After working hard for half a month, I came to join the army. This is really stupid for Li Yi. But this is also no way. The military command has been issued, and he is ashamed. He has to obediently accept this order and accept this reality.

This leaping horse was really big! Although he can see Lian Yucheng from a distance, Li Yi still understands the reason for the dead horse in Wangshan Mountain. What's more, Lianyu City is just a small black spot in his eyes. He wants to reach the city. One or two days is impossible.

When driving to Marlton, people and horses always have to rest.

Li Yi looked at his partner, all looked exhausted, and even the scenery along the way did not allow them to develop a trace of interest. For the past half month, it has always been a wind and sleep, in order to reach Lianyu within the time required by the military order. At the station where the Celestial Army was outside the city, they didn’t enter any town, they were tired, they slept beside the official road, they were thirsty and hungry, and they ate dry food. The post along the way was just the place where they changed horses, and replaced the tired horses. , Set off immediately.

So hurry and hurry, it still took half a month on the road.

The time stipulated by the military order was reported to the station where the Tiantian Army was stationed within 17 days. Now there are only two days left and should be able to catch up. Li Yi is also very tired, but there is no way, what if he is tired? Since he agreed to come down, there is no room for repentance. The military order is like a mountain, and he doesn't want to touch anything.

Anyway, he is now an official commander, isn't he?

Although Li Yi was very dissatisfied with his current official position, over the past few days, this little ten-century official still gave him many reasons for self-consolation. The commander-in-chief, that is, there are ten people under his command, has the command power of these ten people, and himself is managed by the higher-level commander-in-chief.

A centurion has the authority to manage ten captains, that is, ten teams of ten people, together with the captain himself, a total of 110 people. Centurion and Centurion's management model is similar, can manage ten Centurion, a total of 1,100 people. The general at the next higher level can manage ten commanders, a total of 11,000 people.

And the Yi Tianjun who went to Li Yi this time is a remarkable existence in Xinqin. Because of the existence of Qitian, the most famous general in Xinqin, the Tianqi Jun has already had twenty-one commanders after years of development. The establishment of the team, that is to say, the killing army is more than double the number of ordinary troops!

There is a reason why an army of this size should be stationed on the southwest border.

The Central Mountain Range neatly divides the vast land of Atlantis into east and west halves. The mountain ranges from north to south, and both ends directly reach the coastline of Atlantis. Moreover, the Central Mountain Range is continuous and rarely leads to the west of the mountain range. gap.

King Qin was belligerent. He once opened a passage in the mountains on the border of the southwest, and then invaded the land of the elves. There were countless elf slaves, and the war between humans and elves began.

The elves were defeated, and the Qin king was chased by victory. Soon, several tribal elders of the elven clan jointly cast a seal technique, throwing the entire continent into the space of different dimensions, with the intention to continue breathing until now.

But King Qin gave up the plan to attack the West after the seal was lifted, and withdrew his troops. This made the elves puzzled, but at least gave them time to cultivate and recuperate. At the same time, the anger of revenge also occurred among the younger generation of elves. The gateway to the southwest border of New Qin opened wide, giving them the opportunity to penetrate.

It is said that the southwestern storm that made Qitian famous in the battle was created by the elves instigating the people.

Now that the Southwest is not quite flat again, you don’t need to guess to know that it must be a civil riot. With the current population of the elves, you want to use your army to attack the New Qin. Impossible.

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help but think of Yan Lin and Lan. What they are doing now is the same thing as the elves instigated the riots in the southwest.

A group of people gradually entered the depths of the plain, and the sun above the head began to sink gradually. Li Yi estimated the time and greeted everyone to stop.

"Let's camp, rest early today, go to bed after eating and drinking, and rush to Lianyucheng to report at full speed tomorrow!" Li Yi dismounted and said.

A group of people began to get busy. Xu Wen is responsible for setting up the tent, Liu Chang is responsible for the fire, Gu Lei is responsible for cooking, and Li Yi is responsible for going out and seeing if he can bring some game back.

Li Yi gradually walked away on his horse, Liu Chang quickly lit the bonfire, and gave Gu Lei the job, and ran to help Xu Wen set up the tent.

