Li Yi couldn't help but hugged Gu Lei and looked at the person in his arms. For a while, he didn't know where to put his hands, and he didn't know what to say. He just stared at Gu Lei so stupidly, his eyes Without blinking.

Fool... For a long time, Li Yi still had no movements, holding Gu Lei stupidly for a long time, Gu Lei had recovered sober, watching Li Yi still dare not take the initiative to take some actions, could not help but sigh in his heart, struggling He got up from Li Yi's arms.

Both men blushed and looked away.

At this time, Xu Wen on the side had also woke up and looked at his body strangely, and said to himself strangely: "Huh? The wounds on my body... how have they disappeared?"

Li Yi finally found an opportunity to escape, and hurriedly got up and ran to Xu Wen's side. The fat face that was still red fluttered with a worried expression and asked, "Xu Wen, is there anything else? If it's okay, let's put together The elf has given the result!"

Xu Wen hadn't had time to answer, and in the distance came the sound of horseshoes pounding on the ground.

Is it... cavalry again? The four of Li Yi suddenly became alert and turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

On the official road beside him, a team of knights could be seen from the direction of Lian Yucheng. The knight at the front of the team held a flag high and fluttered under the moonlight.

When the team is near, the content on the banner can be clearly seen.

A blood-red "Lian" was written on the banner, the font was vigorous and powerful, and the stroke was sharp.

The four members of Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that this team holding the "Lian" flag was the patrol in Lianyu City.

And this patrol team enjoys the title of "Earthquake Battalion" in the new Qin military!

The patrol team of Lianyu City, also known as "Lianzi Camp", is a team of 100 people who can compete with the Celestial Army. Every soldier in the team has the blood of hundreds of enemies! In other words, this team of only a hundred people, the total number of killing the enemy is at least tens of thousands!

More than a hundred people killed more than 10,000 enemies, it was for the earthquake army!

The Lianzi Camp was established by Lianyu, the first city owner of Lianyu City, and made a contribution to the battlefield in the Southwest.

Because Lianyu City is located in an important position from the southwest to the inner city of the new city, Lianjia took the oath when he took the post of Lianyucheng City Master.

Since the riots in that year subsided, the skirmishes on the southwest border have continued, and even the descendants of the family have not been able to return to their hometowns. They have been guarding this important place that pinches the throat of the southwest of the new Qin, if it was not established by the old city owner Lian Yu." "Lianzi Camp" and the Celestial Army stationed around Lianyu City, I am afraid that Lianyu City has already fallen into the hands of the mob.

The current Lianyu city lord is the five sons of the old city lord Lianyu, with a single name of Pengzi. Lianpeng’s first four brothers all lost their lives in the conflict with the mob. As the fifth son of the old city lord Lianyu, It was the last son. After Lian Yu walked into the background because of his old age, Lian Peng had to use his shoulder to lift the family vow.

And this hundred-person ligature camp also carried forward in his hands.

I don’t know if it’s God’s blessing or Lian Peng is really a military genius. This one-hundred-person ligature battalion has stepped up to a height that can only be looked up under his management. The record of killing thousands of people also appeared from the time he took power. The heroic military exploits made this patrol, which was originally intended to detect the mob around the city of Lianyu, suddenly become a myth in the new Qin army!

The hyphen quickly floated in front of the four people of Li Yi, and the headed knight shouted. The team of more than 20 people quickly surrounded Li Yi with their long fingers and firmly locked them. .

"Who are you? Why do you report your identity here in the middle of the night, otherwise, according to the Southwest Wartime regulations, kill on the spot!" The knight headed shouted immediately.

Li Yi had done some research on the situation in the Southwest before he came. He knew the names of the cavalry in front of him, not to mention, the other party also acted in accordance with wartime regulations, so Li Yi pointed at their own things with their weapons Not too concerned.

He cleared his throat and said in an official voice: "I am Sun Qin, the new emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and the new ten commander of the Southwest Ji Tianjun. These three are my entourages. They followed me to Lian Yucheng to report."

As he said, the Emperor Sun's waist card and the cross iron card of the ten commanders were revealed.

