Not long after I entered the war, I was promoted from a soldier to a commander-in-chief. When I was sixteen years old, the war in the southwest was over, and the riots finally subsided..."

Li Yuan exhaled, his eyes were a bit dull, as if he followed the general again to return to that turbulent era, Li Yi also listened quietly, no longer noisy, and looked at the father in front of him, and gradually felt a little strange stand up.

This is not the usual laughter and slapstick with him, the relationship is like a father like a buddy! Li Yi did not expect that his prodigal father would have such a past.

Li Yuan sighed and went on:

"The war is over, and the Celestial Army is stationed in the southwest to prevent possible rebellion in the future. I have completed the military service and I can go back to the new city to officially do what a prince should do, but I really fell in love at that time. Army, what he gave me was not just riding and hacking, but real enrichment in life. So, my brain was hot and I stayed in the army. What I did not expect was that God prayed overwhelmingly for my stay. The son promoted me to be his guardian commander. Although my fighting skills were not enough, the identity of the prince was still qualified for this position.

The night I decided to stay, Qitian was drunk and pulled me to say a lot of things. Qitian was promoted very quickly. I have never been in a place for a long time. I am the one with the longest contact time. He's a man, so he told me everything...

Including the elf woman...

From that night onwards, I was no longer a simple relationship between him and me, but became a friend who had lost his life.

Later, the Wanqu tribe counterattacked from the big rift, he was sent by the father emperor to carry out a secret mission, and never appeared again, and because I was angry that the father emperor did not tell me the content of his mission, I left Yatti in one go. Lantis, back to the outside world, has been swaying, with the immortal body blessed by the Father and Emperor, I have been living outside to the present. When I figured out that I was going to return, Atlantis was actually People are sealed from within! So the latter thing is nothing more than getting to know your mother, and then with you, and then strolling outside for a long time, until the seal is unsealed, I did not return here..."

"Qi Tian finally came back, but when I talked to him last night, I found out that the task given to him by the father emperor turned out to be..." Li Yuan's eyes were full of tears, and his teeth were clenched tightly, "Qi Tian was given by the father emperor. An alternative blessing has also become immortal, but there is a big drawback!"

Li Yuan looked at Li Yi's eyes and said in a word: "The father emperor turned him into something like a caveman in the Central Mountains! The difference is that he needs to eat or drink for a month to become The caveman's skinny look, but to restore the original human appearance, you need..."

"eat human!"

"What kind of mission is it that needs to be turned into this?" Li Yi opened his eyes wide. He had only heard of zombies before, but he hadn't seen them. Qitian's performance yesterday was exactly the same as that of zombies. ,This……

Li Yuan fell into contemplation and said nothing.

"Old man! Hurry up!" Li Yi grabbed Daddy's shoulder and shook it vigorously, but this time no matter how he tossed Li Yuan, the other party no longer spoke, Li Yuan looked at Li Yi's eyes, which were full of eyes An unspeakable sadness.

"This is a military secret. You haven't reached a certain position in the military, not to mention that you are not in the military now. I can't tell you everything..." Li Yuan's voice was a bit bitter.

"What's the matter with you? I called you here early in the morning and told me a lot of things to pray to heaven, but I still didn't tell me clearly!" Li Yi was downcast on the chair and picked up Li Yuan Tea swallowed hard into his throat, "Old man, should this matter be serious?"

Li Yuan nodded and shook his head again, making Li Yi confused.

"Li Yi, have you been fighting the bandits' idea recently?" Seeing Li Yi nodded, Li Yuan took out a sign from his arms, "This is the sign of the Imperial Guard, you can use it in Select one hundred people in the Imperial Guard and exercise the power of a centurion. If you really want to manage these bandit groups and return the people to a peaceful life, work hard!"

Li Yi took the brand from Li Yuan's hands and didn't know what to do.

"Go." Li Yuan waved his hand and entered the room by himself, closing the door.

Li Yi held a sign symbolizing the power of the centurion, and stayed for a long time before he slowly walked back. He really couldn't figure out why his father became so abnormal today.

