As the last point of the sun's light was swallowed by darkness, the floating city finally entered the night. In the original night of the floating city, except for a few places that were lively, most places were quiet, but because of the number of people, the current floating city There are more lively places, and the many immortal lights are the best proof.

However, lights are lights after all, and their appearance still means that the real black clothes have arrived.

"Action!" He Fengling didn't procrastinate. She didn't need to think about this kind of things that had been planned for a long time. Counting her as a total, it was a person. At the moment when the voice fell, the person was already going to Luofu. Going in the direction of.

Lord Luo is sitting in his study. Although he seems to be reading a book while holding a book in his hand, his erratic eyes are already betraying him. His current focus is not on the book. The restlessness is even reflected in his eyebrows.

"Report the owner, there are unknown forces on the east side attacking our mansion!" At this time, outside voices came in, seeming to verify the reason for his restlessness.

However, this wave is not flat, but a wave has already started again.

"Report the patriarch, there are unknown forces on the west side attacking our mansion..."

"Report the patriarch, there is an unknown force attacking our mansion in the south entrance..."

"Report the patriarch, there are unknown forces on the north back door attacking the mansion..."

The sound of successive reports from the next man was more like a sharp knife, cut on the heart of the Luo family owner, who was already young, but he could only sigh. He always comes. The paper can’t keep the fire. Luo’s family today has long foreseen it. However, the dignity of the Luo family’s owner, the courage in his personal bones, and the unshirkable relationship with the city’s government Responsibility, so that he can not choose to escape.

Therefore, the head of the Luo family is still here, so the Luo family of the floating city is still here.

But this night, all of this may change. The Luo family in the floating city will eventually be lost in the dust of history. The Luo family owner also understands that with the strength of the Luo family, even if the elite is not sent out of the city’s main palace, It is almost impossible to deal with four forces at the same time.

However, even if you die, you have to stand and die. This is the final answer of the Luo family head.

Lord Luo Jia stood up suddenly, and then said calmly to the outsiders: "Pass my order, there are people who are willing to coexist with the Luo family and die, immediately act according to the original plan, and fight against foreign enemies with me!"

"Yes!" The reply outside was unanimous.

However, at this time, the front and back doors of the Luo family, as well as the walls on both sides of the east and west, were already broken. These forces are obviously not a family, so naturally when I see someone having the same abacus as myself, I naturally do not want to After the fall, so this action is also more rapid, and it is also merciless to get started. Within the Luo family, the flesh and blood flew in a hurry, and it was terrible.

When Lord Luo saw such a scene, his heart really felt bleeding, because he decided to let so many people bleed at this time, but this could not change his decision. Greet Lord Luo With the few leftovers of the Luo family, they joined the battle.

The person who uses Li Yi's magic stone knife, at this time, with the sharp weapon in his hand, is majestic, and vaguely, it has become the most powerful person of the Luo family except the Luo family.

Although the forces that attacked the Luo family did not discuss it, they seemed to be very consistent in action. When they saw the appearance of the Luo family, they inadvertently killed the direction of the Luo family. It was for this reason that it also directly led to They had to deal directly.

The sword is merciless, and once there is a fight, there will inevitably be casualties, so this was originally a siege of the Luo family. In a blink of an eye, it has evolved into a **** of five parties, an absolute melee.

The location of the Luo family is in the southeast of the floating city. At this time, this sky is already illuminated by the light of the magic stone weapon!

It was another dazzling light.

He Fengling didn’t think that the person who fought with himself was not a leisurely person. He made a hard note. Since he was almost injured, others might think that they can rely on their own beauty today, but only they know that Every achievement is made by yourself step by step.

Wang Shangzhi also had a lot of surprises in his heart. The person in front of him knew that he was a woman at first glance, but when it comes to his ability, I am afraid that he is not worse than himself. If the person above gave a death order, he would not fight with a woman. , Because in his heart, women are used to hurt, not to fight.

Wang Shangzhi is a person of Luo Tangzong. He is good at talking about himself, but he is very lustful, not a little lustful, so he still thinks of messy ideas during this battle.

The reason why these two people fought is the same, that is, to get the Luo family head, but the Luo family head is not idle now. He and the guard who used the magic stone weapon made by Li Yi, the two met The leaders of the other two forces, in fact, many people ignore the same thing, that is, the Luo family can have its current status in the floating city, not just relying on the crowds, but because their owners, at least in the floating city In terms of speaking, he still has first-class strength. Now he is holding a seven-star magic stone weapon. Instead of falling down, he has a dominant position.

As for the young bodyguard who used Li Yi's magical stone weapon, he has already played all of him. If it is not by virtue of his weapon, it is estimated that he has already lost, but now, he can still communicate with the other party. deal with.

However, there are eight masters fighting in this place, the buildings here are suffering, not only the courtyard of the Luo family, but also the buildings around the Luo family are also affected by the messy energy of the fluctuations in the air A lot has been destroyed. Under the impact of this, many poor people flew in flesh and blood, and even had no chance of fleeing.

In the main palace not far from the Luo family, the floating city owner looked at the sky of the Luo family sadly. At this moment, he naturally knew what was happening there, but for such things, he really was Powerless, he admired the head of the Luo family, his half-brother, but now he really can’t do anything, and can only watch this happen.

In another place, there are other people who are watching the battle in Luo.

"Adult, who said you can achieve the final victory?" a person asked to the people around him.

"No one, in fact, this is just a breakthrough for everyone. This is just that all forces are demonstrating towards the city's main palace and Xu Bo. Xu Bozhi's affairs have been dragged on for too long, and many forces are losing patience. More importantly, Yes, there is still the so-called mysterious craftsman who has added a few chips to this matter, and everyone can’t sit still!"

