"What!" Li Yi felt like he was being tricked. "What do you mean! I believe that the light system is destroyed, I still believe that the dark system guards? Isn't this fart!"

"Well, everyone who has learned the secret contract technique understands that the secret contract technique does not have much attacking power." Li Yuanli took a teacup and wanted to take a sip.

"Fuck!" Li Yi overturned the tea cup with one hand, and saw Li Yuan's distressed look on his face, and then he was content with satisfaction. "Then we were beaten miserably that day!"

"Of course, there are a lot of aggressive spells in the advanced dark contract technique. It's normal." Li Yuan shrugged and reached out to drink tea again, only to find that the tea cup had been overturned and he had to stop.

"Meet the master," Gu Lei looked worried about the country and the people, "I'm dead..."

Li Yi also nodded and agreed.

Li Yuan couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Do you know that you are afraid? Hey, but as long as Li Yi learns how to use these treasures, um... even if he comes to three or four senior contractors!"

"Really so brave?" When Li Yuan nodded, Li Yi asked again, "Then, if you come to ten, will you eat it?"

Li Yuan angered, slapped on Li Yi’s fat head, and scolded: “You’re not enough to provoke one. You want to get more opponents out?”

"Okay, okay, let's go to class..." Li Yi begged for mercy.

"OK. In fact, it is wrong to say that contract art is fixed and invariable. There is also a set of language in contract art, but no one knows it. Of course, the current mantra of these contract arts is based on the ancients' research on the language of contract art. It’s compiled from the above. Don’t be surprised, in fact, all the spells in the world have a set of languages, of course, except for chanting. These spells are just not as complete as the language system of the ancient **** summoning technique.” Li Yuandun Suddenly, looking at the seriousness of his two "students", he then satisfactorily squeezed his chin and said, "This means that any spell has great variables. For example, the combination of fire and ice can create Bing. Of course, you are still young, and have no knowledge..."

"What!" Li Yi and Gu Lei were anxious.

"I'm not small anymore!" Li Yi said.

"I'm very big!" Gu Lei also scrambled.

When she finished, she found that the atmosphere at the scene was wrong, and all the father and son of Yingshi looked at her with dazzling eyes, especially her chest...

Gu Lei became furious and quickly read the spell, throwing dozens of fireballs at the father and son. Li Yuan chuckled, but didn't see him doing anything. A gust of wind hit him, intercepting Gu Lei's fireball, hovering around and tearing the fireball.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "This is how strokes are used in actual combat."

"Macho." Gu Leinan said.

"Hehe, hehe, haha, hahaha..." Li Yuan, the old man who was not respected, laughed with pride.

"Damn it!" Li Yuanke no matter who the other party is, he pinched Li Yuan's neck again, "Something to show off! Give me a honest lesson! Show it again, be careful that I will destroy you!"

Poor Li Yuan can only sigh Li Yi for being filial and continue to "learn class."

Contract equipment is cool!

Li Yi used these two things in less than two days, and all of his consciousness was attributed to Li Yuan's teachings.

Now Li Yi, as long as he wears any two pieces of contract equipment, he can defeat several middle-level contractors in a big defeat-of course, these "several" refers to the situation of not more than two.

Not only that, Li Yi also discovered several characteristics of these seven contract equipment (the name is very bad, really... very bad!)-the above is actually blessed with contract technology!

Contract equipment can be used as long as someone provides mental power, and mental power is the source of energy that all spells rely on. The size of mental power also determines the individual's achievement in spells to a certain extent. That is to say, the average person is very It's hard to be a formal contractor-after all, the mental power of the average person is almost insignificant.

For Li Yi, this is fatal.

According to the original situation of Li Yi, at most he can only be a junior contractor. Of course, he cannot be a contractor. Then, according to his previous situation, he can only use rubbing dripping water to rub the soil out and play. It can be said that the strength is extremely poor.

What is abnormal is that he has a crown prince.

It was the broken silver ring set with a black stone.

According to Li Yuan, in addition to the status of the holder of the crown prince, the crown prince also blessed many spells, including the "protective light armor" that was automatically released. The black stone above it, really named "Abyss Starry Sky", was excavated from the depths of the bottom of the Central Mountain Range and has the effect of increasing spiritual power. As we all know, underground spirits are entrenched in the depths of the central mountain range. In the face of such a dangerous race, the difficulty of collecting the "Abyss Starry Sky" can be imagined.

