This is not death, but the brain is really flooded.

Naturally, Li Yi's brain was not flooded, and he began to prepare the magic with extraordinary power again.

His casting speed is very fast, and not very fast. Before the heavy armor soldiers can start to charge him, they have completed all kinds of offensive contractual skills, and they are all thrown up.

This time, Li Yi finally saw how the other party avoided his spell.

That is not hiding at all, but a real death! I don’t know what material the heavy armor on the opponent is made of. Li Yi’s spells have no effect on the opponent’s body!

Not afraid of fire, not afraid of flooding, even the earth thorns protruding from the ground can't help him, let alone the whirlwind trying to roll him up, and there is no power to roll him off the ground at all!

Li Yi tried to create a completely dark space around the other party, but the other party seemed to be good at dark warfare, and was also very familiar with how to find someone in the dark. This small dark space was quickly broken out by him , Once again, came straight to Li Yi!

In desperation, Li Yi had to create a light wall made of golden light before he weakened the opponent.

It can only weaken.

The heavy armor warrior is like a bulldozer, not attacking the light wall, but simply pushing the light wall with both hands step by step toward Li Yi.

Li Yi felt that he was about to collapse! Contract technique has no effect on this heavy armored warrior. Martial arts is definitely a complete defeat to the opponent. The only option left is...

Mindfulness! correct! Nianshu can definitely knock him down!

Li Yi shouted excitedly, watching the heavy armor soldier who was pushing the light wall close to him hard, Li Yi smiled, he ignored him, and closed his eyes.

Not long ago, when he opened his eyes again, there were more than ten tiny mosquitoes on his hand...

Yes, it is mosquitoes. Of course, Li Yi will not make some ordinary mosquitoes stupidly, Li Yi's mind creations are all with a little "material"!

Since your spells can resist and melee can't handle you, then I can only use some tricks...I hope you are a living elf! If not, then I really have no choice... Li Yi thought, and then shook his hand, then ten mosquitoes flew to the heavy armor soldiers by Li Yi's shaking movement.

The only target in the eyes of the heavy armor soldier was Li Yi. Apart from Li Yi, nothing could attract his attention. Therefore, the mosquitoes easily bypassed the light wall and stung on the thick armor of the heavy armor soldier.

Li Yi gave instructions in his heart, and the mosquitoes quickly drilled along the gap between the armor.

As the mosquito penetrated into the armor, the body of the heavy armor began to twist involuntarily, stopping several times to tickle, but soon began to yawn again and again, and then gradually fell to the ground and fell asleep Sorry.

"Oh yeah!" Li Yi jumped happily, complimenting his IQ continuously.

Those mosquitoes added a lot of narcotic toxins when they were created by Li Yi, creating a living mobile anesthesia needle for Li Yi. One such mosquito bite is enough to put it into an adult man, not to mention dozens?

Anyway, this former martial arts chief could not get up.

Li Yi shouted happily into the sky of this space: "Hey! What the central dragon! I've got this guy! Can I talk about rewards first?"

What Li Yi did not expect was that the dragon's voice did not sound again, but instead the light wall behind him started to move again.

I rely on! What is this about? ! Li Yi was really shocked this time and stayed there for a while. Is it because your own tricks are not enough? impossible! He can obviously let him sleep for a long time, how could he wake up in the blink of an eye?

"Oh... I forgot to tell you, the race of elves... is inherently immune to toxins or something! If you want to poison, if the dose is not large enough, it will not play a big role. "Oh!" The dragon's voice sounded, and Li Yi wanted to scold his mother.

"I rely on!" Li Yi still did not swear, he chose to be very wise-if he is still sloppy, who knows what kind of things the perverted dragon will do! .

Contract technique is not good! No martial arts! Now even the mind-creation creations that I have been proud of are not good enough! This put Li Yi into the most difficult battle in history.

How to fight this? Li Yi thought as he stepped back. All three of my combat skills are the same, and each of them is deflated on this guy. What should I do?

Li Yi soon chose another combat plan.

"Shadow" and "Virtualization" are used together again, and Li Yi disappears in front of the heavy armor soldiers, preparing to sneak past the opponent's side and sneak attack behind him.

But Li Yi ignored one point, but the other party was good at stealth!

Just as Li Yi walked past each other, the heavy armor soldier moved. In the swing of a two-handed epee, Li Yi slashed **** Li Yi!

The "earth armor" worn by the upper body perfectly blocked the blow, but it could only prevent the opponent from splitting Li Yi's body across the waist, but it could not stop the weight like a heavy hammer!

The "body protection light armor" unfolded in an instant, but it was slower.

Li Yi was pumped away from a distance, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, which made him very unwilling-impossible! But I am blessed with "Blur"! Shouldn't his Epee pass through my body? How can you still hack me? !

The dragon's voice sounded in a timely manner: "Oops! Oops! I forgot to say... his weapons are law-breaking weapons!"

Damn law-breaking weapons! Laozi planted this weapon twice in a row tonight! Li Yi climbed up angrily, feeling his bones were about to break.

Spell-breaking weapons, as the name suggests, are weapons that can destroy spells, ignore the effects of most spells, and are the weapons of choice for assassins during assassinations.

Li Yi stroked the side of his body that was drawn by the epee, and used a wood-based healing spell, which immediately felt much better.

But in this way, the former martial arts chief in front of him became a tough bone, no matter what Li Yi thought, he could not solve the other party. Most of Li Yi's mental energy has been consumed, and the remaining mental energy is not enough for him to squander.

How to do! How to do! Li Yi tried to calm down his mood, but the footsteps of the other party walking towards him were like drumsticks, which struck Li Yi's heart and made him unable to calm down.

