Li Yi twitched her mouth and was speechless-did you have to tell her yourself that it was the result of deliberately releasing water that she lost to her so many times before? What's more, if you failed yesterday, you really lost, what else can you say?

"Ling, are you going?" Gu Lei finally read the thick book, closed the book, and looked up.

"I won't go. If Sister Gu goes, no one will take care of Xiaozhen. I will stay." Ling blinked and said.

"Well... Gu Lei, I was defeated by you... Go and go, and the day after tomorrow, go to the General Mansion with me to report." Li Yi pouted, said weakly. "Pang Hu, look after the house, take care of Ling and Fei Zhen, and... I have something to tell everyone."

Now the black man's request was repeated.

"Ling, I will leave this matter to you in the future. By the way, I will solicit the opinions of the elves' maids in the palace. If you want to, if you are willing to learn, go and learn... Then, just like this..." Li Before Yi finished, a young voice came from the door.

"Report! The original imperial guard recruit Xu Wen begged to see the centurion master!"

Li Yi raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Why is this guy here. Come in!"

Xu Wen walked into the house, dressed in a coarse cloth, with a smile on his clean face.

"Sir!" he clenched his fists, "I voluntarily withdrew from the Imperial Guard and followed him to the Slayer!"

"Okay okay..." Li Yi waved his hand and motioned to Xu Wen to sit down. "It's not bad to have a good helper. How's your recent ability to practice?"

After the operation of "Freezing Point" ended, Xu Wen returned to the Imperial Guard. Early this morning, Li Yuan found General Mongolian of the Imperial Guard and asked him to take him.

Because Xu Wen had been with Li Yi for a while, and the bravery and outstanding ability in this operation, General Meng recommended him to Li Yuan.

He took off his military uniform, put on a coarse cloth, and brought a transfer certificate. Xu Wen found Li Yi.

"Now I can completely control it, at least, I won't be violent after entering that state!" Xu Wen replied happily, he was still very excited about being able to follow Li Yi into the legendary brave and warrior soldiers. .

status? violent? The two words Xu Wen accidentally uttered from his mouth made Li Yimeng tremble, as if he had thought of something, but it was vaguely indistinct.

Liu Chang, on the other hand, was interested, and said that he was not like a big man's voice at all because of his pleasant voice: "So, if you go to the southwest, you are counted as me."

Li Yi gave Liu Chang a strange look and thought to himself: "This guy, hasn't you been lingering Ling? Why did you want to go southwest with me at this time? Isn't you interested? But this hybrid elf robber is a big trouble! "

Then he said, "Why are you going to the Southwest? Stay obediently."

Liu Chang actually raised his eyebrows and said with awe: "I lost it to you, so I swear to follow you. Do you think all the elves' oaths fart?"

"Then I don't want you to follow me, okay?" Li Yi gasped. "I'm not going to play, I'm going to suffer. Do you follow me, don't you help me wash my feet?"

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't follow you, you should go and find your sister and brother-in-law..."

Who knows Liu Chang said angrily: "What do you think I am? Is it called to come and waved away? Since I said to follow you, then I will follow you! Don't try to push me away!"

"Okay, okay, I have served you. I didn't want many people to follow me. Since you want to be abused in the Southwest, you can do whatever you want and get ready to go!" Li Yi couldn't convince him. Liu Chang had no choice but to promise, "Don't do anything to me. We went to the regular army this time. I don't want to throw people to the southwest!"

After speaking, he drove everyone away and hid himself in the room to clean up.

The next day, the military rewards were sent over.

Although Xinqin's law is punishable by mistakes, it also rewards merits, so Li Yi was inexplicably punished to join the army, and was rewarded for his good results.

The rewards were placed on a plate made of mahogany, covered with a red cloth and sent to Li Yi's house.

Inside is an appointment book and an iron medal with a raised cross.

Li Yi lifted the red cloth and was dumbfounded at first glance. Feeling that he had taken away the robbers from the hundred or so, he changed back to a rank of "Ten Captain"?

Li Yi felt that his heart was broken into several pieces, and she burst into tears.

I was the one who once had the power of a centurion! Now it's just a little ten commander, why can't you love it!

