Assisting Ruo Bing's siege of Pang Qi's other people at this moment is like returning to the soul. The five or six people closest to him, each of them cuts towards Pang Qi's body with the fastest speed.

Poor eyes, looking at the sky, there seemed to be too much helplessness and unwillingness in it, but it was nothing more than death. In the end, its body fell to the ground, and the blood between the neck was still flowing, and it soon became wet This piece of land, with its eyes, eventually failed to close.

If Bingbing also landed on the ground at this time, her body swayed a few times. She gritted her teeth so that the blood in her throat would not come out. She didn’t want or let the people who had forgotten the tribe see that she was injured, so she It must survive, even if it is more difficult!

When Qiongqi died, the monsters under its control were immediately liberated, and the monsters became chaotic at once. They fled in all directions, but they all hid from Qiqi to the bottom, and appeared on their own. Fight and trample.

In the distance, Li Yi's stern face eased, the corners of his mouth, and the blood that had solidified...

Return home, there is no smoke, no noise.

Hao Erlang, full of courage, did not say anything.

The most painful battle, the most heartbreaking battle, the most outstanding battle, the most successful battle...

People can find too many languages ​​to express this war, but only those who really participate know that this war, the best adjective, should be helpless and cruel, and helplessly have to fight, cruel is for this The sacrifices of war.

Li Yi was seriously injured and awakened from day to night...

If the ice is seriously injured, only one day will stabilize the injury...

Han Ziming was slightly injured, but the claws of the strange beast almost broke his arm...

Of the soldiers with magic stone weapons in the Special Warfare Department, 200 people died in half...

More than 5,000 people died using magic stone crossbows...

The wounded cannot be counted, and those who have suffered serious injuries are not willing to say this!

However, judging from the results of the battle, there is no doubt that the Forgotten Tribe has won, and has achieved the greatest victory with the smallest price. However, such a price is still slightly larger and somewhat unacceptable.

When Li Yi learned the final situation, he deeply blamed himself. The number of deaths and injuries far exceeded his expectations. He suddenly felt a little sorry for the dead brothers, and sorry for everyone's trust.

In fact, all this cannot be blamed on Li Yi, because the beasts are so strange that they really don’t understand it, they really don’t know how big it is, and they don’t know how powerful it is.

And in the end, the Special War Department of the Forgotten Tribe paid for their ignorance. If the guest officials justly evaluate it, then the loss of the Special War Department can really be regarded as acceptable, because, they The face of different beasts is not a simple one.

But no matter what, if the war is over, accept or not, you must accept such a result.

No one knows if Ruo Bing's injury, but he saw his face pale, because Li Yi was in a coma at first, so Ruo Bing made a decision, retreated, and withdrew after eight hours' journey.

On the third morning after Li Yi woke up, his appearance was still very poor, and his pale face was enough to show that his injury was not completely healed, but he did not want to lie down with a heavy burden on his shoulder. Well, here is the battlefield. If one is not careful, no one knows what will happen.

In the camp, the leaders of the War Department gathered here were almost a third less than they were at the beginning. Li Yi's eyes swept the people present, and they still vaguely remembered the last time they were still with themselves. People who are meeting together are now separated by yin and yang.

Life is very [] strong, life is also very fragile, there are always too many unpredictable, there are always too many to accept.

"Elder Li is good!" The people in the camp were almost neatly negotiated. After this battle, Li Yi truly conquered each of them, not to mention the rest, just saying that Li Yi dared to ignore his own life and death. The courage and fearlessness of launching an attack on Pangqi alone are enough to make them feel admired.

What's more, Li Yi did all this to forget the tribe, and to everyone here.

Moreover, although Li Yi blamed themselves for the result, although their mood was not good, they understood that this is already the best result. If Li Yi is not there, I am afraid the result will be far worse than this. More.

Li Yi's persuasion came from their hearts, whether they were people who originally supported Li Yi or representatives of conservative forces.

Li Yi froze for a moment, he did not expect such a situation to occur, and originally thought that someone would jump out and blame him. The best thing is that everyone silently used speechless to express their dissatisfaction, but he never thought that would happen. Treat him!

"Everyone is polite, cough...cough...cough..." Li Yi responded weakly. Because of the cough, he had to pause for a while before continuing: "This battle, we won, but Our loss has also far exceeded expectations. All this is not what I expected. Here, I apologize to everyone in the Forgotten Tribe Special War Department! When I return to the Forgotten Tribe in the future, I will take the initiative to ask the patriarch for guilt. The position of the commander of the Special War Department is really not suitable for me."

Li Yi said these things with sincerity. He is really kind-hearted and he does not want to see so many people die in front of him. Although he has killed people, he really does not want to cause his own death because of his own arrangements. Off.

Moreover, after all, he is an outsider. This special war department allows himself to direct, but it is only a temporary countermeasure. If the crisis is over and you still miss this position, then your end is really difficult to predict.

"Elder Li, what are you talking about? After going back, if anyone dares to say that you are improperly commanded in this battle, Han Ziming jumped out with him first. If it were not for you, we would be able to defeat the strange herd The loss must be much greater than this!" Han Ziming, with one of his arms, jumped out first to show his attitude. Others also echoed and agreed with Han Ziming.

"Don't say this, my responsibility is my responsibility. After going back, the patriarch will take it away. Let me talk about the situation now!" Li Yi did not want to see such a scene, so he actively changed the subject!

One of the people stood up and said: "Returning to Elder Li, fortunately that day, if the ice girl ordered to retreat in time, it is now a huge strangulation field near the generation we are fighting. Fighting each other has lost its nature, and when it sees creatures, it will attack, and a new group of strange beasts has come to us!" This person is responsible for the work of the sentry.

