Consciousness soon returned to the body, and he quickly remembered what had happened.

I was cut throat... I rely on it! It's a law-breaking weapon! Li Yi scolded in his heart that if he hadn’t listened, he would have scrambled up.

After learning that he had cut his throat by disregarding his protective spells, ignoring his protective spells, Li Yi subconsciously activated the spells on the gloves, and the whole person was immediately protected by a layer of light curtains. Extracts vitality from all the plants in the surrounding area and is used to heal the injuries on his body.

Now Li Yi can't move, and can't even feel the things outside the light curtain. Although the brain can still think, the only thing that can be felt all over the body is the continuous warmth...

The nagging voice in the dream appeared in his ear again. Although he didn't understand it, it was not very annoying. Li Yi turned over in the light curtain with pleasure, the wound on his neck had healed, and now he just had to wait for his body to fully recover-whatever his voice, it should be listening to MP3.

At the same time, outside the light curtain, the masked man began to struggle with Turot.

It is praying for heaven!

Turot in the madness felt his body was very hungry and eager to eat, and the praying sky in front of him was clearly not in his standard of eating-the breath from this guy made him feel disgusted, even nausea.

The best food goal is the two masked people standing beside Li Yi, although their size is a bit too small for Turot, but after all, it is also two pieces of meat. Stuffed.

When Turot wanted to cross Qitian and pounce on the two masked men, Qitian blocked his way.

"You haven't got a win or lose! Don't want to go!" Qi Tian said as he rushed forward, punching Turot's nose hard with a punch!

This punch, which gathered all his strength, slammed Turot into the pit on the ground, and prayed to heaven for a roar of excitement. The blood-red light flashed through, and the muscles in his arm were thick. a bit.

The ethereal chants sang again.

Turot crawled out of the pit, shook his head, and stared at Qitian with both eyes.

This reptile-like thing haunts me along the way...will not let me eat...Damn it!

Turot didn't think about it, just took a paw! The ground suddenly burst into smoke. Thunder bursts in the sky, countless lightning flashes between the clouds, it seems that the anger of God Turot.

When the smoke dissipated, Turot lifted his giant claws to see, but didn't see Qitian's broken bones. His claws were empty, and there was only a stamp with the shape of his claws.

Turot was muddled and didn't care how the little reptile escaped. For him, the most important thing now is to eat, eat, and eat again!

His eyes were fixed on the two masked men again.

Turot split his mouth, revealing the expression he thought was a smile, but this expression was too ugly for humans. From the perspective of the masked man, the huge monster in front of him was demonstrating with his mouth open.

The calves were trembling, the legs were weak, and there was a chill in the back-the two masked men quickly made up their minds and ran off to the sides.

But no matter how they run forward, they can't leave the place, even one step, as if they are standing still!

Use and control of natural rules!

Turot did not know that he had recovered some of the abilities that he could possess as a true **** because of his crazy state. He seemed to have discovered something interesting, and he constantly modified the nature around the two masked people according to his instinct. The rules, watching them panic, feel very fun.

While he was playing hard, Qi Tian appeared on his side again.

A fierce kick kicked on Turot's eyelids. Although he did not cause any harm to him, this powerful foot distracted Turot and applied it to the two masked men. The rule immediately lost control, and the two masked men found that their bodies had run in front of them, and after a few rushes, they fell to the ground.

The masked person felt that he was continually falling, and then hit the ground. After the things in front of him rolled a few times, his body lay quietly in front of his eyes.

They didn't want to understand until they died, how could they be separated inexplicably?

No one at the scene will care about the life and death of these two unknown masked people. Qitian only knows that he must defeat this crazy **** in front of him!

Although this is somewhat different from Turot's goal, the general idea is still the same.

Turot's idea is also very simple, that is, he must pinch this nasty little reptile in front of him.

He did. Turot crawled out of the pit under the attack of "no pain, no itching", and exposed the huge body completely to the earth, shaking all over him, and a high roar passed through his huge mouth. Came out.

He didn't know how to express his emotions in words, but fortunately, he knew how to vent his emotions. The furious Turot didn't know what kind of damage his power could cause to this land, but he knew what kind of damage he could do to pray to heaven.

His movements became very agile. When Qitian threw himself up again, he flicked his tail, accurately drawn Qitian's body from the side, and flew him away from the distance.

With the speed and responsiveness of Qitian now, he could not escape this heavy blow!

Qitian rolled on the ground a few times, quickly climbed up, kneeled on one knee, and spit blood on the mask. He looked at the shouting **** in front of him gasping for a moment, and his heart was awake.

It seems that Turot's current state of madness is really a bit tricky...

When I thought about my previous madness, I couldn't help but wonder-I even wanted to challenge a **** who had existed on this continent in ancient times! He can still fight with him for two days!

Although Qitian kept flashing some questions and thinking about his different attitudes in the past few days, his body was still fighting involuntarily!

The Turots stood up and walked toward Qitian in stride. The wings behind them were gathered together. The two front paws waved and grabbed Qitian.

Qi Tian's body swiftly hid and shoved Turot's claws, his feet violently jumped, and jumped up again, and the red light shone all over his body, like the arrow of the string, towards Turot's huge head Shoot!

"Snapped"! Qi Tian was once again cut off halfway by Turot, and was shot back to the ground like a fly.

This is impossible! Qi Tian roared in his heart, widening his **** eyes. How can it be! Turot is not a **** who relies on speed to fight, how is it possible to catch up with my speed!

Although he didn't believe it, the current situation told Qitian that this is a fact.

Turot split his mouth again, revealing a greasy smile, and raised his left leg to pray to heaven!

