"It's okay, it's okay," Li Yi played in the round. He didn't want to let the little boy be punished by the chief because of his identity. Li Yi still asked with a smile, "Why do you want me to take you there?"

"Because...because, my parents!" Xu Wen's tears came out, "They were all killed by the bandits!" The boy's crying face turned red, and he wiped with dusty sleeves from time to time Tears, "I want to avenge them!"

Ling distressed the boy and pulled out a handkerchief from his arms to wipe the tears for Xu Wen. By the way, he glared at Li Yi and told the fat man clearly-if you don't agree, I will tell Sister Gu to let her Good "education education" you!

Li Yi shrugged and then said: "New recruit Xu Wen..."

"Here!" Xu Wen broke away. Although his body was still developing, he had to undergo such heavy training every day, but he seemed to be thin and stood upright like a javelin.

"Our gangster action is not a joke! Therefore, before you have enough strength, I suggest that you do not participate!" Li Yiyi said rightly.

"Adult! But..." Xu Wen was incoherent, "I can... no, I mean I am young, but...adult! Are the people who have just been selected have strength? So what does this strength come from? Judgment? Does it depend on that person?" Xu Wenji was wise and pointed to Pang Hu who was picking people. The words he said were irrational but not unreasonable.

"This..." Li Yi couldn't answer.

"If the standard of strength depends on the person's approval, then," Xu Wen's eyes revealed a stubborn light, "I want to challenge him!"

As soon as Xu Wen said this, the scene suddenly became quiet, and then the chaos began.

"Look at this recruit's egg. I really thought he was a green onion!"

"That is, if you have the skills, you can choose one with me, and you want to compete with "Desperate Tiger Lang", or I will pass this level first."

"Haha, your Defender under "Hulang" will bully and bully the children!"

"What kind of bullying is this? I'm just helping his ten commander to educate and educate the new recruit egg. Everyone says, isn't it?"

There was another coup.

Pang Hu looked at Xu Wen's weak body dismissively and shook his head. The main reason why he didn't challenge the recruits was that the recruits were of poor quality. This kind of weak opponent is still very unremarkable. You must know that the New City Guards at that time spent a lot of time and did not subdue him. They had to be recruited by the guards, even if so. At that time, he still beat down several soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

Xu Wen still looked at Li Yi stubbornly and didn't care about the coaxing around him. In his heart, the veterans' coaxing was still quite a distance away from revenge for his parents.

Xu Wen's commander-in-chief couldn't stand it any longer. He stepped forward to salute Meng Guo and Li Yi, and then pulled Xu Wen away. He wanted to take him away for a good lesson. Xu Wen struggled and pulled, During this period, the commander of the ten captains punched hard.

Li Yi saw that Xu Wen's eyes were still stubborn.

The fat man couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to stop it, but Ling first made it difficult for her to step forward. She stepped forward and snatched Xu Wen back from the commander's hand to protect the child. She almost said something unreasonable, "You, Why is he still a child!"

The commander-in-law looked at this beautiful young girl, and he was a little stunned. If he changed to someone else, he would have beaten up without saying a word—I’ll take care of you. But this girl was brought by the emperor and grandson in front of her, not a lover, but also a personal guard or something. It is often said that "playing dogs also depends on the owner". Although this analogy is not too appropriate, but he is a small ten husband When he just bumped against the people around Huang Sun, the general’s face would not look good. Under the balance of pros and cons, he only stood there stupidly, and his eyes looked away from time to time.

The soldiers under his command are enough for him to drink a pot. He doesn't want to be guilty of other crimes because of other things.

After being blind but pretending not to see it, the body turned to the person selected by Pang Hu, and there was another flutter in my heart...

Ling Ling pulled Xu Wen to Li Yi's side, and said to Li Li, who was dumbfounded, "Brother Li Yi! You are saying something!"

As soon as the four words "Brother Li Yi" were exported, the commander of the ten breathed a sigh of relief for the wise decision he had just made-fortunately, he did not make any excessive moves, but they were the "sister" of the emperor's grandson! Although the word "sister" may carry a certain amount of moisture, the intimacy of their relationship is beyond doubt.

