His heart suddenly froze, and the bell became quiet. There were only two possibilities. First, the person who moved the sign was put back, and second, the bell on the other end was damaged by others, but no matter what he thought, he felt first. The possibility of this kind is extremely small.

So, cold sweat covered his forehead at this moment, and he no longer looked at the guard here, got up and hurried to the stronghold.

On the way back, he didn’t even greet his men, thinking that the most important thing for him now is the seal that he stayed in the stronghold. At this time, he hopes that his men will have more Hold on for a while, until you rush back home, in this case, everything is easy to say.

After Xiao Li left Li Yi, he looked into the distance, but he remembered Luo Guan's words again. Originally, he and Xiao Liu both simply listened to Luo Guan's arrangement of the newcomers in the training house. Luo Guan's man can't talk about good influence or bad, but he is still very happy to see his hard-working helper.

However, since the housekeeper Luo came to talk to himself last night and said something, his heart is really not calm, and he has sincerely admired the housekeeper.

It was for this reason that Xiao Li decided to tell Li Yi that he was going to do things, and there must be a lot of danger in this matter, because according to Luo Guan’s account, this time he encountered is not a simple character .

However, since I promised that others would have to complete it. My husband did this, and he had to do the same.

Li Yi and Xiao Liu hurried back to Hanfu in a hurry, but it was very cautious along the way, so basically no one attracted attention. This is also an expected thing. Most people’s ideas are in the southeast corner of the floating city. Luo family.

As soon as he entered the Han Palace, Li Yi saw Luo Guan, who was waiting in the hall. Luo Guan, when he saw Li Yi coming back, did not rush to say anything, but said to Xiao Liu first: "Liu Shiwei, you and me, Let's put things away first, son, I'll be back soon!"

After a while, Luo Guan returned to the hall and looked at Li Yi quietly.

"Is he sure about his chances of winning?" Li Yi seemed to have such a clueless question.

"Liu Cheng's grasp, this is according to normal estimates. If you occupy the sneak attack and use the other party's eager heart, it is estimated to be 80%!" Luo Guanjia understood what Li Yi was saying, and after that, he continued: " Li Weiwei told you everything?"

"No, he said that he has some things to do, hehe, this reason is too clumsy, how can he deceive me, he can do anything in this city for him to do!" Li Yi said lightly.

It turned out that Li Yi's initial hesitation was not without reason, but because he had expected what Xiao Li was going to do, because he was a bit worried, so he thought about letting Xiao Li go, but also because he knew Xiao Li. accepted.

Li Yi understands that if he disagrees, Xiao Li will listen to himself, but Xiao Li will definitely carry a ideological burden on himself. Since this is the case, he might as well let him fight.

Luo Guanjia looked at Li Yi unexpectedly, because he did something disgraceful no matter how he did it. What’s more important was that he did something more selfishly, and it was also dangerous. So I was very uneasy. Looking at Li Yi, I was waiting for Li Yi's following.

But what surprised him was that Li Yi did not go down, but closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and as if he was waiting to take the initiative to explain this matter, but Luo Guanjia looked at Li Yi's age The psychological aspect is not only a sigh of emotion: the young man in front of him is really not easy. Who can think of such a young age, not only a warrior, but also a craftsman, and this courage and strategic insight Wait is also superman.

"Don't you have anything to ask me?" Luo Guanjia asked himself.

Li Yi closed his eyes and was really thinking, because he didn’t want to be affected by his sight to affect his thinking judgment. Although he knew that Xiao Li’s things were definitely inseparable from the Luo butler in front of him, he was not willing to go to Luo. The steward is imagined as a person who is skeptical, and he is also measuring another thing in his heart, that is, if he knows this in advance, will he stop it? If not, then he will have to blame Luo butler What.

Hearing Luo Guan's words, Li Yi slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Luo Guan's house, as if he wanted to see what Tuo Luo's house was thinking, but to his disappointment, Luo Guan's pair of well-worn eyes He couldn't see anything, so he could only say lightly: "Does Luo Guanjia say anything to me?"

Butler Luo was stunned for a while before saying, "I did persuade Li Weiwei to do it, but I didn't deceive him a little bit, and the reasons and consequences were clearly explained to him. I also admit that I have a little bit of this matter. Selfishness, but from the perspective of the Korean government, it is definitely beneficial and harmless, and it is also in line with your son's plan!" Luo Guanjia said here, stopped for a moment, then moved his mouth, it seems I still wanted to say, but I still listened.

"I only ask you, have you considered the safety of Xiao Li?" Li Yi asked what he cared more about.

"I have carefully investigated, even if Li Weiwei can't win, but there must be no problem in escaping, and just when you first came back, I have sent Wu Xinglong out and let him stay in Li Shiwei if he retreats The only way to go, so I am sure that Li Shiwei will not be in danger of life." Luo Guanjia answered Li Yi's question.

"That's good, I'm worried about Xiao Li's safety. If he lost his life here, I wouldn't be able to explain to myself!" Speaking of this, Li Yi gave Luo Guanjia a glance, but Luo Guanjia in his eyes was still Standing there in a straight line, although not very radiant, but still in style, Li Yi's mind turned around again, and then he said: "Okay, I'm tired, and today's things are like this Well, if Li comes back, he must let me know."

After listening to Li Yi's words, Luo Guanjia doubted that he had heard the words wrongly. Li Yi turned this matter down lightly, but he didn't mean to hold himself accountable, so Luo Guanjia only It was so unexpected that standing there was neither walking nor walking.

Seeing that Luo's housekeeper did not respond, Li Yicai continued to ask: "Do you have anything else, Luo housekeeper?"