This is the reason why Li Yi is still able to cope with the fact that the contract equipment is twice as powerful as the mental power of Nianshu.

The blessing spell is a high-level contractual skill that can be blessed by the talents above the senior contractor level.

The magic is that the blessing on the items can be activated with very low mental power, and the esoteric level here is beyond the understanding of Li Yi, a single-celled fat man.

As for the blessing spells hidden on the contract equipment, Li Yi found only two.

The fire sword is attached with the advanced fire contract technology "fire of punishment". After launching, the sword body will be enveloped by a ball of flame. Once any enemy other than his own person is cut, it will be lit by the flame and roasted into a Brazilian barbecue. ...

The water shield is attached with a mixed spell of "water and fire", which uses the temperature control ability of the fire system to freeze or roast all the enemies it touches, which is very abnormal...

But what is even more perverted is that a large piece of "Abyss Starry Sky" was inlaid on the dark helmet!

"Abyss Starry Sky"...

Thinking of this, Li Yi smiled Yinyin.

You have to know that there is more mental power, so how much contractual art will be released for yourself!

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible!

This is the true description of Li Yi's current mental state.

"Boy, wait to die!" Li Yi is now in high spirits, often shouting wildly at the sky.

Li Yuan and Gu Lei looked at him with a depressed face, and looked at him with the eyes of the animals.

The decisive battle is coming!

The deadline agreed upon by the high-level dark contractor was getting closer and closer, and even the two living treasures Li Yi and Gu Lei could not help but worry.

"If you lose again, it's not just a matter of face, you may die!" Fat people often talk to themselves with a fat face.

Gu Lei shut himself in the house, practiced and memorized the mantra of the contract, and only came out while eating and breaking up.

After a period of time, Li Yi actually lost a circle!

Although not obvious, but the fat man is indeed thin.

If at ordinary times, the fat man will fly happily, but now his life is important, he can't control so much, and continue to practice spells and his martial arts.

Yes, martial arts!

It's hard to imagine that a man like a fat man turned his martial arts into something. This is also the result of his life-like entanglement of the generals in the middle of the world, intimidating and tempting them to teach themselves.

Now he, Mo said that Yushu's breathtaking attitude is also refreshing, and he feels like a man.

However, at this time, the three people's feelings are somewhat different.

Although he was also afraid of losing his life, Li Yi was a little happy-finally came out! Finally lost weight! You can finally soak up more cuties! And Gu Lei's expression is very silent-no matter what this dead fat pig looks like, life matters! But the strange thing is that Li Yuan is more worried.


Li Yuan’s reasons are very good and powerful, which can be traced back from ancient times to the present day. The general idea is that from ancient times to the present, whoever has become a major event, the excessively handsome is only harmful but not beneficial! Although Li Yi is not handsome at all...

This kind of view is strange, but it wins because of the perverted reason: as long as you are handsome, and you are the kind of big success, there will be many beautiful women who will be sought after, but they will fall into the personal affection of their children and cannot extricate themselves. Harm.

The reason is good, that is, Li Yi is not so close...

But now is not the time to think about it, the night of the decisive battle is approaching, hurry to practice is the best policy.

The night of the decisive battle, the eastern suburbs of the new city.

Li Yi is fully armed, the muscles of his body are tightly alert, and his eyes enveloped by the dark energy in the dark helmet can only feel the life energy of Gu Lei except himself. This makes him very uneasy and inexplicably uneasy, although he knows The father was watching them not far away.

Relatively speaking, Gu Lei relaxed a lot. Since knowing that Li Yuan will secretly protect them, he has been in this state of being in a state of fearlessness.

This makes Li Yi even more nervous. A rumbling laughter came and scared Li Yi and Gu Lei almost sitting on the ground! Li Yi couldn't even feel him!

And perceiving the life energy of the creature is the most basic ability of the Nianju, and it is also its strong point.

For this enemy who completely suppressed his "angry", Li Yi lost almost all his fighting spirit.

The light laughter sounded again, but Li Yi and Gu Lei could not tell whether "he" was a man or a woman.

"Okay, don't play with you anymore." A thin figure emerged from the darkness, a figure wrapped in a white headscarf, wearing the same white foot-robes, and a figure with a male voice!

