"Master, where the **** are you in the floating city? Li'er missed you!" Li Yi thought silently, and his eyes glanced to the distance, as if he wanted to find the answer he wanted.


There is a very luxurious house in the northeast corner of the floating city. The people around this house have never seen anyone live in this house, but it is only recently that not only is this floating city lively, but even this The house is also angry!

And it’s still very lively. It sounds like there are a lot of people inside, but no one has seen the people inside come out. It seems that there are still people who send things to people in this house every day, and on the plaque at the door Also replaced with a new one!

"Han House"

Two gilt characters were there quietly, sworn the owner of this house!

But who is living in this Han Palace, the people around still don't quite understand!

Inside Hanfu.

Li Yi is sitting in his room, yes, Li Yi is the owner of the Han Palace, this house is also given to Li Yi by the Luo family, the meaning of the Luo family is very obvious, since Li Yi wants to hide his identity, Nothing is more appropriate than hiding as a local rich man, and the Luo family owner also sent a part of the hidden strength of the Luo family guard and a part of the new recruits to Li Yi as a helper!

These signs have made it clear that the Luo family head has 100% trust in Li Yi, which is also related to the Luo family head's guess about Li Yi's identity. In his view, Li Yi is definitely not a simple People, so for their own things, others may not be eye-catching.

Li Yi originally wanted to reject all of them, but eventually accepted it, because he still understands the principle of great strength, more importantly, the identity cover makes him look more closely, otherwise it is so big A house, as far as Li Yi and Xiaoliu Liu are concerned, that is simply too many loopholes.

And now, Li Yi is carefully watching the information sent by the Luo family owner, to be able to understand the situation more, so that later things can become smoother, but after reading these materials, Li Yi understands why there will be someone that night Hope to get Luo's help.

Because the strength of the Luo family is really unimaginable in the floating city, judging from the information sent, not only does it have an accurate analysis of the current situation, but also the strongholds of various forces in the floating city. The detailed introduction shows that the Luo family is really entrenched in the floating city, but this ground snake still has no way to shake the foreign dragon head-on, so I have to ask Li Yi for help!

The force that kidnapped the little son of the Luo family head is indeed a big one. At least in Li Yi’s opinion, this is one of the biggest forces besides the Fangsheng Alliance and the Seven-City Alliance. Gu, Fanyue Valley, Luo Tangzong, and Nanchan Temple are the three largest schools recognized on the mainland. Unlike the main cities in the Alliance of the Victory and the Seven Cities, these three forces have been inherited for a long time. Form, originally in the main city has its own distribution, but now different from the past, the three major schools have tried their best to shrink their forces and do their best to conflict with the main city.

And this Van Gogh Valley, the main station is not far from the floating city, so they understand the floating city far more than other forces, so they can first think of the way through the Luo family head snake Achieve your own goals.

But the problem is that the Fanyue Valley does not dare to make a big noise. Otherwise, if all the forces know the ability of the Luo family in the floating city, then they will definitely rush to cooperate with the Luo family. Too.

Fanyue Valley had also contacted the Luo family several times before, but they were all politely rejected by the Luo family owner, so this Fanyue Valley secretly abducted the Luo family's young son in order to achieve the purpose, so there is now Case!

This part is the most detailed part of the information given by the Luo family. Because Li Yi is about to face the problem, he looks at the most detailed part.

In addition to this part, Li Yi also paid special attention to where the people from Mingde City were sent. If he had any worries, the primary position was Mingde City, because Mingde City knew that there were still a lot of people. The important thing is that the people in Mingde City also knew that he was an apprentice of Xu Bozhi, so Li Yi had to pay close attention to the news of Mingde City.

According to the information given by the Luo family, this time there were not many people from Mingde City, more than a dozen people, and the person who led the team said that it was a leader of the Ministry of Security, and the specific situation was unknown. One person from Mingde City was the least of all the people who made a name.

The current stronghold of Mingde City is far away from Li Yi's mansion, which makes Li Yi less worried.

