strength, and everything is said to him." Wei Zilong was a little nervous, so he began to explain.

"Wei Zilong, I hope you will remember for me that your ancestors and your parents are all people of the forgotten tribe, and you have already been branded by the forgotten tribe. I hope you always remember your identity and don’t make it. I'm sorry for my tribe's affairs." The old patriarch is still a tone of eyesight.

"Don't dare to ask the patriarch to rest assured that the reason why Zhang Zhiqi knows this is that I have been chatting with him in the village in recent times. In addition, I don't know, after all. , I don't know about this matter."

"It’s best to remember. I’ll let someone send him a copy of this book. You don’t have to worry about it. At the same time, you also tell him that I said that I forgot the hospitality of the tribe, but there must be one for everything. Don't exceed the limit"

"Yes, I understand, I will definitely tell him." Wei Zilong answered.

"If it's okay, then you should go back first." The old patriarch made a eviction order, obviously letting Wei Zilong leave.

"I will resign." Wei Zilong didn't want to stay here. He didn't understand why. Facing the old patriarch, he was still a little uncomfortable.

"Well, go on, by the way, Wei Zilong, please don't forget, you are a person who has forgotten the tribe..." The old patriarch's tired voice came out.

Wei Zilong had just left, and the knock on the door rang again. The old patriarch who had planned to take a rest had to sit up again. Some tired voices spread out. "Who? Didn't you tell me not to disturb me without big things?" "

"The patriarch, it's me, Gu Zichao, and the sir said he would come to talk to you in person, so he took the liberty to come here suddenly, and hope the patriarch to forgive me." Gu Zichao was speaking outside, but the meaning in the words was very clear, he was Come with Li Yi.

Before waiting for the elder patriarch to speak, Li Yi's voice also sounded: "Hey, elder patriarch, don't put on the shelf, my time is tight. I knew you were in this attitude, hum, it seems that I should not come Well, I don’t know good people..."

The elder patriarch actually asked this question. He also knew that if it were not an important thing, he would not be allowed to disturb himself, but he did not expect that Li Yi was very dissatisfied with himself. Take the opportunity to tease yourself.

"Where is Xiaoyou talking, please come in quickly, no one can see you, but you can't see you." Perhaps the old patriarch was very polite because he knew the reason for his loss, and the patriarch's temper was not at all.

The door was pushed open, walking in front was Li Yi with some untrimmed borders, followed by the cautious Gu Zichao. The reason why he brought Gu Zichao was because Li Yi hoped that an acquaintance would lead the way for himself, so as to avoid the trouble of finding his own way, although It has been a short time to come to this tribe, but he really has not systematically studied the layout of this village, and he is devoted to what he has to do.

Make a commitment and work hard.

Li Yi has always attached great importance to his commitment.

On the other hand, he likes Gu Zichao's character very much. Perhaps he is interested in cultivating his unnamed disciple. For this place, of course, he will not always want to be here. Although he is not sure he can be cultivated successfully, but he looks A hard-working young man, he still hopes to do his best.

"I don't know what happened when Xiaoyou came to visit suddenly?"

"Don't dare to say something, there is one request, and I hope the patriarch can help. Of course, I believe you will help. If you don't help, I don't know when the real noble needs will be produced. 'S magic stone weapon." Li Yi said half-jokingly.

"The alumni laughed. As long as we can help, we will do our best. We will not help, and we will try our best to help." The old patriarch heard Li Yi saying that it was definitely not a small thing, so the answer was very Quick, of course, very sincere.

"I want a magic stone weapon that you are using now. I want to study it. I think this is the best way for me to learn the fastest." Li Yi said very relaxed. In his opinion, this is It's a normal thing, but the reason why he said he would ask for help is because even if it is outside, no one will easily give his magic weapon to others to check.

Hearing Li Yi say this, the old patriarch's face was hard to see, his brows were closed, and he bit his lips gently, but for a moment there was no words.

Seeing the performance of the old patriarch, Li Yi felt very wrong and naturally puzzled, so he put away a smile and waited for the patriarch's reply seriously.