"Man?" Li Yi wondered.

"Female!" The charming female voice came from the direction of the figure and slowly took off the headscarf.


Li Yi's saliva is almost coming out!

Probably out of a natural jealousy towards beautiful women, Gu Lei sipped and launched the spell. Along with the recitation of mantras, a blaze of fire appeared from Gu Lei's body, and at the same time, the same blaze appeared around the woman with a beautiful face.

"Jade and stone are all burning"! Li Yi woke up and tried to interrupt Gu Lei's spell, but was one step late.

The brightness of the firelight was instantaneously increased several times. Almost at the same time, the two women were surrounded by a soaring fire column. For a time, even if Li Yi's ability was strong, he could not save any one.

"Jade and Stone Burning" is the most extreme spell in the fire contract technique. It can kill both you and your opponent at the same time. Li Yi could not understand for a while, why Gu Lei had such a thought of dying together.

However, things will never be as simple as people see.

After the pillar of fire was extinguished, the two were still standing intact, but Gu Lei was somewhat powerless.

Of course, the same spell is exhausting mental energy.

But... how are they all intact?

When Li Yi was strange, Li Yuan’s voice came from his ear: "That woman should be an elf. She just used the dark contract technique to "swallow". The principle is similar to the force field you use to use your mental power. Gu Lei uses "Holy Light Guardian", well, it is estimated that her mental strength is almost used..."

It turned out that...

"It's an elf!" Li Yi smiled happily. "Our country explicitly prohibits the freedom of elves, letting them go out alone is impossible, hehe..."

Then he laughed loudly, terrifying the other three hearts: "Whoever comes, sign up!"

It seems that only people like Li Yi can say such substandard words.

The elf in white seemed stunned for a while, and then said with a smile: "I was the one who kicked your two fat buttocks and feet last time."

To say that Li Yi is "fat" is to touch his most immobile scale, that is, to touch the buttocks of his fat tiger. You know, Li Yi has lost fat for a long time-of course, those days.

The tiger's **** is untouchable.

Therefore, the angry Li Yi quickly laid out his own fortifications, and then stormed the elf.

The fat man's obese body brought a residual image and rushed towards the elf at a speed no different from that of a beast. It seemed that at this moment, he was poked at the painful place and he did not have the mood to pity Xiangxiyu on weekdays. And the elf woman was taken aback-she didn't expect that this wild bear-like guy could have such a fast speed.

Li Yi was actually taken aback.

He had never thought that his speed would be so fast, some could not hold it, but he wanted to stop but could not hold his foot, and headed straight down to the enemy's feet.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone looked at this funny scene blankly.

Save people!

Gu Lei and Li Yuan exerted force at the same time. One used his last energy to add guardian spells, and the other put two small storms beside him-used to resolve the enemy's two attacks.

However, the situation has not developed to such a bad level-the elf was stunned!

Li Yi took the opportunity to climb up, master the speed, and stab the elven dark contractor with a sword-this sword is a false move, from the bottom up, stab the contractor's chin straight, after she backed away, then But a sword stabs straight, and a sword ends her.

But the sword seemed to penetrate a piece of lard, the strength was gone, and Li Yi's fire sword could not help sliding to the side.

"Damn, it's a shield again!" The fat man scolded angrily, and then freed his left hand, condensing his mental strength on it, forming a vortex with engulfing ability, smirking, and suddenly extended his left hand to the elf, trying to take this Absorb the energy of her shield.

The elf's face was amazed, and her overly underestimated her shield was instantaneously disintegrated.

Li Yi looked smug, but he had already begun to figure out how to defeat and take her as his slave, and then every day...thinking of this, the fat man could not help but giggling, and the sword that extended out gradually stopped.

Seeing this, the elf didn't understand the truth, but he was relieved because he had escaped from the dead. He blinked and came to a few meters away. He re-called the shield and began to prepare the attack spell.

The elf's lips kept turning, reading mantras, a ray of dark energy swam beside her, her hands raised on her chest, and a ray of energy gathered in her hands, gradually growing stronger.

And Li Yi, a stupid man, has been dreaming all the time, even if the enemy is far away, Li Yuan has passed a few words and still has no response, but Gu Lei, let alone, the mental power is exhausted, everyone Fall to the ground, and remind a fart!

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