In fact, it’s no wonder that Li Yi is just that the man’s skill is a bit wonderful, and he is specially responsible for testing martial arts and then recruiting people. How can he not have a unique place in knowing people, anyway, Li Yi anyway The strength is already missing.

"It's really embarrassing to offend a lot!" Li Yi knew that this thing could not be denied, because even if he was the one who felt wrong, but the two people behind him, they really gave others a chance. This is unclear. Since the explanation is unclear, I will not explain it. It is considered the default. So Li Yi did not admit it or deny it. Instead, he apologized for hurting the family member.

"Han Gongzi is welcome! Since Han Gongzi has such a skill, I must have known about Han Gongzi last night, so I won't go around the corner anymore. What I'm asking for is to trouble Han Hanzi to save my little one. Son, the Luo family must have thanks again!"

When it comes to things, Li Yi knows that even if he denies that he didn’t hear it, it’s useless, because even if you didn’t hear it, the people at the scene told you again that it’s not the same result, so Li Yi still didn’t object. He said lightly: "Luo Family Lord, I am also very sorry for what happened to the Luo Family. The three of us passed by the floating city and had no money, so we made a decision. The Luo family couldn't solve the problem. We really are Powerless."

Because Li Yi was already determined not to go into more business, he still gently rejected the proposal of the Luo family heads, and the words were very obvious, we just have no entanglement for the time being, there is no other meaning to your Luo family and no conspiracy. And don't want to participate in your business!

"Han Gongzi laughed again, seeing that you have the ability at a young age, naturally you will not be a wandering person. I am afraid that the strength behind you can destroy our Luo family in an instant, although I don't know why Han Gongzi Coming here, but came to my Luo family in this way, but I value the Luo family. It is much better than those other people!"

The Lord Luo saw that Li Yi did not admit it and was not angry, but in his heart, he had determined that Li Yi was definitely not a simple character, because the young people who were so capable, were basically cultivated by the big forces, otherwise If you only rely on talent, there may not be one person among the tens of thousands. Even if there is only one person, there are three people in front of you. How can you have such good luck?

Therefore, the head of the Luo family decided that Li Yi was not simple and had great hope for Li Yi.

"Alas..." Li Yi sighed, it was really a feeling of crying and laughing. Seeing the tone and expression of the Luo family head, it was useless to know how to explain it. The other party had already determined that he was a powerful person, and the back The power is not small!

"If I said it was not like that, would you believe it?" Li Yi suddenly said this sentence, his expression was very serious, and did not wait for the Luo family head to answer, immediately added another sentence: "Luo Luo, do you think too much !"

Hearing such a tone of speech, Xiao Li and Xiao Liu almost did not laugh out loud, thinking that this gentleman is really humorous.

"I think too much?" The head of the Luo family seemed to be talking to himself, as if asking Li Yi.

"Well, yes, you think too much!" Li Yi said again, with a very positive tone.

The owner of the Luo family laughed very cheerfully before saying: "You can rest assured, I didn't think much, nor did I doubt your intention, and I have always been confident in my own judgment, whether you admit it or not I don’t admit it. Your skills are definitely undoubted, so I’m still busy asking you to help me. I’m old and I have three children. The boss has no news at all. The second child has been away for a long time. A young son has also fallen into their hands!" The head of the Luo family was a little sad.

Li Yi can see that his explanation just now was in vain. People just took a fancy to himself. According to Li Yi's instincts before, he may ask another question after hearing such things, but now Li Yi is already an iron Don’t be bothered about your business, and Master’s safety is more important to him, so he’s still determined.

"Luo Family Master, I still have things. I'm sorry for your encounter, but I'm really helpless! After a while, my brother and I left, disturbed last night, and breakfast this morning, thank you! "

Li Yi said this very resolutely, which was tantamount to rejecting the head of the Luo family head-on, and forbidding any hint of possible re-persuasion by the head of the Luo family.

