"Thousands of people! But why does the sheriff of Xinqin care about these things? Isn't the safety of the people really valued by them!" Li Yi felt the anger burning in his chest, "Wait, thousands of people Gangsters, they cannot rely on the looted property to make a living, or is it someone who feeds them?"

"Adult is wise, this is what the subordinates think of. The current situation is that the bandits from Mawei City have gathered near Liben Town, and Liben Town is less than a hundred miles from the new city. This distance, if The bandit group condensed into a sudden trouble, and the new city simply did not have time to mobilize the army to defend. It was not enough to defend by the Imperial Guard alone!" Pang Hu paused, and then said, "So the subordinates think that adults should first Carry out the necessary investigation and detection. If the situation of the subordinates is true, we can also carry out some sporadic blockades. In this way, we can give the new city a short preparation time. Even, the new city has the time to send people to reinforce us! Master, look... "

Li Yi didn't immediately agree with Pang Hu's plan, wrinkling without thinking quietly. Fat people like to play, make trouble, and like to fight, but it does not mean that he is a foolish man who has no brains. He understands his current situation. The team of hundreds of people wants to stop the growing bandit group. This is almost a gamble. Whether it will succeed or not, think about the worst possible possibility. The enemy found that everyone was missed and captured, even if they had the title of emperor and grandson, but if these robbers were rebellious, they would not be able to care about the rules set by King Qin, either killing themselves, or using themselves as chips and Xinqin made conditions, of course, during his period of suffering will certainly not eat less.

Even if he didn't die, what about the people under him? These soldiers, as well as Ling, and that stubborn kid, they are likely to be brutally killed by the robbers-all this, Li Yi did not want to see.

Li Yi unknowingly had the qualities of the superior thinking for his men.

"In this way, let's check the situation first. If necessary, we can catch a small bandit band to inquire about the situation. If things are really as you think, we are thinking about it." Li Yi said with a frown, "I Can't make a joke about your life!"

Pang Hu nodded and looked at Li Yi’s eyes with a trace of unrecognizable respect: "Yes, adult. Then, we will lay aside from the side--" said, and pulled out a military map from his arms. The entire territory of Xinqin is marked in detail above, "Master, please see, the official road between Mawei City and Liben Town passes a total of three small trees and there is a small town, but these bandits are unlikely to sway. Crossing through the town, and it does not rule out that they came from the other two trails outside the official road, so I suggest that from these places -" he pointed to the two paths on the map and the official road to wear One of the passing woods, "Set up an ambush. I suggest to divide the remaining nine teams into three groups now. Miss Ling and I and you will each take one group. We will ambush in these three places. The ten captains kept in touch on horseback trips. If one of our groups found the bandit band that came, we could track it first and notify the other two groups at the same time. The triad would take them..."

"Walk, just do what you say..." Li Yi had a headache when he heard about this kind of marching war, and he waved his hand casually. He couldn't figure it out. This Pang Hu stayed in the barracks for a few days. Yeah, the thought of this former robber turned too fast? Fang Cai's words are simply what the general-level talents who march to war all year round can say...

Li Yi didn't think much, but led his three groups to the official road, preparing to ambush a small forest.

Xu Wen’s team was taken away by Ling’s name. In fact, Xu Wen knew that this sister was just to protect herself. With her own strength, although it was not very dangerous in this scale of conflict, it was still necessary to be protected. .

Must not drag the hind legs of his team! The boy made up his mind secretly.

The sky is getting late, and tonight is a good day again. The moon is like a big disk, hanging high in the sky, the sky is cloudless, the stars are shining, and the autumn night is still very charming.

Li Yi crawled idly on a tree, with a small leaf in his mouth, and bored leaning on the trunk with Erlang's legs watching the round moon in the sky, his heart filled with emotion.

It has been a year, and it has been almost a year since I came to this place! The moon in the sky is so round, it should be Mid-Autumn Festival, I don’t know what is going on in the outside world... Although my father is also on this road, but his real home is still there...

The corners of Li Yi's eyes became wet-I missed the computer at home, I missed the brethren online, I missed...

