After bidding farewell to the soldiers stationed on the South Coast, Li Yi embarked on his return journey. He drove the horse, his eyes open, and the tirelessness of the endless sleep has quickly swept his body, making him in the carriage. Can't help but feel a little sleepy under the bumps.

Soon, under the ease of infection after completing the task, Li Yi quickly fell into a half dream and awake.

The carriage was bumpy, and the horses pulling the carriage were a little tired, but they continued to walk along the path slowly.

In the hazy, a strange scene appeared in front of Li Yi. The sky in the dream is chaotic, and various colors are mixed together randomly, and the sky is constantly changing in the day. There seemed to be something strange in the air, a kind of burnt smell. A neutral voice kept talking in his ears, but Li Yi couldn't understand anything.

The colors in the sky are constantly changing, and Li Yi watching is dizzy, and his body seems to be floating up and down on the water, as if the whole person has lost weight, and the whispers in his ears start to buzz, making Li Yi 'S head is even more dizzy.

A fiery red object in the distance drew close to Li Yi's eyes quickly. Li Yi's eyes looked at the things in front of him constantly changing, but he couldn't think about anything.

Not even the most basic idea of ​​"Where am I?"

Li Yi could only watch what was happening in front of him, but he couldn't remember what it was, what did he mean by what he saw?

Soon, Li Yi woke up in a cold sweat.

The brain has resumed work. Although the things in the dream have begun to become blurred, Li Yi can still think of the burning building-the main palace of Lianyu City!

Li Yi gasped for a long time, his thoughts still stayed in the shock that the dream brought him, a long-lasting calm.

Looking up, I found that the sky was already dark. Even the clear sky was not covered when it was covered by dark clouds. The moon was mostly covered by the dark clouds, leaving only half of the crescents shining in the air.

The clouds in the sky are getting deeper and lower, and it seems that they will soon press on people's heads. Li Yi **** his mouth and slams the reins.

The horse started running!

Look at this weather, there must be a big storm coming! However, it is already late autumn, how come this big storm! Li Yi couldn't figure it out anymore, so he stopped thinking. He increased the reins of the reins and hoped that he could rush to the nearest Yantian barracks earlier so that he could hide in the tent before the storm. By the way, also Get a good night's sleep.

However, what happened was contrary to wish. It didn't take long for Li Yi to wake up and speed up. A gust of wind had already blown over. For a time, the gust of wind blew up, and not long afterwards, heavy rain fell in the sky.

Li Yi reluctantly pulled the reins, and the carriage stopped gradually. He then pulled down the shelter of the carriage and hid in the carriage--since it had already been stormy, he ran to the camp where the Celestial Army was stationed. Late, it is better to hide in the carriage and wait for the storm to pass.

Li Yi knows that generally such heavy rains will not last long, and the wind and rain will pass by tomorrow morning at the latest.

At that moment, he rolled up the carpet in the carriage and prepared to sleep.

But I had just squinted in the car for a little while. In addition to the shock of the sudden arrival of the storm, Li Yi was so sleepless now that he had to sit up again and search for food from a small food box in the compartment.

Fat people are the most impatient [hungry novels], Li Yi vaguely remembered that his last meal was eaten when the sun was just setting, slightly calculated, until now less than one and a half hours, he was already hungry Too.

It should be too tired... Li Yi thought so, and at the same time put a piece of barbecue meat that had been cold into his mouth and chewed hard.

"This Shima waterfall is eaten in the sky (this is what the weather is!)" Li Yi scolded while eating, and the voice from the mouth full of barbecue was ambiguous. "It's just like the sky, it's a shame. Brake (It’s the same as summer, it’s raining and raining)..."

Before Li Yi's words were finished, a few swords had already pierced the carriage and thrust straight into Li Yi's throat!

Qitian has been fighting with Turot for two days.

Li Yuan couldn't even get in. After Qi Tian jumped onto the tip of Turot's nose, he knew that he couldn't stop the battle between his best friend and the legendary god.

