Wang Shangzhi was even more anxious in his heart, so his heart sprang up, so he planned to give up the attack on the Luo family head, but the **** nature of this person seemed to be difficult to change. When he was about to withdraw from the battlefield, he said: " Chick, I’m not going to play with you anymore. When will I find you in bed!"

He Fengling, who was originally guarding the head of the Luo family, when he heard this sentence, he was angered, and he seemed not to be angry. The whole person's momentum was suddenly mentioned, and then the light curtain around her suddenly turned into a silver needle. The silver needle suddenly pierced Wang Shangzhi at an unimaginable speed.

But He Fengling also paid a great price for this move. The head of the Luo family cut off her left arm, but she still didn't change her face, watching her arm and her body share. two.

However, Wang Shangzhi was not so lucky. He had never planned to leave. He had never expected that He Fengling would suddenly be mad. He generally gave him a fatal killing trick, and even more unexpected. The reason for this killing trick was because of his Unspoken words.

The so-called knives on the head of the color character, but on Wang Shangzhi's body, this sentence became a needle in the color character's mouth. The silver needle just entered from the back of Wang Shangzhi's head, and then penetrated from the middle of the forehead. Out.

However, it was not just that it was so simple. After that, the head suddenly exploded, a cloud of blood mist, and then the headless body hit the ground with heavy weight. This is the second sentence of a headless body, and it is estimated to be the most unjust and worthless one who died tonight.

The southeast is still going on...

Wang Shangzhi’s headless corpse is lying on the ground honestly. If it’s not **** reality, who would believe this is the real fact? Who would believe that the person who was just talking about it was already A cold body.

On the other hand, He Fengling couldn't take care of her injury. Her first task now is to defend the Luo family's attack. At the same time, she also has to choose an opportunity to escape. Although she is now in trouble, she does not regret it at all. , Because the words of Wang Shangzhi deeply hurt her heart.

The people of the Vang Shengmeng had already arrived around the Luo Family Mansion at this time. This time it was real killing. It was their only duty to kill people when they saw them. Basically, there would be no living mouths wherever they passed.

The killing of the Fangsheng League is not only aimed at the Luo family, even the forces of the Quartet are included. It seems that they are inevitable for this result, and nothing can stop their pace.

"Son, why are these people so fierce that even children are not let go!" Xiao Li seemed to look a little past, his tone full of anger.

"These people will not be able to live tonight!" Li Yi is also doing what he wants, so I'm going to say so now.

At this time, it was not Li Yi who was most anxious, but the people who were sent to attack the Luo family. It is important to know that there are not many people in the floating city. If it is damaged a little this evening, it is simply unimaginable. A kind of loss, more importantly, the leader of this operation is also a small player in their respective forces. If it is gone, even if it is the leader, I am afraid it is not easy to explain.

"Hurry, pass my order, immediately deploy manpower to save He Fengling!" This is the words of leader Luo Tangzong, because seeing He Fengling's injury, coupled with the current critical situation, so he has to do his best to go Complete the rescue operation.

"Fast, you can't make the Vang Shengmeng so successful. This is really too arrogant. It is estimated that this is the total power of the Vang Shengmeng in the floating city. As long as we can wipe out all these people in the cage this time, the Vang Shengmeng In the floating city, it is completely over, and I believe that no major forces will sit idly by, so what we have to do now is to send manpower to encircle the forces of the Fangsheng League..." one person analyzed.

"Pass my order, and immediately send one-half of the people to encircle the Fangsheng League, remember to name us, don’t have any conflicts with other forces, as long as the Fangsheng League is fully surrounded, as for the Luo family Homeowner, don’t try to get his idea, go quickly..." One ordered.

"The first team, the second team, the third team, you immediately set off with me, and now you go, the task is to encircle the squadron, the rest of the situation depends on my command on the spot..." Still a force is dispatching troops Send out.