The knights hurriedly dismounted as soon as they saw Li Yi's emperor's waist card, kneeling down on one knee, and headed the knight said: "I don't know if your emperor's emperor came to visit, there is a far-reaching welcome, even under the..."

"Okay, we are camping in the wild, so we will rush to the city to report tomorrow." Li Yi interrupted the knight and said with a smile, "Get up, should you be on patrol? We It’s okay, hurry up!"

"Your Highness...I don't know what's going on?" The knight stood up, pointing to the dozens of mob bodies around him, and Liu Chang, who was controlling Amda to pile them together.

Li Yi made a haha ​​and scratched his head: "These should be the so-called mobs...just now they wanted to attack us, but they are not as good as people...and then what you see now..."

The knight nodded and asked with concern: "I don't know if His Royal Highness needs our escort. This big night is not very safe on this jumping horse..."

"No, we can handle it ourselves..." Gu Lei replied directly.

Li Yi spread his hand: "Thank you for your kindness, we can handle this kind of thing, you should go patrol as soon as possible, don't miss the time for the shift!"

The knight no longer spoke much, crossed his arms in front of his chest and performed a military salute, and then led the team to the horse and left.

Li Yi looked at the rising sun on the horizon, rubbed his sour eyes, and looked at Amda who was carrying the body.

"Gu Lei, how should we deal with this elf?" Although Li Yi said so, he already had a pair of shackles on his hands. "I think it is better to lock his hands and feet-kill It’s a pity."

Li Yuan and Qi Tian walked into the vast mountains of the Central Mountain Range.

There was no farewell or farewell. After a busy night, they quietly walked out of the town and traveled westward all the way to the foothills of the Central Mountains.

At sunrise, they climbed this small mountain peak, which was called "Chaoxia Peak". At the foot was a winding mountain path leading to the top of the mountain. The rising sun behind them passed a trace of warmth into their bodies, early in the morning The breeze from the mountains blew on their faces, and it was shocking.

Turning over this peak, it is the inner abdomen of the Central Mountain Range, a grand canyon that Wanqu elves called "abandoned land".

"Qi Tian, ​​wouldn't you want to take me to the top of the mountain?" Li Yuan chirped one foot on the ground, swinging left and right on that small piece of ground on the peak of the mountain with the direction of the wind, it seemed to fall off the cliff at any time. Danger, but as a wind contractor, how could he be blown down by the wind? Li Yuan just enjoyed the feeling of drifting in the wind with the wind.

"Do you think we can reach the top of the mountain?" Qi Tian took a breath of cool and fresh air in the morning and looked up. The highest "Shen Ming Ding" in the central mountain range was hidden in the dense clouds of the mountains, among the clouds Indistinctly, "Since ancient times, only elves have been able to make pilgrimages under the protection of the gods on the top of the mountain, and there will still be many dangers along the way-no human can go up the mountain, so many people have disappeared in this vast mountain for thousands of years. In between, does this tell us anything?"

"We, the new Qin people, never get the blessings of this land!" he said, looking at Li Yuan's eyes.

Li Yuan laughed out loud and floated in front of Qitian by the wind: "I said why did you believe in gods and the like? We have lived so long, have we seen these illusory things? Anyway, even if there is such a thing, it is only an elf. Our new Qin people, since coming to Atlantis, have never believed in any gods..."

"Unbelief or unbelief, but we still have to pay tribute to those high lives!" Qi Tian said, "Although it is unbelief, the deeds of these gods are still spread among the people!"

"Okay, okay," Li Yuan yawned and squeezed his chin. "Now when it's not time to talk about things like faith, you still tell me, where are you going and what are you looking for?"

Qi Tian smiled and looked into Li Yuan's eyes: "At the order of King Qin, go among the mountains of the Central Mountain Range to get an implement, an artifact of the elves!"

"You know that thing-Seven Demon Beads!" After Qi Tian finished speaking, he started walking down the mountain path into the deep mountain.

Li Yuan raised his eyebrows, sucked his lips, shrugged, and followed.

They stepped down the mountain road step by step, and the thick mist in the canyon gradually enveloped the two of them, no matter how Li Yuan used the spell, he could not blow away the dense fog with a history of nearly ten million years.

