The entire Central Mountain Range trembles under his rage!

Qitian went all the way in Turot's body. This god's body was like a huge rock cave, extending in all directions. Qitian didn't know where he was in Turot's body, just groping with the sense of direction go ahead.

Turquoise's body inside the rock wall is constantly shining with colorful lights, Chad looked very charming. But God knows that this is not a long-term place, even if he is in Turot’s body, he can’t easily hit a hole and break out, unless he ignores and stays in Turot’s body. Two days.

After a while, a shining bead appeared in front of Qi Tian.

Qi Tian looked happy, walked quickly to the colorful round beads, and surprised to pick up the beads that can be picked up with one hand.

"Seven Magic Beads!" Qi Tian smiled and said to himself, "No wonder they haven't seen the traces of Seven Magic Beads just now. It turned out that this guy was swallowed into his belly..."

As he said, he carefully put the "Seven Magic Beads" into his arms and moved on.

And Qi Tian took away the "Seven Demon Beads" at the same time, it was when Turot was furious!

Turot was seriously injured by the elf tribes because of his crazy hair in his early years. His mental state has not been very good. Although he hid between the vast mountains of the Central Mountains, the symptoms of frequent madness still let He was very distressed.

Even if the power is greatly reduced, what is going on with mental illness!

Fortunately, he hadn't lived in vain for so many years. Under chance, he discovered this "seven demon beads" made by the wizard wizard, and accidentally ate it when he was crazy. The accident made him I was surprised to find that this "Seven Magic Beads" has the function of stabilizing my mental state!

If he got the treasure, he carefully kept the "Seven Demon Beads" in a secret cave in the abandoned land, and swallowed the baby into his belly every three to keep his mind awake.

But I didn't expect that the place I thought was very hidden was easily discovered by someone, and it was drilled into my body by the other party by mistake and hit, and took the "Seven Magic Beads"! At this time, the consciousness that had not been stable for a long time became chaotic again, and the violent temper could no longer be suppressed, and the madness was launched!

When Qitian drilled out of the bumpy Turot again, the cave** was completely unrecognizable. The mountain shivered under Turot's constant impact, and the cave was about to collapse!

It was not good to pray to the sky, knowing that Turot's mental state became unstable again, and quickly rushed out of the furious Turot's attack range and came to Li Yuan's side.

He dragged the seriously wounded Li Yuan from the ground, put the "Seven Demon Beads" in his arms into Li Yuan's hands, and shouted, "Go away! This cave is about to collapse! I'll block Turot , Hurry up!"

With a fierce hand, Li Yuan was pushed into the tunnel when he came, turned and proudly faced the crazy Turot.

"Come on...Let me see how crazy you are!"

Li Yuan climbed back to the top of the "Chaoxia Peak" with difficulty, and looked at the layers of fog under his feet, feeling more and more heavy.

Pray that he... saved my life again! Only this time, can he still escape... Li Yuan didn’t think of rushing back to the cave to help pray for the sky, but just after he passed the tunnel, the mountain behind him began to collapse, and the tunnel and the entrance to the cave were both The falling rocks were completely blocked.

Li Yuan had to go back.

The entire Central Mountain Range was trembling violently, like the end of the world. The landslides of the mountain continued to split, and huge rocks fell into the mountains, evoking the dull sound of "Dong Dong".

The sky was already dark, there were no clouds in the sky, and the stars and moon were twinkling, but Li Yuan didn't feel the slightest appreciation now, just staring down at the cliff, hoping that Qitian could escape again and climb up from the mountain .

The vibration between the mountains became more and more intense. Li Yuan suddenly discovered that the originally clear night sky was not covered when it was covered by dark clouds. The lightning flashes between the clouds seemed to maintain a certain pattern with the vibration of the mountains.

A violent shock at the foot, the clouds in the mountains were dispersed by a violent rush, a huge black shadow quickly rose from the valley, powerful wings fluttered between the fans, and quickly headed toward the southwest of Xinqin.