Knowing these situations, Li Yi needs to think about how to complete the affairs of the head of the Luo family. In fact, Li Yi is also a little scratched at this. The floating city is now mixed with fish and dragons. Large and small forces gather here, but and What was different in the former Mingde City is that after so many things, all forces are already smart, at least not as rash as before, now it is typical to see rabbits and do not sprinkle eagles, and will never easily be with other people. What conflict happened.

There is no conflict, which means that although the floating city has many people, it is very calm, and the calm is a bit incredible!

When the water is clear, there is no fish. Now that the water is too clear, Li Yi has no chance to touch the fish in muddy water. As for going directly to the Fanyue Valley to grab people, Li Yi thinks that it is the best strategy, so it is a last resort. It doesn't have to be good.

"Xiao Liu, you will inform Luo's housekeeper later, let him come to me, I have something to discuss with him!" Li Yi said to Xiao Liu after reading all the materials.

"Yes, sir, I'll go now!" Xiao Liu answered briskly.

Luo Guan, Li Yi doesn't know what his real name is. This person is the Luo's steward. He is about fifty years old. In order to facilitate contact, Luo's owner will actively send his own butler to this place. Come and say in front of Li Yi and Luo Guanjia: "In the future, Li Yi's orders are my orders, you must unconditionally obey his orders and assist him."

Of course, Li Yi didn't pay much attention to it in this way, only as a means for the Luo family to win over people's hearts.

After a while, this Luo Butler walked into Li Yi's room, bent over to salute, and then said: "Having seen Han Gongzi, I don't know what you are looking for from me?"

"Mr. Luo, you should know more about the status of the floating city, so I would like to ask you if there is any way to make the situation of the floating city uncontrollable and allow so many forces to bite each other?" Li Yi Said straight away.

"This..." Butler Luo didn't answer blindly, but pondered a bit, and seemed to be thinking about the countermeasures, and then slowly said after a short while: "Hang Gongzi, IMHO, I think what method is used now to let It’s not easy to make a floating city chaotic, you know, now all forces are more cautious, so too deliberately creating chaos will be easily noticed by others. In this case, not only will there be no effect at all, but it will also be a surprise. Anyone with a vision will understand that this is someone who wants to fish in muddy water, which is of no help to save the little boy!" Luo Guanjia said fifteen or ten, with no worries!

"Oh?" Li Yi was a little surprised. He never thought that the Luo housekeeper had such a knowledge. He originally thought that the housekeeper only dealt with some miscellaneous things. Even if he used the tone of consultation just now, But I just want this steward to pass to the Luo family head.

However, Luo Guan’s remarks immediately made Li Yi change his view on it, and Li Yi also began to understand that this steward was definitely not that simple, so he immediately asked, “What do you think of Luo Luo’s stewardship? it is good?"

Butler Luo pondered for a little while before saying: "In the current situation, it is definitely the best way to take it. I shouldn't consider it for the time being. I thought instead of trying to muddle the water in this floating city. Take advantage of its current quiet state. Han Gongzi, if you think about something bad in the floating city, people will definitely be noticed that someone has bad intentions, but if there is a young and promising young person suddenly It turned out, so..." Luo Guan's words came to an end here, and he paused intentionally, wanting Li Yi to experience it for himself.

Li Yi thought about what Luo Guanjia said. If the floating city suddenly turned out to be a young man of rare age, then the major forces would not think that this was someone's conspiracy. On the contrary, they might try their best to hold the cage. In that case, maybe There will be another thing that causes various forces to conflict.

"Luo Guanjia might as well continue to say..." Although Li Yi thought of this possibility, he still did not say it. He hoped to hear what Luo Guanjia thought, and furthermore, would it be a set? Come to calculate yourself, because if you are born out of the blue, then the result may be to let yourself fall into the vortex again. It is worth discussing whether this is worth it.