"Son, don't you hold me accountable?" Luo Guanjia is also very upright, so he simply asked out what he didn't understand.

"I just thought about prosecution, but if I stand in your position, maybe I will do the same. Since it is so, it means that what you are doing is human nature. Furthermore, for the Lord Luo, I It’s an oath. I can’t do it to avenge him. But if I can avenge his young son, I’m happy to finish it. This is also a little bit of comfort to the Luo family head!” Li Yi The voice was a little low, like he was talking to Luo's housekeeper, and it was like saying to himself that the end of the Luo family's head was already what he expected.

These words of Li Yi do not have any pretentiousness. This is sincerely speaking the thoughts in his heart, but in Luo Guan's heart, it has a different effect. He suddenly was very grateful to Li Yi, and for the Luo family He never gave up his kindness to him, so he would have Xiaoli tonight, but he did not expect that Li Yi, who knew that the Luo family would be destroyed, still treated the Luo family in this way, but he was also serious and righteous. in this way!

"Thank you, Master!" Luo Guanjia said this sentence, and bowed deeply to Li Yi. This bow is not only his true performance, but also for the Luo family.

"Son son, there is one more thing. The owner of the Luo family has quietly sent his only grandson to our house. How do we deal with this matter?" Unconsciously, Luo Guanjia's tone changed. There also seems to be a change in attitude and mood.

"You are responsible, take good care of it. Now you can only take one step at a time. We may not be able to stay safe here, but as long as I still have some ability, I will definitely protect him. You will arrange the rest, you are now But the housekeeper of Hanfu, please don’t ask me anything!”

"Yes, son, let's rest first!" Luo Butler heard the fatigue in Li Yi's tone, so he offered to quit.

Floating city, inside the main palace.

The sound not far away was gradually heard, and the night was even deeper. At this time, no one knows how many people died near the Luo family outside, and how many innocent people are among them. Die.

"Brother, let's go all the way!" said the master of the floating city in front of a table, and then sprinkled a glass of wine on the ground. Not far behind him, an old man sat, watching this scene quietly .

"City Lord, I'm sorry!" After a while, the old man's voice came quietly, and the voice was guilty and exhausted.

"Don't say this to Master Xu, this matter is not to blame you."

"Tomorrow, this floating city may start to be uneven. Once a person tears off his mask, he may become very wanton!" Xu Bozhi continued slowly.

"Come early and come late, sooner or later, so why not worry, just don't know if you are ready, Mr. Xu!"

"Haha, there is nothing to prepare, this is how it is, so there is no need to think about it again, but I don’t know where my discouraged apprentice has gone, why not come to me now, but today After the evening, I hope he won't come to me!" Xu Bozhi's tone was helpless.

"The nobles must be safe and sound!" said the lord of the floating city comfortingly.

After finishing this sentence, the two had nothing to say at the same time, and they had their own thoughts when looking at the scene in front of them.


After a night, how much life and death leave.

Life is impermanent, no more than life and death!

Over the night, the floating city has undergone great changes. In the square centered on the Luojia in the southeast corner, there is no complete building in the basic mountain. Along with the ruins, there are many corpses. Behind the corpse was the dispute between last night and last night.

The Luo family is gone, but not only the Luo family but also his neighbors are suffering!

This time, the expected conflict is also an unexpected conflict. In addition to the loss of the Luo family, the second largest loss is to the Fangsheng League. The people of the Fangsheng League include more than 300 people including their commanders. The team was completely eliminated.

In addition, the first batch of four forces who attacked the Luo family did not lose a lot. Basically, none of the people who attacked survived. In the rescue process later, because they worried about their own people, they rushed The most fierce, naturally the biggest casualties.

However, these things did not surprise everyone, because in a sense, these are within the imaginable range, but the other thing has caused everyone to pay more attention, because no one has I thought something like this would happen.

This thing is that the stronghold of the Fanyue Valley was taken over by people. What is even more bizarre is that the commander of the Fanyue Valley actually died strangely in front of the gate of his stronghold. The dead posture is also quite strange Kneel down in the southeast direction.

Although the major forces do not communicate frequently, they do not hinder the understanding of each other’s situation. The people who can kill the Fanyue Valley and the people on the bright side are all counted, but these people are not staying in their strongholds. Inside, it is to encircle and suppress allies.

The strangeness of this matter makes everyone in the power very puzzled, but everyone basically has the conclusion that it must not be done by an unknown person, and even some people are speculating whether it is Brahma Gu got something important, and then was intercepted by which force, but it was a bit unethical to choose to do it while encircling and suppressing the people of the Alliance.

However, no matter how you guess, no one doubts the mysterious craftsman at the northeast corner. No matter how you guess, the power of Fanyue Valley in the floating city has lost a lot, which makes the powerful forces still very happy. After all, there are fewer people competing with oneself. At the same time, people who tell themselves must strengthen their inquiry and then do their own defense.

Early in the morning, there were many petitioners outside the city’s palace, but for these people, the city lord did not receive them, but sent his deputy to tell these people that the city lord’s government would definitely catch the murderer and give everyone a stable living environment.

But can this life be quiet? The people who are affected around the battlefield have hurriedly moved away from this land of right and wrong. Therefore, a large area in the southeast corner of this floating city really fits the last two of its name. Words: empty city.

There seems to be nothing special about Hanfu. It still seems to be living a life that is incompatible with this floating city. What is more strange is that a large area centered on Hanfu seems to be the most peaceful and best in this floating city. In places where there are many able-bodied floating city residents who want to see this situation, they want to come here. After all, no one wants to be in the flames of war.

Within the Han Mansion, Xiao Liu looked at the warriors who were training in front of him, but his mind was long gone.

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