Above the shadow, a small figure stood strenuously, resisting the strong wind pressure generated by the shadow while flying.

The figure glanced back at Li Yuan, and the flashy flash of lightning could see the gruesome mask on his face.

Is praying for heaven! He really escaped! Li Yuan was overjoyed, watching the shadow gradually fly away, and he quickly caught up with the wind.

That shadow is crazy Turot!

Turot went crazy all the way south, and the dark clouds in the sky drifted toward him.

Southwest of Xinqin!

Li Yi's reaction was unpleasant. When the deadly swords stabbed him, he rolled in place, quickly swallowed the barbecue in his mouth, grabbed the sword and shield on hand, and rushed out. The carriage of the carriage.

The wind outside the carriage was very violent, and the raindrops that quickly fell from the sky were blown by the wind and it was painful! A lightning flashed across the sky quickly, illuminating the surrounding things. With this moment of light, Li Yi, under the count, there were twelve masked men standing around the carriage with swords in hand.

The other contract equipment is in the box in the car. It is too late to take it out and put it on, but fortunately, Li Yi has a lot of peace in his heart.

"Who are you?" Due to the **** storm, Li Yi had to increase the volume and shouted in the rain, "This is the carriage of the new Qin military, don't you know that it is a capital crime to attack the new Qin military!"

The masked people looked at each other without giving any answer, but raised their arms and slowly approached Li Yi.

I rely on! What is this to do! Li Yi resigned helplessly. Anyone who supplies supplies must be attacked halfway? Am I very valuable?

Thinking about it, Li Yi was unambiguous, and he instantly blessed himself with several defensive spells of the light system, making him look so bright in the dark night.

One of the masked men gave a low growl in his mouth, jumped into the carriage, held his sword high, and slashed down!

Li Yi held up the shield to block, and slammed out. The masked man staggered, and almost fell off the carriage with an unstable center of gravity. His body swiveled, and the blade passed by, but Li Yi easily escaped. .

"It's not fun to play in the carriage, let's come down to fight!" Li Yi saw the other masked people also gathered around, knowing that if he was still in the car, he would not be pleased, and he jumped off the car while talking. .

A moment later, Li Yi quickly rushed into the crowd.

Without the help of "Windshoe", Li Yi's movements were much slower. When he rushed into the enemy group, the enemy had already spread out and once again surrounded him in the middle.

I'm fucking, this time I'm playing a lot... Li Yi can't help but sigh, the giant sword swept, made the encirclement expand a little, and then rushed in one direction...Must not let them encircle me, otherwise If so, my lord, I will definitely suffer a big loss today.

The masked man in the direction Li Yi rushed with a chuckle, and turned away.

Li Yi just broke out of the encirclement.

Just when he wondered why the masked man had to do this, a large net oncoming told him the truth.

It's too late to retreat now, Li Yi has to continue to rush forward, he focused all on the fire sword in his hand, screamed, and swept the sword over!

The fire sword shone with blazing fire, and it was particularly gorgeous in the stormy night.

The hot flames are licking. With the oncoming big net, along with the sharp blades coming one after another, no matter how tough the big net can't bear the anger of the contract equipment!

Li Yi cut off the big net with a sword, rushed out of the broken net, and then a sudden brake turned around.

"Do you guys go together, or one by one?" Li Yi raised his fire sword. Above the sword, a bright red flame was burning, giving Li Yi infinite confidence.

Come on... Come on... let my sword... drink blood again!

The masked people rushed forward to try to surround Li Yi again, but Li Yi no longer gave them any chance.

The spell on the Fire Sword has been triggered, unless Li Yi's mental power is completely exhausted, then the masked people in front of him will be injured if they touch the Fire Sword.

"The Fire of Heaven's Punishment" was started again by Li Yi!

The last time Li Yi used the "fire of punishment" was when he tracked the bandits that night, Li Yi's mental strength was emptied at one time, but his opponents at that time were much more than the dozen now. , So Li Yi thinks that using this spell now should be able to quickly solve the battle, and then hide in the car to sleep.

