Xu Wen closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

wrong! Am I fighting a person? As long as you overcome the opponent's three moves, you can participate in their bandit action to revenge your parents! Why are you here now?

Three tricks... Xu Wenyin vaguely recalled a bit-I seem to have failed in the end!

Finished! Finished! No chance!

Xu Wen slammed up from the bed and cried with his own hair.

The door of the room was pushed open, and a fat figure rushed in: "What's wrong?"

Xu Wen could see clearly what the man was like. He suddenly jumped out of bed and prepared to salute, but didn't know how to soften his legs. He sat down on the floor: "Hundred...Centurion Master!"

"Oh, you can lie down in bed well for me!" Li Yi got together by Gu Lei and Ling after returning from yesterday, letting him understand the importance of loving his little brother and sister, so he was sent Come to "take care" of this pitiful and cute boy. Li Yi stepped forward and dragged Xu Wen's collar to the bed.

"Master Centurion, why am I not in the barracks?" Xu Wen asked doubtfully. "And where is this?"

"This is my home!" Li Yi said angrily, "You little rabbit, didn't scare me to death yesterday! Finally, I played with a coma, so I thought you were killed by Pang Hu!"

Xu Wen scratched his head embarrassedly: "Sir, I don't know what happened to me at that time, and finally I was stunned by that Pang Hu..."

"Okay, how are you feeling now?" Li Yi waved a little impatiently, looking anxious. "If it's okay, change your clothes and follow me. The rest of you are already waiting for you." One day!"

"Master Centurion, can I... can I join you?" Xu Wen took some of Li Yi's hands in disbelief. "I... I am of course nothing! It feels good and good, I can do it now Go! I..."

"Stop! Stop it! Don't talk nonsense, put on your clothes and go to lunch with me, we will go out for a raid in the afternoon!" Li Yi said that Xu Wen's face was full of joy, and he was anxious Xu Wen pulled up from the bed, "Speed, speed, you are the squad leader in the army, ah no, how did your ten commander teach you, what is the speed of the soldiers, the first one is reflected in the clothes , Lingering, hurry, hurry..."

Xu Wen's face was also full of smiles, he happily dressed and followed Li Yi's buttocks and ran to the restaurant. After a gorge, Li Yi led him to this gangster code-named "Freezing Point" After collecting equipment, Pang Hu was brought into the team at the meeting place.

The elite of the one hundred imperial guards led by Pang Hu led the phalanx to Li Yi. Ling Yi struck a black robe and stood behind Li Yi’s right hand. Looking for Xu Wen's face from the square.

The phalanx stopped in front of Li Yi, and Pang Hu trot all the way from the front to salute Li Yi: "Centurion Master, the'Freezing Point' special operations team assembled before departure, and said 101 people, Actually 101 people, please instruct, Pang Hu, the staff!"

The expression on Li Yi's face suddenly became serious, and returned a military salute: "Please take a rest!"

"Yes!" Pang Hu returned the salute, before returning to the squad team trotting all the way, retelling Li Yi's command "brief" aloud, and then returned to the far left of the team.

This set was taught to Pang Hu by Li Yi after picking him out yesterday. Except for the military salute, the rest is basically the same as the way a certain country’s troops were before being reviewed. This set is what Li Yi did in the original world. I learned it when I was a soldier and used it in my own team. For the fat man who had only been a soldier, he was only a member of this team at that time, waiting for the review of others. Now, Now that conditions are in place, wouldn't it be a waste of resources if we did not allow ourselves to enjoy the treatment that we coveted that year?

So, don't look at the serious expression on Li Yi's face, in fact, he already smiled proudly.

Li Yi resisted the urge to laugh out loud in his heart, still maintaining a serious expression and began to talk to the following people: "Comrades!"

