Helpless, can only see his son suffered a loss. Li Yuan sighed in his heart for a while, at least, his "protective light armor" could block at least the opponent's blow?

I saw that the black light sphere in the elf's hands was getting bigger and bigger, looming a blue light faintly. The elf sipped and pushed the light sphere straight into Li Yi.

The danger was at hand, but the fat man with a muscle didn't notice anything. The whole person stood there stunned, holding the stance of the sword and smirking.

The ball of light crashed silently into Li Yi's protective circle. Two small storms first rushed and greeted them. Suddenly, the fat man whistled around the wind for a time, and the fat man was excited and woke up.

Li Yi looked at the elf opposite him who was preparing to release the second spell. He said strangely: "Scared? Isn't this elf caught by me? Why is it still here?" Just had a daydream.

The two small storms dissipated under the twitch of the black light ball, dimmed many light **** and continued to rush towards Li Yi.

"Er Di God!" The fat man was so scared that he even shouted out the classic lines in a TV series many years ago, but he was too late to escape, and could only close his eyes and wait to die.

However, he didn't hang up.

A golden light shined on him, and the guardian spell that Gu Lei temporarily blessed him played a role. At the same time, the light pendant on the fat man's neck also lit up, emitting the same brilliant light. The whole suburb was as bright as day.

Jin Guang swallowed the flying ball of light. Suddenly, Jin Guang triumphed, and the people around him could not open their eyes. The elf woman stopped chanting and covered her eyes and dared not look in the direction of Li Yi.

However, this golden light was only a flash in the pan, and disappeared after just a few flashes, and the whole world seemed to be dark at once.

A blue-black light ball was posted again, and everyone had spent their eyes because of the strong light just now, and no one could notice this deadly light ball.

Even if it was found, it was too late.

When the people opened their eyes, they discovered that Li Yi was lying on the ground, breathing heavily.

what happened?

What happened just now was almost instantaneous, and the eyes of everyone present could not see clearly, and even the female elf had no time to appreciate the effects of her spells.

At that time, the light ball dangled and slammed into Li Yi's "protective light armor"-the guardian spell blessed by Gu Lei was one-time and could only resist the next attack-to Li Yi went directly to Biaofei, and the light ball remained unrelenting, and rushed towards Li Yi again.

Li Yi thought that this time it was dead, but found that the light ball broke into his side and disappeared again.

"Grandma's!" The fat man happily patted his stomach happily. "Lao Zi forgot to have the devouring force field!" After that, the whole person collapsed to the ground.

Don't look at the engulfing force field that Li Yi usually relies on his Nianshu to create. He actually has a lot of suffering.

Originally, the requirement of mental power for mental power was very high, and the requirement of mental power by this engulfing force field reached an outrageous level. In fact, Li Yi's force field under the body can be regarded as a portal to other planes. In this way, various attacks are equivalent to hitting in the air, which is useless. However, the reason for calling its mental power outrageous is that each time a target is sent, the caster’s own mental power must be consumed according to the energy contained in it. The greater the energy contained in the target, the more mental energy it consumes The more power, and vice versa-the strange thing is that the mental power required to maintain this portal is minimal.

Now Li Yi is too tired to climb because of too much mental energy.

"What's wrong with me! How do I seem to sleep? No, no, I can't sleep! Grandma, I'm finally going to support it now, I won't be willing to die if I don't get this elf girl!" said the lonely fighting fat man There are some words that seem to be "ambitious".

"This kid, do you want to defeat the other party just to get her hand? Something is wrong!" Li Yuan and Gu Lei both thought of this at the same time, despised this fat-hearted fat man.

The female elf snorted coldly: "So easy to beat? Get up! Come again! What's the matter, are both of them finished? Scum! Garbage! Social borers..."

Unexpectedly, this elf female contractor is quite just.

Li Yi gritted his teeth... shameless can not be thrown into this share. He gathered the only trace of mental energy, condensed a water polo on his hand, and shot it on his face.

Your own face?

In fact, how much of a person's mental strength is related to his mental state, otherwise, how is it called "spiritual" strength? When a person is in a very good state, the stock of mental energy will reach its peak, and when the mental energy is exhausted, it will be exhausted and sleepy. At this time, if you find a way to wake yourself up, you will lose Mental power will naturally return.

Of course, this method is only to quench the thirst with a dove. After all, it is very hurtful to force yourself to wake up like this.

To put it bluntly, these spells that require mental power to release are actually called from nature by people's own consciousness. As for spiritual power... it is indeed the energy produced when people concentrate, an unknown energy.

"Hoo... so much more sober." It was really cool to be poured on a cold water polo when I was drowsy, especially at night...

The fat man danced like chicken blood, and climbed up from the ground, grinning at the elf... The female elf shuddered, and felt like he was being targeted by a wolf.

In fact, the fat man is indeed a wolf, like a fake wolf.

At this time, Li Yi's mental strength has been restored.

He smirked again, and the moonlight reflected a chilling light on his white teeth, chilling. He bent down, picked up the fire sword that was almost on the ground, and shouted: "Damn it! Almost extinguished Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu will set fire to the mountain today!"

The problem is, the new city is located on a plain, there is no mountain range for a hundred miles, burn a hairy mountain?

The furious fat man didn't realize that he was wrong, and he continued to dance like a sword.

"Hum, ha ha, ha ha ha ha..." Li Yuan, not far away, had fallen from the sky with a smile, clutching his stomach on the ground and rolling.

The female elf froze, looked at Gu Lei, who was lying on the ground, wondering if he was watching, coma, or sleeping. The expression seemed to ask, "Is this guy a human?"

No wonder, there are not many people who can block advanced dark line of aggressive contracting, let alone deal with two in a row?