"Then the various forces will certainly pay attention, or even try their best to draw together, but at this time, if the young man maintains a mysterious posture, he will also be courteous to all the forces. In this case, all forces will not be able to eat the identity of the teenager. People dare to act rashly. In this way, if a few words are revealed, wouldn't it..." Luo Guanjia finished these words in one breath.

Butler Luo's words are also very deep. He does not explicitly ask Li Yi to do it, but assumes the existence of a young man. In this case, even if Li Yi turns over and does not recognize people, there is no way to pursue him.

But Li Yi is obviously not the one who turned his face and does not recognize people. Now Li Yi is thinking about the feasibility of what Luo Guanjia said, and is also weighing the pros and cons of doing so!

The room was very quiet, and Luo's housekeeper knew that Li Yi was thinking, so he was not in a hurry, so he stood there waiting for Li Yi, and Li Yi also wanted to pass all possible ideas to see if it was feasible!

"Luo Guanjia, let me ask you a word!" Li Yi said after thinking for a while.

"Han Gongzi, please!"

"Did these words come out of your own, or did they come from your family's mouth?" Li Yi was very concerned about this issue.

"It's all my own opinion. If there is half a lie, I and everyone in the Luo family should not die well!" Luo Guanjia seemed to see Li Yi's concerns, so he issued such a poisonous mouth.

"Okay, I believe you once, but this is the way to do this..." Li Yi's mouth turned up slightly, and the psychological aspect had already made his own decision. Although Luo Guanjia said that this matter may make himself angry, but I have to say that if it is handled properly, it will still do more harm than good for myself, so Li Yi is determined to do so, but he has not completely adopted Luo Guan's argument, but has his own claim.


When Luo Guan came out of Li Yi’s room, he still felt that his brain was a little short-circuited. What kind of world is this? How could it be like this? When I was young, I was not uncommon for so-called genius, even if I hadn’t seen it before. I have heard of it, but I haven’t heard of it in a long time.

Could it be that he is really old and has not kept up with this era!

But think about it carefully. The Luo family head who has been serving for many years should naturally not lie to himself, and the person who is responsible for recruiting is also the old Luo family. In theory, it should not lie to the family head. Is this this Han Gongzi is cheating himself, but this is also not necessary. At this juncture, he may have a sense of precaution against himself, but he should definitely not cheat himself anymore, and it is something he saw with his own eyes, although in the Luo family These years have been very low-key, but it does not mean that his eyesight has fallen behind.

If there is no deception, then all this is true, but this is a bit beyond his expectations.

The reason why Luo Guanjia is so entangled is entirely because of what Li Yi said to him in the room just now, and every sentence of that word makes this old river and lake that has lived for decades feel a little weird.

"Butler Luo, according to what you said, it was me who was born in front of the world?" Li Yi asked.

"Han Gongzi is so capable, and the head of the house has repeatedly praised me. I think it is the best choice. More importantly, not many people know you..." Luo Guanjia answered truthfully.

"Yes, then do this, but don't say that I am a warrior. It is not the warrior Han Chao, but the craftsman Han Chao, did you understand?" Li Yi said his decision lightly. Have not considered whether this Luo steward can accept.

"What? But are you not a warrior?" Luo Guanjia was very surprised.

"You don't need to control the extra. Go back and prepare me some better equipment. The young masters who are born out of the world must have a little skill!" Li Yi said with a smile, seeming to be able to mess up the housekeeper The idea made Li Yi feel very good.

"Han Gongzi, this is not a joke. You are a warrior, how can you..." Luo Guanjia knew very well that it was wrong, so he insisted on making his own objections.

Li Yi suddenly took out a magic stone and a carving knife from under his desk, explaining that it was better to prove that since the other party did not believe it, then he proved it to the other party, so Li Yi did not say a word, and the manual was like a flower, in the blink of an eye. Kung Fu, the small magic stone has been carved into a small dagger by Li Yi. Every movement of Li Yi is very light. Although it has been a long time since I have done these things, it is because in the forgotten tribe I realized the meaning of the set of swordsmanship taught to me by Master, so the realm of carving is steadily rising. (To be continued.)

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