"Xu Wen, I always wanted to ask you a question." Liu Chang struggling to erect the pillars in the tent and asked Xu Wen beside him, "Have you ever recognized the Zong?"

Xu Wen was stunned by the question that Liu Chang suddenly appeared, and subconsciously replied: "Oh, I still have two attributes of dark wind!"

"Then have you been trained in contract art?" Liu Chang pretended to inadvertently, nailing the corner rope of the tent firmly to the ground.

"No, my family was not very rich when I was a kid. It costs a lot of money to learn contract technology! My father said that even if I learn contract technology, I can't guarantee that I can meet the standards of an intermediate contractor. It is better to learn some iron work skills. Support yourself." Xu Wen flattened the tarpaulin, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and laughed. "This tent is really heavy. If it were not for you, Brother Liu, I would have to take it for a long time!"

Liu Chang smiled, and suddenly asked Xu Wen's unexpected words: "So, do you want to learn? If you want to learn, Brother Liu can teach you."

Xu Wen was stunned for a while, then came ecstatic: "Really? That's great! I heard that if you have an intermediate contractor level in the army, you can be promoted to a commander-in-chief directly!"

Liu Chang smiled, without answering, touched Xu Wen's head and walked back to the campfire.

"If you really want to learn, then come to me every night and I will teach you."

Gu Lei stirred the soup in the pot and looked at the two men with great interest, not knowing what to think about.

The night soon came, after everyone had eaten, they slept, leaving Li Yi to stay up all night. This is what he asked himself to stand alone for an hour, and as the leader of the team, he naturally has to work harder, standing two positions, and then changing Gu Lei to stand guard.

After two hours, Li Yi woke Gu Lei by rubbing his eyes. After Gu Lei got up and got out of the tent, he fell to Gu Lei's shop and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, maybe for a short while, or for a long time, Li Yi was woken up.

"What!..." He slammed up from Gu Lei's shop and was covered with a small hand as soon as there was a sound in his mouth. Li Yi looked up along the small hand covering her mouth and saw Gu Lei's delicate face.

I saw that she put her index finger on her lips, made a mute gesture, and then said softly to Li Yi: "There was a group of people around, we woke everyone up, and the voice was lower!"

Li Yi woke up suddenly, his round body rolled up quickly, and quietly woke up the other two people.

Xu Wen was the most calm. After being awakened, he said nothing, but silently withdrew his sword from under the pillow, nodded to Li Yi and said he was ready.

Liu Chang was a little impatient. Li Yi shook him vigorously, but he just mumbled over and continued to sleep.

"I rely on! What else is the head of the bandit group, so there is no sense of combat readiness..." Li Yi whispered a few words, directly throwing a ball of water polo on his head, pouring him a transparent.

"Who the hell..." Liu Chang hadn't been able to say anything, but was hit by Li Yi's fist on his stomach, and suddenly he could only make a noise.

"There is a situation now, you can still sleep!" Li Yi said fiercely, "give me awake!"

Just when Li Yi wanted to drag Liu Chang up, there was a rustle of horseshoes stepping on the grass outside the tent, and the sound of the bow string being pulled away!

Li Yi's pupils contracted sharply-not good! They want to throw arrows!

Who are these people? What do they want to do?

Li Yuan, who was thousands of miles away, naturally did not know that his son was attacked when he was about to arrive at the Tiantianjun station. He and Qitian were taking Yuan Jiang to eat dinner happily.

In the afternoon, Yuan Jiang brought them back to his home and showed his achievements in the mountains in the recent period.

It doesn't matter at all, I almost didn't jump the heart of Li Yuan and Qi Tian!

In that small wooden box, it was all made of stone with various types of contract equipment! Not only is the hidden fog rock of the water attribute, but also the solar crystal of the fire attribute, the whistling stone of the wind attribute, the stone and wood of the wood attribute, the heavy core of the soil attribute, there is even a dark abyss starry sky!

"This... these are all you picked in the mountains?" Qi Tian asked a bit stunned, his palms were sweating with excitement, his heart was pulsating fast in his chest, the things in this small box in front of him If someone who knows the contract equipment sees, the price is enough to buy the whole new city!

