It was in such a short period of time that Li Yi and three of them completely killed each other’s four people. This is not to say how fragile the other is, just because these things are really too sudden to enter from the beginning. From the moment of, he immediately killed a person, and then under Li Yi's mistakes, he broke the interference of the other party's bell magic device.

Then, as soon as the person in charge of the other party was about to come out, he was stunned by Xiao Li's sharp knife, and Li Yi and Xiao Liu caught the other person's unsteady timing and hit the other party by surprise. Otherwise, it would not be so close that the gap is almost a scene that will be finished in person.

But in any case, for Li Yi [笔趣阁], the three of them were a complete victory, a victory without any controversy, such a situation, these three people did not expect of.

But Li Yi was not blinded by the temporary victory. Time is still the first thing he has to consider, because I don’t know how long the people of Fanyue Valley will come back, there are four people who just went out, Even if you don’t think about it, after all, you are now a thief, so the sooner the better.

Xiao Li, you change his clothes, hurry up, and then you are guarding here, I guess the person who just went out will come back soon, and come back in batches, and then you see the machine and act, and Xiao Liu and I will go back and recruit people .

"Okay, son!" Xiao Li readily agreed, as the old saying goes, he never asked why Li Yi had asked him, and he would always resolutely complete it immediately.

Zheng Yishi, two of Li Yi and Xiao Liu, began to search in this courtyard. The courtyard did not show anything special from the outside, but recently it was discovered that there is nothing special, but Li Yi also knows something about this, Luo The family owner has given this information to Li Yi. This place is different from other strongholds. Most of the strongholds were found temporarily, and some even live in inns, but the Fanyue Valley This stronghold has been operated by Fanyue Valley all the time. As I said before, the reason why Fanyue Valley will focus on the Luo family is because the strength of this floating city is not small, so it is a matter of floating city Just learn more.

Li Yi and Xiao Liu searched along the way, and finally found the Luo's little son.

But what they saw was just a cold body. After seeing this scene, Li Yi still felt a great deal of discomfort in his heart, because he agreed to the matter of the Luo family head. Now, it seems to be another word. , And Li Yi still has a lot of self-blame, because the resistance came from the scene, and the time of the death of the Luo family's young son was not long, maybe it was when the Luo family was killed tonight, if he can come earlier, maybe he can Rescued.

However, there may be everything in this world, but if there is no such thing, Li Yi is sad and guilty of guilt, and can only accept the fact that the cold body is in front of him.

"Master, what should I do?" Xiao Liu also saw Li Yi's sadness, so he wanted to use such a question to divert Li Yi's attention.

"Just search to see if there is any important information. Anyway, I have come, and I can't go back empty-handed." Li Yi made such a decision for a little thought. Anyway, tonight is a wicked person. Since it is like this, Then do nothing and never end, and again, I never seem to say that I am a good person.

The two came to the study again and searched carefully. They found a lot of letters. Li Yi did not have time to read them one by one, telling Xiao Liu to take them all away, and wait for them to study them carefully.

Then the two came to the warehouse of Fanyue Valley. When they entered the warehouse, the two people were really surprised, because they never thought that there were so many things in this warehouse. Let’s not talk about all kinds of magic stones. And the materials, even the magic stone weapon was almost filled with a shelf, Li Yi glanced casually, and knew that the things on the shelf were still good, and the kid in the corner still had a lot of money.

At this time, there was a difficult problem in front of Li Yi, that is, whether to take it or not. If you got it, how could you take it? Li Yi couldn't always carry back so many things by herself.

But what surprised Li Yi was that Xiao Liu seemed to be prepared early, and actually took out four large cloth bags from his sleeves. Seeing the appearance of the cloth bag, it was no problem to put a person on it. Although this warehouse cannot be evacuated, To take away precious things is definitely more than enough.

In fact, there is also a magic device that can hold something on the magic device, called the Qiankun in the sleeve. The production of this thing is very complicated, but the function is only one, that is, it can hold a lot of things, but Li Yi really will not do it, otherwise It must have been made in the Forgotten Tribe.