Recalling what I experienced on this continent, it is difficult to imagine that I have come into contact with things that I dare not even think about. What spells, what kind of wizards of the Wanqu tribe, and the big mouse soil spirit I met a few days ago -Is this your new life? Although these are amazing, Li Yi always feels that his life is not colorful.

Modern people who have divorced from modern society will always feel that their lives are missing something.

Li Yi looked down at the soldiers who were on serious alert, and suddenly sighed in a low voice: "If you tell you what the outside world looks like, it is estimated that you are unlikely to accept it..."

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a horseshoe vaguely, and hurriedly jumped off the tree. The foot of the wind shone with purple light, forming an air cushion under his feet, and supported him to fall lightly on the ground, and the three team soldiers He had already prepared before him, pulled out his weapons one after another, and prepared for a possible fight.

A commander-in-chief Zema, who wore the armor of the new Qin officer, galloped from the official road, and made a strange cry in his mouth. According to Pang Hu, this is a way of transmitting secret words in the army of the new Qin. Li Yi couldn't hear what it meant at all, but the ten commanders under his command had already translated the secret code and told it to Li Yi.

"Miss Ling, hostility, following, gathering!"

The ten captain on a horse repeated the whispers several times, and then hurriedly left, apparently notifying Pang Hu's team.

"Good!" Li Yi took a deep breath and shouted, "Guys, it's time for us to show our skills! Let the robbers know that not only can they rob, but we can also rob them as soldiers!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The officers laughed for a while.

"Brothers, if you have a horse, if you don't have a horse, let me take your steps to keep up! Go back and talk about merit rewards, a living robber rewards one or two gold! Whoever catches more robbers, who rewards more money!" Li Yi mounted the horse, yanked the reins, and the horse screamed and ran away.

"We are the officers and bandits, the robbers who robbed Dog Day! Brothers, follow me! Grab money and rob food!"

"Grab money, grab food, grab girls! Haha..." The soldiers laughed and followed with pride.

They did not take the official road, they just jumped across the road and went straight to the position of Ling's group.

The speed of Xinqin's soldiers marching at full speed was very scary. It didn't take long to rush to the pre-arranged ambush site, looking around, but no one was seen.

Has Ling not arrived here yet? Li Yi scratched his head in doubt, but did not think about it, commanding the soldiers to ambush on the side of the road, and the horses rushed together, and sent a man to rush the horses far away, everyone was lying on the ground , Camouflaged with dry grass, waiting quietly on the side of the road.

Soon, the sound of a horseshoe came from the west side of the trail. About twenty people rode a horse towards Li Yi's ambush place, and stumbled across the rope, pulling quietly on the side of the road.

Gradually, their distance got closer, and the bright moonlight shone on this group of people. The weapons worn by their waists did not reflect any light under the moonlight-obviously the weapons of these people’s waists were not furnished, only Weapons that have really seen blood will not reflect the light. Although people who have moved the knife will wipe the weapon, the real maintenance of the weapon is not as strict as the army does, so that it often leaves some weapons that are difficult to remove. The material, over time, has formed its present appearance. Although it has the appearance of a weapon, it has no cold light reflected by any metal.

This is the gap between ordinary soldiers and army soldiers.

Although the daily fine maintenance will keep the weapon sharp, the weapon will flash a cold light under any circumstances. Although this is not what it is on the battlefield, it can be fatal when it comes to sneak attacks like ambushes. It turned out. Weapons that are less well-maintained are not as sharp as well-maintained weapons, but they still have a great advantage in operations such as sneak attacks.

The current group of people is an example of this. Almost everyone's weapons are dim and dull. In the eyes of the veterans, these people's weapons have at least three or four people's blood stuck to them.

A team that has seen blood and has always dared to kill!

This team rushed into Li Yi's ambush circle.

The fat man's face was filled with the joy of victory, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

They just rushed into the ambush circle, and the tripping horse rope tightened their body. The horseshoe that slammed on hit the tripping horse rope in an instant. The inertia of the forward rush made the horse too late to react. Fall forward.

