Dai Naihe smiled again and didn't care: "Actually, our choice is not limited to you alone...but so far, only you can meet the conditions!"

"The conditions for becoming a child of the Divine Sign are very simple, that is to be different! On this point, the gods have discussed for a long time, how can they be different? Obviously, every one on Atlantis All creatures have the mark of this land, and this mark has been deeply engraved in their souls from the moment they were born in this land. It can be said that every creature on Atlantis, Including the gods, they are essentially the same..."

"So, the definition of "unusual" becomes very clear, that is, the creatures who come to this continent from other places!"

"However, throughout the ages, there have been countless intelligent creatures coming to Atlantis, most of them are you humans, and many have settled down, but just when we wanted to study them carefully, we discovered that their life cycle It was too short, and they didn’t belong to this continent. They simply couldn’t adapt well to the environment of this world, so that they gradually disappeared within a few hundred years... until now, the new Qin king belt Come here with your own entourage!"

"The group of people brought by King Qin entered our field of vision. Unfortunately, no one except this king could meet our standards. At that time, although we had been sealed up by ourselves, we were still able to observe Whatever happened to this land, we never imagined that this human who was originally classified as the most likely son of God was actually a disaster in the prophecy passed down from ancient times. source of!"

"He brought war! Brought war again to this beautiful land!" Da Naihe's mood seemed to fluctuate, and the light in the light and shadow became brighter! But soon, he calmed his emotions again, sighed, and continued, "And the Son of Divine Omen brings a better tomorrow to this continent, the incarnation of the gods in the world..."

Li Yi was holding a huge Yali and chewing, wiped his mouth and thought for a while and said, "You mean my cheap grandpa is not a good person? Well... how do you let me answer you? It stands to reason that I should I was very angry and scolded at you, but why did I not feel a little angry... Uh, I can’t think of it if I can’t figure it out... Hey! Continue!"

Dana smiled helplessly, and then said, "So we decisively gave up your grandfather's attention and began to wait for new outsiders...until our first meeting! I saw it at a glance, The difference between you..."

"What's the difference? Isn't it handsome?" Li Yi was in a hurry, throwing his leftover pear core out of the window and looking at Dana Black urgently.

"I don't know if you look handsome or not. In the eyes of the gods, all creatures are a group of light that is constantly twisting, and you can't tell the difference at all... The difference between you is that you are a mixed race... …"

"Your father was born on the land of Atlantis, so he is a true Atlantis, and your mother is a person from the outside world. As them Heir of you, you have half of Atlantis's mark on your body, and this is what makes you really different!" [Vertex Novel www.xbooktxt.info]

"Due to the incomplete mark on you, you cannot use the unique spells in this land. The power of nature does not recognize you as an outsider! But fortunately, your spiritual world has not abandoned you, Ya The incomplete mark of Tirantis makes you higher than most people in the attainment of chanting. Am I right?"

Dynamo seemed to tilt his head and looked at Li Yi quietly.

"But these don't mean anything... you know, the so-called "people selected by God" will have very difficult tasks, or missions, and these things, I may not want to do, nor can I do It's clear that I have a few pounds or two..." Li Yi couldn't maintain his calm posture this time, and said anxiously.

"You always think you are different..." Dana Black said faintly.

"Everyone will have such an idea! It's just, it's just a boy's fantasy!" Li Yi sat up anxiously and justified—during his heart, he really didn't want to take any responsibility. He is still happy to live a life of mixed food waiting for death. "Do you know fantasy? Even if it is different, what can I do? Bring a better tomorrow to this continent? Don't joke! I myself I don’t know if the tomorrow is beautiful!"

"Then it's the price of living in this land? You can't live here in vain?" Dai Nahei said with a smile, and seemed to think that Li Yi's reaction was now fun.

"I rely on...I..." Li Yigang wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Dana Black.