Faced with such a situation, Li Yi seemed to hesitate a bit again, whether he should take it or not, this still has a little challenge for Li Yi.

"Son, I knew this would happen, so I'm ready. You can take a look at the usefulness of these things. Let's take them away!" Xiaoliu said excitedly.

"Is this a bit bad?" Li Yi still hesitated.

"Master, these things are not necessarily coming clean from Fanyue Valley. They may have been squeezed from the hands of many people. Besides, now that there are more people in the house, the expenses will be greater, and these things can’t be left to them. Turn around and deal with us?" Xiao Liu persuaded Li Yi.

In fact, Xiao Liu’s words are a little far-fetched, because although the current Korean government’s expenses are not small, Li Yi’s device is a lion’s mouth, and with the help of the Luo family’s various secrets, it can be said that the small is rich, at least not The reason for worrying about money, Xiao Liu said this, just to persuade Li Yi.

Li Yi is still not very clear about the concept of money, but he still sighed in his heart. I thought that the speed of earning money was already pretty good, but I didn’t expect that it would be so big to raise more than 50 people. It costs money, but it doesn't even think about it. This is Xiao Liu's casually saying, no matter what the real situation is, in the Korean government, Li Yi is really a loser, basically nothing.

Take it or not?

this is a problem!

Take it or not?

Actually, this issue didn't need to be so entangled, because what was originally done today was not glorious, and Xiao Liu was not bad. If you don't take it now, then it may really become a weapon for others to deal with themselves.

However, if you really take it, then the nature of your own here has changed. It is a vile act of thieves to say it lightly. It’s hard to hear that it is a murderous robber. If you are on the line, you are injustice. The disciple.

It is true that Li Yi has always been a bit maverick in measuring good and evil, but when faced with these most basic things, deep-rooted ideas still affect his thinking process.

"Mr. Luo, the housekeeper said, take it without harm, without taking it, without reducing the slightest hatred; take it, strengthen yourself and cut it, do not take it, cut it from yourself; there are no choices between trade-offs, it is irrelevant in the chaotic world, life is guaranteed First!" Xiao Liu said that Li Yi was still hesitating.

These words were not made by Xiao Liu, and indeed, Luo Guanjia told Xiao Liu. Even the cloth bag was also prepared by Luo Guan for Xiao Liu. When Xiao Liu heard Luo Guan's words come out, His head was too big, he didn't want to write it down, but Luo Guanjia repeatedly told him that if he couldn't write it down, he would train Li Yi's novices afterwards. Under such intimidation and temptation, he was adamant. Memorized this passage.

"Take it without harm, without taking it, without reducing the slightest hatred; take it, strengthen oneself to cut oneself, not take one, strong one cut oneself; between the choices, it has nothing to do with justice, in the chaotic world, keep life first!" Li Yi repeated Once again, this seems to be a little taste.

"Okay, I'll pick something, you pretend!" Li Yi did not make the anxious little wait, Li Yi quickly made such a decision, this step also crossed a hurdle in his mind, after this, maybe Many false standards of good and evil in the world are really difficult to restrain him.

What I have to say is that Luo Guanjia’s sentence is indeed very useful, because he cleverly grasped Li Yi’s heart, and the principle of not taking this thing is a simple summary. Li Yi also understands his situation. With the help of Luo Guan’s, he naturally knows that he is now in a state where he may be in danger at any time. Under such circumstances, it is the most tangible to enhance his own strength and weaken the strength of others.

Both Li Yi and Xiao Liu packed up things like wind and clouds. Basically, precious things would not fall. You should know that Li Yi's eyes are very poisonous. Although he is not familiar with some things, this does not prevent him from judging. The value of this thing.

As long as it is valuable, it must be taken away. Since it is already a robber, don’t think about it. Naturally, the things you should take are the same and they cannot be dropped.