The entire cave was raged by the spells cast by Turot from time to time, each of which pointed to Qitian, but was always evaded by Qitian by a few centimeters. Obviously, Qitian’s body The speed of reaction has reached a shocking level!

Qi Tian did not always be passively beaten. Although his attack did not have any effect for Turot, he always found a little gap and caught Turot with a firm claw. Five white marks are left on the rock body.

Be able to confront the attacks of the gods head-on! Ability to dodge freely among the spells cast by the gods! Able to persevere for two days under the attack of the gods, and there is no defeat! Whichever one is taken out here is enough to pray to heaven to accept the worship of all the samurai in the world!

But Qitian was obviously not satisfied with this result. What he wanted was to defeat this god. Even if the other party was injured, he was not in the state of full prosperity, but Qitian still wanted to defeat him!

The blood in the body boils like boiled boiling water, the red light in Qitian's eyes becomes more and more vivid, and the red light scattered around the body begins to gradually gather together, it seems that all are concentrated in Qitian's eyes !

The hymn burst into a flash! The majestic voice seemed to give Qi Tian the endless fighting intent, and the grim mask appeared even more terrifying under the **** eyes of his eyes!

Qi Tian's arm muscles began to bulge, and his nails became more slender and sharp. He snarled and once again bypassed the spell thrown by Turot and ran quickly along the opponent's nose bridge. To the eye!

"drink"! Qi Tian roared again, and his claws slashed down towards Turot's left eye with great force!

Accompanied by Turot's cry, blood was splattering!

Between the flashes of light, a figure fell straight from the air, the blood spewing from his mouth traversed a beautiful arc in the air, and the sound of "dong" hit the ground.

The rocky ground of the cave** suddenly cracked, and thick cracks quickly spread from under the figure! The power of this fall is so strong!

Li Yuan’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help worrying about his best friend, but the raging spells everywhere made him unable to move at all. He also tried to bless a few more beneficial spells for praying to heaven, but he was cleverly prayed Dodged away.

The fallen figure is naturally praying to heaven!

I saw that the whole person was embedded in the rocky ground, and his limbs pointed helplessly into the sky.

Li Yuan felt sad in his heart and shouted with all his might! His hands were swiftly waved, and various gaining spells with different effects were cast on his body, and he rushed into the turbulent spell!

But soon, he was hit by Turot's spell and fell to the ground. He was messyly dressed and had bleeding in the corners of his mouth, obviously suffering from a serious internal injury.

Just when Li Yuan wanted to rush forward to save Qitian, Qitian moved.

He supported the ground with his hands, pulling his body up from the pit he smashed, struggling to stand up, looking up at Turot, who was above him.

"Hum...Hum, it turns out, the power of the gods, too, but that's it!" The corner of the mouth behind Qitian's mask showed a disdainful smile, and said to Turot weakly.

Although his body appeared weak, he showed no less momentum than he in the heyday, and even more so.

Turot looked down at Qitian, and he couldn't help but reveal a little doubt: "Human, I have nothing to do with you, why do you want to work like this? Although I became a demigod body because of injury, but You alone can't help me... The limits of all things can't break through this barrier between us!"

"It seems that you are confused because of a long sleep! Why do you desperately? Just to prove the word in my heart!" Qi Tian laughed and yelled, "Although you are a god, but you will always Can’t understand the sorrows of mortals! Did we respond when we prayed to you high gods? No! For you, mortals, like ants, are not worth your attention! So, I’m going to take Testify that you are the so-called gods, but you're nothing!"

"Defeat you with my mortal body! Use my mortal body to smash your hypocritical shell! With my mortal body, for those who believe in you piously, but you can't get any help from you at the crucial moment. The creatures, get justice! This is my way!"

At the end of his speech, Qitian's momentum rose again, reaching an unprecedented height!

