The old patriarch's hand dropped gently, and the letter slipped silently on the ground.

"Old friend, since you know everything, and since you know that I let you die, why don’t you say it! Forgive me, I’m going too soon, all of us should go, or even my family I can escape this time, but not the next time." The old patriarch said to himself, tears slipping down the corners of his eyes.


Li Yi naturally didn’t know what the old patriarch’s real difficulty was, but the old patriarch’s words gave him a way of thinking. Since he wanted to ask Ruo Bing, why can’t he go directly, although this reason is a bit unreasonable, but Since everything is like this, would you try it yourself, and he feels that Ruo Bing still takes care of himself, at least when she attacks the elder patriarch, she only protects the elder patriarch, but does not treat herself. Hands on.

So Li Yi did not rush back, but let Gu Zichao lead him to visit Ruo Bing.

"What? Sir, you are going to visit... I'm afraid this is really a little difficult, I..." Gu Zichao appeared to Li Yi for the first time.

"Huh? What's the matter? Don't support me..." Li Yi didn't understand why Gu Zichao behaved this way, so he was very puzzled in his tone, because Gu Zichao's performance was something he had never seen before.

"No, first of all, this is because I really don't know where Bing Mai is living. Here, we are called her Bing Mai that is bigger than him, and her sister Bing is smaller than him." Gu Zichao seems to be aware of Li Yi's abnormality , So the explanation is very detailed.

"Oh? It looks like this, it's really interesting, even you don't know where she lives, huh, layman is a layman, so you can't find her?" Li Yi seems to know so Asked Gu Zichao.

"Well, yes, sir, I'm really sorry, but I think the patriarch will definitely have a way, sir, you may as well wait, I will go back to the patriarch to talk about it, let the patriarch hurry." Gu Zichao did not know Li Yi's idea tentatively answered.

"Oh, believe it or not, can I find a way to find him?" At this moment, Li Yi seemed to reveal the child's heart, a little proud, a little cunning.

"Oh? Sir..." Gu Zichao looked at Li Yi, and wondered how the person who had just arrived in front of him could find the mysterious ice girl, but there was one thing he believed abnormally, that is Every sentence that Li Yi said will certainly not be untargeted. I don’t know what kind of inexplicable trust is that kind of firmness, so there is almost no hesitation to say: "I believe Mr. words."

"Ah, you are really boring, so you can't sell Guanzi and say you don't believe it. Hey, it's really boring." Li Yi has a naughty feeling. I don't know what the reason is, so he is in a good mood now, so he is a little younger. Human nature.

In fact, this is also how he relaxes himself. After coming here, although he seems to have no worry about food and clothing, but some invisible pressure is always pressing him, no matter how it is said, this is a strange environment, here, face Yes, it’s not just comfort, but also the cunning old patriarch. In Li Yi’s heart, the old patriarch has already been classified as a cunning person by him, and he has to face Zhang ink who has to kill himself at any time. He knew a lot of things, too many things, he didn't have time to analyze them seriously, and his tiredness could only be released by accident.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, but I still really want to know how you found the ice girl." As soon as this sentence came out, Gu Zichao still had some curiosity in his heart. After all, he was a young man.

"Hey, is this right, look at it, see how powerful I am." Gu Zichao's performance this time was very satisfying to Li Yi.

"Look, my way is coming." Li Yi said while blinking at Gu Zichao.

"Senior Bingbing, you can hear it, you must be able to hear it, how can you not hear it? You have been talking about you for so long, why don't you show up and talk together." Li Yi seems to be sick, right Speaking in the air, people who do not know why, can only think that this is self-talk.

Gu Zichao was stunned and looked at some unreasonable Li Yi. He said that if he really believed Li Yi, he would think Li Yi is a person with a brain problem.

The voice stopped, and the surroundings were still very quiet. No one even said a little voice in response to Li Yi.

Li Yi touched his nose with his right hand and smiled a little embarrassedly, then looked at Gu Zichao, "Sorry, a little mistake, wait a minute, wait a minute, I definitely have a way."

Gu Zichao couldn't help crying and laughing, saying yes or no, saying neither good nor bad, I really don't know how to answer this Master who is younger than himself.

"I said Senior Ruo Bing, don't give me so much face, you see people make jokes no more, let me tell you that there is something serious about you, if Ruo Bing girl, Senior Ruo Bing, no longer give a response, this... this If you can’t complete the control, don’t say I’m not doing my best.”

After talking, Li Yi looked around. This glance was not a simple look. Li Yi used a little bit of eye skills, which effectively extended his vision, but let him Disappointed that, within sight, there is still no figure of Ruo Bing.

The reason why Li Yi chose this method is because he heard that Ruo Bing is responsible for the safety of the forgotten tribe, and he wants to be the last one of her sudden situation. It is also her timely action, at least her own words, if she wants to hear. , Then you can definitely hear it.

Not to mention that Li Yi's abacus is not sounding, but the reality is that he didn't respond at all after saying these words.

Gu Zichao looked at Li Yi and continued to choose silence. If he didn't know what to say, then he wouldn't say anything. Everyone had their own code of conduct, but Li Yi also wanted to do this at some point.

"What do you have?"

After a short period of silence, when Li Yi thought that he was useless, he suddenly remembered such a questioning voice in the space, and it sounded out of thin air. In such a quiet environment, it was even deeper and quieter.

"Ah! You have finally spoken, thank you, did not let me fall off the chain. Of course there is something to ask you for your help. It was really late to reply to me, really." Li Yi was a little childish.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say something if you have something, and do it quickly if you don't say it. It's the most shameful thing to waste time, especially when others are in a hurry." If Bingbing's tone is not good, it seems that he is not in a good mood.