The hands and feet of the two people are also clever. In a short time, they have already selected these things. Originally Li Yi also had to carry a bag, but Xiao Liu did not let it. Although the bag was a little inconvenient, Xiao Liu himself Solving it alone is not a problem.

Li Yi and Xiao Liu left the warehouse, knowing that the stronghold of Fanyue Valley basically has no place to go, so the two went straight to the gate. At this time, Li Yi was still a little puzzled. The time is not short. I haven’t heard any sounds. On the one hand, I have confidence in Xiao Li. On the other hand, I am a bit worried. After all, there are too many unpredictable things, such as the bell I met when I first came in. It's really weird.

But when he saw Xiao Li, Li Yi knew why. The four people he expected did come back, but now they are also four corpses. Li Yi clearly saw that all four were one. Killing his life, it can be concluded that there is basically no chance of resistance.

In fact, this matter was also a coincidence. The four people did not come back together. It happened that there was a time difference. Coupled with the dress of Xiao Li, the other party was completely negligent. At random, they were basically unknowingly informed by Xiao Li. It's solved, if there is a soul, it is estimated that these four people must feel that they are too wrong, because even if they don't know what the situation is, it is like being killed by their own people.

Converging together, it is natural to retreat. The current stronghold of the Fanyue Valley is already a place of right and wrong. Leaving as soon as possible and eliminating a lot of trouble sooner, so the three people did not nonsense, and scouted the situation outside the door. To make sure that no one noticed it, quietly left the Fanyue Valley while taking cover of the darkness.

"Son, I have something to deal with, I don't know if I can leave first?" Halfway through, Xiao Li said suddenly.

Li Yi originally wanted to refuse, but he still couldn't bear to see Xiao Li's expression. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, Li Yi was already embarrassed to refuse. He could only say lightly: "Be careful, I'm in the house Waiting for you!"

"I know, Xiao Liu, protect your son!" Li Yi's promise made Xiao Li very happy. At the same time, people began to go away.

But at this time, the southeast corner of the floating city where the Luo family is located, the battle is almost coming to an end. Since all the forces have invariably chosen to fight against the people of the Fangsheng League, the result is basically no suspense.

What's more, the various forces are not just talking. Basically, they have also sent their own elite. Although they failed to unite against the Fangsheng League, this number and quality are greatly dominant. In this way, Even though there are many people in vain, they still fell out.

The head of the Luo family is still unclear. The final result was that the four people in the Fangsheng League died together. This result is still very tragic, because even a complete corpse has not been left. It was once famous in the floating city. The big family of the Luo family was completely destroyed in such a night.

This is the wheel of history. The Luo family in the floating city is not the first and will not be the last. Those buried in the dust of history will have more things and more power. They are either bigger than the Luo family or more than Luo Jiaxiao, but no doubt can not resist this fate.

However, no one can say clearly what this fate is. Only one time can not be stopped, then history will not stop, and the arrangements and rise and fall in the midst will still be step by step. Coming.

Not only did the Luo family head die, the young man who fought with the Luo family head at the end was also standing to die, yes, it was standing to die, which was also the last command of the Luo family head.

He Fengling, who was seriously injured, failed to persevere at the moment when his own people came to rescue himself. Because of the impulse and the possibility of injury, he killed Wang Shangzhi, but his final result was also inevitable.

I don't know if she will regret it, maybe, maybe not, but it's not important anymore.

The true commander of the Fanyue Valley stronghold did not go into battle personally. He was staying quietly in another place at this time. This place was not far from the gate of the main palace of the floating city. In his heart, he had other plans, he felt The Luo family will definitely arrange for someone to send something to the main palace of the floating city, so he will stay here personally.

But as the battle over there was nearing completion, the things he expected did not arrive, but there was another thing that appeared. There was a bell in his waist.

The bell was suddenly thought. Others did not know what they thought, but he understood that the other end of the bell was related to the seal of the mobilization war department that he stayed at the stronghold. When the bell rang, it was just It means that the seal was moved, but before he could reflect further, the bell was silent.

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