However, it was such an extremely small fluctuation that still made keen Ruobing aware, and it seemed that it had been expected for a long time, so even such a simple wind and grass, she did not hesitate to kill it.

Killed with a sword, whoever you want!

Although Li Yi is very painful, but things have reached the most important time, so he does not want to miss any details. That is, based on this idea, Li Yi still decided to enter the state of partial Falun Dafa, but I don’t know whether it is because The reason why his strength has increased. Now that he is partial to France, it is harder to enter one time, this time, he calmed down for a while before he succeeded!

The strange beast is also the first time to feel the killing opportunity coming from itself, and at the same time immediately understand that the sense of if there is no danger is the source and here, but it still does not understand how this murderous suddenly appeared from behind its own , But it also has to admit that the timing of such a sneak attack is really good.

At this time, Pangqi also understands that it is too late to turn around. The comparison between masters is often a matter of one move. Once a move falls, it is likely to lead to the final defeat, so Pangqi is now If you turn around, you are opening your door!

Such a low-level mistake is naturally impossible to commit, so in the face of a sneak attack behind him, although its front paw has not been fully recovered, it only uses three claws to advance its body a small piece, and then swings Own your own tail!

At this moment, Qiongqi's tail suddenly resembled a tough sword, shaking left and moving, and the wind swayed. With this short reaction, he was able to contend with Ruobing's murderous spirit!

However, such an appropriate time came from Ruo Bing's blow, how could it be easily avoided by Pang Qi, and I saw that if the sword in his hand seemed to be motionless, there were already hundreds of swords struck out in a trance, and Pang Qi's tail It was only when the left and right gears were found that under the hundred swords, all of them were false moves!

There is reality in the imaginary, there is reality in the real, between the virtual and the real, Ruo Bing's sword heavily draws a long mouth on the poor back, and then stepped heavily on the wound, borrowing strength Soaring into the sky, the sword body was covered with poor blood!

Pang Qi took pains and yelled. This roar directly shattered a strange animal beside him. The muffled voice remained in the air for a long time!

Pang Qi is angry. Since he was born, no creature has been able to hurt him. For the first time, he has fallen into a rage of anger. He can’t wait to tear the person who hurt him in the first time. Pang Qi raised his arrogance. 'S head, his eyes have turned blood red, and then stared at Ruo Bing in the sky!

However, it does not know that Li Yi arranged here is not a Ruo Bing, a total of about two hundred real warriors with magic stone weapons, Li Yi arranged 160 people here, there is enough One hundred and sixty people can see that Li Yi values ​​this place.

At this time, a team of 160 people also gradually entered the battlefield. These people are mainly divided into two parts. One part is to assist Ruobing to kill Pangqi, and the rest is to kill the monsters around Pangqi. , So as not to fall into the state of being surrounded!

Among these 160 people, the level is high or low. The higher one is estimated to be better than Han Ziming, and the lower one is a bit weaker than Han Ziming. The sudden appearance of these people completely disrupted this. The beasts in the zone were completely caught off guard by killing the beasts. So, in the flash, the warriors responsible for cleaning up the strange beasts around the poor, almost everyone quickly killed at least two beasts!

However, those who assist Ruobing to kill Qiongqi are not so lucky. Qiongqi in anger is already extremely resentful to these creatures who dare to challenge themselves, so there is no meaning of leaving claws in half, and brushing a few claws to discharge, almost every In a moment, it will take away the life of a forgotten tribe warrior, of course, three new wounds have appeared on Pang Qi's body!

At the same time, the fighters who shoot crosses with crossbows on the periphery also accelerated the frequency of shooting. Everyone was squeezing all their abilities, without a little rest, tightly controlled by their own strength. Outside the beast!

The scene showed a state of fighting, whether it was a person who forgot the tribe or a foreign animal in the heterogeneous group, the belligerent factors hidden in the blood seemed to be activated at this moment, they were all roaring, all in Kill the opponent with all your strength.

