The forgotten tribe is still preparing, preparing for the coming difficulties. At this time, they regained their confidence and finally renewed another spirit of spirit, a longing desire!

Li Yi and his party waited for both day and night, and finally rushed back to the tribe in the shortest time. When they stepped into the tribe, they directly shocked the people in the tribe. Li Yi’s pedestrian was almost always ragged, even if he kept it. The most intact Ruo Bing girl, the clothes are also a bit damaged, and all of this is not imaginable!

But everyone also clearly felt the changes in this pedestrian's temperament, especially those who originally belonged to the ordinary soldiers of the forgotten tribe, now they have a murderous taste and a vicissitudes of breath on their bodies. , And these two qualities cannot be faked!

This pedestrian did not stay anywhere in the village, but rushed directly to the old patriarch’s office, and when the news reached the old patriarch’s ears, the old patriarch could not wait to rush back, regardless of the surface. How to behave, during this time, he has been worried about this team and whether this team can succeed!

Now, hearing the news of their return, how old the patriarch is not excited, no matter whether the result is good or bad, after all, someone will come back, after all, there will be results!

The old patriarch hurried back to his yard, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Yi and Han Ziming and the soldiers whose temperament had changed a lot, but the blindness of the old patriarch made the old patriarch's heart a little uneasy, so The first sentence is: "What about Ruobing? She didn't come back with you?"

Hearing the patriarch's words, Li Yi made a victory gesture towards Han Ziming, and then said: "Ruobing went back to change clothes first." Then he turned to Han Ziming, and then said, "Old Han, I won!"

Han Ziming grimaced and dragged his head without saying a word.

It turned out that two people made a bet. The content was that the old patriarch would not see if Ruo Bing would ask if he entered the door. The result was obviously that Li Yi, who would ask, won the final victory!

The old patriarch did not know what tricks to play between the two, but seeing the emotions of the two people knew that everything was successful, but he still tentatively asked, "How is it going?"

Li Yi looked at the warriors behind him, looked at Han Ziming again, nodded, and signaled that Han Ziming came to report!

Han Ziming, who refused to accept the gambling service, did not refuse, and straightened his waist. Then he said aloud: "Forgotten tribe special warfare soldiers lived up to their expectations and successfully completed the mission. In this mission, 72 people were killed and slightly injured. Three people! Please enlighten me from the patriarch!" The voice is strong and firm, decisive and firm!

The old clan took a long sigh of relief, and then glanced at everyone in the yard, watching these people who grew up in battle, they were both relieved and sad!

A hundred people go, less than a third back!

How much blood is in the dust!

One action caused the Forgotten Tribe to lose 72 warriors. This has not happened for a long time. At least he has not experienced the old patriarch. After a moment of contemplation, the old patriarch slowly opened his mouth and his voice was heard. Some sobbing meaning, "Forget the tribe warriors, you are the pride of the whole tribe, you are worthy of the four words of the forgotten tribe, those dead brothers will be remembered forever by us! Everything is for the tribe, for the tribe. , I thank you all for your hard work!"

The soldiers present were very excited when they heard such affirmation, but they were also slightly sentimental. They could come back alive. It can be said that it was exchanged for the lives of their brothers, or it was a kind of luck!

Some things will never be understood without going through it. More than twenty people standing here, at this moment, really understand the meaning of life!

In order to insist on what is worth keeping, this is their meaning and their belief!

"Let's go back first, I still have things to say to Elder Li and Han Ziming!" The old patriarch seemed to think of more important things, so he turned to the topic.

Seeing that the soldiers had left, the old patriarch sorted out his emotions before saying, "Li Yi, things in the village are going very smoothly. According to the current situation, one day, the main body of our underground city will be That's it! What should I do then?"

Li Yi originally thought that the old patriarch would ask about the action, but did not expect to talk directly about the things in the village, and what he did not expect was the speed of the construction of the underground city. This way, Li Yi’s confidence was also strengthened. Some more, the real situation I saw on the road, Li Yi came back and planned to speed up the family, but now it is obviously not used!