There were endless thumps and exclamations came from the mouths of the people who fell immediately. The people in the back team could not stop even if they found anomalies in the front. In order not to repeat the mistakes of the first troops, they had to jump right away. Next, after hitting a few rolls on the ground, he stood up and pulled out his arms to guard.

"Brothers, **** them all!" Li Yi and a bandit pulled out the fire sword in his waist, took the water shield from the back with his backhand, screamed and rushed up, and the soldiers quickly jumped out of the cover of the cover , A swarm of bees rushed to the opponent.

Whether it is a bandit or not, take it and say it!

They fought back, but they found that the strength was weak. Three people fell off their horses, broke their necks, and died on the spot; five others were pressed down by the fallen horses. There are only a dozen people capable of fighting, and they are so helpless in the face of the elite 30 well-trained Imperial Guards led by Li Yi.

Li Yi used a shield to block a heavy sword that seemed to him. He held the fire sword in his right hand and took the handle of the sword to smash the opponent's forehead. Although he wanted to catch alive, if the opponent used his full strength Rebellion, then Li Yi is still willing to give him a deadly trick.

Put down one! Li Yi threw himself excitedly to the next one, but didn't think that the man who had just fallen down had nothing. He got up from the ground and raised his sword again! Li Yi didn't care either. The speed of his feet soared, and he rushed out more than ten meters in an instant. When the opponent was stunned, he rushed back and kicked on the other party's stomach with a knee. When he squatted while holding his stomach, Li Yi turned back behind him, and the left-hand shield pushed behind him, then kicked on his buttocks again, and the other party immediately fell to the ground.

Li Yi hurried forward, and the handguards on his hands also began to shine with green light-the grass on the ground grew mad, and the people who fell to the ground were instantly tied up. As he struggled, these crazy plants grew gradually. To become tough, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the shackles.

Li Yi can finally rush to the next opponent. This time he learned to be clever. He didn't engage in melee combat. When he rushed to the opponent, he already commanded the grass on the ground, and the small trees on the road helped. The people he loves will be frustrated by the plants wrapped in branches and leaves, tied his hands and feet, plugged his mouth, and then lying on the ground watching the fat man with green light in his hands ran to the next target.

Repeatedly and repeatedly, the soldiers of Xinqin soon discovered a thing, often they have not solved an opponent themselves, and Li Yi has already managed to get rid of a group of people-this has caused the soldiers to have no real From the beginning, Li Yi has solved most of the enemy.

Moreover, they are alive!

The rest of the solitary people have not yet been able to use their martial arts skills, but they were overwhelmed by the eager red-eyed soldiers. The sought-after sought-after, the weapon snatched the weapon, if the person Li Yi did was planted If the branches and leaves are submerged, then the remaining unlucky eggs are completely submerged by the sea of ​​people.

Some soldiers who did not grab anything had a feeling of sudden enlightenment at this time-no wonder that the emperor and grandson could open a robber's gold or two rewards so generously, and he could handle so many people by feeling himself!

Li Yi happily watched the long-lost "robbery" incident on the side, and did not worry about whether these soldiers would make any life, just kidding! These elite guards are all rigorously trained and difficult to kill!

In the robbery, no one noticed the sound of horseshoes from the west, the sound of a large piece of iron hoof trampled on the ground!

Xu Wen was very scared, his whole body shivering with fear!

For a moment he thought he had entered a nightmare that was awakened every night. Those blood-red eyes, with double eyes of death, swallowed him like an abyss! He felt that his thinking was getting slower and slower, and his movements could not keep up with his thinking. A breeze blew on his cheeks, and he was so excited that the whole person jumped out of the grass like a needle!

"Ah!" he screamed in horror and found that his thoughts were turning faster and faster, and his movements were getting slower and slower. On the shoulders--

He shook his hands violently, and the whole person turned forward while turning around, and like a angry beast, the commuter flew over! He was surprised to find that his movements kept up with the speed of thinking for the first time, but when he saw the person in front of him, the surprise disappeared instantly, and the rest was only stunned.

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