Six? That’s right, it’s six. If you count the captured Amda, there should be five people in the party, but when cleaning up the battlefield, Xu Wen found out that the elven water jelly, which had always been considered dead, turned out to be Still alive!

The dagger exploded by Li Yi's spell made several holes in the water jelly, but it did not cause much damage to the elf-she converted a part of her body into water again when the dagger exploded. The form made the fragments of the daggers go back to nothing, but because of the excessive consumption, she fainted.

Jellyfish and Amda were locked in their hands and feet by the shackles made by Li Yi using chanting, and they were thrown into the luggage cart.

Bumping all the way, Lian Yucheng is near!

Li Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. After counting the time, he came to the station of the Celestial Army within the stipulated days. Looking at the magnificent Lianyu City from afar, his heart was agitated.

Do you want to start a military career again? Real, iron-blooded brigades? Li Yi couldn't help but shook his head—what **** and iron blood, most of the people who chose to join the army did not come for the generous treatment of the new Qin army? There is a saying in the folks of the New Qin Dynasty, "Join the army without worrying about eating."

As long as you have entered the army of Xinqin, you don’t have to worry about getting hungry at least when you are a soldier. After all, there are a lot of poor people in Xinqin.

All the way fast, the speed of Li Yi and his team became very fast, and finally the afternoon sun shone down to the magnificent city gate of Lianyu City.

The wall of Lianyu City is made of bricks one foot high, and the whole wall is fifty feet high, and the gate in front of Li Yi is made of Atlantis. Cheng, this kind of elementary wood is thick and has steel-like hardness. In addition to being able to make various doors, it is also widely used in weapon manufacturing.

The gate of Lianyu City is 30 feet high and about 20 feet wide. There are hundreds of grooves in the area facing the door. I don’t know what it is for. Standing at the door was a team of ten guards, led by a commander-in-chief. After seeing the arrival of Li Yi and his entourage, the commander-in-command extended his hand to signal them to stop.

"Please show your permission to enter the city or Xinqin's identity certificate, and you can enter the city after confirmation."

Li Yi dismounted, and after returning to the ceremony, he took out his iron commander from the waist and said: "The new commander Li Yi of the Qin Dynasty, came to the headquarters of the killing army to report."

After verifying Li Yi’s brand and letter of appointment, the ten captains stepped aside and saluted again: "Welcome you to join the Celestial Army, Captain Li Yi. Please enter the city, our army headquarters is in the city On the left side of the house, keep walking along this road into the city!"

Li Yi thanked the ten captains who guarded the gate and then mounted and entered the gate.

As soon as he entered the city, the scene in front of him made Li Yi look at Gu Lei beside him, and the other party looked at Li Yi in surprise.

Lian Yucheng looks magnificent from outside the city and has a grand city temperament, but after entering the city gate, Li Yi realized that the interior of this big city in the southwest was so dilapidated!

The houses in the city rarely have more than two floors, and a large row of bungalows are neatly arranged on both sides of the road. There are many people on the road, but there are few well-dressed people. Most of them are wearing burlap clothes. It makes people feel that they are not the largest city in the southwest, but the small towns and villages on the fringe.

The city guards who patrolled the streets all wore bright clothes, the armor was shiny and shiny, and the weapons between the waist and the boots at the foot collided with the armor from time to time. The sound was so abrupt on the noisy street.

When the guard passed Li Yi and his entourage, they didn't even look at them. They watched as they strode forward. The red "Lian" printed on the armor of his chest shone in the sun.

There are a lot of people coming and going on the road. Everyone has one or two protrusions under the burlap clothes. Xu Wen, who has sharp eyes, can see at a glance-this Lianyu City, everyone is wearing weapons!

All people are soldiers! The word flashed in Li Yi's heart, and he couldn't help being interested in Lian Yucheng's current city owner.

The people's lives are difficult, but the army is well equipped. It should be the combination of the strength of the people to form such a strong team of "Lianzi Camp", and there is no dissatisfaction from the people in the ears of the senior officials of Xinqin. —

In addition to the voluntary action of the people, this city owner forcibly suppressed the voice of dissatisfaction! Li Yi estimated that, looking up, he had come to the door of the city's main palace unconsciously.