Li Yi, Li Yi, who has already entered the state of partial Fa, looks at all this quietly in the distance. Because of the partial Fa, he is now like a cold person, even facing such a crazy scene, There is not a little emotional fluctuation, but Li Yi was also surprised to find that his blood seems to be burning!

This is the real war!

On the battlefield, a battle between humans and beasts, a battle between abnormal races, is fiercely carried out. Such a battle can only end with the defeat of one side, without any peaceful ending scenes. Life or death is perhaps the best ending of this battle.

Qiongqi looked at the fewer and fewer beasts around him. This was because the forgotten tribe warriors tried their best to clear the battlefield. However, the forgotten tribe warriors were also puzzled. Why is this cruel fighting still Some monsters cannot be scared away. When did these monsters start to become so loyal, and there are still so many different kinds of monsters that have been loyal to the monsters.

Of course they will not understand that if they are other strange beasts, these strange beasts may have long since dispersed, but Qiong Qi is different, and Qiong Qi has completely controlled the thoughts of these monsters. A command to these exotic beasts will be strictly executed!

Such a skill as Pangqi doesn't even know if Ruo Bing, if he knows it, maybe he won't use such a plan anymore.

Therefore, Qiong Qi ordered to the beast he controlled, and immediately returned to kill these unknown creatures around him. After this command was issued, the pressure of the soldiers of the forgotten tribe responsible for clearing the sky rose, but also It is for this reason that the outside fighters have a chance!

However, everyone knows that the most important part of this battle lies in the competition between Ruo Bing and Pang Qi. If Ruo Bing wins and successfully kills Pang Qi, then the remaining dragons have no heads The Special War Department doesn't need to deal with them right now, and some of the original beasts within them will fight with each other!

But conversely, if the ice defeated, then the 160 soldiers would probably be honestly explained here. Such a result can be said to be a fatal blow to the forgotten tribe. !

Can't afford to lose, the forgotten tribe at this moment can't afford to lose, Li Yi put on all his strength, and the forgotten tribe also put on all his bets, including his own life, including the future of his own family!

If Ruo Bing is also inseparable from the infamous battle of Pang Qi at this time, it is said that Pang Qi is not a simple beast. Since it can be called an ancient beast, there are naturally some simple places, so under the competition with Ruo Bing At the moment, the wind did not fall at all, and at most it was a situation of 50-50.

Ruo Bing once again showed his graceful pace, watching the air swim back, there is no pause, the flow of clouds and water is not too much, and Ruo Bing's speed has reached the extreme at this moment, even if Li Yi used Tongshi Eye skills, but still unable to fully capture Ruo Bing's movement trajectory.

If the wind comes, the wind goes through thousands of changes, and the move is fatal! Ruo Bing explains what is a competition among masters, and what is called no tricks to win. Sometimes, even a simple swing of a sword, it seems that it has pierced countless swords, and more importantly, Every sword seems to be a false move, and every sword is like a real killing move. Between the false and the real, it is difficult for people to judge their true attack intentions.

However, Ruo Bing's face is not easy, and the strength of the strange animal is far beyond her imagination. Several times it was dangerous and dangerous to escape the attack of the poor, the whole body of the poor, It can be said that every part is its weapon. Even the fur that looks weak and can't help but wind can become extremely hard in an instant, and it can leave scars on Ruobing's sword body.

Seeing that her clan is facing more and more pressure, Ruo Bing's heart is a little more anxious, and the move in her hand is a little faster. Only she guessed that at this moment, she is also fighting Fighting as hard as she could, there was nothing in her eyes, except this ancient beast.

Poor Qi is also an abnormal rise of killing. Although the blood still flowing on the body has begun to make it feel weak, but it does not estimate these at all, seizing no chance, using no tricks that it may Attacking again, don't give up, the crazy killing is already full of all its thoughts, the two claws are constantly waving, every time it is thunderous, every move is to death!

If Bing flashes from left to right, and is still looking for his own opportunities in the continuous offensive, the battle between the masters only needs one chance, that is, one chance can put the other party to death.