"Since no one has won the victory, why should we stay here, they beat their chants, yes, or we should take the opportunity to take the mysterious master craftsman now, to see him still arrogant and arrogant!"

"We have to guard, how can such a wonderful scene be missed, you said that if we were killed when they were defeated, it would not be a fisherman's benefit, or, moreover, it would be impossible for people to know it. If all these people are eliminated, our resistance will be much less in the future!"

"Adult is so high-profile!"


"Son, do we want to save the Luo family head?" Xiao Li asked Li Yi.

That’s right, Li Yi, who was put on makeup, looked at the situation there at a distance from the Luo family and said that this time, when he came out, he only brought Xiao Li and Xiao Liu It is also the suggestion of Luo Guanjia.

Hearing Xiao Li's question, Li Yi also knows the reason. Xiao Li is a man with a simple heart, because the owner of the Luo family has been secretly helping Li Yi, so Xiao Li's affection for the Luo family is still very good, so only Will ask Li Yi if he wants to save the Luo family head.

"We can't save!" Li Yi said with a helpless sigh.

That’s right, this is Li Yi’s most real idea. He didn’t want to save, but he couldn’t save it, and he also understood that since the head of the Luo family chose to stay in the floating city, then it must have been expected today, since everyone Knowing that this will happen, you must bear the consequences of this happening.

"Then we don't want to watch here, there is always a bad feeling in my heart." Xiao Li continued to suggest.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Liu has been monitoring the station of Van Yuet Valley. I think such a big movement, Van Yuet Valley will not be indifferent, so they will definitely send people. At that time, since we couldn’t save the head of the Luo family, let’s complete our promise to him and rescue his young son. This is also a little comfort to him!”

"Then why should we wait here?"

"Because there is chaos here, and from a straight-line distance, it is closest to the stronghold of the Fanyue Valley. If you pass from this place, no dark whistle of any power will notice us. You have to have a concept. Not a small force, our actions must be cautious and as quiet as possible!"

"I know, rest assured, son, we haven't exercised for a long time, and it's not challenging to do anything with the guys in the house!"


The battle of the Luo family is continuing, and the battlefield is constantly expanding, and there are not many people who are still standing at this time. The family members of the Luo family are basically dead and injured, and the sneak attack on the Luo family The Quartet forces also have different degrees of damage. If you look at it from the scene, it seems that the Luo family is only left by the Luo family owner and the young man who uses Li Yi's magic weapon.

He Fengling is still entangled with Wang Shangzhi at this time. The more she fights, the more she admires Wang Shangzhi's ability, but because of the hostile angle, such an admiration reaction is that she is more cautious on the battlefield.

He Fengling's magic stone weapon is very special. Her magic stone weapon is not like a weapon, but like a defensive magic weapon. Such defense is manifested by a light halo around her. Whenever Wang Shangzhi attacks, this faint light curtain will gather on his attack route and then stop the other party's attack.

At first glance, this magic weapon is purely playing a passively beaten meat sandbag, but only He Fengling understands that she is waiting, waiting for a chance to give the enemy a fatal blow. Her magic weapon is to Let the opponent carelessly during the continuous defense. Once the opponent carelessly, then the opponent's death will come.

But Wang Shangzhi was not given in vain. He was always cautious. When he fought, he often left a third force. This is why He Fengling could hardly find it.

But on the other side, the situation has indeed changed. With his own skills, the Lord Luo broke through his defense against the man, and then his weapon dropped the opponent's head heavily. He wanted to avenge his family, the head was thrown into the air by him fiercely, and his mouth made a crazy cry.

The blood, flying in the air, bit by bit, the hatred in the head of the Luo family is not this head, this blood can be wiped away.

Woo's voice came suddenly, this time came the voice, of course, some people understand what is going on, this is the trumpet sent by the army, although everyone has ideas about this Luo family, but most of them want to be local Send a few people to try it out. No one thought of using this method to forcibly obtain the head of the Luo family, so when they heard this voice, most people hiding in the dark were stunned.

Yes, it’s not wrong. The sound they heard is not false at all, because their behavioral thinking is in accordance with their inherent thinking, but there is a force that certainly will not act in accordance with their thinking. This force is just In vain.

And it is this vain alliance that sounds the horn at this time.

There are not many people in the Fangsheng League, about 300 people. If such a number of people were to face all the other forces, they would definitely hit the stones, but their leaders seem to see through the ideas of the other so-called decent forces, so Bi Qigong was in the battle. Since you all sent a few people to test, then I will send all of them, and then I will do it one by one.

When Wang Shangzhi heard this voice, his figure was obvious, because he came here tonight mostly for self-assertion. He was originally thinking of obtaining the greatest gains with the least casualties, but he did not expect to meet so many people. If the National People's Congress is surrounded here, it will not be worth the loss, so he gestured a retreat gesture to his men for the first time.

He Fengling, who played against him, also had the same idea, so the two people ended up in a tacit understanding, but they attacked the Luo family head almost at the same time. The two still didn't want to give up their fight for the Luo family head.

However, the head of the Luo family will naturally not be able to catch it, so in the blink of an eye, the three people started to fight together again, and the battlefield is constantly moving.

The Fang Shengmeng's people moved very quickly, so the trumpet just fell down for a little while. The team of three hundred people was already surrounded here. Their command was just a very simple command, except for the accident of the Luo family. Don't stay alone!

The three-hundred-person team says big or small, but at this time, the three-hundred-person team appears in a war posture. It means that they can no longer be measured by their ability to fight alone, but a complex.

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