"It's so fast, that's great. What's next? The first is to lay out the invisible version, and the second is to add manpower to the control department. I'll rush to make another magic stone weapon! Our battle has just begun. Only..."

Dawns Here Are Quiet!

In the Forgotten Tribe, it suddenly became quiet, a place that was very noisy, but now it was dead, and Li Yi looked at the village that had been depressed, but there was a sense of comfort in his heart!

Yes, the reason for comfort is that during the past time, the Forgotten Tribe has prepared everything that can be prepared, which also gives him a little more confidence in victory, although the difficulties he faces are still not Less, but, in the end, it is moving towards the good!

Not far away, from time to time there are various sounds, it seems to be venting something. Li Yi looked at the direction of the sound, and there seemed to be a slight smile in the corner of his mouth. It is no longer a fledgling young boy. The experience given to him in such a unique environment has made him grow faster.

Li Yi seems to be contemplating, and seems to be in a daze. At this time, he is not disturbed, but I am afraid no one will know, what is he thinking now? What is he thinking about?

Li Yi is thinking about a person, and this person, not someone else, is a person who has a very important influence in his life. Although the two people later met with each other, Li Yi never regarded him as an enemy. He knows more about things, and what people do sometimes is involuntary. Therefore, even if two people meet each other, they can only be regarded as helplessness of identity!

This person is Qian Guang, the one who recruited him in Mingde City, the one who can make his life change!

Li Yi remembered that Qian Guang was confident in directing the operation. Such a commanding spirit made him truly convinced. Now, when he is in the same position as Qian Guang, he only feels that he still has A little cramped!

That’s right, there was a little embarrassment. Li Yi also directed the action before, but that can only be counted as a squad, and now such a command is not in the same grade at all. Li Yi probably estimated the Mingya Department’s The number of people is estimated to be more than the people who have forgotten the tribe under their command now!

Li Yi, the only experience of commanding can only come from studying in the bookkeeping department of the department of control, but the library room of the department of control has little pitiful things about the command. Li Yi mainly relies on some The wars depicted in the history books thus make their own summary!

Jumping out of his own thoughts, Li Yi looked at the people in front of him again, and almost all the people who could get there arrived!

"The current form is like this. Originally, I did not agree with Elder Li to go to the front line to command himself. However, looking at us, it really is that no one but him can execute this matter better! So, now The Special Warfare Department is completely under the command of Elder Li and is responsible for the overall formulation of the strategy. Specifically, it is assisted by Ruo Bing and Han Ziming, and specifically executes the instructions of Elder Li. In addition, Chen Ziwei, Lu Zibu, and Qin Zi joined the war together The position is the same as that of Ruo Bing and Han Ziming!" The old patriarch gave the order, and the last sentence increased his tone!

This sentence awakened Li Yi in contemplation. Li Yi looked at the old patriarch and a lot of people around him. Then he realized that he was still having a meeting. What was the name of this meeting? Yes, it's called the preparation meeting. How come I'm in a trance just for a while!

Li Yi frowned, because he just slipped his numbers and didn’t hear what he said. So it was really unclear what the old patriarch said. When he looked around, he saw tension and seriousness. s face!

"Damn! Why did you slip the number at this time and say you didn't keep up with anything!" Li Yi Zhang Zhangwu fruitlessly blamed himself in the bottom of his heart!

"The patriarch just said that you are in charge of commanding the Special Warfare Department, and Han Ziming and I are responsible for cooperation. However, at the same time, several new personnel are added. They are Chen Ziwei, Lu Zibu, and Qin Zishuang. These three people are the same as Chen Zipin. Representatives of conservative forces have the same rights as Han Ziming in the war department." Just when Li Yi was puzzled, Ruo Bing's voice sounded in his mind, perhaps a long-term tacit understanding, and Ruo Bing was sharp I found out that Li Yi was slipping!

Li Yi smiled embarrassingly, then cast a glance of gratitude towards Ruo Bing, but then he thought again in his heart: The old patriarch, by this time, there is really no way to handle the requests from conservative forces That's why it was added, just to guard yourself!

