After spending a day with grandfather, after using dinner, Li Yi said goodbye to the old man and went out of the palace-he didn't come in a carriage and exercised his name as he called it, but even the fool knew that he was just Want to appreciate the beauty along the way...

What a boring day! Walking on the central avenue of the commercial district next to the palace, Li Yi felt a little emotional, looking at the bustling crowds on the street, and people's clothes, and then looked at the luxurious and impeccable "Grand Sun suit" on his body. Li Yi only smiled bitterly. ——My people are here, but my heart...

There are my loved ones here, and there... no!

However, there is the place where I have been since birth! I don’t know what happened to the class of the neighboring class. Now I am sure to enjoy life in a good university? Enjoying the process of learning, friendship, love...

We are not all people of a world, I really hope to be able to go back and see! Housekeeper Lao Zhang will certainly be anxious if he can't find me, right?

Li Yi smiled bitterly again and shook his head. go back? The enchantment of this world has not completely decayed, how to get out?

He stopped and looked sadly towards the west, in the direction of the sunset, where the clouds turned the light of the sunset into a blood-red color, which was extremely sad, and Li Yi looked sad in his heart.

He was dazed, but he heard a noise before him. He looked curiously, but he couldn't help laughing.

A group of people in black are waving their swords and dancing, and an ambiguous voice comes out from the masked mask: "Don't move! Rob!"

At least, the robbers in this world are just like there, very tasteless.

The fat man smiled, very simply, turned his head and ran, shouting loudly as he ran: "Help! Take money! Dead man! Terrible!" There is no royal demeanor at all.

If you can choose, Li Yi will not run away with such a faceless face, he will rush forward, shout "Little Thief Dare", and then fight against this group of tasteless robbers for 300 rounds , And beat them up, falling into the water and running in the water, holding their heads and rats, and then accepting the admiration of the world. But unfortunately, he didn’t even bring his contract equipment today, and it seemed a bit illusory that he wanted to turn this group of robbers out of mind. The sword was always blind. Without the protection, Li Yi didn’t want to Go up to touch the mold, and hang up the color to go back.

Li Yi’s training was very effective some time ago, and he quickly ran out of the commercial area-this robbery, let the police team in the city solve it, my lord, I still run well!

He paused breathlessly, looking back to see how far he ran out, only to find that a cold big knife didn't know when it was around his neck.

"Hey, the fat man runs very fast," Da Da leaned against his neck, only then did Li Yi find that a man in black was standing by his side sometime, "Are there any wind or wind? ,little sheep!"

The fat man could only follow the black robbers in despair.

Returning to the central avenue of the business district, passers-by and businessmen did not rush to the center of the road, forming a circle. A dozen robbers walked around this circle, preaching the so-called "robbery policy."

"Our Tiger Robber Gang is a gang with serious discipline and fine traditions. Every member is proficient in pitting, abducting and stealing the five great skills. Of course, our main business is robbery. Our aim is not to **** it, only to dare not **** it. The hostage is God. Let me read out the robbery regulations: First, the old and the young women and children are our first robbed targets. Second, the gorgeously dressed ones can rob and rob..." Reading the dossier in his hand, but what he said was a bit meaningless...

Therefore, Li Yi laughed again.

"Get in here!" The man in black who had come to him pushed towards his back and pushed him into the crowd.

Li Yi had to squat down with his head in his arms and act like a good man.

Anyway, I have money, please grab it...the fat man thought.

But he didn't want to, Li Yi was squatted down and was dragged up again.

"For example, gorgeously dressed..." The big man on the table pointed at the fat man with the dossier in his hand. "Like this, we should just grab this..."

Li Yi didn't know why he was established as a model of "fancy dress". He was pushed and dragged by this one, and then pushed again. Before a reaction came, a knife was placed on his back. On his neck, the man in black with a knife shouted at him sharply: "Fat fat man, if you want to live, give up all your money!"

Fat people also have tempers, so Li Yi easily explained this.