Li Yi was a little stunned, looking at Ling with a smirk, a pig like: "I even saw the glory of motherhood..."

His face was flushed with shame, but the deeper pity for Xu Wen was in his heart-how old was his family, his parents were killed by robbers, now they want to take revenge in desperation, how brave it is! She pushed Li Yi, and the tone became more and more rapid: "Look, he doesn't care about anything for his parents, you agree with him!"

Li Yi calmed down and saw Xu Wen's stubborn eyes unimpressed. He nodded: "So, if he can survive the three moves under Pang Hu, I will let him join, otherwise, he will give I practiced in the army for two years and then appeared before me to talk to me about revenge!"

"You...!" Ling Qi was speechless and annoyed, but she wasn't a girl who was sloppy. Although she was still childish psychologically, her years of struggling to survive made her understand that she wanted a real sword. To survive the battle, you have to have a certain amount of capital. If you have insufficient strength, it will only become the cornerstone of your opponent's success! The love for the little boy just now was based on the fact that he had almost the same experience as himself. A sense of similarity between those who lost their parents. In the big things, Ling can still distinguish clearly, otherwise it is impossible to The identity of the elf has remained free in the land of Xinqin until now.

Ling Lue thought about it and stopped talking.

"Sir, thank you!" Xu Wenxing walked up to Pang Hu after the ceremony, during which his eyes seemed more desperate.

He saluted Pang Hu and looked up at Pang Hu's eyes: "Mr. Pang Hu, please give me a move!"

Pang Hu looked at the little boy from beginning to end, his eyes gradually turned from disdain to admiration. Although the other party's age is not old, the filial piety alone has already been recognized by Pang Hu's heart-after all, the most important thing about the people in the rivers and lakes is that they are affectionate and righteous, not to mention the filial person.

Even Pang Hu, who had been a robber, gradually developed a trace of guilt in his heart, feeling ashamed of his previous occupation.

Pang Hu nodded and returned a military salute to Xu Wen: "Little brother, be careful. My three moves will do my best, but not to make you difficult, but to make you survive more on the battlefield. Chances are, if you can’t even take my three strokes, letting you go with us to kill the bandit will only be a waste of your life..."

"Thank you for your reminder," Xu Wen looked at Pang Hu firmly, "I will take your three tricks seriously! Not only to prove your strength, but also to be able to avenge your parents!"

"Good boy, even if you can't pass him today, I want you as well tomorrow!" Li Yi clapped his hands to cheer behind. He is still admired for such a real **** person, even if the other party is just a minor child.

"I'm here!" Pang Hu made a reminder. When the last word popped out of his lips, he made a leap to Xu Wen who was already ready for defense. A leg sweep knocked Xu Wen to the ground. "It's a taboo in close combat to only keep the upper body and not the lower body!"

Xu Wen only felt dizzy for a while, and the whole person lay down on the ground. Seeing Pang Hu put his feet down, he had to lift him up. He tumbling on the ground anxiously and turned out Pang Hu's attack range. Get up.

Pang Hu's reminder undoubtedly gave him a beacon to show his way. He instantly took a defensive posture and watched Pang Hu's every move nervously.

Xu Wen felt his heart beating violently. When his parents were still in the past, he often had such an experience when fighting with children in the neighboring village. As long as he was nervous during the fight, he would have a faster heartbeat and eyes. Blurred, short of breath, the whole person's movements seem to be unable to keep up with the rhythm.

This is happening now, which is not a good sign. Whenever this happens, the result of the fight always ends with his failure. At that time, he couldn’t effectively command his body. Every time, his body is always a half-slow shot, which is often hit by people.

"No! No! My parents' hatred hasn't been reported yet! I can't lose! Even if I die, I have to kill a few **** robbers! If I lose, I am afraid I can only stay in the Imperial Guard for the rest of my life. It's impossible to kill even a robber in a lifetime!" Xu Wenru thought, "No, focus on it, imagine your parents! Imagine the evil robbers! You can! Xu Wen, you can!"