This arrangement, such a move, has to be said to be really thought-provoking, but Li Yi is not good at this time to think too much. Sometimes, he can only pretend to be confused, otherwise, if it is more real, it is estimated that these things It's hard to say clearly.

But Li Yi couldn't express anything, so after listening to Ruo Bing's explanation, Li Yi was gloomy, and she seemed to be staring at the old patriarch with some dissatisfaction. If you don't give me an explanation I mean to you endlessly!

The old patriarch looked at Li Yi and gave a very helpless smile, just wanted to say something, but the mouth was just opened, it was a series of coughing sounds, and it was coughing, and the old patriarch quickly took out The handkerchief covered her mouth and wanted to stop her cough!

Finally, he stopped his cough. The old patriarch held the handkerchief tightly, looked around left and right, and then said: "Elder Li will arrange it next!"

Li Yi looked at the old patriarch and seemed to want to say something, but his lips moved, and in the end he said nothing, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes.

"It seems that my guess is true. If this is the case, this arrangement is also reasonable. What can an elderly person think about!" Li Yi thought so!

"Okay, I don’t have much to say. The situation is clear to everyone. This is a battle where you die or I die. Moreover, this kind of battle is different from the battle between people. There is nothing to talk about. Retreat, we are about to face a variety of unreasonable beasts, they are fierce, they are bloodthirsty, they are powerful!" Li Yi seems to be talking!

"But," Li Yi's voice changed suddenly, and the tone suddenly increased. "We cannot afford to fail. Once we lose, our family and our loved ones will all disappear. Even our corpses are very likely to become these guys. Food! So, we don’t have a retreat, but I think we don’t need to retreat, who we are, the warriors of the forgotten tribe, who are looking for hope in despair, or that sentence, the forgotten tribe will win, and we, It will be the creator and witness of this victory!" Li Yi's last sentence was also full of confidence, and the people present were also very encouraged!

When the elder patriarch saw that Li Yi had finished speaking, his own situation had calmed down, so he followed Li Yi’s words: “Elder Li said very well that victory must belong to the forgotten tribe, and we now have our own system. Master, as long as you give us time, the Forgotten Tribe will be able to regain its glory!"

"Must win! Reproduce glory!" The people below echoed the words of the old patriarch!

The old patriarch waved his hand, and then went on to say: "Everyone sitting here is our backbone. If there is anything you want to say, it is also proposed at this time. After all, our special war department is about to leave!" said After finishing it, I glanced over and seemed to be watching who was going to speak!

"I have something to say!" Just when everyone thought no one would say anything, Chen Zipin, who had been silent and silent, suddenly spoke!

"Oh?" The old patriarch glanced at Chen Zipin, "Please say it!"

After hearing the old patriarch's order, Chen Zipin didn't say anything immediately, but looked at Li Yi again and touched his chin before saying, "Elder Li thinks I can say no?"

Li Yi and Chen Zipin glanced at each other, with harmless smiles on their faces, and said in a very calm voice: "Forget the tribe, I am an outsider, the patriarch is the largest, the patriarch agrees with Brother Chen, why should Brother Chen have more Ask me for fun the next time!"

Li Yi's answer was very clever. In fact, Chen Zipin turned to Li Yi, which was not a good thing, because he forgot to say that the largest patriarch of the tribe had all spoken, and he went to ask Li Yi, which seemed to put Li Yi in front of him. In a position larger than the patriarch, no matter whether Li Yi answered yes or no, he would be grasped by Chen Zipin!

However, Li Yi answered ingeniously, and completely solved the killing in the other party’s words without revealing any traces, but this also made Li Yi realize that the things the other party wants to say must be spoiled by himself. Life is really hard here!

Chen Zipin smiled, then said: "Elder Li laughed, how dare I make your joke, this is the case, now in our tribe, only two people can say that they have seen the world, certainly know more than us Many, the first person is naturally Elder Li, so the first command of this special war department is none other than him. Is this the second one, our Zhang Mo Zhang Zhang, he also came from outside, I am afraid that his knowledge No longer under Elder Li, everyone should also be aware of this!" (To be continued.)

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