His feet slightly bent, kicked hard, and jumped into the air again. This time, the red light above and below his body completely disappeared, completely concentrated in his double pupils, which resounded through the cave. The chant of the song also began to become non-existent, as if it were in the ear, but as if far away.

Praying to the sky and standing empty, he stood steadily at the same height as Turot in the air. His **** eyes stared at Turot indifferently, as if the **** in front of him had become a dead body.

Even the most generous elders will be affected by the contempt of God's contempt, not to mention Turot, who has been crazy before!

Turot smiled angrily and opened his mouth with a big smile: "Since you insist on seeking death, don't blame me..."

With a low roar in his mouth, his eyes were wide open, and his two front claws were directed towards Qitian!

Qi Tian sensitively avoided Turot's slam from the air, just wanted to laugh at it, but found that the strong wind in his ears suddenly attacked, and the whole person subconsciously sank down slightly, when he slowed down and looked up, A huge tail shaped like a rock sculpture crossed the top of his head.

Turot's fight was a guise. He knew that if he was faster than speed, he would have nothing to do with praying, so he twisted his body while fighting, and the tail behind him swept to pray. Able to hit the target as expected.

But helplessly, Turot still failed.

Although in his own expectation, he still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and began to complain about his injury.

If it were not for his injuries, he could not be reduced to a demigod body, and without the power of the original true god, he would naturally not be able to use the various laws that existed in this world to deal with the heavens whose congenitality is lower than himself and I do not know how much. , Naturally weakened a bit.

Although Turot is now a demigod, his demigod is only a lot stronger than the mortal in terms of body and spell-casting ability. Naturally, the opponent with such fast speed and quick response to the heavenly **** is naturally at a disadvantage.

Falling downwind does not mean you will lose! Turot admonished himself. In the long years, Qitian opponents of this type naturally encountered a lot, and Turot also has many powerful methods to deal with such opponents-but the problem is that these means of dealing with Qitian opponents Most of them rely on the power of spells, and now Qitian can basically avoid any spells. In addition, his figure is too small for Turot, so that Turot cannot spell. Spread it on Qitian!

Qi Tian flashed from left to right, continually evading from Turot's attack gap, and after Turot's another rush, he boarded the opponent's nose again!

Before he prayed to the earth, he came to Turot's eyes for a while, but now he got closer and found out that he didn't hurt him at all-Turot's eyes were covered with a transparent light film Wrapped around, plus the defense of the eyelids, it is obviously not that Qitian can break it by himself.

After thinking hard, fruitless, Qitian had to dodge again before Turot grabbed his claws and quickly climbed along Turot's nose bridge to the god's head.

What should I do...Qi Tian once again avoided the giant claws that Turot caught, his action and thought were separated, his body was no longer controlled by his own thoughts, instead he dodged by his own intuition, And thinking is thinking hard about the countermeasures.

His whole body is composed of the most solid rock, and it is impossible to break hard... Qitian turned from Turot's head and jumped up, down the road of Turot's spine, and escaped the other. After sweeping the tail, it came under Turot's belly. ...But if it is not broken, then only...

Qi Tian's thoughts returned to his body again. He quickly jumped out of the shadow of Turot's belly and looked up at the nostrils of Turot's big cave.

That's it... A triumphant smile emerged from Qi Tian's face.

He jumped up, evaded several spells smashed into his face, and rushed into Turot's nostrils like an arrow out of the string!

The scene suddenly calmed down, and Turot stood motionless for a long time, and then there was a reaction.

Sneeze non-stop! The huge figure of Turot began to sneeze non-stop, wanting to spray Qitian who had entered his nasal cavity with his own airflow, and the hole** was once again shrouded in strong winds.

But what Turot did was doomed to futility.

After Turlott had sneezed for dozens of times in a row, he failed to get Qitian out of his nose. This temperamental **** was violent again! The wings behind him kept flapping, shaking their heads, and even slamming their huge heads against the rock wall!

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