Li Yi originally participated in this "robbed" game with a good attitude, but a comrade who didn't understand should say the fattest hate... The result is very simple, Li Yi ran away.

Li Yi shone this blue and black light on his body, blocking the knife around his neck. Then, Li Yi, who was very martyr plot, stepped towards the man in black who threatened him with the knife.

The "protective light armor" quickly unfolded under the fat man's anger, and the crown prince's ring on his finger also flashed the same blue and black light. Li Yi tried his best to use his own mental power. Under the action of Nianshu, a pool of liquid quickly condensed in his right palm, and his left hand began to become hot. He put his two hands together without expression, and suddenly, he The right hand started to burn.

The fat man grinned and grabbed the knife on his neck with his right hand. Under the action of high temperature, the entire knife body quickly melted, and the heat was quickly transferred to the knife holder's hand using the good conductivity of the metal. He screamed and lost the left hand. The handle of the knife, blowing his hand desperately, tried to reduce the hot temperature of his hand.

While taking advantage of the gangster's panic, Li Yi punched his chin fiercely, picked up a spark, and the gangster's chin suddenly burst into a large bubble.

In the screams of the gangsters, Li Yi sinisterly used a trick "monkey stealing peach". From the expression of this poor gangster, he seemed to have lost his capital as a man for the rest of his life.

The fat man blew out the flames remaining on his hands, and the fat hands exposed were clean and shining with dazzling light... "Who else! Come and eat the master!" Li Yi raised his hands and shouted loudly. Heroic, thinking of the poor brother who had just lived, all the gangsters lived together and fought together in a cold war.

Li Yi smiled triumphantly, but in a blink of an eye, with a mumble, the fat man's body of up to two hundred pounds collapsed and the dust flew.

The gangster behind the fat man was the one who had just spoken passionately. I saw him tapping his head with the dossier in his left hand. The wooden stick in his right hand turned a few gorgeously in his hand and said carefully: "Brother, Buddies are just grabbing money, are you desperate?"

He turned around, pointing at the group of trembling captives in front of him, and said in full spirit: "Brothers! Grab money and rob food!"


"I can't change my name, I can't change my surname, I'm going to rob the tiger and help Pang Hu!"




"do not know!"

"Tell me honestly!"


"Uncle! I'm wrong! But I really don't know anything! I haven't had a father or mother since I was a kid..."

In the underground cell of the new city, the head of the ring tiger gang is very miserable sitting on a chair with a strange shape. The peculiarity of this chair is that no one will be very comfortable no matter how he sits on the chair, thus giving the quilt The interrogator had a strange sense of oppression and torture that would not fall asleep on the chair no matter how tired.

Obviously, the effect of this chair is still very obvious.

The head of the robber who was very arrogant when he first came in quickly recruited things under the expertise of this chair and interrogator. In fact, even if he didn’t say anything, just the assault on the civilians and the royal family was enough for him to drink a pot. .

Now Pang Hu has lost the sight of the robbery, only to see his ragged clothes, a few strands of dirty hair hanging down from his forehead, as he struggles from time to time, a trace of blood protrudes from the damaged part of the clothes from time to time After coming, it was obviously beaten hard by someone on the ground. The eyes that were originally bright and sharp were now covered with bloodshot eyes and dull.

He has not slept for more than ten days. Every time he is confused, the chair under him reminds himself like an interrogator who is proficient in human structure, so he can't sleep at all! He thought of leaving this tormenting thing, but his hands and feet were tied to the chair. No matter how he struggled, he couldn’t leave the arms of the chair. He wanted to faint, but... whenever he would be on the back of the chair When the back of his head hit his head with blood, when he collapsed on the chair, a large pot of ice water poured down his head to wake him up.

When Pang Hu arrived here, he realized that the person he knocked out was a relative of the imperial family, which was a big crime! Even if the emperor's grandson didn't find his own trouble, robbing civilians in the imperial city alone was a big crime.

Now Pang Hu can only pray that he died is not ugly.

