"Autumn mountain stream cloud tea, didn't I tell you? Autumn tea doesn't taste the same as spring tea!" Qitian smiled, "You boy, I can't control if I don't endure hardship. After all, the military department gives After he had a permanent position, the commander-in-chief was neither a soldier nor an official. It depends on how he chooses."

Immediately, Qi Tian sighed and laughed and said: "This is the difference between married and children..."

"Go, don't tease me! You should also find someone, the boss is not small, although there are three filial piety, but the future is also great! Hurry and find me a sister-in-law! When you have children, I will do well Be a godfather, please!" Li Yuan patted Qitian on the shoulder and smiled.

"I'm thinking..." Before Qitian's words were finished, he was interrupted by the noise in the restaurant.

The two turned their heads and saw that a richly dressed young man was scolding a young man's collar and screaming.

Wang convex tried his best to discourage on the side, the more people on the side surrounded, the more no one came forward to stop.

Li Yuan sighed: "This kind of thing is really much seen outside, and the indifference of human nature is really everywhere! It seems that in the country outside, why this phenomenon is called "the inferior root of the Chinese people" and so on..."

"Aren't you going to help?" Qitian turned his head.

Li Yuan shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression: "Help, how can I help? I can help one, can I help all such teenagers? Qitian, it doesn't matter what you do. This is a sentence from the outside world. As the saying goes, we are not here to help those in need?"

Qi Tian raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly: "Li Yuan, Li Yuan, the smog of the outside world has made you as good as before! Started to be a little arrogant! What'inferior root of the Chinese people' is just an excuse for your laziness. !Your heart is actually hotter than me..." As he said, he got up and walked towards the crowd.

Li Yuan smiled bitterly and whispered: "Qi Tian Na Qi Tian, ​​the person who knows me the most is you, why can't you guess my thoughts? This is nothing more than a pretense of disguising himself..."

Qi Tian separated the crowd and came to the center of the dispute.

The man in luxurious clothes had already slapped the boy a few times, relying on his elder and taller, grabbing the collar of the boy was not let go, Wang convex wanted to step forward, but was thrown hard by the man, fell A big follower.

The man scolded: "Let you sell your broken things! Grandpa, I'm eating! Who wants to buy you this stinky thing? Uncle will reward you with a few hammers today..."

A teenager is just a little rough, so he is called "a meal" by a man.

Qi Tian snorted and walked straight in front of the man. He gently rescued the boy whose face was flushed. He was the most uneasy in his life, and his good martial arts and straight tempers trained in the army, either don't happen in front of his eyes, or those that happen in front of him, he will definitely come forward to stop it.

Punish evil and promote good, a model of chivalry! Li Yuan said silently in his heart. This is also one of the reasons why he made excuses not to stop this dispute. I would like to ask that his companion will definitely stop when he encounters such a thing, so why should he take the first step and not give his companion what he likes most?

Therefore, Li Yuan chose to wait and see from a distance, and Qitian got the opportunity to punish evil and promote good again, and to do justice for the good.

I saw Qitian placed the boy behind him, standing proudly in front of the man, and asked with a stern look: "What are you doing?!" Inadvertently, the temperament of the kind of general who was a general was spontaneous and straightforward. It's on the man.

The man is just a grassroots. He bought some jade from the remote northern coast of Mopan town to resell it. He was a little bit of money. He only dared to point fingers at the poorer people on weekdays. Where have I seen this kind of prayer? Level characters? When the feet are soft, the body falls straight down.

He trembled: "You... who are you... who... who cares about me... things, what to do!"

"I'll take care of you, don't you see it, isn't it?" Qi Tian said, snorting heavily, and the scared man sat on the ground!

Qi Tian glanced at him contemptuously, his expression was full of disgust, no longer ignored him, he lifted Wang convex from the ground, and walked straight to his table in the other party's repeated thanks, while walking and said: "The store It’s better not to let him come into the store like this small man who likes to make trouble..."

Wang convex patted the dust on his body, scorned the still sitting man on the ground, shook his head, and squeezed out the crowd. Seeing that the good things were over, people gradually dispersed and sat back at their tables and continued to eat and drink.

