It... is alive!

Li Yuan stared blankly at the thing in front of him, and he did not react for a while.

This is the legendary "Turote"?

Li Yuan hadn't had time to think about it. Qi Tian walked toward the shining behemoth, and Li Yuan was shocked to pull Qi Tian quickly.

"Are you crazy? We don't know what this is, so you dare to rush forward like this?" Li Yuan tightly grabbed Qi Tian's sleeves to prevent him from taking another step forward.

Qi Tian turned to look at Li Yuan and smiled and said, "Don't worry, our luck is good, it's just in his dormant period now, so now there is nothing going on at all!"

"Dormant period?" Li Yuan asked puzzled. "What does the dormant period mean? Also, is this thing really Turot?"

Qi Tian walked away and explained while walking, Li Yuan had to follow behind him: "This is the legendary Turot, the fallen dragon that has destroyed hundreds of elven villages in succession. As for the dormant period, this is a bit long-term. Now..."

"After the madness of the year, Turot destroyed hundreds of elven villages. The reason here is almost unknown, but after that madness, the strongest of the elves united, Together to resist Turot's attack, this time can be traced back to the ancient times, that is, a long, long time ago...

"Okay, don’t think I’m talking nonsense. You know, on this continent, there were two gods who guarded the mortals. One of them was Turot, and Turot and the other **** who blessed the mortals. The elves of the two factions are guarded separately-of course, not the kind of differentiated elves you see now!"

"What kind of idea is the difference between the elves of these two factions? Now no one knows. The reason for this has long been covered up by the long river of history. What I know is that every elf tribe is composed of these two A group of elves of different factions, apart from their own same attributes, are distinguished only by their ideas.

"And Turot is the **** who blesses one of the factions. And the other faction is also sheltered by a god!

"Although they seem to be very harmonious with each other, secret conflicts have begun to occur. Here, there is a mixture of beliefs in gods and contradictions between their respective ideas, and the most prominent is the fanatical beliefs in gods. So that the elves of the two factions began to become like fire, and the fuse among them was the general of the original wind clan, Thunder.

"I don’t know very well what happened during the period, but later, Thunder led the followers of Turot into the deep abyss of the Central Mountains, and the tribes he led were also left by the elves on the surface. Call it the Dark Walker, which is now called the Dark Elf.

"Since then, Turot has gone crazy, flying out of the central mountain range again and again, coming in front of the elves and attacking the elves left on the surface. After it attacked hundreds of elven villages, the surface elves We also got the oracles passed down by our own gods, united the powerful among all the clans, and in another attack of Turot, the first time in history has injured a god! At the same time, Turot Arrived between the mountains of the Central Mountains, no one saw him again."

Qitian learned Li Yuan and shrugged: "Obviously, I found him, and seven magic beads were found in his residence. I reported the news to the emperor, and the emperor also ordered me to come and fetch Back-This is what it is like."

After listening to Qi Tian’s story, Li Yuan couldn’t get back to God for a long time: "Where do you know these stories?"

"Some things, I made an oath in front of the emperor, I can't tell anyone." Qi Tian sighed, "Although you are my only friend in this world, but I still can't be so easy. Ruin my oath..."

After a pause, he continued: "So, what I can tell you now is that these seven magic beads are right in front of our eyes. The last time I came was in his prone position. What is the situation... there is only one explanation, under his belly."

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "Although I still have a lot of doubts now, since you don't say it, then I won't ask more, and it's a big deal. I'll go back and ask the father and emperor. The question now is, how do we get this Take out the seven magic beads under the belly?"

Qi Tian sucked his mouth and scratched his head, obviously he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, he hurried forward.

Li Yuan hurriedly pulled him back again: "What happened to you today? How did your temperament become so urgent? You haven't talked about what to do in the end! Now you just rush up like this, I don't know the plan, don't you think of a Has anyone done this legendary god?"

Qitian smiled embarrassedly and said back, "Actually, my idea is very simple, that is, I stepped forward to distract him. You go to get the baby, it's that simple."

Li Yuangang wanted to speak, but Qitian pulled out the dark attribute contract equipment they created last night, and the black short sword drew twice and said, "Just, I can also try this legendary contract equipment. The power of the game may still leave a few words on Turot. In this way, I will be worth it in my life!"

Seeing that he couldn’t persuade Qi Tian, ​​Li Yuan gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade, loosened Qi Tian’s sleeve, and sighed, “Okay, then, be careful, I will add all the wind aids to you. Sexual contractual technique, as long as you lead Tulot, you will run as hard as possible. I will also grab the seven magic beads with the fastest speed, and then I will go out of the cave directly, and you must keep up, Don’t love wars-opponents of this level, how many of you are dead, don’t forget his identity, he is a god, not a scumbag on the street, a general battlefield enemy!"

Qitian laughed: "I know, I know, good, good!"

After talking, he walked to Turot without looking back.

Qi Tian looked at Turot's head up and down, and the blood-red light began to appear in his eyes, and he said to himself in his mouth: "Turot! This is a god! Although the ground elf injured the source, But his essence is still a god! Being able to challenge a **** is the greatest wish of a warrior in his life!"

As he said, he raised his dagger high, and the dark blade drew a beautiful black arc in the air and cut it on Turot's neck!

"when"! In the sparks, Turot's body was even brighter, and Qitian flew out of the air, and the short swords in his hand were broken into pieces and scattered all over the place.