Just as he endured psychological and physical torture and was about to find a way to commit suicide, the prison door was pushed open by the jailer, followed by a gorgeously dressed fat man.

Pang Hu saw at a glance that this fat man was the one who knocked out-Huangsun!

Sin, sin, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon...

Pang Hu closed his eyes slowly, waiting for his trial to arrive.

"You were released." The jailer's voice with almost no emotion came.

Pang Hu's closed eyelids moved, but he didn't open it. He was worried that once he opened his eyes, he would see a swaying knife passing in front of him, and then the jailer's sick smile, and...

It is said that jailers in many prisons have this perverted hobby, depriving prisoners of their lives while giving them hope.

Therefore, he dare not open.

"If you want to kill or kill you, don't play this game with me, okay!" Pang Hu still closed his eyes, and his closed lips seemed to make him whole-hearted.

"Open your eyes! You are released now! Do I still play games with you?"

This voice...

Pang Hu finally opened his eyes. Sure enough, it was that fat man!

At the same time, a "Fat Fatty, it's you!" also blurted out.

Looking at the green muscles bursting on Li Yi's forehead, Pang Hu screamed badly, and before he could react, he even flew out with a chair.

"Dogs can't change to eat shit!" Li Yi said, rubbing his wrists bitterly, and looked down at Panghu with a middle finger.

Although they do not understand the specific meaning of this gesture.

When Pang Hu followed Li Yi out of the prison, he believed that what happened to him was true.

After walking with the fat man on the street for a while, Pang Hu finally couldn't help but asked, "Why did you save me?"

Li Yi stopped abruptly and slowly turned around: "I thought you wouldn't ask, grandma, it hurt me to dress so deeply for so long!"

The robbery of the tiger gang can't help but swallow the mouth, the mocking words swallowed from his mouth, he chose to be silent again.

"Okay, let me tell you. I need an escort. It's quite appropriate to see you as big five and three thick. So, you come out." Li Yi spread his hands and shrugged.

Because of this? "Aren't you afraid that I'll hurt you?" Pang Hu narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't believe his logic. What does it mean to be a guard if he grows up to five or three? Did he forget who stunned him and stripped his clothes off the street? ——Although after Li Yi was knocked out.

"That's it." Li Yi nodded, turned around and walked away. "It's not fast to keep up, yes, what's your name?"

"Pang Hu, but..." Pang Hu quickly followed.

"I know what you want to say," Li Yi knows how you look and pats Pang Hu's shoulder. "With enough interests, people can do anything."

Now the master of the tiger gang completely understood it. He looked at him with two eyes and listened to the meaning of the young master. It should be that he wanted to hire himself-this year, if there is a proper job and a good income, who Will you run around to do illegal activities? After all, the current situation of this society is forced.

In fact, in Atlantis, the social career rate is also quite high. People who do not find a job in the city will basically return to their hometowns in the countryside. As their parents work **** the one-third of an acre left by their grandparents, they expect In the next year's bumper harvest. And those who were sent by their parents to learn craftsmanship from a young age, and if they are lucky, they can get the true biography of the master. Opening a craft shop in the city or the countryside can also feed themselves-of course, it is just to feed themselves.

And learn some fighting skills-very few parents will send their children to learn these things, in their words, "we are just a child, killing and killing, but it is easy to kill!"

Our poor Pang Hu was an orphan since he was a child. The only thing he learned when he was so grown up was to fight home, but normal people would like to do this, so when he heard that Li Yi meant to let him be a guard, he was naturally happy. Terrible.

"In this case, I have a stable income every month, and have a proper job. Look at this young master’s status, it should not be low. According to my ability, I should be able to mix it into a good place. The saved money can buy a cheap house in the city, then get married, and have children..."

Yes, this is the most basic idea of ​​civilians, stable days, happy families, these are enough to tie everything to a man.

It was precisely because Li Yi understood him that he wanted him out. He read the data of these robbers. Only he was a poor orphan, and according to the new Qin law, the attackers of the royal family were basically not dead. It will live soon.

Suddenly, he asked Pang Hu out.

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