It can be seen that at this moment, all forces have not discussed, but a consensus has also been reached, that is, to temporarily unite together against the people of the Fangsheng League. For them, the talents of the Fangsheng League are now The biggest enemy, because the killing of the Fangsheng League was not only directed against the forces that surrounded and attacked the Luo family heads. On their way forward, there were also several power squads that were pulled out by the Fangsheng League.

People began to drive to the southeast corner of the floating city from all directions. Although there are not many people in each force, but how can they come to the floating city on behalf of their own forces, how can they be simple generations.


"Master, look, Xiao Liu is coming!" Xiao Li suddenly found Xiao Liu's figure, because he did not want to see the scene of the killing, so he no longer paid attention to the situation in the southeast corner.

During the speech, Xiao Liu had already come to Li Yi, but it was not too polite. He hurriedly said: "Son, the people of Fanyue Valley have already set off. It is estimated that it is the time when their defense is weakest, so I I feel that this is our best time to act."

"Can you observe carefully? No one was found?" Li Yi was very cautious.

"No, I followed it for a while, and I will report it to you after I'm sure it. You can rest assured. If you can't do this well, I will be responsible for teaching those people in the future!" Said.

The reason why Xiao Liu said this is because he and Xiao Li have a consensus that the people in the school are the most boring, helpless and annoying thing, so he will use this matter to talk about things.

"Em..." Li Yi's eyes looked in the direction of the southeast corner again. In fact, he was struggling in his heart, and he was also torturing whether the forces who had attacked the Fanyue Valley at this time were even as good as the vain alliance. But, if I don’t go now, I’m afraid there won’t be such a good opportunity in the future, but if I go, I’ll feel a little bit sad in my heart.

"I'm going to take advantage of the fire now. Will the two of you think I'm mean?" Li Yi said, it looks like this is asking Xiao Li and Xiao Liu, but it's actually Li Yi's question to himself.

"How come, sir, you can't think of us this way..." Xiao Li was anxious and forgot the agreement to call the son, but instead called the sir, "As you said, since we can't save Luo The master of the house, then his young son should be rescued, and I feel that although the people in this vain league are abominable, they are also really abominable with real swords and guns, not like the people of the Fanyue Valley, The sneaky work, I know at a glance that it is not a good thing!"

"Hehe..." Li Yi smiled a little helplessly, and then said: "I am afraid that if I go to the stronghold of the Fanyue Valley tonight, if someone is known in the future, people on this continent will all say that I am a wicked person. Now!"

"What are you afraid of, sir, and the forgotten tribe, don't be afraid of them, in the Fanyue Valley, there are two of us to follow, or else we go, you don't go!" Xiao Liu grabbed the topic.

"The so-called good and evil are just positions, everything is the case..." Li Yi actually had such a sentence in his mind at this time, only to see Li Yi gritted his teeth, and then said: "Go, let's go , Xiao Liu leads the way, targeting the Fanyue Valley stronghold, yes, you two will bring this thing first!"

"What is this?" the two asked almost unanimously.

"Mask, I don't want to be scolded by the world in the future..." Li Yi said with a smile. This sentence is enough to show that Li Yi has already put all kinds of thoughts in his heart into mind. [八一中文网] It was let go. In fact, Li Yi also understood that although he was a little hesitant, this was his choice. Since he had made his own decision at the beginning, since there are no more important things for him to change this decision, he should resolutely go on.

You have to walk on your knees to choose your own path, not to mention walking now without kneeling.


The night is getting darker, but the floating city is not quiet at all. This time it is not quiet, it is not a peaceful and lively, but a screaming sound, a fighting sound, most of the people in the floating city are not In the mood for wandering, they stayed in their homes honestly in order to save their lives.

People who can hide in their own homes are lucky. If they are in the southeast corner of the floating city, especially the people near the Luo family, even such thoughts are extravagant. They want to run, and run to a safer place, but There are many people who can’t run away, and they are innocently involved in this storm.