No matter how stupid, Li Yi can hear what is wrong in this statement, so he put away his deliberately looking for the relaxed side and turned to take a serious look, looking at the front, although I don’t know which direction Ruo Bing is in, But he was still facing the front, just as if looking at Ruo Bing, he said very seriously: "I'm sorry, but something really troubles you, I'm having a little trouble on the device, only you can help me solved."

"What's the matter?" The answer was quick this time.

"About the controller, it is not easy to say here, or I will go back to my own residence and we will talk again?" Li Yi tentatively said.

"Yes, you can also come to me, you'd better hurry, I will go out later, during this time, you better not go around, now even if you use clever ways, you may not be a piece of ink Opponent."

"Oh, I know, where are you going? How do I get to you?" Li Yi asked this question he cares about. These two questions are very important because he wants to borrow magic stone weapons from Ruo Bing, but If Bing Bing is going out, then there is definitely no way to borrow it, but from another perspective, he can solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Practicing true knowledge, truth that is established everywhere, is no exception in Li Yi's cognition, so Li Yi is very anxious to ask questions, on the one hand, also reflects his eager mood.


The sound came only from afar, but this little bit of unclear sorrow, and a little spread, remembering that in the space, penetrated the time, fell into Li Yi's ear, and slowly dissipated.

Li Yi knows a little bit, but he does not understand what it means to move forward.

If you understand it literally, you are naturally telling yourself to go forward, that is to say, you can find her. However, there is another layer of the key is that you are not just asking her a question, but Two questions: where are you going and how do I get to you.

The two questions were answered in only two words. No wonder Li Yi didn't understand it, not to mention that these two words were also very vague, and there was no clarity at all.

However, Li Yi didn't really struggle with this issue. Since he told himself to move forward, he would move forward.

Gu Zichao followed closely, and if he believed that the initial belief was a blindness without reason, but when he also heard the girl Ruo Bing answering Li Yi’s question in his mouth, he really realized that, sir, There are really two things. Even a person like Ruo Bingbing has a way to get in touch. It really is not easy.

Of course Li Yi would not know Gu Zichao's thoughts, but just moved forward indifferently. Although there is a mystery, when he sees the strange woman, it will naturally solve everything. Furthermore, even if his request is unsuccessful, It's not a matter of falling apart, so Li Yi is not very nervous.

It's not a long road, but in people's hearts, it can become very long. Li Yi suddenly felt that the road in front of him was really long, and he grew a little impatient, but he hasn't seen it yet To the end.

Because he only heard one sentence forward, Li Yi didn't care whether there was a road in front of him, so it can be said that he was walking straight in a straight line. The twists and turns of this road didn't even come to him, but such a road, Such ups and downs, but gradually let his state of mind gradually understand, this realization comes from his sudden understanding, but also the revelation of this forward.

Moving forward is the easiest way to reach the destination, but it is also the most tortuous way.

The weak may not be able to move forward, so you need to think of some way or another to achieve your goal, but for the strong, this kind of thing is not a problem, so they don’t care if there is a way ahead, or around Is it dangerous.

Because, walking up is the road, and standing there is safe.

This is the performance of the strong, this is the aura of the strong, even in the simplest environment, in the simplest things, it can still be expressed.

In Ruo Bing's eyesight, moving forward is the easiest and fastest path. Because she has the ability to do so, she would never estimate whether there will be a way forward, but she is different, don't say if Ruo Bing wants to compare Compared with Zhang Ink, I have to be very different from each other. Therefore, I will feel difficulties and hardships when I walk along the way, so I will always walk my own under the arrangement or design of others. road.

Perhaps, I should become stronger, so that I can dominate myself, do what I want to do, and then be able to realize the simplest ideal I had and live freely, without having to look at the face of others, without To listen to others' arrangements.

I am afraid that no one will think that Li Yi started and strengthened his belief that he wanted to become stronger, even because of such a perception of moving forward.

Mountain darkly, vista.

After about half an hour, the peak circuit turned normal. Suddenly a quiet path appeared in front of Li Yi, but what made Li Yi very strange was that this path seemed to be just made by others, so he had Some hesitation.

"It's too slow to see you go. Open the way temporarily. Hurry up." Just when Li Yi was puzzled, such a voice sounded in Li Yi's ear, and there was another shock in his heart. Experts who met, Li Yi really couldn't find a better word to describe his feelings about it, looking up, maybe only looking up such words could express one or two.

With a small road, Li Yi's speed also increased quickly, and soon saw Ruo Bing's figure, in the depths of a forest, among the green eyes, the spotless white, it seemed that the dust was so refined, People do not dare to have a little blasphemous thinking.

"Speak, what do you need from me to help?" Ruo Bing did not wait for Li Yi to speak, but asked Li Yi actively.

"I took the liberty to see, but I really asked for mercy. I still hope to forgive me." I don't know the reason. When I saw Ruo Bing, Li Yi didn't seem to be a little playful. Even his speech became simple and very serious. .

"Please say?" Ruo Bing's answer is still very concise, unwilling to have a little procrastination.

"I want to borrow your magic weapon, because you also know that the production of the noble magic stone weapon is different from the outside. Now I may have guessed the reason, but I still have a little verification, so I want to borrow you. At a glance, I can see if I can find a better way of thinking, so that I can find a solution faster." Li Yi said that the solid and powerful, very sincere.

If Ruo Bing didn't answer immediately, it seemed to be thinking about something.

"I know that it is unreasonable to ask to see other people's weapons at will, but there is really no way. I hope you can understand." Li Yi saw this situation and thought that this reason would cause Ruo Bing's hesitation.

"You worry too much, we don't have the same rules as you said, but it's more serious than what you said, you know, if I give the weapon to you, then I'm afraid it's just an ordinary thing. Woman, this is my concern." (To be continued.)

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