Li Yi frowned slightly, but did not expect the situation to be worse than he thought. This time the strange beast attack was obviously different from what was recorded in the ethnographic records, so there were just more in front of him Unpredictable!

"How about the scale of the different beasts? Wouldn't it be like it was last time?" Li Yi was very concerned about this issue. If it was really the same as it was not long ago, Li Yi really felt that he would be helpless.

"No, this time it's a single group of exotic animals. The number of the largest group of exotic animals detected so far is about a thousand. It's still within the controllable range. We can be sure that we can Its eradication, but the difficulty is that the current zone is very chaotic. Once there is a large-scale battle, it is very likely that the enemy will be attacked!" It was still the man's careful answer.

"Then don't make a move first, we also need to regain our strength, I still have a hunch, this beast impact is much more violent than the previous three, and the storm is still behind, I thought For a long time, maybe these strange animals were confused, just because there was a fear behind them, so they fled, and the entire race fled." Li Yi said lightly, this speculation haunted him. It’s been a long time, but I haven’t said it yet, but after hearing today’s report, I suddenly felt that my guess was probably correct.

Everyone listened and fell silent. If Li Yi said it was true, it would be more severe in the future. The dawn of victory did not appear at all.

"By the way, Ruo Bing girl, three people used a formation that day, did you have an impression?" Li Yi suddenly thought of this question.

"Array? What array?" Ruo Bing was puzzled.

"Just before you killed Pang Qi, didn't three people create opportunities for you? The ghost attack of the three people as one must be some kind of formation, isn't it unique to you forgotten the tribe?" Li Yi Some anxiously asked, because if you can have this formation, the combat power of the forgotten tribe will inevitably increase.

Hearing what Li Yi said, Ruo Bingcai recalled the scene that he did not want to ring again that day, and thought for a while before saying, "That's not a formation, it's a swordsmanship. The three of them were the best since childhood. Friends, so they should have created it by themselves, and I am not very clear about the specific situation!" Ruo Bing said fifteen or ten, and the faint weakness in his voice was felt by Li Yi keenly.

Li Yi looked at Ruo Bing with some worry. Ruo Bing was still dressed in white, and the face under the scarf was never known.

"That's a pity. If this kind of swordsmanship can be promoted in the Special War Department, then our combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved. At that time, our confidence will be more sufficient!" Li Yi is really sorry. .

"Alas, this is also no way to do things. Lao Zhang has always been proud of this set of swordsmanship, and has never been willing to teach others. When he really wants to teach, he has no chance!" Thought and three people People who have a good relationship with Zhang said this.

Everyone was silent for a while. The reason why there was no chance was not to give up the opportunity for victory.

"Urgent report, some whistle came back and said there was an urgent report!" Such a voice suddenly appeared outside the tent!

The person in charge of the whistle glanced at Li Yi, and he saw that Li Yi did not mean any dissatisfaction, so he replied: "Since it is an urgent report, come in quickly, don't delay the time!"

The people outside the barracks hurriedly walked in, and then bowed and said, "I have seen all the adults, the whistleblower, and there are strange beasts rushing towards us. At least three of them are currently being detected. It's always been three hours before we will arrive at our camp!" The man finished quickly.

Everyone in the room was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, there were new changes so quickly. Those who came to report would take the time to quietly retreat.

Li Yi also lowered his head and pondered for a moment, suddenly said: "How far is the fastest team from the team behind!"

The man hesitated for a moment and then said, "There may be an hour!"

Li Yi knocked on the table in front of him with his hands. There was no sound in the room and he was afraid to interrupt Li Yi’s thinking. After so long, everyone understood the importance of Li Yi’s decision.

"Proactive attack, quick decision!" Li Yi said these eight words slowly!

In the Forgotten Tribe, the peach blossoms are still there, but the people are different.

The old patriarch was sitting in his room, and it was another night unconsciously. Under the pale light, the old patriarch's hair also seemed to be grayed out. Forgetting the burden of the tribe's family, it seemed that he had squeezed out every point energy.

The whole village has been emptied, and more people have already lived in the underground city. This semi-underground and semi-ground building planned by Li Yi is actually smaller than the existence of the forgotten tribe, but the people of the forgotten tribe Still used to call it Dungeon!

And now, there are three people in charge of the underground city, namely Zhang Mo, Chen Zipin and Wei Zilong, and these three people, the old patriarch does not know whether his choice is right or wrong, but maybe he is really old, some things It is already beyond my control.

Now, the old patriarch is holding an envelope, a secret security from the Special War Department.

After a moment of hesitation, the old patriarch carefully opened the secret guard in his hand.


The Special War Department has succeeded in defeating the enemy, and there are losses. In the near future, it will return to the tribe. There is a herd, which is surging. Elder Li thinks hard and has no countermeasures.

The extremely short words also explain the current situation of the Special War Department. It seems that it has already encountered great difficulties, and there is no good way.

The old patriarch coughed violently, and the bright red blood appeared on the handkerchief in his hand again. Seeing these bright red colors, the old patriarch sighed again and looked helplessly into the distance.

Streamers tend to throw people away.

A little bit sad, a little helpless...

In the special war department, Li Yi looked at the map in front of him haggardly, always wanting to find the way he wanted from above.

One night, all night, did not allow him to come up with a suitable way, but one thing confirmed his conjecture, that is, there will be more difficulties, but if he can choose, he hopes My guess is wrong.

And this time, the difficulty I encountered was so great that even Li Yi had already predicted, but when I confirmed it, I took a deep breath, from the uneasiness in my heart, for the first time Let Li Yi feel tricky, there is no way tricky. (To be continued.)

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