Li Yuan swallowed, rubbed his eyes, and confirmed that he did not have dizzy eyes before saying to Qi Tian: "Qi Tian, ​​if I have no problems with my eyes, these things, we really...can't afford..."

Yuan Jiang asked strangely, "Don't be kidding, these two lords, these things are not worth a few dollars. Do you think my goods are of poor quality?"

Li Yuan shook his head and sighed: "It's not that these jade stones are of poor quality, but that the quality is so good..."

He took out a heavy core of soil properties from the box and spread it on his hands to explain to Yuan Jiang: "This heavy core is the cheapest in it. Even with this, all the valuables in my body can only be bought together. Let's take a heavy core!"

"Everything on me adds up, but it's worth at least five gem coins!"

Qi Tian took a deep breath and looked at Yuan Jiang: "Brother, if you take this box of treasures to the new city for auction now, the wealth you can have will be rich to the enemy!"

The rich can be the enemy! Of course, this is just the most basic value of the contract equipment materials of this box. If someone can make these treasures into contract equipment, then Yuan Jiang can use these exchanged funds to form his own country and fight against Xin Qin!

If Yuan Jiang had such thoughts.

But Yuan Jiang said indifferently: "What if it can be sold very expensive? My lifelong wish is to build a mausoleum for my parents. The extra money is enough for me to travel abroad. How to live a good life..."

"Well, two masters," he continued, "this box is sold to you at the price of twelve gold each! There are thirty-two jade in it, all for you!"

Unexpectedly, Qitian shook his head and refused, "No, wouldn't we be doing injustice? No, no..."

Yuan Jiang waved his hand and said, "Two masters, you don't know. These jade stones were dug out of a small hole in the mountain. I just looked at their colors and wanted to sell some small money. I used to give them to others. In fact, the price is only a very low one or two gold. The asking price this time is fifty-two. For me, it is a fortune!"

Who wouldn't want to do this kind of free delivery After hesitating and repeating, Li Yuan was willing to buy this box of baby at such a low price.

"There are three hundred and twenty-two gold in total. I don't have so much gold here. So, you can take all four gemstone coins, and you don't need to find the rest!" Li Yuan felt guilty and gave Yuan Jiang extra Eighty-two gold.

Under Yuan Jiang's repeated push, Li Yuan still stuffed four shiny gem coins into his hands and had no choice but to accept them. At the moment, Yuan Jiang said happily to the two of them: "The two lords, I really made a fortune today. The two of you just did not eat well for lunch just now? In this way, let me be the host today and invite the two to eat. Meal!"

Qi Tian said with a smile: "Brother don't have to be polite, we still have something to do, we won't disturb the little brother!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Yuan Jiang suddenly got the money that he could never earn in his life, and was very excited. "Anyway, after I built my parents' mausoleum, I will go out and travel, maybe I won't come back! Two masters Willing to buy my goods so that I can fulfill my lifelong wish in such a short period of time, then the two masters are my father-in-law of Yuan Jiang! Since I may not come back, then I want to put the mountain Tell the two masters the location of the pothole in return for gratitude!"

Therefore, with Yuan Jiang's persuasion, Li Yuan and Qi Tian had to agree to enter the Wang convex family's restaurant again.

A meal didn't stop until the evening, the host and guest were happy, Yuan Jiang saw the sky was too late, and wanted to take Li Yuan and his two to live in his own house, but was pushed away.

"We really have something to do, and we are going to the quarry in Xinqin. I have written down the location you said. Thank you, brother!" I walked out of the restaurant and prayed for the arch, "I hope that brother understands!"

Yuan Jiang said helplessly: "That's good..."

Suddenly, Yuan Jiang seemed to be blocked by something, and half of what he said was blocked in his throat. His chest was cold. He looked down dumbly and saw a dullness in his chest. The dull sword tip, blood was pouring from the wound, staining his original neat and coarse cloth.

A kerala moaned in his throat, and the tip of the sword gradually pulled away from him. Yuan Jiang's body fell softly and fell to the ground.

Qi Tian roared, looked up, and saw four men standing behind Yuan Jiang’s original position, smiling yiny, holding the **** sword in the current hand!

Li Yuan hurriedly leaned over to check Yuan Jiang's situation, but he was already getting less gas and getting more out of gas.

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