The city's main palace is also a two-story wooden building. It looks a bit old. It is not the best building in the entire city of Lianyu. It can be seen that the current city lord should not be the kind of person who oppresses the people for his own pleasure.

Li Yi shook his head, feeling that he should still report to the Tiantianjun first, so he turned left and came to the front office of the Tiantianjun, a two-story building on the left side of the main palace.

The headquarters of the Celestial Army and the main palace of the city are two-story wooden buildings, lined up at the end of the avenue extending from the city gate. Li Yi and his party dismounted in front of the headquarters. After passing the guards in front of the gate, they entered They were taken to the second floor by someone who appeared to be a clerk.

The wooden floor underneath squeaked under everyone's footsteps, and went outside the lieutenant general on the second floor. The sound of collisions and women's moans from the room behind the door could be clearly heard.

Li Yi's eyes were shining. When he was in high school, he had never seen an island country's ******. Although he had no experience, he was still very familiar with this kind of voice.

Someone...doing...Li Yi couldn't help but get excited, and you can see that the live-action battle is still very new to him as a little virgin.

The clerk knocked on the door embarrassingly, and the sound in the room immediately stopped. There was a sound of learning from the inside. Not long afterward, a ruddy woman rushed out of the room in a messy dress. "Gallop" walked downstairs quickly, but a handsome young man who had a very handsome look was finishing his clothes in the room. He sat elegantly behind the desk, and then he waved out of the door. :"come in……"

The clerk wiped the sweat from his forehead, led Li Yi and his party into the door, and saluted: "General Dai, this is the new commander-in-chief who joined our army, and recruit Xu Wen..."

Li Yi patted the clerk, gestured to himself, looked at the suspicious water stains on the desk, and smiled, "General Dai, isn't it? I'm Li Yi, and I was ordered to join the service of the Celestial Army by this order. It was Xu Wen, who was originally a recruit for the Imperial City Guards. As my men, I joined the Celestial Army together, and these two, Gu Lei and Liu Chang, are also my men..."

General Dai leisurely put his feet on the table and blocked the water from the beach. He drew a pipe point from his arms and said, "Since it is here, take the order book..."

Li Yi handed over the appointment letter and his ten captain iron card, and quietly looked at the handsome man in front of him.

"Your surname Ying?! Are you an imperial family?" General Dai took a smoky breath and began to yell after seeing Li Yi nodded to admit, "I yuck! The group of **** in the military department thought they could do whatever they wanted when the boss was not there? Another noble child, or his mother's royal family! Really take our Heavenly Army as a nanny? Sending the army to gold can go to the waste of the Chinese and Turkish army, why is it always sent to me..."

He snapped the table sharply, stood up, and yelled at the clerk: "You want to put in the lamb who wants to kill me in the gilded heap of the Tianjun Army? The military department even gave him a commander The military post! Isn’t this why the soldiers under my hands are dying under his hands?!” He turned his head and looked at Li Yi carefully, his eyes full of disdain, “Don’t kill the incompetent, but, since the military I'm not going to disobey the order, the clerk, you can do it yourself, just find him a casual job, let him do whatever he likes, don't cause trouble..."

After speaking, he walked out of the room and came back. He said, "I don't want these noble babies to be beaten up again by my soldiers. In case of any disability, I can't explain."

Disdain, despise, and...** naked contempt! Now Xu Wen gritted his teeth and wanted to pounce on General Dai, but was embraced by Gu Lei. Liu Chang busy persuaded: "Oh, what are you doing, Xu Wen, calm down!"

Li Yi laughed, turned around and patted Xu Wen's head and said: "Don't be excited, this General Dai will look down upon us and let him follow him. What do you do angrily, Lao Tzu comes to gilt, Lao Tzu comes to make war!" "Well? Don't blame us for grabbing him for fighting when it really hits!"

Li Yi squinted and smiled, looking at the clerk: "Well, should we help us see, where can we get it?"

This is a small camp in the northwest of Lianyu City. Several military tents are neatly placed in the center of the camp, and around it are a series of beasts.

It is said that the camp really lifted it up. In Li Yi's eyes, this is simply an outright farm!