The man just got up from the ground, hurriedly snapped a piece of silver on the table, and walked out of the store door sullenly. When he arrived, he did not forget to look back and stare fiercely at the sky.

Qi Tian smiled indifferently and turned back to bragging with Li Yuan.

The wine and vegetables were on the table, and the two were eating, before the beaten boy came to the table.

At this time, Li Yuan looked at the teenager carefully, only to see that he was wearing a sackcloth suit, his skin was dark, and his eyes were clear and sharp. He looked at them with a smile, revealing two cute little tiger teeth.

"Thank you, this lord, for making the siege for me just now!"

Qi Tianjian raised his eyebrows, motioned the teenager to sit down, and said with a smile: "The road is uneven, there are trivial things, not enough teeth, dare to ask the younger brother what is going on? Why did the man conflict with you?"

The teenager said with a smile: "In fact, it is not a big deal. It was only after I entered the shop of Master Wang convex to sell some of the jade that I dug, but I didn't expect it to be the man..."

Li Yuan asked: "Since you have dug some ore yourself, why don't you open a store in the town and do a formal business? If you sell like this, others will not only believe you, but even meet some people with bad attitudes. Why do you have to do the hard work? Why not open an official store in the town as early as possible, and with the traffic in this town, it is presumed that the business will not be difficult to do."

"Adult's words are very true, but I have lost my father since my childhood, and my mother has lost my mother over the years. I have to save money and save money to build a mausoleum for my deceased parents!" The boy lowered his head, his expression was inevitable. deep.

"Build a mausoleum? What do ordinary people do to build a mausoleum?" Qi Tian and Li Yuan inevitably flashed this idea, but they did not say it directly-it is disrespectful to ask more about other people's affairs.

Li Yuan saw Qitian looking sideways, knowing that he had moved his heart again, and he asked, “I don’t know what the color of the jade sold by my brother? We are also here. We are in business. If the quality of our jade is not too bad, we I want to buy as much as I can!"

The boy was immediately excited, and his tone became a little quick: "All... buy all! I, I have a sample here, I don't know if it suits you."

With that, he took out a milky white rock from his arms.

Qi Tian's eyes widened when he saw the rock, and his face was full of surprises!

"Hidden Wuyan!" Li Yuan blurted out.

The little milky white rock is rough and unobtrusive, but if you look closely, you will find that the rock is surrounded by a light cloud and is constantly changing.

Qitian took over the Hidden Mist Rock and started with a piece of lubricating, but with a trace of moisture, those clouds and mist wrapped in the Hidden Mist Rock were quickly sucked into Qitian's palm when they touched Qitian's palm, instantly Disappear!

This is Hidden Mist Rock! Qi Tian was ecstatic, knowing that he was looking for a baby.

Hidden Mist Rock has little effect when it is made as an ordinary jewelry. At most, it only makes people's body feel a hint of tide, which has no much effect. But praying for heaven to become mature, know a lot of unknown secrets.

This hidden fog rock was one of the materials used by the elves when they made the "Seven Demon Beads", and it was only produced in the deep mountains. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it, and it is impossible to know the role of this rock.

In fact, many of the contract equipment for water properties in the later generations are made of hidden fog rock as the core material. The hidden fog rock is much more convenient than any material in guiding the energy of the water attribute. Although the number is scarce, it is often one A small piece of hidden haze can make a contract equipment that is sufficient to support the user to cast intermediate contract technology, which is in sharp contrast with other water-based materials.

Take Li Yi's water shield, as a contract equipment for water properties, it is made of azure blue iron that can also guide the energy of water properties. During the production process, a fist-sized hidden fog rock was embedded in The inside of the shield makes this shield not only have the strength of the blue blue iron, but also have good energy guidance as a contract equipment.

Although Qi Tian and Li Yuan went to the Central Mountains to find the hidden haze, but because this magical ore production is too scarce, and only a little fine processing can be made into expensive contract equipment, it can be said, This Hidden Mist Rock is a semi-finished contract equipment!

This makes Qitian's heart rippling! Although the self-metaphor is just a warrior, if you can match even a piece of contract equipment and learn one or two tricks, then your combat ability will rise straight up to a height that you couldn't reach before!