The owner of the Luo family frowned, and seemed to be thinking about something. Li Yi, who was careful, found that the hand of the owner carrying the tea cup seemed to tremble slightly, and seemed to be doing a fierce struggle.

After a while, the Luo family owner gently put the tea cup down and continued: "Hang Gongzi, you must have come to this floating city for a visit. You must not come here for sightseeing, and you can enter my Luo family in this way. I really don’t want to take a break for a few days?" The owner said, staring at Li Yi, as if he was very sure!

Li Yi really wanted to say that it was because of this reason that he came to this Luo family, but Li Yi looked at the owner of the Luo family and knew that this would definitely not be believed, so even if it was explained, it was a little said There is no use for it, so Li Yi does not express his position, waiting for the owner of the Luo family.

Seeing that Li Yi did not respond at all, the Lord Luo thought that this was another kind of Li Yi's default, so after a while, he continued: "No matter whether you have power behind you, in short, you are definitely not really into Luo Family to become My Luo's bodyguard, I can probably guess your intention. Now people on the whole continent come to this floating city basically for that person and that one thing, so it is estimated that you are no exception." Luo The owner of the family said it very vaguely.

Although this sentence is a little bit obscure, Li Yi still understands very well. It means nothing more than saying that he is also for Xu Bo. This is not wrong. Li Yi is indeed for Xu Bo, but he is The reasons for being different are not the same, but naturally he will not say this!

The Lord Luo saw that Li Yi still didn't speak, and he was calm in his heart. If he didn't want, he wouldn't be strong. As long as he has ideas and pursuits, there must be a way to persuade this person.

"I think you can come to my Luo's house in this way, which is enough to give me a good face. It is much better than those who are unreasonable and unreasonable. I am also older. I have seen this ups and downs. More often, I really find that the older one is, the more he is shrunk. Now, even his own son can't help it, he is very sad!" The head of the Luo family said a bit self-confident!

"So, I hope you can help me save my little son. Although there are certain dangers in it, your strength as Han Gongzi is definitely not a problem. Please see the request of an elderly father. Promise me this request!" Luo family head began to play bitterness card!

"Mr. Luo, I can understand your feelings, but I really can't do anything about these things. If you are struggling so hard, then I will say goodbye to you now!" Li Yi's attitude remains the same. It’s resolute, no matter what you say, I just don’t agree, I just don’t go through the muddy water. This is Li Yi’s most real and simple principle. Once there is a principle, Li Yi will basically stick to his principle and not be shaken. .

Seeing that Li Yi was so determined, the head of the Luo family also scratched his head a little bit. The reason why he was struggling with Li Yi was because the Luo family really had the difficulty of the Luo family. The masters of the Luo family are basically all the people in this floating city main palace After the transfer, the current Luo family really can't bring out many powerful people. In addition, if the current Luo family saves their little son, it is undoubtedly directly declaring war on these people, which is also Luo The family can't afford it.

But Li Yi is different, because Li Yi is new. No one knows that Li Yi is a member of the Luo family. More importantly, Li Yi and his people have enough skills to complete this. The ability of the task is based on these various reasons, so this Luo family head will only ask Li Yi.

"Han Gongzi! Why don't you listen to my remuneration and then think about it?" Luo family head said something abrupt, it seems to have made a lot of determination, it seems to be a very difficult decision.

"I don't need any remuneration. I just lack entanglement, but I can earn from other places with my own skills!" Li Yi's attitude is even more determined, and I don't want to give the other party any chance at all.

The head of the Luo family also seemed to be more competitive with Li Yi, leaning forward slightly and beckoning Li Yi to come over. Li Yi also understood that the other party would not harm himself, so he did so, only to see that the head of the Luo family gently attached Li Yi's ear whispered a few words.

After saying this, the head of the Luo family sat at the table again, took the tea cup and took another sip of tea.

"Han Gongzi, you really can't help me this poor man anymore?" The Luo family's tone at this moment, but had a little full grasp of the meaning!

