"Old Han, look at the map. How far is it from the place we agreed!" Since he couldn't see it, Li Yi gave up and asked Han Ziming what was happening.

"It's almost here, basically according to the plan!" Han Ziming carefully checked the map he brought before answering!

"In this case, then the three of us are going to make preparations, and everything will be carried out according to the original plan. If Ruo Bing, it is up to you to succeed this time!" Li Yi looked at Ruo Bing and said this very carefully. The only way to solve this problem is that if only Ruo Bing can speed in and out of the ant colony without any damage!

If Ruo Bing is still dressed in white, it seems that there is no difficulty to change her color. For Li Yi's heavy trust, she just answered indifferently: "Well."

Li Yi took off his coat again, then handed it to Ruo Bing, and at the same time said: "I judge that the sting beast's vision should not be bad, even if it depends on the smell to determine the direction of the chase, my dress, the sting beetle The leader must know, and you will hold it in a moment, it is estimated that she will be able to attract her!"

If Bing looked at Li Yi, she still took over her clothes very calmly. No matter when, she would basically execute Li Yi’s orders. She didn’t realize when she started to form. .

Li Yi opened his mouth, hesitated a little, and then said again and again: "That... Ruo Bing... you, you must be careful! Safety is the most important thing!"

This sentence seems to sway Ruo Bing's heart that has been calm for a long time, and even the face under the veil has some changes. Of course, these are not visible to Li Yi. Li Yi's sentence It's just an emotional expression, let a girl face such a big difficulty, he really feels very uncomfortable in his heart!

"I will! Pay attention to both of you! Once the sting beast finds you two, it is very likely that you will not come to chase me again, and your danger is not small! Especially Li Yi!" This last sentence is a pause It was added after a while, which surprised Li Yi!

However, if there is another sentence in Bing Bing’s heart that two people must not be able to hear, it is: “But you will be fine. The sting beast will definitely chase me. Even if it doesn’t want to chase, that’s the case. impossible!"

The three of them were silent for a while, and then they didn't say anything more. Li Yi and Han Ziming got up and left to go to the next step of the plan. What kind of future is unimaginable!

"Everything went well!" Han Ziming muttered silently in his heart. This was his first [Liancheng www.lcds.info] lack of confidence and grasp, and the first secret prayer!

"Everything went well!" Li Yi was also muttering silently in her heart, not knowing why she suddenly wanted to give herself a little confidence like this!

"Everything went well..." This was Ruo Bing's inner voice.

The stinging beast became more and more anxious as he chased. Not only did the inner anger subside in this process, but it was even more violent. At this moment, it just wanted to catch up with the person who hurt it as soon as possible, and then turn it into its own food!

But this chase is a long journey. It can feel the existence of its prey every moment, but it can't always catch up immediately. This is also one of the reasons why it is more impatient. The most obvious manifestation is that there is no reason, although there is not much reason!

But now, suddenly it seems that his goal has stopped, which makes it more excited, so the speed is increased again, with the desire for revenge.

As if it were just a few breaths, the stinging beast had already seen Ruo Bing, but at the moment when Ruo Bing was seen, he had some trance, because it seemed to feel that the prey in front of him was not the one just before, it was such a kind Feeling, let the cautiously slow down the pace of advancement.

"Sure enough, hum!" Ruo Bing smiled coldly in his heart. It seemed that the performance of the Zongbong was not beyond her expectation. He easily raised his head and made a simple response to the Zhebong. Move.

"Hum..." Ruo Bing's mouth is cold and laughter, full of irony!

This sound directly ignited all the anger of the leader of the sting beast, and instantly made him lose his sanity. He no longer moved a little cautiously, but suddenly rushed towards Ruobing!

If Bing turned around and immediately withdrew in the direction of Miluo ants, but this time the speed was not fast, both hanging the stinging beast behind, but also hiding his own strength, if really careless and stung If the beast finds his true strength, it is estimated that he will immediately turn around and walk away. If he is fooled and hard, Ruo Bing's quality is very clear!