So Li Yi started to charge as the masked people rushed in. He held the fire sword up and down his body and was covered by the golden light of the light-enhancing spells of the light system. Like the gods, he rushed into the enemy group.

He leaned on the blessed spells to harden the masked man's several attacks, and shot the fire sword on one of them, and suddenly the other side of the body was wrapped in layers by a fierce flame. Helpless roaring and rolling on the ground, even the pouring rain could not save him.

The flame on the fire sword burned more violently, and looked far in the night, as bright as a lighthouse!

With the help of this flame, Li Yi became more difficult to entangle. Anything that was touched by the flame on his sword would be swallowed by an indestructible flame until the whole person was burned into a ash! Not long after, most of the twelve people have been killed by Li Yi, leaving only four masked men with good skills to support Li Yi's offensive.

The four masked men relied on their agile movements, dodge left and right under Li Yi's fire sword, and give Li Yi a sudden when Li Yi was too late to turn around.

However, Li Yi relied on his body blessed by the contract of light system, just like to die with others, and quickly killed two masked people.

Looking at the enemies tumbling and screaming in the flames, Li Yi's heart somehow came out with a sense of pleasure! Bloodthirsty pleasure!

What's wrong with me? Li Yi's fondness of "thinking" once again ruined his business. While Li Yi was stunned for a while, the remaining two masked men "poundered" and stepped back a few steps, hiding in a place where Li Yi could not attack.

Then their bodies gradually disappeared in the rain, leaving Li Yi alone beside the empty gravel trail, staring at the burning sword in his hand.

Has he become a bloodthirsty person? Li Yi shook his head, no, there must be something wrong! But what is the problem...

Li Yi shook his head vigorously, and shook back the messy thoughts in his brain—whatever he did, he first solved the trouble in front of him!

Huh? What about people? Li Yi opened his eyes wide and looked around through the fire on the fire sword, only to find that the remaining two masked men had disappeared.

I'm relying on...Isn't that kind of assassin again? Li Yi seems to have captured a bit of the origin of these masked people, but it is not very clear-now you can't think about it anymore in the battle of life and death! Li Yi warned himself so, at the same time, he blessed several spells on himself again, waiting quietly.

For a long time, nothing happened.

Just when Li Yi was relieved and wanted to climb back into the carriage, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and a huge flapping sound of wings flew from the sky!

Li Yimeng was shocked and looked up, but he didn't want two dull daggers carved with various runes to gently smear his throat!

"Boom"! There was another thunder, and Li Yi finally saw something in the sky-Dark Shadow! A huge shadow!

At the same time he was surprised, he felt his throat cool and became hot! He touched it, his hand was wet...

I rely on! Law-breaking weapon! I was cut by my throat...this is Li Yi's last consciousness.

The fat man fell to the ground with a thud, and blood continued to flow out from his neck, quickly staining the ground, and the fire sword held tightly in Li Yi's hand gradually extinguished.

The two disappeared masked men gradually emerged, tossing the dagger in their hands and retracting it into the sheath around their waists. They walked carefully to Li Yi, wanting to see if the target was dead.

But I didn't expect that when they were going to approach, Li Yi's hand guard shone brightly, and the dark green light quickly covered Li Yi like a light curtain. At the same time, the plants growing on the roadside also The same color of light began to bloom, and countless light spots rose from them and converged on Li Yi.

Just when the two masked people were dumbfounded, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and smashed to the side of Li Yi's carriage. A huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground.

An equally huge rock head popped out of the pit fiercely, staring at the two masked men with a pair of yellow-green reptile eyes.

A figure also jumped out of the pit, panting in a defensive posture.

Lightning once again crossed the sky, illuminating the mask on the figure's face.

"Turlot, this time, see where you are going!" A hoarse voice came from behind the mask.

Li Yi felt that he was soaked in a warm big pond, and there was a scent of green grass all over his body. The warmth around him was very comfortable.

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