Qi Tian fell to the ground, only felt a chest stuffy, "poo" spit out a big mouth of blood!

He grinned silently for a long time, and stood up, the red mans in his eyes became more and more fierce, and walked straight toward Turot. He shook Li Yuan and pulled his arm, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth with his tongue, smashed his mouth, and swooped up!

This is simply a beast-like play! Qi Tian threw himself on Turot's body. Although the other party was motionless, he still punched and kicked-biting with his teeth, banging with his fists, picking with his nails, and he used all parts of his body that could be used as weapons. After going all over, a non-destructive one was used on Turot.

Turot was still lying on the ground without feeling, sleeping, and the green smoke from his nostrils did not even accelerate or decelerate.

Li Yuan worriedly looked at Qi Tian's appearance as if he were crazy, and his heart was clear-this should be the sequelae of the task given by the father emperor to Qi Tian.

The sequelae that once became a caveman!

Father Emperor Father Emperor, what kind of task are you entrusted to pray to heaven? !

Qi Tian seemed to be not tired, and frantically tossed around Turot for a while, and then jumped down, the beast-like hissing continued in his throat, and the eyes were red with blood as if to be bleeding, sweeping away , You can actually see the light that seems to be projected from your eyes!

He pounced again, but this time the location he chose was not the rough skin of Turot's body, but the weakest eyelid of Turot's defense.

He grabbed the bite hammer and used all the movements he could use.

Finally, under the attack of perseverance, Turot moved.

His eyelids shuddered a few times, and opened, a pupil like a reptile suddenly appeared in front of Li Yuan! It's just that the two reacted very differently.

Qi Tian saw that the other party opened his eyes, excited as if he had hit the chicken blood, and started his grabbing and biting hammer action. All the attacks were unstoppable bombardment on the eyeball exposed by Turot. , But it had no effect. The huge reptile eyes looked at him mockingly under his attack.

And Li Yuan became more alert when Turot opened his eyes, watching the behemoth alertly, constantly meditating on mantras, and powerful defensive spells were used on himself and praying to the sky. .

Turot just woke up and looked around with his eyes open, but there was always a small reptile in front of him, which made our great Turot great angry-although he was so angry Injury, but the dignity of the gods is not yet invaded by a small reptile.

So Turot sneezes angrily and funny.

Suddenly, the entire cave** was enveloped by the strong wind caused by Turot’s sneeze, and the strong wind gradually escalated into a gusty wind. on.

Qi Tian once again made a spell-casting gesture, and the gust of wind was diverted when blowing on him, which had no effect on him at all.

"You--who are you?" Turot spoke, and he stood up. When he was lying on his stomach, he was as tall as five adults and now stands as tall as twelve! He looked at Li Yuan in front of him and felt that this cooler guy was qualified to talk to himself.

And the guy who messed up in his own eyes-it's better to ignore it.

Li Yuan bowed to Turot, his thoughts turned sharply, and cleared his throat: "Dear Turot, we are the people of the human kingdom outside, and inadvertently broke into your residence, such as Offensive..."

But before Li Yuan's words were finished, a figure rushed past him quickly!

Pray to heaven!

At this time, Qitian had completely lost his mind, the beast-like reaction and the desperate way of fighting-Li Yuan did not know, is this like Qitian, or the general of Xinqin?

Qi Tian has been stimulated by the madness in his body by some things, and now his fighting style is very different from the Qi Tian that Li Yuan knew in the past. Only cavemen in the Central Mountains can do such a thing.

Li Yuan couldn't stop the suicide attack of Qitian at all-his speed was too fast! In front of Turot, praying for the sky is simply unbearable!

Qi Tian quickly came to Turot's feet, looked up, his **** eyes were full of madness, and then he took out a greasy mask from his arms.

In a hoarse laugh, he put the mask on his face.

A piece of nonsense singing sounded at the moment when he put on the mask, and the singing voice was ethereal, echoing in the cave.

Qi Tian's body was like wearing a light red coat, all of which revealed the light of this strange color before the red light shined, and it became bright.

In an instant, the red color became dazzling, and the faint singing voice became loud at the same time. Li Yuan could clearly hear it. This singing voice was sung by countless people together in strange language. Li Yuan’s knowledge , But I can't understand this strange language with a grunt.

Although the content of the song is incomprehensible, it gives a sense of holiness and piety. Intuition tells Li Yuan that this song must be related to the caveman!

And that mask, Qi Tian has already been shown to Li Yuan, and it shows that this is a holy thing for cavemen.

With that song, Qitian moved again!

He shone bright red light all over his body and jumped, and the whole person jumped to the same height as Turot! You know, Turot, who is standing now, is as tall as twelve people!

What an amazing bounce!

After jumping, Qi Tian stepped in the sky, and flew straight forward a little, standing above the tip of Turot’s nose, pointing at himself with his left hand, and said in a horrible voice that had become hoarse. : "New Qin Qitian, the caveman king among the mountains, pays tribute to the great Turot God and..."


The sky is already bright, the late autumn sun radiates its own heat as much as possible, but it is somewhat weak, the coolness of the night still entangles on the earth after the sun rises, and tells the world all the time that winter is coming.

After a night of fierce fighting, Li Yi and his party were no longer sleepy. After cleaning the battlefield, they burned the accumulated corpses clean, sorted out their luggage, recovered the scattered horses, and went on again. On the official road, continue to the Lianyu City.

It is worth mentioning that the number of pedestrians has changed from four to six.

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