Guangying opened the door, got out of the carriage, turned and said to Li Yi: "We're here, get off!"

Li Yi got out of the carriage helplessly, and just as his feet steadily stepped on the ground, the carriage behind him turned into a little star and dissipated.

At the foot of it is still the golden avenue, just at the end of the golden avenue, a magnificent palace stands quietly on the top of the mountain!

The palace was built with fair-skinned stones. Li Yi, who lacked common sense, could not name the material, but he always felt that if he could knock down a piece of the palace, he would be able to sell a good price in the new city. .

Dai Naihe took the lead in walking slowly towards the palace, but Li Yi did not move his feet.

"Aren't you coming?" Dinai asked back strangely.

"I don't want to do ‘children of the **** sign’! In other words, I’m following you just for fun, now, I regret it!” Saying that, Li Yi wanted to go back along the Golden Boulevard.

Although this golden avenue is long, there is an end to it anyway, Li Yi doesn't believe he can't go back!

But soon, Li Yi saw the end of the Golden Avenue...

The road that originally stretched to the horizon quickly shrank back, and below this golden avenue was the vast earth of Atlantis!

I rely on! If this falls, it will definitely die! Li Yi had to quickly retreat back to Dana Black. He knew that he had already entered the thief ship. If he did not follow Dana Black, this **** must be able to do everything!

Li Yi could only reluctantly follow Dai Naihe behind him.

At the other end of the road, connected to the stone steps in front of the palace, Li Yi followed the light and shadow up the stairs and counted the steps boringly-he did not dare to look up to see how far he was from the main entrance of the palace. Seeing the long steps will lose the courage to go up.

"One hundred and one... two hundred and twenty-two... three hundred and thirty-nine... six hundred and seventy-eight..." Li Yi had counted numb, his legs numb, and his body became heavier and heavier.

Li Yi finally understood what other people would say that climbing stairs to lose weight would be very effective-not only effective! You try to climb a few hundred steps! Make sure you change from a big fat man with two hundred pounds to a big thin man with only ninety pounds! Li Yi already felt that his two hundred pounds had been reduced by at least half, and his heart inevitably hurt...

This is the result of my own life!

Since Li Yi came to Atlantis and became a glorious member of the royal family of Xinqin, he has stopped worrying about his size—why? As a grandson, do you need to worry about whether girls like it?

But Li Yi is most troubled by the height of this step... I rely on it! Each step has its own calf height, and every time you have to raise the leg to a high height, it is terrible to add the heavy armor on your body!

If it were not for Li Yi who had practiced martial arts for some time, his physical fitness had improved a lot, he basically walked down dozens of steps and got down. Despite this, Li Yi was still a bit overwhelmed. When he climbed up to the 936th step, he sat down on the step as a whole and didn't want to move.

The more than two hundred steps before this were insisted on by him.

What am I going to do! Li Yi's stomach is constantly slandering-this Dana Black floats up the mountain all the way, and I want to climb the mountain so hard! The purpose is not to be a treasure of gold and silver, a wine or a lady, but to do that **** "son of **** sign"! Do you want to put a heavy burden on your shoulders? !

I am looking for abuse! Li Yi quickly defined himself, and sat on the steps, no matter how Dana Black urged him, he would not get up.

Dana glanced at Li Yi helplessly, then coughed softly.

The steps in front of Li Yi fell one by one, and a vast abyss appeared in front of Li Yi.

The steps fell faster and faster, and soon came to Li Yi's eyes!

I rely on! You want me to die! Li Yi was flabbergasted and tried his best to get up.

As if he was beaten with chicken blood, Li Yi's original tiredness disappeared instantly, and the soreness all over his body no longer annoyed him. He turned up and hurried up the steps, striding over the remaining dozens of steps At that time, the collapse of the steps behind him also stopped abruptly.