You should know that the number of contract equipment excavated and manufactured has been kept below one hundred digits. Li Yuan can only get a complete set of contract equipment for Li Yi because of his identity. Ordinary people, even the generals of the empire , It's hard to get one! Someone on the market once offered a huge price of two thousand gemstone coins to buy contract equipment, but the price is not available.

If you can match it with a sword made of Hidden Mist Rock... praying for helpless imagination.

"You may also take us to take a look at the remaining goods. If it is all this kind of jade, you can make a price, we will have it all!" Li Yuan's words interrupted Qi Tian's thoughts, he hurriedly turned his head, Rarely showed anxious.

Qi Tian said to the teenager: "Yes, please ask the younger brother to lead the way!"

The young boy nodded in agreement, and his heart was inevitably excited-these two masters were really generous in their shots. If they bought all their jade at once, they would have the money to build a mausoleum for their parents! Thinking of his parents' graves piled up side by side now, the boy couldn't help but feel sour and turned around and walked out of the shop first.

Not much to eat for this meal, Li Yuan and the two hurried to check out and followed the boy out of the store.

The young man’s house lives in a small corner of the town’s west, a thatched house with his own yard. According to the young man, his family was still rich when his father was still alive, but he was still young when his father died, and his mother There is no way to make a fortune, so I have to sit down and eat the sky, and soon I will eat the big family property.

The original mansion was sold, and the mother's dowry dowry was also sold. Until the juvenile was brought up, the mother left because of overwork, leaving the juvenile alone in this thatched hut.

The young man’s surname is Yuan, with a single name of Jiang. He was fifteen years old this year. At the age of ten, an old stonemason in the town had taught him the skills of quarrying. After a few ways, unique vision and rich experience.

But because of his overly obvious experience, although Yuan Jiang can see that some stones are valuable, but he does not know the price, they are often bought by some swindlers from the hands at very low prices. By the end of the year, although there was a lot of jade sold, there was not much savings.

Talking about their own affairs along the way, a group of three people have come to the hut where Yuan Jiang lives.

It’s a hut, but it’s actually a bit of a lift, or a brick house, at least they can shelter from the wind and rain, but the “horse” in front of it lacks the necessary condition for sheltering from the rain. There are several small and large holes, one can imagine how the house will be flooded when it rains.

The wall of the hut is also **** with thatched grass, although it is a bit shabby, but it can also block some cold wind. The style of the hut is very simple, a door, a window, nothing more.

In the yard, there was a well, and a simple drying rack was erected by the well, and the clean clothes were hung on it, and fluttered in the autumn wind.

Looking at the burrow in front of him, Li Yuan couldn't help but sighed secretly, and he made up his mind secretly, and he would have to increase the price of Yuan Jiang's jade for a while-as a prince, he had some money.

The interior of the house is simply divided into two rooms, the smaller one is the bedroom, and the larger one is a multifunctional room that combines the living room, kitchen, dining room and the like. Entering the house, Yuan Jiang invited Li Yuan and his wife to sit down and went into the bedroom to get the jade.

Qi Tian sighed: "Family and disciples, Yuan Jiang's life seems really miserable!"

"The house of the four walls of the apprentice, there are more people in the whole house of the new Qin's house of apprentice, if each of them makes you so sentimental, wouldn't you be sad to die?" Li Yuan squeezed his chin and sat on the chair and laughed. .

"Li Yuan, but why did I hear your sigh when I entered the door?" Qi Tian raised Jianmei and smiled.

Li Yuan shrugged: "What do you say! I am not a good person..."

As he was talking, Yuan Jiang came out of the bedroom, holding a wooden box in his hand.

He placed the wooden box in front of Li Yuan and opened the box and said, "Here, this is it."

For a time, all kinds of lights in the room shone, reflected on the faces of Li Yuan and the two of them were dumbfounded!

Yuemayuan is the plain closest to Lianyu City. The official road passes through it and leads directly to Lianyu City.

Li Yi stopped and walked on the official road for half a month before coming to the most extensive plain on the southwest border. A broad maple tree was planted on both sides of the broad official road, and in the afternoon sunlight of autumn, it was golden. Riding on a horse and looking far, the end of the official road is the largest city in the southwest-Lianyu City!

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