Bringing Ling, Li Yi looked very bad and came to the door of the barracks of the Imperial Guard. The fat man was very depressed. Gu Lei, a guy with no loyalty! I even left myself to play with my children! What else did you say yesterday that Fei Zhen was scared because of herself, and she had to play with her for a few days to compensate her...

This is really-what logic!

You know, Li Yi is now going to do a great cause of saving the country and the people! The fat man who has been fantasizing about the people of Limin who served as the savior to rescue Atlantis is very upset-Gu Lei must think that he is just for fun, and deliberately find an excuse not to go with himself, so in Li Yi's pains Next, Ling, Gu Lei's absolute small classmate, agreed to "explode" with Li Yi.

In fact, Gu Lei did think so. The work of these bandits was originally what the security forces of Xinqin should do. Now Li Yi takes the initiative to take the job. Of course, the security officers are happy and the white-collar workers don’t do anything. Who doesn’t like work, and there are only a hundred imperial guards assigned to Li Yi-rest assured, although Li Yi can’t wipe out the surrounding bandits, but by his royal identity, except that his brain is sick Going to the land west of the Central Mountain Range, otherwise in Xinqin, no one would dare to move him. When necessary, his identity will be bright, and others will just let him go.

All this is due to a rule set by the Qin King a long time ago. No one in the New Qin can easily hurt the royal family unless the Qin King orders it himself. This rule does not strictly define what kind of punishment the offender will receive, but there was an assassination of the royal family 50 years before the mainland was sealed. That was the second prince of New Qin. Although he received only a slight knife wound, Except for bleeding a little blood, and the assassin also escaped without a trace after the assassination failed, but the seemingly versatile King Qin simply found him out, tortured him, and extended his life, He still suffers from torture on the bronze punishment post. Since then, no one in New Qin has dared to move a royal hair.

The reason why Pang Hu attacked Li Yi last time was that Li Yi pardoned his crime and was able to escape from birth.

Li Yiyuyu looked at the word "forbidden" riding high at the gate of the barracks, and he couldn't help but think back to the story that Li Yuan told him this morning, and Li Yuan's intention.

"Listening to what Dad said, it seems that he is very dissatisfied with the status quo in this country, but what if he is dissatisfied?" Li Yi scratched his head irritably, "Forget it, don't want to!"

He lifted his legs into the barracks.

"Who's coming! Can you have customs clearance documents?" The guard on guard didn't ask until Li Yi stepped into the camp gate. The inside of the camp gate was the restricted area, but the outside was not. Even if there was a drunken man striptease in front of the camp gate. They couldn't control it, and of course, no one dared to do it again at the barracks gate.

The guard on guard apparently knew the only emperor and grandson of Xinqin, but he still had to routinely ask Li Yi for his duties. Li Yi thought for a while and did not show his emperor and grandson's badge, and took it from his arms. A bronze sign was printed with a life-like wolf head, and the eyes of the wolf were shining brightly in the sunlight, exuding a fierce light.

When the guard saw the sign, he quickly clenched his fists with both hands, crossed his fists across his chest, put them on his shoulders, and marched to Li Yi as a military salute.

Li Yi nodded and walked into the camp with Ling Dabu.

"I can't see it. Brother Li Yi is still an officer!" Ling didn't know whether it was flattering or ironic.

Li Yi blushed: "This is my father's...I haven't joined the army yet-um! At least not in Xinqin!"

Ling "giggled" with a laugh, and the silver bell-like laughter spread throughout the camp of the Imperial Guard. The soldiers in training looked strangely to them, so that Ling hurried to hide behind Li Yi.

Li Yi smiled and nodded to the soldiers he knew. After he got the contract equipment, he didn’t have to come to the generals to learn martial arts. Of course, the territory of the Imperial Guard did not come too. The commanding general of the Imperial Guard was The noble descendants who served in the Celestial Army together with Li Yuan were also a better friend of Li Yuan, so they also took care of Li Yi very much.

Li Yi then strode toward the tent of the general in the middle of the camp. The guard at the door saw him show the centurion wolf card, and he did not block it. He let him lift the curtain and walk in.

"General Meng, my nephew, I came to see you again!" Li Yi greeted the man as soon as he entered the door, greeted the man who was reading the art of war before the case.