In the pen, what cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and all kinds of poultry should be. There is even an artificial lake dug on the side of this farm, and there are even freshwater fish and shrimps!

This breeding site is located on the western edge of the Yuemayuan. A trail extends from the official road to this point. The animals are hungry, even if they rush to the east-there is nothing on the vast Yuemayuan, but there is no shortage of grass.

Li Yi pouted and said to the clerk who brought them, "Hey, don't you want us to raise animals?"

The clerk turned and said with a smile: "No, no, how can I make His Royal Highness Sun do this kind of work? With the order of General Dai, I naturally have to find a beautiful difference for His Royal Highness-this is not, now this Absolutely first class! His Royal Highness and Sun usually only need to come here once every half a month. At other times, His Royal Highness is free to control..."

"His Royal Highness Sun, transport these animals to the camps of the Celestial Army. What do you think?"

Li Yi soon knew that this was not an easy job.

The twenty-one commanders under the Celestial Army, that is, twenty-one thousand men, are also twenty-one camps. These twenty-one camps are scattered in various corners of the southwestern border of New Qin. If you go to these twenty-one camps every day to deliver animals-this is not about running away Lao Tzu! Li Yi scolded immediately after the reaction.

But there was no way. Li Yi agreed to take the errand at the time. Although in his opinion it was a bit overkill, after all, it was still something to do-now the fat man is uncomfortable when he is idle. In Gu Lei's words, it is Abuse.

In this way, Li Yi's whole body equipment was replaced, and the new Qin system officer armor was replaced. Except for the necessary fire sword and water shield, only the "wooden handguard" and the In addition to the "strap of light" on his neck, other contract equipment was placed in a wooden box by him, and he carried it on his back all the time.

I rely on, how can there be a taste of Saint Seiya... Li Yi raised his eyebrows and tightened the rope on the box, making the expensive equipment in the box closer to his back.

He lowered his head to look at the sign of the Celestial Army on his left chest first-the word "chi" encased in a bright red circle, and the word "ten" on the right chest, shook his head, muttered in his mouth, and continued Drive in a carriage.

"Anyway, I am also a commander-in-law... None of the three people under my hand are even equipped for me!" Li Yi said dissatisfiedly, shaking the reins and urging the horse to go Faster, "Four people are going to send 21 camps...I rely on, isn't it life-threatening? A person has to send at least 5 camps! In a day, isn't this trying to exhaust us?"

After taking over the delivery work, Li Yi waved his hands and let everyone pick up a carriage with multiple carriages like a train from the farm, carrying the goods to various camps. However, Li Yi overlooked one thing-he now has just a few people under his hands, and he is not a full ten-man team. If this is the case, wouldn't everyone have to run several places? !

However, the clerk's sentence "not enough manpower" blocked Li Yi back. With not enough manpower, could he still **** it from the army of the killer?

Helpless Li Yi had to volunteer to take on the tasks of the six camps. The carriage was filled with all kinds of meat that had just been slaughtered. Because Li Yi assumed six camps, that is, meat for six thousand people, each The goods in each camp are piled up in one car, and the six camps are exactly six cars.

Li Yi also has twelve horses in his cart!

Although it is not very tiring to catch a car, the 21 camps are not piled together, and there is a certain distance between them. The four people Li Yi want to deliver these goods. It's impossible.

In this way, Li Yi and his entourage split into four roads and marched forward.

The battalions of the Celestial Army were scattered, but they were intimately constructed between the camps in all directions. The gravel trails were divided into four roads, and there were five camps on each of the three roads. Ma Yuan's road is connected with six camps.

Li Yi naturally walked on this road.

Yuema was originally running north-south, the south directly connected to the south coast of Xinqin, the north connected to the hinterland of Xinqin, and the west was close to Lianyu City and the southwest border territory to which Lianyu City belonged.

The riots and chaos are frequent occurrences in this land less than a hundred miles away.

Li Yi has been walking along the gravel road for two days. After handing over the last car to a camp near the south coast, it was already the next night. The soldiers in the camp along the way reacted very dull to his arrival, and apparently showed no interest in this kind of delivery officers.

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