The elder patriarch brewed for a while before slowly speaking: "Little friend, I really want to say that I am really sorry. Now there are not many magic stone weapons intact in the tribe, and there are still fewer in the tribe. It’s already between half meetings, I’m afraid...” The old patriarch said very resolutely, but it didn’t seem to be fake.


"It's not convenient to tell you now, but, Li Yi, the old man really asks you to make the magic stone weapon as soon as possible. This is really important for my family. Please, really please. "The patriarch's tone was a little agitated, which also caused him a cough.

"I will try my best, but the fastest way is really to let me see it in person. I also know that my magic stone weapons are generally not for others to see. This is a taboo, but I really do it for the nobility. I hope the patriarch is thinking about it." Li Yi thought this was the reason.

"Where did Xiaoyou think about it? It's really not what you think it is, but the people in the left tribe now, with magic stone weapons, there is really only Ruo Bing, but Ruo Bing, the girl, has never been Allow others to touch her weapons, so this is really a bit difficult, so let me tell you, if it can succeed, it is best, if she does not agree, I can only say that it is powerless."

"Oh, since this is the case, then I won't disturb you again, and wait for your good news to say goodbye..." Although it was full of incomprehension, Li Yi still chose to believe that the old patriarch should indeed have difficulties.

The old patriarch watched Li Yi leave, and then fell into contemplation.

The responsibility of a large tribe rests on this old man. There are really some difficulties. The mental state of the old patriarch is obviously a lot weaker than before. It should be the reason for the haggardness.

But God was still joking about him, and just when he wanted to take a break, the knock on the door rang again.

The old patriarch's face is a bit ugly, and he is always disturbed at such times, and no one will be in a good mood. The two people who have been told by themselves to have the privilege to disturb themselves have already been here. Who will be this time again? Could it be... Thinking of this, the old patriarch quickly let outsiders in.

What came in this time was the follower who had been with the patriarch for a long time.

"Oh? What's the matter?" the old patriarch asked.

"The news came back from there, the situation is not very good." The entourage replied.

The old patriarch took a deep breath and then asked: "How about my two old brothers? What is the situation?"

"It can only be said that the situation is getting worse and worse, and there is a possibility of getting out of control at any time. I hope to think of a better solution. After the two elders get there, they hope to probe further. As a result, they did not return. The whereabouts are currently unknown, but I am afraid that there will be more and more evil.

The handkerchief-like kerchief in the old patriarch's hand slipped on the ground all at once, and the whole person seemed to feel a little paralyzed sitting on the seat, sad and overwhelmed.


Deep inside, there was a deep sigh, but only such a sigh could be understood by him alone.

The elder patriarch sat there without saying a word. The atmosphere in the room was a very uncomfortable depression. The patriarch's attendants did not speak, just waiting for the elder patriarch's instructions.

Quiet and continuous, without knowing what will happen next.

"Then...then... Is there any other news?" The old patriarch's voice was a little choked. The two elders worked with him for a short time. Although there have been quarrels over the years, I heard this The news still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Also, one of the elders left you a letter before departure, and repeatedly told that this letter can only be opened for you to see. The letter was brought over there," the attendant said, while Pass the letter up.

The old patriarch took over the letter with some trembling and did not open it immediately. It seemed that there was some hesitation, and it seemed that there was some annoyance and remorse. In this feeling, only he himself can really understand, "OK, you first Go out." The old patriarch first issued a eviction order.

The follower didn't say much and retreated quietly.

The room was quiet again. To be more precise, there was only the breath of the old patriarch alone, a little heavy, and a little helpless. He gently tore the envelope open, and then sucked heavily. The tone put the letter in front of him.

Very quaint but with bold and bold handwriting reflected in the eyes of the old patriarch. Such a word, the old patriarch should say that it is more familiar, perhaps when he was young, some words he said, some seemingly Childish decisions are recorded by such words.

The content of the letter is very brief.

Elder patriarch, Yu has gone, don’t think about it, the clan’s plan, we must be cautious and cautious, if our clan can continue, this decision should be wise, but if the clan unfortunately breaks here, Yu heart, Yu Yi Know, don't be ashamed. Looking forward to the next life, to be a brother again! (To be continued.)

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