The general blinded was a middle-aged man with semi-bald hair. Li Yi, who glanced at the door with two triangular eyes, smiled and said: "It turned out to be the nephew of Yingxian. It's been a few days since you finally arrived. !"

"It's done! Don't follow me!" Li Yi sat down on the po mat in front of the case, greeted Ling and sat down together, poured himself a cup of tea from the case, and drunk it. With a sip, until he saw General Meng's painful expression on his face, he continued with satisfaction and said, "What about the person I last plugged you in?"

"Where is the warrior you dug from," he twitched his lips, "It took only a few days to train it, and the instructors I sent to train him specifically, it's like lifeless..."

Li Yi was full of surprise, but did not show it. He kept the posture of playing haha ​​and slammed a cup of tea: "It's done! General Mongolia, let's talk about business, I'm here to lead someone! You see This-" said to take out the centurion wolf card, swayed a few times in front of the blindfold, and withdrew his arms, "I have the right to pick a hundred people in the Guards now, hey, so I will trouble you Now..."

I wasn’t surprised when I was masked. Although it was still a painful expression, there was a smile on the corner of my mouth: "This is the brand of Li Yuan’s kid, I didn’t expect him to keep it, well, I’ll take you there Get a hundred people, but whether these people are good or bad is up to your eyes!"

Immediately, he got up and left the tent. Li Yi nodded and walked out.

Li Yi followed Meng to the drill field. The soldiers who were in the drill stopped immediately and stood upright. They were led by Li Yi and walked through the crowd. The soldiers all marched towards them when they passed.

After a pause, he pointed to a mud soldier in front of him and said to Li Yi: "Nuo, this is the one you stuffed. If I remember correctly, he should be called Pang Hu, right?"

Li Yi nodded, stepped forward, and said to Pang Hu: "Remember who I am?"

Although Pang Hu was covered in mud and even on his face, he still stood upright for a military salute: "Pang Hu has seen the old man!" Seeing Pang Hu like this, Li Yi couldn't help but think that the army would train people!

Li Yi was called goosebumps by the sound of "Grandpa", and he waved his hand: "I will call him Master in the future, I'm not that old--you go to wash yourself, then come over, I want to pick One hundred people leave."

Pang Hu led away with his heart. For him, the life of the barracks was finally over. Although he hated this place full of rules and required to walk at a standard pace even when walking, he insisted on staying here. Within a few days, he relied on the persistent training in his heart to abandon several instructors who came to train him, and his fame also suddenly started among the soldiers.

In the Imperial Guard Barracks, Pang Hu is now called "Desperate Tiger Lang".

Soon after, Pang Hu changed his clothes and ran to Li Yi in front of him. After saluting a military salute again, he stood aside.

Li Yi patted Pang Hu's shoulder: "Pick me the 100 best ones."

Pang Hu led the order, and then selected Yiyi among the crowd.

Looking at the people who were picked out by Pang Hu, he was bluntly criticized that he should not take Li Yi to find Pang Hu first. This "desperate Hu Lang" is a vigorous thorn. Heads-up, within a few days, slapped the famous soldiers of the entire Imperial Guard. It seems that apart from the newly enlisted soldiers and officers of the centurion, no one has not been beaten by him. God!

Blindness can only pay for your own ideas.

Just after Pang Hu picked out a few soldiers who could beat himself and those who stayed under his own for a long time, a young voice sounded behind Li Yi: "Centre Master, may I ask you to pick What do a hundred people do?"

Li Yi looked back, a boy about fourteen or five years old was timidly looking up at him behind his back, his clear eyes were full of curiosity, Ling said, looking at the boy joyfully-girl According to Li Yi’s point of view, he likes Xiao Zhengtai and Xiao Loli, although Ling’s psychological age is not very big...

Blindfolded, he turned his head. Although he didn't ask, he still wanted to know Li Yi's purpose in picking people.

Li Yi's fat face was full of smiles: "Little brother, we are going to gangsters and need manpower, so come here to pick people..."

"The bandit? The bandit group?!" The little boy screamed and grabbed Li Yi's hand tightly. "Master Centurion, please let me go!"

"Ravage! Xu Wen, look at your own rank! You are just a recruit who just joined the army this year!" A deputy commander yelled at the little boy and was very dissatisfied with his behavior.

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