Li Yi's face was a little abnormal at this time, and his eyes were also looking at the head of the Luo family. What the head of the Luo family just told him was really shocking. At least this time, Li Yi still did not relax. Coming means.

After a short while, Li Yi returned to normal, and then said, "Why me?"

That's right, Li Yi didn't answer whether he answered the party, but asked me again why it was me.

"Because my intuition tells me that you are not simple, to tell you the truth, a fortune teller came to my house a year ago. This fortune teller didn’t need money or talk much, just to give me this note, note It's very simple, only eight words: young children are in trouble, only Han can save!"

"Originally, I didn't believe in these things, but the fact is such a coincidence, I also have to believe. In addition, although I don't know what your identity is, but the experience of watching people in these years can at least tell me that you are a person. I am not a traitor of the Xiaoxiao generation, so I trust you!" The Luo family head also said it, basically there was no scruples. For a simple question of Li Yi, it was explained in detail!

"What you just said is true?" Li Yi continued to ask.

"It's absolutely true, there is no such a false statement. You can inquire about it in this floating city. I have always spoken and talked!" The head of the Luo family could not help patting his chest and assuring Li Yi!

"Well, I promise you! I will talk to you about specific matters later. Now I want to discuss this with my brother. I will try my best to rescue your son, but I hope you can keep yours. Promise!" Li Yi finally made a decision, but this decision runs counter to what he has always insisted on!

Xiao Li and Xiao Liu have discovered that Li Yi has something wrong after listening to the whisper of the Luo family head, but I did not expect that I still did not agree with the previous bite, but now I don’t think much, just ask Two sentences that were incomprehensible were accepted. Although these two people were confused, they did not intervene. They just listened honestly, because they believed that Li Yi would have his reason.

The owner of the Luo family knew what Li Yi meant, so he got up and retreated, and then told his servants that if he wanted to see himself, he must be brought to his study as soon as possible. When he left, he also thanked Li Yi again and again!

There were three others left in the room. Xiao Liu and Xiao Li looked around, believing that no one was around this room before they signaled to Li Yi that they could speak!

"Sorry, I confirmed this matter without consulting your opinion!" Li Yi opened his mouth, but first expressed his apology, because Li Yi also knew that there must be no small danger, and now will These two people were also brought into danger, and they had not yet sought the opinions of others, which made Li Yi feel guilty.

"Sir, wherever you say, as long as your decision is made by our husband, we two must implement it resolutely!" Xiao Li expressed his position to Li Yi on behalf of two people!

"I came here to find my master. Originally, I did not plan to participate in other things, but in the current situation, I can only help this Luo family first. By the way, this Luo family owner always seems to have A moment of anxiety always feels weird!" Li Yi said to herself.

"Oh, Yuan Fang, what do you think?" Li Yi suddenly asked Xiao Li!

"Ah?" Xiao Li was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would ask his own opinion, so he was not prepared for a while. Xiao Li's full name was called Li Yuanfang. He originally didn't allow others to call his own name, but Li Yi called him no way!

"Mr. Hui, I feel that no matter how the Luo family is, since they agreed to go and do it, we can also ask about their arrangements. Anyway, he is a ground snake in the floating city, and he will always be a little bit himself. Arranged!" Xiao Li, Yuan Fang, thought for a while and answered formally.

"Well, Yuan Fang, what you said makes sense, anyway, we are not familiar with this floating city now, so let's first ask the arrangement of the Luo family head, and then see what to do next!" Li Yi said to Xiao Li The proposal agrees.

"Yuan Fang, what do you think?" Xiao Liu saw that things had been settled. Because he knew his brother Xiao Li's temper, he said to Li with a little ridicule.

"You die to me!" Xiao Li immediately countered.

Li Yi smiled helplessly, he did not know whether he chose this time, but when he heard that the Luo family head gave him his reward, Li Yi already knew that he could no longer adhere to his principles, because he did not There is no way to refuse the compensation of the Luo family head! (To be continued.)

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