I rely on! Little life matters! If I don’t work hard at this time, wouldn’t I be here to explain this? Li Yi sat down breathlessly in front of the gate of the palace, thinking in horror. At the same time, he stared fiercely at Dynamo floating aside.

"You want my life!" Li Yi yelled angrily. This kind of feeling that he might fall from the sky at any time. He really didn't want to come again for the third time. He felt like he was being played with. Nor can it maintain the original calm play mentality, "You don't know if I slow down any more, your so-called'son of the **** sign' will die!"

Da Naihe laughed and said: "If you really die because you fell off the ground, then you are not our voter! Well, you rest here for a moment, I go in and talk to the gods..."

With that, he slammed into the closed gate of the palace and disappeared.

Li Yi was too lazy to take care of him. It just broke out, and now his tiredness returned to him again. There was no place for comfort all over his body. He simply leaned on a pillar in front of the palace and gasped for a rest. With.

Bored, he looked around.

The palace behind him is the residence of the legendary god. The main entrance of the palace is very large, at least 30 feet high and 20 feet wide! The door was painted red all over, giving Li Yi a feeling of watching the "Nantianmen" in the cartoon when he was a child, but the gate of the palace was not guarded by any soldier.

In front of the palace, there stood twelve stone pillars, which were also made of fair-skinned stones, but the top of the stone pillars did not support anything. Although Li Yi was strange, it was quickly relieved-God, just to do Something out of the world can't understand.

But these twelve stone pillars are really big enough. The one that Li Yi leans on is as thick as three people's arms, leaning on it is almost like leaning on a wall.

Li Yi then turned his eyes around the palace.

The Godhead is worthy of the highest place in Atlantis. From here, looking down through the gaps between the clouds, you can vaguely see the far west, where the elves live!

However, due to the continuous change of clouds, what Li Yi can see is not comprehensive, and he can only vaguely see the gathering places of elves the size of ink dots on paper, and others, they can't see anything. .

Li Yi wanted to look east, but found that the gate of the palace was open to the west, that is to say, he could not go around the palace to look in the direction of Xinqin anyway-the surrounding of the palace is that In the abyss, Li Yi knew that he had no ability to move to the back of the palace.

So Li Yi naturally dismissed the intention to look at Xin Qin from high altitude, anyway, there is nothing to look at, it is better to rest well, by the way...

Li Yi flipped his hands together and created a delicious roasted chicken drumstick and a glass of refreshing juice with his mind. He happily ate and drank.

Halfway through the chicken leg, Li Yi found that the things in his hands suddenly turned into a little golden light and disappeared.

I rely on! Li Yi immediately stood up angrily, turned around and scolded without looking: "You think you are a **** and you are amazing? Climbing so tired, what's wrong with my food! I..."

However, when Li Yi saw the person in front of him, he was speechless.

A fair-haired elf girl stood in front of him happily, and looked at Li Yi with a smile, a wisp of golden awns at her fingertips had not yet dispersed, and kept spinning around.

Liu Mei's big eyes, Ying mouth rhinoplasty, waist is not enough to grasp, although the body is only covered with a rough cloth, but did not completely cover her perfect body, the pair of white jade feet exposed under the cloth Li Yi looked at his eyes.

She chuckled softly, her voice resembling the sound of spring water, making people feel excited, like a spring breeze. The elf girl looked at Li Yi and said with a smile: "Why, bother you?"

Li Yi blushed, Zhizhiwuwu said: "Ah... that, no! Uh, I mean... dare to ask Miss Fame?"

Unexpectedly, when the elf girl heard Li Yi's words, she covered her mouth and laughed again. The laughter stopped suddenly. She raised her hand and pointed her finger at herself: "Don't see you in a moment, did you forget me?" "

The indifference in the innocence of the innocence made Li Yi swallow secretly, and at the same time he was shocked in his heart, and thought of what-"You... you are Dai Naihe?! How do you become a woman? Li Yi pointed at the elf girl in surprise, earning the boss with both eyes.

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