The elites in the phalanx changed their standing posture from a rest to a military posture like a conditioned reflex. The fat man looked at the team in front of him with satisfaction, and he was even more proud: " Take a break... Today, ah, at the request of our superiors, we will carry out this operation of the bandit codenamed "Freezing Point"! Ah, you are all the most powerful soldiers and officers selected from the Imperial Guard, ah, Most of them have experience in actual combat! So! Ah, this action we are going to complete is beautiful! Ah, let those who always think that the Guards are not front-line combat troops to see! The strength of our Guards Ah, everyone must know the goal of this operation, ah, that is, to wipe out all the bandits around the new city! To protect the lives and property of the new Qin people! Ah, now, I will talk about the main points of this operation ..."

Li Yi's heart was dark, and he would say "ah" if he couldn't say a few words. The imitator's voice when the leaders had spoken was talking nonchalantly to the soldiers underneath, a very simple act of banditry. He was made into a major battle to maintain world peace. What promotes social harmony and serves the people wholeheartedly was used by him in his speech. He did not care about the society that does not conform to the new Qin. Things, just let yourself be cool.

Fortunately, there are basically not many people who can understand the meaning of his words. Even if they understand it, they will only sigh the centurion's versatility. The speech for nearly half an hour was useless. The speech was in the middle. There is no pause, no repeat before and after, and so on...It is also the royal elite!

"...My speech is over!" Li Yi closed his mouth in satisfaction, and clapped his hands desperately. The fat man enjoyed it all, his fat face slightly raised, his hands pressed flatly, and the scene was instantly quiet. Down.

Pang Hu trot forward again: "Master Centurion, whether to leave, please instruct!"

"Depart!" Li Yi waved his spirits vigorously, and rode with Ling Yi on the already prepared warhorse, and first walked towards the west gate of the new city.

"Yes!" Pang Hu turned around and ordered loudly, "Start!"

Officers in the ranks mounted their horses one after another, leading their team to keep up with the commander in front.

A team of 103 people rushed out of the new city.

This team that Li Yi called the "Freezing Point Bandit Action Brigade" was strictly divided into ten teams by him, and he and Ling formed a team headquarters. The remaining ten teams were each led by ten captains. Hu served as the martial arts staff of the brigade. Although Pang Hu’s position as staff was somewhat controversial, the new Qin's method of governing the army was quite harsh. None of the 100 generals offered different opinions, let alone Pang. Tiger, who was once the head of the "robbery of tigers", is here. It can be regarded as the experience of leading a team of more than 20 people. Although others don't know, Li Yi's heart is clear, so the position of "staff" is ultimately Landed on Pang Hu's head.

In fact, apart from Pang Hu, no one really fits this position.

Gu Lei did not want to mess with him, Ling was only the commissioner in charge of the battle. He was chosen. The few commanders under him could only bring a team with nine people. Finally, Pang Hu could only be the so-called "staff" "Koutou Shishi."

This team of 100 people passed along the avenue in the sunshine in the autumn afternoon. Only the officers of Xinqin's army can enjoy the convenience brought by such things as war horses. The rest of the soldiers, no matter veterans or recruits, can only rely on Marching with a pair of legs, so in this mighty team, even if Xu Wen is a minor recruit, he can only carry a heavy dry food tent, wear heavy armor, and hold a spear much higher than him. , Humming humming to follow the team.

But even so, he was still very happy in his heart.

The thought of starting a battle of robbers, the thought of revenge for his parents, Xu Wenyou's face was filled with a happy smile, no matter how heavy the weight was no longer important to him, he no longer worried about it Will heavy things overwhelm his thin body, and I just look forward to the battle coming soon, all he needs is this!

A battle of revenge!

After half an hour of marching on the pipeline, they came to the first town.

This is a small town within ten miles, although the area is not large, but because of its proximity to the new city, the population in the town has also increased with the flow of people. The town is named Leben. In Li Yi's opinion, this kind of quirky name really can't find an explanation, but since the predecessors called it, and the two characters "Leben" were hung high in the town At the door, all the passers-by accepted this inexplicably inexplicable name.

"Liben Town, okay, Pang Hu, you can take a small team into the town and ask about the situation of the nearest bandit group. The rest, sit down and rest!" Li Yi did not let the team enter the town, just from the gate of the town Seeing that the road in the town is pitiful and narrow, it can only serve three horses side by side. This is as narrow as the smallest road in the new city. It is simply narrow and cannot be narrowed.