This time, Qi Tian's body seemed to be out of control, and he could only watch the huge claws approaching himself! Can't hide away... pray heaven if the heart is gray, and a flash of past events flashes in his heart.

Just as Turot was about to step on Qitian, a dark green light burst out suddenly, illuminating the entire night sky! The green light went out, and at the same time, another golden light came straight from behind Turot, and a curious male voice came from behind him: "Huh? Am I dreaming? Can I meet my brother in dreaming?" Sila? No, right... Godzilla has no wings on his back, and his skin is not that bad..."

Turot turned around alertly, praying for the control of Tian's body to return to his hands again. He left quickly, sweaty, and looked at the strange scene from a distance.

A billowing figure floated in a golden beam. On this stormy night, this abrupt beam appeared so strange-of course, this is why Qi Tian had not noticed the light curtain hidden by Li Yi just now. .

The figure in the beam continued: "Forget it, since I took you as Godzilla at first glance, then call you Godzilla... I should be dreaming now, otherwise why the things in front of me are all Jin Cancan? Although I say that I like gold, I don’t have to turn everything into gold so directly in my dream..."

Turot didn't care about the self-talking of this tumbling guy, but expressed his attitude with his actions. He crawled on the ground with his limbs, his wings spread out, and watched the figure in the beam alertly.

Like an enemy!

Turot didn't know why he had such a reaction. There was only one consciousness in the muddled thoughts-this thing in front of him is absolutely something he can't cause now!

He groaned continuously in his throat, and then made an action that surprised Qi Tian.

Turot's wings flew fiercely, and turned quickly, flying towards the west.

"Eh? Godzilla, how did you go? It's really boring... What is this dream telling me..." The fat figure didn't understand, of course, he didn't want to understand, "Forget it, since it's a dream, sure There will be such indescribable things..."

Qi Tian sees Lotot to run away, and no longer cares about this golden beam, chasing after him without thinking.

Beside the gravel trail, only the fat figure in the golden beam was left, looking around strangely.

As Turot left, the violent rain cloud in the sky quickly followed Turot behind him. As he traveled westward, Xingyue appeared in the sky again, if not on the ground. It is full of puddles, and no one thinks that the storm has just raged in this area.

The figure in the light beam fluttered around the gravel road, and his mouth said strangely: "How is it exactly like reality? Please, can dreaming be so real..."

Just as he said to himself, a neutral voice suddenly sounded from his mind: "We meet again, young human..."

"I rely on! What?" The fat figure cried in horror, and then looked up and down, "Who are you? Where are you? How could it be in my dream?"

"Young man... My name Dai Naihe, what we have seen..." The neutral voice seemed to laugh gently, and continued, "You seem to think you are dreaming? No no no, you It’s sober now... The gold you see is actually the reason I came down on you... I wouldn’t even see you again so soon if Turot appeared beside you... "

A golden light and shadow appeared on the beam of light, and then landed in front of the beam: "The monster you just saw... is Turot... the patron saint of the dark elves, the crazy stone skinner, Attila The rising **** of Tis, Turot..."

"Young humans... The gods have already woken up, and have determined that you are the son of the **** sign, please follow me..." Guangying continued, "The gods are very much looking forward to meeting you... Li Yi..."

Li Yi felt that he completely violated the role of gravity, and the whole person rushed into the sky in the golden beam like a cloud, and suddenly came into the air!

Things at his feet quickly zoomed in and out, and the moon above his head grew bigger and bigger. Li Yi floated in mid-air, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

I rely on it, if it falls accidentally, it will not fall into a piece of meat patty!

Seemingly knowing the thoughts in Li Yi's heart, Dai Naihe, who turned into light and shadow, chuckled in his ear: "Don't worry, I'm by your side, you can't fall..."

Saying that, the two golden awns jumped out of Dai Naihe's hands, and hurriedly went in one direction. The golden trajectory left along the way formed a wide golden avenue, allowing Li Yi to stand steadily here In midair.

And the direction of the golden mountain is the highest towering "Shen Ming" in the Central Mountains!

The "God Top" looming in the thick clouds between the central mountains all year round is another myth of Atlantis! Legend has it that this peak is unattainable, and no one can even witness the most high mountain in the world!

Of course, there is no need to examine how much this rumored water is. After all, this is just a human word-anyway, the adult ceremony held by the elves every year will have a large group of elves climbing the "God of the Gods" to make a pilgrimage...

Dana black hands waved again, and a carriage made of golden light appeared in front of Li Yi out of thin air. The carriage was not pulled by anything, but it stood quietly on the golden avenue by two side-by-side wheels. Go up, the side door opening opens, waiting for passengers to board the carriage.

Dan Naihe made an inviting gesture, let Li Yi get on the carriage first, then he followed up and closed the door.

As the door closed, the carriage moved smoothly. If Li Yi glanced out of the window, he didn't even notice the movement of the carriage!

"Now, let's talk about your business..." Dai Naihe's light and shadow pointed to Li Yi and to himself. "You are not the only human in this world, but we have not chosen others. I chose you..."

"Do you think I'm going to feel weird?" Li Yi lifted Erlang's legs carelessly on the seat in the carriage. "You can rest assured, I'm a person who came in from the outside world. This kind of thing is written much in the novel. went!"

"Is it..." Dai Naihe chuckled awkwardly. "But don't you want to know why we chose you?"

"May I know the details!" Li Yi made a strawberry cake and said it while eating-to be honest, in Li Yi's understanding, the benefits of chanting are not only able to create some funny and strange gadgets, chanting The real meaning for Li Yi is to be able to come up with something he wants to eat anytime, anywhere, "You should not eat anything? Um... Then I will eat it myself..."

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