Li Yi did not know that Xinqin's military achievements accumulated very slowly. Often a person wanted to be promoted from an ordinary soldier to a commander-in-chief. It is impossible to have no one in three or five years, because of his royal identity. In addition, the results of this operation are indeed good. Even if Li Yi retired from the army, he cannot be mixed up with the position of a commander.

Li Yi, who was constantly defamating, took over the brand and the appointment letter, and even had no thoughts about rewarding others, and returned to his room in disgrace.

The time passed by, and soon it was Li Yi's time to report to the General's Mansion to pray for heaven.

Li Yi took Gu Lei and the luggage of a carriage and came to Qitian's palace early in the morning.

"What? Pray that General has something to go out?" Li Yi listened to the explanation of the doorman in the General's Mansion and opened his eyes wide, "Let us go by ourselves?"

"Yes, that's how the master told me to tell you, yes, the third prince also told me this thing, so you don't have to say goodbye to him." Mentong said.

"Okay... okay... these two unscrupulous old things..." Li Yi muttered, thanked the doorman, and turned away.

The resident of the Celestial Army is located outside the Lianyu City in the southwest of New Qin. It takes three days to ride a horse from the New City.

And Li Yi, they still have a full carriage of luggage, and the speed will not be fast.

The four of Li Yi rode their horses out of the city, followed the official road, and started to move towards the direction of Lianyu City in the southwest.

Everyone in Huangsun Mansion ran to the gate of the city to see them off. The pear flowers with a few elf maids crying with rain, one by one, kissed on Li Yi's face, watching Gu Lei burn from the bottom of his heart. Up.

Fat man, you are dead on the way! Gu Leiqi gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and said in the bottom of his heart.

Li Yi usually treats these elf maids very well. Although he is said to be a maid, Li Yi does not care about them. In addition to not staying at night and staying at night, as long as he stays in the house to deal with things during the day, other people can do it during the day. Go out and play at will, and Li Yi also sent guards along the road to protect.

Who's elf slave has this excellent treatment?

Before being asked by Li Yi, their life in the palace was indescribable. How could the slaves live? At least let them be indescribable anyway.

After they were taken away from the west of the mainland by King Qin, they had never had an birthday, and Li Yi treated them so much now that they had the idea of ​​being lucky for three lives.

Fortunately for Sansheng, such a good host was spread.

Therefore, when Li Yi left the New City and went to Lian Yucheng to report, they would cry so badly, one by one, "little oil" on Li Yi.

At least, in Gu Lei's eyesight, their behavior is "to wipe oil."

After embracing and saying goodbye to each friend, Li Yi and his team drove out of the new city.

The sunlight in the autumn morning shone on their shoulders, with a little warmth. Li Yi bumped on the horse and looked at the partners behind him from time to time-Li Yi did not know how long before he could see them again , Three years? Five years? The army of Xinqin has no regulations for visiting relatives and leave. Li Yi only hopes that when he returns, he can still see the smiles on the faces of his partners.

He remembered the words in a book he had read.

"Thank God, thankfully his smile hasn't changed."

I hope their smile will not change when they come back!

Immediately, Li Yi no longer sighed, shaking the reins and speeding up.

It is still a small study, a desk, a bookcase, a door, a window.

A small oil lamp was still lit on the desk, burning quietly.

A black figure came to the desk and knelt on one knee.

"Lord, they have left the new city!"

The goatee showed his face from behind the lamp without expression.

"Send a team of people, follow closely, and wait for them to--

"Yiyi get rid of it!" the goat said humorously.

"Yes!" Black Shadow led away.

"Look at how you hide this time!" The goat squinted and smiled.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, two figures in cloaks came to the door of Wang convex's store.

Wang convex is a middle-aged man in his forties. To be honest, he opened a small restaurant in the town. Because the town is not big, only he is such a restaurant, and the price of wine and food is reasonable. Businessmen like to sit in his restaurant, eat a meal and drink wine.

This town is called Mopan. It was originally a small village, but because it was close to Xinqin's quarry in the central mountain range, an official road was repaired next to the village. Driven by the merchants who transported and purchased stone, The small village gradually developed and then transformed into a small town.