You must know that a single road in the new city can be used for five horses to pass at the same time, and the largest central avenue to the palace can be used for ten chariots! The imperial style can be seen from this.

After a short break, he saw Pang Hu running away from the town in panic.

"Master! It's bad!" he shouted loudly, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

"What's the panic," Li Yi waited for him, and took a sip of the water that the new Qin Jun used to hold in a kettle. "What the **** are you talking about?"

"The little news in the town, but it was widely spread!" Pang Hu settled down, and then said, "Recently, the bandits here are very rampant, and they dare to block the road and rob. After several times, it is said that the bandits around the whole new city have been assembled and it looks like there is something going on."

Li Yi stood up from the ground in shock: "What! Around the whole new city?"

"Accurately, it should be that the whole bandit band in the west of the new city has come, but there should not be many people gathering now. I heard from businessmen that these bandit bands started to gather in the past two days, but if you let it go, these In the end, the bandit group will surely gather into a force that cannot be underestimated. At that time... I am afraid that the lives of the surrounding people will be more difficult!" Pang Hu analyzed, worried.

However, Li Yi did not struggle with the bandits. Instead, he was very interested in Pang Hu’s current reaction: "I said, why did you start worrying about the country and the people?" The fat man's voice suddenly became smaller, "You Didn't you do this business before?"

Pang Hu smiled bitterly and replied: "If it is not forced by life, who would want to do business? Besides, the rule I set up in the gang at that time was not to be poor and poor people, and rich people are the main reason we rob. crowd……"

Li Yi nodded and turned off the topic: "So you said, how should we proceed now? Is it going to go home?"

Pang Hu shook his head, four words popped out of his mouth.

"Break through each!"

Pang Hu looked at Li Yi seriously, and Li Yi looked at Pang Tiger very seriously.

"You mean, riding on them, they haven't gathered together, and stopped the mice who came to meet, blindfolded their heads and beat them?" Li Yi raised his eyebrows, as I knew.

"Exactly, but small suggestions, it is better for people to return to the new city to inform the city at the same time. I always have a feeling that this time the merger of the bandit group should aim at the new city." Pang Hu frowned.

"Xincheng? Don't joke, what kind of storms can these robbers set off?" Li Yi laughed, causing the soldiers' puzzled eyes.

"Small is just such a feeling, I can't take it seriously, so the young master laughed." Pang Hu said hello.

Li Yi waved his hand: "It's done, let's wait until the rest come."

At this time, the squad that had entered the town to inquire about the news had begun to turn back, and the situation reported to Li Yi was similar to what Pang Hu knew. As a result, Li Yi also began to have some concerns about the gathering of bandits. Emotions.

However, they do not rule out their bluff, but even if this is just a pretense, what are the benefits for these bandits? Li Yi thought that if he didn't understand, he wouldn't think about it any more—it's a good idea to take care of him, and send someone to send the news back to the new city, and just keep an eye on it.

At that moment, a team was sent back to Xincheng to spread the letter, and he took the rest to move on.

"Pang Hu, you can gather the news you gathered to see the specific situation." Li Yi and Pang Hu walked side by side in front of the team, and Ling was cut off at the end of the team-in fact, she was mainly worried about Xu Wen, the younger brother, could not bear the march of this intensity, fearing that he would be left behind.

"Adult, all the news points out that the bandits in the west generally come from the direction of Mawei City to Liben Town. There is an official road between Mawei City and Liben Town. It takes only one day to ride at full speed. Arriving, if it is really as the town said, the continuous banditry will be a big trouble..." Pang Hu stroked his chin and analyzed.

"Did they want a coup?" Li Yi has read many novels, and the idea suddenly popped into his mind.

"It is not ruled out that this is possible. Mawei City is located in the middle of Xinqin. The security should not be so chaotic, but as far as the whole Xinqin is concerned, there are the most gangsters there. It is said that the largest gangsters there have even reached Thousands of people!" Pang Hu continued.

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