Between running and chasing, the distance between the two is constantly shrinking, and at the same time, if the distance between the ice and the Miluo ants is getting closer and closer!

The overwhelming Miluo ants are advancing towards the front, and anything blocking their way will only be wiped out. A single Milo ant can be said to be very, very weak, but when so many Miluo ants gather in When they are together, the energy they emit is beyond the imagination of any living thing!

Therefore, in front of Miluo ants, any place is their way, and any obstruction on this road will be eliminated by them, completely eliminated!

In a blink of an eye, Ruo Bing and Miluo Ant were closer together. Facing the situation of front-to-back attack, Ruo Bing still didn't change his face, and even had a feeling of walking.

The world is at a loss, all things pass by in a hurry, only that figure seems to be an eternal existence! Li Yi, who was hiding in the dark, observed such a scene, and naturally felt such a feeling in her heart. That figure, that white dress, seemed to be the endorsement of victory and the embodiment of courage!

If Bing Bing calculated the distance, it seemed to have reached her expected range. Her figure didn't stop for half a minute, and she suddenly accelerated and rushed straight to the Miluo ant colony!

Li Yi's heart was inadvertently accelerating, and he didn't know what would happen next moment, but he was worried, he was afraid, this feeling of fear was not so strong even when he was facing danger himself, If he didn't really have no choice, he wouldn't let Ruo Bing take the risk, but now, it can only be worried, only prayer, everything is helpless!

If the speed of Ruobing is unbelievable, at least people at this level of Li Yi can't clearly see the trace of Ruobing!

The angry sting beast didn't even see what was going on, but only felt his prey suddenly accelerate again, and he was not willing to lag behind. It also regained its power and rushed forward like crazy!

Miluo ants are still moving forward without change.

The sting beast, never retreated under the leadership of the leader!

Just like two torrents, Miluo ants and sting beasts merged together, and they were not originally concessions, so, a piece of fighting, each Miluo ant wanted to tear these obstacles blocking their own way, and The sting beast is omnipotent. Every time you take a heavy picture of your body, you will crush a large piece of Miluo ant. At the same time, the green blood that comes out of the cuticle cut by Milo ant is unknown. How many Miluo ants will be poisoned.

Even so, Miluo ants are still tirelessly rushing up!

The tragic situation, the violent battle, between the two species, staged a battle where either you died or I died, but it seems to have forgotten that they were originally irrelevant.

Li Yi's dangling heart was put down halfway, and it was like this. The remaining dangling heart was worried about Ruo Bing.

Li Yi, who didn’t know if Ruo Bing was in danger, had not forgotten the business. Seeing that the sting beast behind had signs of retreating and turning his head, he immediately ordered: "All the soldiers obey, and our opportunity for revenge has come. With your weapons, Bring your torches and immediately block the retreat of the stinging beast, remember, it must be blocked!"

The soldiers of the forgotten tribe of the street order seem to find the vent of emotions, and the order is executed without any hesitation, and everyone jumps out!

Li Yi, Ruo Bing, Han Ziming, and the remaining soldiers of the Forgotten Tribe Warfare with fewer than twenty people are now on their way back to the Forgotten Tribe's station, from the last battle, as if it was a long time ago , And it just happened just now!

One hundred people went and less than one-third of them returned. From this point of view alone, this battle was a terrible victory even if it was a victory, but if you look at the results, these people are proud, because they have completed their tasks, because No matter what difficulties they faced, they finally persevered.

Everyone's face seemed to be filled with the joy of victory, even when I thought of that **** battle, there was a sense of inexplicable excitement in my heart, the humiliation brought by the sting beast, they all earned it back !

Li Yi was also in a good mood at this time. Ruobing successfully broke through the Miluo ant colony that day, and even appeared in the team of the forgotten tribe warriors at a very appropriate time, thus blocking the leader of the stinging beast waiting for the opportunity to escape. Ruo Bing, who has fully released his abilities, just scared the sting beast and chose to go back to face the overwhelming Miluo ants!