The elf was stunned for granted.

On this occasion, the fat man cut his sword again.

He almost passed by again.

In a hurry, the elf put up a shield and tried Li Yi's attack this time, but this time, the fat man pressed his entire weight on the sword.

The shield shattered silently, and the female elf quickly rolled to the side, avoiding Li Yi's blow, but found that she could not escape from the fat man.

Mana Enchantment!

The fat man grinned and walked towards the elf step by step.

She began to panic.

Li Yi looked at the woman tied to the chair opposite, and had made no less than ten possible plans for the future life of the elf.

But then again, if it wasn't for the help of my dad, I'm afraid he had been settled by the female elf.

Now think about it, really scared!

Fortunately, I drove the dead girl Gu Da and Gu Lei back tonight...

Hey...the fat guy couldn't help feeling a palpitations for his beautiful night...

The elf closed his eyes... waiting to die?

No, no, it’s not like that, she is my lover in the future, my senior guard, she shouldn’t wait to die—wait, did I say she was going to kill her?

The fat man continued to grin.

"Speak, what do you want to do? You want to kill or kill as you please." The elf tried to keep herself calm, but her slightly trembling eyelashes had already betrayed her true thoughts.

Fear, the emotions that all living bodies produce.

Li Yi didn't know that he had made this senior contractor feel fear for him, and still had a good dream.

In the end, the strong-willed elves can no longer resist their inner fear of Li Yi, only to follow him... Of course, just fainted, nothing happened to them, I promise...

The next day, Li Yi woke up from the beautiful dream-this dead fat man was alone in the room with the beauty but only had a night of spring dreams!

But Li Yi would not think so.

The fat man was completely indulged in the dream of last night, but did not notice that the heroine in his dream was now tied to a chair and fell asleep...

The fat man in good mood rushed out of the room and started his morning exercise.

When Li Yi came back, the elf was making a lot of noise and asked to loosen her.

It's no wonder that one night's fierce battle caused the spirit of the elf to be wiped out. As a senior contractor, she can't even solve these ropes.

But the strange thing is that she still has the energy to make a lot of noise, and she has not forgotten to make some requests, such as "I am hungry"...

For a fat man, if a beautiful woman is noisy to him, it is interesting to him. If the beautiful woman says "I am hungry" to him, it is an indirect gesture of favor to him.

So, a rich breakfast was placed in front of the elf, and of course, she was also loosened.

The fat man looked at the elf in front of him in a speechless manner. She didn't seem to have the elegance of the elves at all. She just ate and drank, and even put her legs up!

"In fact, she really resembles Gu Lei in a certain way..." The fat man observed carefully and secretly said.

The elven woman in front of her, like her compatriots, has the delicate face of an unusual human woman, but she has a slightly dangerous taste in the delicate show. Her long silver hair cannot explain her tribe, and she is messed up on her head. A pair of black Danfeng eyes is Li Yi's favorite place on her body-because he can often see his reflection in it.

Obviously, the elf did not relax his guard.

But the fat man obviously didn't know, he thought that this elf crush was attracted by his heroic fighting last night, which led to a secret to him...

He also asked the question in his heart: "Will Miss Fang Lingge, from which tribe, from the name of the surname, do you have a boyfriend..."

Inadvertently, the fat man asked his biggest purpose.

"Ling, the dark elf, 130 years old, no..." Vague and with a unique voice when eating.

"So dear Miss Ling, you... dark elf!" The fat man jumped!

Cruel, inhumane, fratricidal... All kinds of races covered by bad reputation are abandoned compatriots that all elves despise! All the elf slaves that Li Yi knows are so gritty to describe the race of the dark elves, so that Li Yi jumped up as soon as he heard this elf introduce himself!

After all, there is no record of the dark elves living deep in the ground of the Central Mountains. How come there is a woman who will be bored to run out into the human kingdom?

Of course, the fat man doesn't mean any sexism. His current thinking is just-"If you sell it, there will definitely be a good price!"

Surprised, Li Yi once again looked at the elf like a refugee in front of him and estimated the price.

But Li Yi once again dismissed this idea of ​​his own. Finally, he got a dark elf. As a royal family, he did not lack money. What did he sell?

So our fat classmates again raised some unhealthy ideas of female elves...

The night was once again shrouded in the vast land of Atlantis, lights were lit up in the new city, and the country was covered with a gorgeous coat.

The nightlife of Xincheng began.

From a distance, there are a few houses where the black lamps are blind, maybe the owner is not at home, or the poor people can't afford the money for the lamps?

In one of the magnificent mansions, a man in luxurious clothes was listening to his report.

"As you said, the third child did defeat that senior dark contractor? Well... it should be taken seriously." The voice was hoarse, and a noble and irresistible feeling emerged.


"So, suppress him. After all, someone who can defeat and conquer the senior contractor will also indirectly increase the strength of the youngest..." There was a pause. "After all, it is his child, although he is outside. raw."

"Subordinates know what to do."

"Go down..." The man seemed to be tired and waved his hand. After his men stepped back, the man thoughtfully looked at the lights outside the window. "It's fun..."

The finger looked at the table a little bit, and the man fell into contemplation.

Li Yi was a little depressed, without him, because he was called into the palace early this morning by his grandfather.

With his grandfather, who was an emperor, he had a match, and Li Yi felt a bit boring-this is the dialogue between the royal family? No nutrition at all!

It was the old man's words that attracted the fat man's attention: "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Li Yi blurted out: "Sleep to sleep and wake up naturally, count money and cramp!"

For the time being, no matter what Li Yi's original intention is, anyway, he is affirming that he copied other people's classic quotes, so that our fat people have been smug when they go back.

It seems that his current identity can easily reach this legendary state!

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