The fight in the southeast corner began a fierce process, and the leader of the Fangsheng League did not expect that this time the major forces should be so tacit, but even if he thought of it, it is estimated that he would do so, because he was a member of the Fangsheng League, It has always been that no matter what you do, you will not care about the consequences.

He Fengling knows that someone will come to her rescue, but now, her pale face means that she can’t persevere anymore, even if the person with high Yuan Gong is high, it is impossible to say that she can still keep her arm broken Insisting on fighting, this result is actually self-defeating.

He Fengling didn't really want to do this, but she had no choice. She knew that if she stopped, she would still be dead, so he didn't even have time to stop bleeding for him, and every time his body moved, he would leave blood stains.

The head of the Luo family was also overwhelmed and underpowered at this time. He was surrounded by no fewer than 20 people. These 20 people were not a mess, but a tacit understanding of attack and defense. He had already consumed a lot of physical strength. , Coupled with the fact that seeing his family ruined, it was naturally desperate, and now he doesn’t know why he is fighting, or when he wants to fight, like a walking dead, but the idea of ​​standing dead is full of him Heart, so he did not fall.

The young man who used the magic stone weapon made by Li Yi was no longer in sight at this time, not knowing whether it was life or death, but under such circumstances, the grasp of being able to be born was almost equal to zero.

In the city's palace, the floating city host was already in tears. He clenched his fists tightly, hoping to bite his teeth, but he could only look at the chaos on that side, he was not a famous Mingzhu, But in the past few years, the floating city has also been regarded as Chengtai and Min'an, but it is today that their people have suffered under their own eyes, but they are not half capable.

Such heartache may only be understood by the person concerned.

"These are all my sins!" said an old man. This old man, no one else, was Li Yi's master Xu Bozhi.

"Xu Lao, you came out, it's not your fault, this is the destiny of the floating city!" said the owner of the floating city.

"Fate?" Xu Bozhi didn't seem to understand.

"Yes, the reason why the floating city will exist may be waiting for the arrival of today. This is not what you and I can change!"

"But all this is because of me!" Xu Bozhi continued.

"It will also end because of you!"

"It's coming soon, it will be over soon. My old bones are also at the end. Unfortunately, there is no news of him yet..."

The number of people in Fanyue Valley is really not much at this time. In theory, it is really the least one time. The last time was less than the current number. That was when the vanguard troops first came to the floating city.

However, even if the number is not large, there are still eight people. I don’t know if it is the idea of ​​concealing the eight diamonds. The people who stay behind may not be very tall, but the leader must have two brushes, because they are Someone else will be familiar with this kind of thing.

"The two of you are guarding the front door, the two of you are guarding the back door, and the three of you are in each other, and then cross-checking in all the strongholds, according to keeping the distance, and always being vigilant, you can't relax." Commanded by his own men.

"Yes!" the seven remaining people answered in unison.

It was at this time that Li Yi and Xiao Li and Xiao Liu also came to a place not far from here. Now the three people are discussing how to get in. According to Li Yi, if it is a strong attack, it is basically successful Is unlikely because others are not fools, so there will naturally be a way to communicate.

Since you can't attack, you can only outsmart, but the question arises again, that is how to outsmart, it is not a sentence or two to deceive the other party.

In the end, these three people chose a method that is not at all outsmart, because time is limited, they cannot waste too much time here.

Set fire, that’s right, this is Li Yi’s idea, so he set Xiao Liu to set fire, and then he and Xiao Li waited for the opportunity, because he made up his mind, so Li Yi also told Xiao Li, see people, don’t be merciless .

Just a short distance away from the Fanyue Valley, the faint smoke first, then the fire came out, this little six seems to be a good arsonist, because the place he chose is very clever, which can threaten the Fanyue Valley The stronghold is also a short distance away from Fanyue Valley, which would put Fanyue Valley in a dilemma.

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