Xu Wen kept cheering himself up, his anger rising from chest to chest, and gradually, he felt that the world he saw slowed down in an instant, and Pang Hu’s fist rushed over like he was performing slowly. Together, Xu Wen was confident that he would definitely be able to escape this punch.

"Bang!" Although confident, although the anger in the chest is still burning, Xu Wen still can't control his body. The slow half-shot forever seems to be a curse, and he is firmly tied up-he is still The punch was punched **** the face, and the whole person flew backwards, rolling over several times on the ground!

"Several teeth lost... I... vomited blood? A heavy fist! Why... why can't I avoid it! I can! I can do it!" Xu Wen climbed dizzy from the ground, He stabilised his body stably, but it was still dangling, and the sense of balance could not be grasped, "Impossible! Why? Isn't anger enough?"

Xu Wen, who was confused in his mind, was still very angry. The anger in his chest clearly indicated what he would do next-since the defense was not successful, then step forward and attack!

His chaotic mind simply couldn't think that the offensive is now equivalent to stepping forward to death!

But he still did it. He completely let go of his body and mind, and his consciousness could no longer control the wanton anger. Then, the anger took over his body.

His speed is so fast that it is difficult to observe. In the exclamation of everyone, he rushed to Pang Hu's front, a very fast straight fist straight to the lower abdomen-Xu Wen only has him in his remaining thinking The commander-in-chief taught his human body several weaknesses, and subconsciously attacked the lower abdomen that could make people instantly lose their combat ability due to pain.

But Pang Hu was not a mediocrity. He lowered his abdomen slightly, shot down with his left hand, and blocked Xu Wen's attack. I just wanted to push the boy away with his right hand. ! Pang Hu quickly grabbed Xu Wen's head with his right palm and tried to push him away, but Xu Wen rushed behind Pang Hu like a monkey, his legs struck, and he jumped and jumped up. After Pang Hu's back, his hands looped on Pang Hu's neck from behind, and strangled desperately.

Pang Hu was strangled to breathe and suffocated his face flushed. He wanted to pull Xu Wen's hand away but found that his strength became more and more weak as the oxygen supply became less and less, so he gave up the boy who broke away The idea, one fell backward, wanted to use his body and the acceleration of gravity when falling down to open Xu Wenzhen's hand.

Pang Hu's back fluttered on the ground, but the boy behind him disappeared.

Pang Hu felt the pain in his back, knowing that the tough boy had escaped before this and quickly got up to defend.

But just when he was about to get up with a carp, a small fist oncoming hit his face heavily.

Pang Hu's back came into close contact with the earth again.

Pang Hu was hit with blood on his face by this heavy punch, and secretly secreted his heart. How could this kid become a personal person if he was beaten twice by himself, so he can fight!

Thinking about it, Pang Hu's body was still moving. When necessary, he chose the necessary combat actions-just like Xu Wen's way of using it, he rolled twice to avoid Xu Wen. s attack.

But now Xu Wen's speed is extraordinary. He caught up with Pang Hu while he was tumbling. In the chase, he punched Pang Hu with two punches, but he had no previous strength.

Pang Hu took a few hard hits, and found an opportunity to climb up. He was puzzled by Xu Wen’s weaker attack, but he never responded to his opponent, and passively beat Pang Hu for so long. It broke out again, looking for a gap in Xu Wen's fist, and inserted his right hand firmly into Xu Wen's intercostal space.

Uncontrollable pain instantly passed to Xu Wen's whole body. He bent down painfully, his hands instinctively protected the ribs, Pang Hu seized the opportunity, and lifted his knee to kick Xu Wen's jaw.

Xu Wen finally woke up in the shock of his head again, and the blurred vision only saw the sky spinning in front of his eyes.

He knew that he had failed!

Tears shed uncontrollably, and then he fainted.

There were no usual trumpets in his ears, and no comrades' screams. The darkness was in front of him. The only thing he could feel was the soft bed under him.

Xu Wen opened his eyes and woke up.

The boy looked at everything in the room in confusion. The exquisite decoration and valuable decoration all proved that he was not in the camp tent. He shook his head, still not awake, confusedly thinking that he was doing aristocratic dreams, it must be time to wake up.

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