The most popular business in Mopan Town is not the small restaurant Wang Wangkai opened, but the jade shops.

By the mountains and by the water and water, Mopan Town is close to the central mountain range. The jade in the mountains is constantly being mined. Under the leadership of the villagers who went into the mountains to mine and were the first to taste the sweetness of the jade trade, everyone in the village embarked on business. this road.

Imagine that in the case of 10% to 20% cheaper than the new Qin official, will there be fewer businessmen swarming?

So that even if Xinqin later increased the proportion of taxes levied by the jade exchange, the aborigines here would still be happy to do their own small business-after all, no matter how Xinqin raises taxes, doing this kind of trading is always It's more cost-effective to farm more honestly than yourself.

And these two people who came to the front of Wang convex's store obviously couldn't attract Wang's attention. The merchants who came and went came and went, came and went, changed from batch to batch, and there were new people every year. When I came here to do business, every year, old people lost ground after losing money, and never appeared in Mopan Town.

Wang convex propped up his bulging belly, and wandered behind the counter. The only restaurant in the town he opened up swelled his pockets. Although the things in the store were fair and affordable, they didn’t make a lot of money, but after all, the flow of people in this town It was really sufficient. Wang convex still understood the reason why the ants killed the elephant, so gradually, while drumming up his wallet, he also made a name for himself in the town.

After stopping for a while, the two figures outside the door stepped into the shop.

Wang Kukai’s restaurant didn’t have a name. Once he had a low level of education, he couldn’t think of it. Secondly, there was a restaurant in his house in the town. He didn’t need any attractive name at all. If he insisted on adding a name, one Codename, then people in the town will often tell you: "Want to find a place to eat? Go to Wang convex's house, Wang convex's restaurant is just west of the town."

Sometimes the reputation is loud, and even people you don't know will advertise you.

Wang convex saw that the two figures walked into the store door, hurriedly trot out from behind the counter, and greeted the two of them: "Please, inside the guesthouse, do you want to be a sharp or live in the store?"

The two put down the hood of the cloak, and Wang convex saw the appearance of the two men.

A sword eyebrow star eyes, high nose bridge, red lips and white teeth, is actually a rare beautiful man! The other, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, flew diagonally into the temples, with long temples hanging down to the shoulders, revealing a wild breath.

It is Li Yuan and Qi Tian!

Li Yuan did not send him off the day Li Yi departed for the Tiantianjun station, while Qitian was absent at the same time that day, but he did not expect that the two of them ran together so close to the central mountain range.

Already at the point of dinner, the restaurant was full of people. Under the leadership of Wang convex, the two of them came to a seat in the shop by the back kitchen and sat down.

"Store, order wine and dishes at will, just fill up." Qi Tian said.

"Good!" Wang convex is not a nonsense. He ran into the kitchen after a while, and came out again after a while. Chongqitian and the two arched their hands, and then darted back to the counter.

"Qi Tian, ​​it's been half a month. What the **** are you doing to pull me here?" Li Yuan asked puzzled.

"Take you up the mountain to find something." Qi Tian said lightly.

"Just for this? Can't you depart one day later?" Li Yuan squeezed his temples angrily. "My son is going to kill Tian Tianjun to report. My father said he wanted to send him, but you did God is nagging here! The result is just to find something..."

"This thing was only found during this time. When I went late, I was robbed." Qi Tian still said lightly, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea for Li Yuan and himself, and sipped it first. A sip, "Well, the autumn mountain cloud tea is really bitter... don't you try it?"

"Okay, okay! I will lay down my life to accompany the gentleman!" Li Yuan changed the slow look in front of Li Yi in the past, and took a tea cup and drank it, "Wow! What a broken tea!"

Qi Tian glanced at him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's a sorrel, not a life."

"Just go! Whatever you say, there is nothing to do in the new city anymore, the birds are almost bored, just come out to breathe!" Li Yuan waved his hand and said he did not mind, and poured himself a cup of tea, "This What a broken tea, there is no sweet taste at all! God, I can tell you that if my son suffers from you, I will not spare you!"

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