A middle-aged man who cooperated with Ruo Bing to siege Pangqi, had just been pushed back by Pangqi's tail, and he cursed in his mouth. Fight with you today to let you know that there are some people you can't cause!"

After saying this, he moved quickly, came to the other two, and said boldly: "Lao Li, Lao Zhang, our three brothers haven't cooperated for a long time, and remember the strange thing we always miss. Picture, today, let's try how powerful it is according to the picture, let's go together!"

Although the other two didn't answer, they responded with actions, raised their arms, and kept up.

"Ruobing girl, we are going to fight for our lives, you take a break first, if you can give you the opportunity to kill you, you must not be soft!" The man who headed the three men passed forward like this. Sound to Ruo Bing.

If Bing Bing was shocked, there was also some wetness in the corners of her eyes. From that voice, she heard the determination to die and the cry of hope.

No one who has forgotten the tribe is afraid of death. However, forgotten tribes, there have been too many sacrifices in these thousands of years. Is such a sacrifice worthwhile!

The three people showed a strange way of standing, and then the three people worked at the same time, and they stormed towards the poor face like a storm. At this moment, the three people seem to be one body, absolute offensive, no little defense The tricks are endless, and the tricks are real killer tricks!

Li Yi, who was watching from a distance, had his eyes lit up at this time. What this was, he was not clear. This was the formation, this was the formation. Why didn’t anyone tell him earlier that they understood the formation, they were really too Silly, why not ask early!

The storm-like attack of three people made Pangqi very difficult to adapt, so one after another, but then began to flutter, one mouth, sharp teeth just bit one of the magic stone sword, three people The coordination between them is that there must be no stop. Once you stop, there will be flaws, so when one person's sword is controlled, the other two people will also have a meal.

It was at this time that the two front claws of the strange beast were heavily arranged on the chests of the two people. The two people had the opportunity to dodge, but no one did, and instead took the opportunity Take a step forward and use the sword in your hand to traverse the roots of Qiongqi's front branch. Then, the two men flew in claws, and there was no vitality in the air.

Pang Qi, who was suffering again, shook his head, and threw the bite sword to the side. Then, his sharp teeth went straight to the neck of the remaining man. There was no pause, and the man's life ended in this place!

At this time, if Bing moved, there was no sign of movement, and the best time to move was chosen!

But no one felt her move anymore. Her speed exceeded the limit of what the human eye could react to, and the sword in her hand seemed to be faster, even the afterimages no longer exist. It disappears out of thin air, and the next moment has already appeared in front of Qiongqi.

The coldness formed by the murderous concentration on the tip of the sword made Pangqi feel cold. It was a cold from the heart. For the first time, Pangqi felt the threat of death for the first time, and felt that death was in front of him. .

Everything seemed to be quiet, and Ruo Bing's eyes were left with the attack route that he had planned, with a full blow, without a retreat.

Pang Qi loosened his teeth and wanted to reapply his old skills, biting Ruo Bing's magic stone sword again.

But this time, it bit an empty space, shattered several of its teeth, and blood ran out of his mouth.

Ruo Bing in front of it suddenly seemed to be broken, and no longer existed.

At the same time, Ruo Bing's sword crossed the poor neck quietly and quietly, and the distance between the sword body and the flesh reached 1/3 of the length of the sword, enough to see how determined Ruo Bing was to kill It's huge and can penetrate the depth of Pangqi's body so deep that it can be seen that Ruo Bing exerts a lot of force.

Poorly conditioned reflexively withdrew one of his front paws, and then this front paw hit the back of Ruo Bing by coincidence, if there was a pain in the back of Bing Bing, a **** smell came from the throat , But she still managed to bear the pain and pressed down the blood. With the force from behind, if Bingbing exerted force again, a long mouth was drawn between the poor neck and then flew out.

There was blood spewing from the neck of the poor Qi, there was a person as tall as it was, and the bright red blood color seemed to stain the sky! (To be continued.)

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