However, the careful Li Yi still found that Ruo Bing, who has passed through the Miluo ant colony, has changed a little bit. First, a lot of holes have appeared in the hem of the white dress, and second, there seems to be hidden blood on it! This discovery also made Li Yi redefine the horror of Miluo ants!

Very curious Li Yi once wanted to ask what happened in the end? However, thinking of Ruo Bing's momentum that even the sting beast leader could scare away, he decided to give up after thinking for a long time!

Curious is valuable, and the price of security is higher!

When Li Yi evacuated, the battle between the sting beast and the Miluo ant was not over. If the two sides were still fighting unclearly at the beginning, but later it was really killing the red eye, so they even refused to give in to each other. The whole body of this sting beetle is also quite smooth, which also directly determines its ability to compete with Miluo ants, because the smooth appearance makes it difficult for Milt ants to break through the defense of the sting beetles for a moment!

However, the leader of the sting beetle is excluded, because he has two wounds on his body, so Milo ants are staring at these two wounds, even if they bite a bit, they will die, but it does not affect Milo’s persistence. Relentlessly bite!

This made the leader of the sting beast even more angry, and even such weak creatures dared to challenge themselves. For it, it was simply an inescapable thing. It was a shame that had to be washed away, so it also began to These Miluo ants are stronger!

In addition, the venom of the stinging beetle is also not harmful to Miluo ants. The endless impact of countless Miluo ants. Although the number of stinging beasts is not enough, it is restraining Miluo to a certain extent. Ants, this has led to a balance of power between the two sides.

Li Yi, who always pays attention to the development of the form, suddenly realized that the direction of Miluo ants has changed little by little, although such a change is not very big!

With thousands of miles of mistakes, this small change, accumulated to the final result, will be very impressive, and this is to achieve the purpose of Li Yi at the beginning, there was no intention to kill all these Miluo ants Death, a more practical idea is to change the direction of Miluo ants!

So, Li Yi ordered to retreat and retreat all. Since the crisis here has been touched temporarily, don’t waste too much time, because there are more things that need to be rushed to complete. The most wasteful is time , Li Yi thinks so now!

The members of the Forgotten Tribe War Department are reluctant to retreat in this way, because in their view, the sting beast that killed their brother has not been eliminated, so there is naturally a little reluctance in his heart, but Li Yi Now they have established absolute authority in their hearts. Every time they face the danger, Li Yi’s leadership has conquered them, and the command of the patriarch seems to have been forgotten!

But Li Yi also knows everyone's thoughts, so before leaving, he said, "Everyone can rest assured that none of these sting beasts will leave this place alive. I can assure you!"

The reason why Li Yi said this is because he feels that the sting beetle will definitely not be the opponent of Miluo ants. Although the strength of a single Milo ant is insignificant, the number of Milo ants is too much. The accumulation of the amount is enough. A qualitative change has taken place, so the last defeat is definitely the sting beast!

However, all this is not the end, but just the beginning. Li Yi, Ruo Bing and Han Ziming all understand this point!


In the forgotten tribe, the atmosphere becomes more tense. The old patriarch insists on the on-site supervision every day, so that every ethnic group feels a sense of oppression, and this sense of oppression is a perfect explosion in work. Everyone They are all working hard. The most direct result of such a work is the speed up, which is far ahead of the planned date!

Every day Zhang Mo treats all the people who have forgotten the tribe with a smile. No matter what is the matter, as long as someone asks him for help, he will definitely help, even if he can’t help Help solve it. At the same time, the elder patriarch encountered the difficult problem twice. He also helped the elder patriarch to solve it for the first time!

Zhang Ink’s outstanding performance, coupled with Li Yi’s absence, made his popularity skyrocket. More and more people began to show their inner respect for this young man who smiles calmly every day. Such a smile will always give People have an inexplicable feeling.

Such a piece of ink is simply impeccable in life, even Chen Zipin, who has always been known for being conservative, is impeccable! At least when I communicate with others, I also praise Zhang Mo!

!(To be continued.)

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