The two had no choice but to tie them together with a belt around their waists, pulling the belt one behind the other and slowly descending.

After descending for more than half an hour, their eyes suddenly cleared, they have walked out of the area covered by clouds, the clouds in the mountains have been left behind by them, and what is displayed in front of them is that no life has arrived for hundreds of years. Area.

A dead place, an abandoned place, a barren area between mountains.

Looking down from the heights of Atlantis, you can find that the shape of the entire central mountain range is like a spindle, with two ends merged and separated in the middle. The mountains on both sides are like a huge wall that separates the east and the west of the mainland. The highest "Shen Ming Ding" is located in the mountains near the west of the mainland, and under the "Shen Ming Ding", it is leaning on this dead place-"Abandoned Land".

The abandoned land stretches for dozens of miles along the central area of ​​the Central Mountain Range and is an irregularly shaped area. To Li Yuan and his two people, this area makes people feel very strange. The fog in the mountains rolls over less than two feet above their heads, as if they will be pressed down anytime, anywhere, giving a dull sense of depression. .

What’s even more uncomfortable is that it’s a dead place here, the ground is full of gravel falling from the mountains, there is no sign of life, and even there is no hay in the mountains and the mountains in autumn, everything seems so bare, Desolation and silence.

Li Yuan's heart is inevitably full of doubts, is this "Seven Magic Beads" really hidden in such a place? However, in the eyes of treasure hunters, such a desolate, uninhabited place is really a good place for treasure hunt.

They came down the mountain road and prayed to heaven to walk straight to the right.

Li Yuan quickly followed, and after turning a right, a hole appeared in front of them.

"This is..." Li Yuan could not help but asked.

Qi Tian made a mute gesture with his hand and whispered: "Be quiet, don't wake up the things in this mountain range... Turot!"

Things in the mountains, Turot! Li Yuan couldn't help but widen his eyes, the brain quickly extracted the image of a behemoth from the depths of memory!

It has a lizard-like body but has stone-like skin, its teeth are unusually sharp, and it is naturally a darling of nature. It can soar through the sky with the power of nature, and can use the same power to dive into the abyss of the sea. Its name was once sung by the elves, but now it is a taboo for the elves and a totem for the crazy worship of countless contractors.

Tuhat, the elves used to call it that way, but since it went crazy and destroyed hundreds of elven villages, the elves called it "Turote".

Turot, in the language of elves, means "Falling Dragon", and Turhat means "Dragon of Divine Blessing."

Turot... Li Yuan couldn't help but shudder. Was this legendary creature hidden in this abandoned land? !

The legend of Turot Li Yuan has heard from others when he was very young. Although it is just some small bedtime stories, this violent creature image is still deeply engraved in his mind.

Qi Tian didn't explain anything, just said "be careful" and walked into the hole.

Li Yuan took a deep breath and released several protective spells on Qitian and himself, and followed.

This is a naturally formed tunnel, which is made of rock from top to bottom, left and right, and the width of the tunnel is just for an adult to pass through. However, after a few steps, the tunnel becomes narrower and narrower, and the eyes become dark, and you can’t see it. Under five fingers, Li Yuan and the two could only stoop and slowly advance in the tunnel.

Keeping this uncomfortable posture like this for about a tea, when Li Yuan felt that his waist was about to break, the sudden light in front of him made him block his eyes with his hands.

After a while, Li Yuan took away the palm that was in front of him, and after feeling that the light in front of him was no longer dazzling, he slowly opened his eyes.

A luminous behemoth appeared in front of the two, like an ancient stone sculpture, lying quietly on the ground.

They walked out of the tunnel and came to a huge cave that was also naturally formed. The surrounding rock walls were covered with various gemstones, shining under the light of the behemoth lying in the middle.

This lying thing has a height of five people. It has a lizard-like figure, and the skin like a rock naturally emits colorful rays. It has wings on its back and is drawn beside it. At a glance, it is easy to misunderstand. Because it is a statue.

However, Li Yuan clearly saw in the light that a smoke of green smoke was slowly blowing out of the nostril of this behemoth, and was slowly sucked into the nostril.

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