Suddenly, Li Yi's heart came up with a brilliant idea. He smiled at the heavy armor soldiers and closed his eyes again.

Perhaps this method can work...

The feeling of being thrown into the air is not so beautiful, but even if Li Yuan is not willing to be one hundred thousand, he is still thrown away by Qi Tian.

Damn... my ability to defend the wind hasn't been restored yet!

Li Yuan drew a beautiful parabola from the sky and began to fall continuously under the influence of gravity.

In my heart, I tried to communicate with the wind in nature, and praised the wind. Until the time of landing, Li Yuan got the response of the wind. The body was gently lifted by a rotating breeze and floated off the ground. Two feet away.

"Huh... Huh... I was almost prayed to die..." Li Yuangang gave a breath, but his feet suddenly loosened and the whole person fell.

"thump"! Li Yuan fell to the ground with a butt, screaming.

He looked in the direction of Qitian behind him, looked at the breath faintly, then left the ground and flew towards the central mountain range.

Qi Tian is really crying and laughing now.

Originally thinking that the other party would be afraid after learning his name, but he did not expect Feng Zi to let Li Yuan out of the encircling circle after he called Qi Tian's name, and looked at Qi Tian with excitement.

Qi Tian couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

This woman, as rumors say... Feng Zi, Feng Zi, is a lunatic!

Qi Tian feels that she has been stared at by a deep girlfriend.

Feng Zi laughed suddenly: "General Qitian... You are a myth on this continent! After breaking through my alliance, I won't kill one of our defeated generals, and set you up in us The prestige of all ethnic groups in Wanqu! It can be said that although we very much hate you ungrateful new Qin people, we only feel sincere admiration for you human beings..."

"Sentimental and righteous, kind and courageous, powerful, and commanding... Many words of praise are used by my foolish compatriots, but I don’t think so... no matter whether you hurt us or not No matter whether you are really kind or not, one thing is certain..."

"You, follow the orders of King Qin! Since that is the case, then you are King Qin's running dog! Praise a running dog for his kindness and bravery? Praise a running dog with deep affection? This is really the sadness of our Wanqu!" Feng Zi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. The whole ground was shaking with anger continuously.

Qi Tian let out a sigh of relief and secretly said: "Fortunately, her attention is focused on me. In this way, Li Yuan also has enough time to escape back to Xinqin..."

" have saved so many Wanqu! Although you are the king of Qin, I have to pay a high tribute to those saved compatriots..." said, unexpectedly. Feng Zi even led all the elves around him to bow down to him and said in unison: "Salute to the people who help Wanqu!"

Qi Tian looked at this strange scene in embarrassment, and the elf actually bowed down to Xinqin's humanity sincerely? Qi Tian didn't feel that he should accept the worship of the elves. In amazement, he missed the opportunity to escape with this opportunity.

Feng Zi straightened up slowly. There was no anger or hatred in those clear eyes. Qi Tian couldn't see any emotion in these eyes!

"Okay, it's time to express, we have already expressed it to you! So now..." Feng Zi pointed to the six corpses behind Qitian, "how should you explain to my fellow clan! This is not to hurt us Does Wanqu’s general pray for heaven? It seems that sometimes the rumors are not true..."

"They killed me! But I had lost my mind..." Qi Tian wanted to explain, but Feng Zi was obviously not prepared to give him this opportunity.

"You, you are a liar, a hypocrite!" Feng Zi screamed like a crazy fierce woman, holding back all the words Qi Tian was going to explain back to her stomach, "What is breaking me? The coalition forces don’t kill anyone. What does it mean to be sentimental? Is it just like you?"

"The killer kills everyone! This is what you humans have said, and it can also be used on our Wanqu! Since you have killed my fellow race, then, take your life for it!" Feng Zi roared and ordered The elves around him stepped closer to pray to heaven.

"You listen to me explain!" Killing this team of elves was originally an inadvertent act of praying to heaven. Although they did die in their own hands, it was not the reason for praying to heaven, but he did not know what to do. From where he started, he had to watch this group of at least hundreds of elves leaning towards themselves.

"Stop!" Feng Zi suddenly waved and ordered, the elves stopped suddenly and stood quietly aside, "In fact, we should not deal with a human being who is kind to us. Although killing lives, we rely on the number of people. 'S advantage is really invincible, or else..."

"I'll give you the most sublime way of death that a real warrior can enjoy?" Feng Zi laughed, his small tongue licking his lips. "Let you fight me in a one-on-one battle What about glorious battles?"

Qitian suddenly understood what attention this crazy woman played...

Want to use this method to force me to fight you? Just say no... fighting is my favorite! The idea in Qitian's heart jumped up at once and surprised him!

I hate fighting very much. Why do I still have such a belligerent thought? After thinking about it for a while, Qitian hooked the cause of this abnormality to the disappeared caveman mask.

No, you must find some way to get rid of this kind of thinking! I just want to be myself!

But Qi Tian thought so, but what he said in his mouth was not like this: "Want to single out with me? Huh, then come on... It’s just a itch and you need to practice..."

After the talk, Qitian felt wrong-this, is this still me? How can I say such words!

Feng Zi immediately smiled and said cheerfully: "This is great! I have been trying to compare with you for a long time!"

He jumped slightly when he said it, and started to fight without saying anything!

Do not allow Qi Tian to think more, this elf has already come near, Qi Tian has to make a dodge action, and carefully observe the opponent's weapons and martial arts routines.

It turned out to be empty-handed?

In fact, Qitian is the best at making swords, but his original sword has been lost when he was performing the tasks of King Qin, so that he has not been able to find a weapon suitable for him until now, and Li Yuan made it roughly. The black short sword that came out has been destroyed in the battle with Turot, so now he can only rely on his own hands to fight.

Right now the other party has also resorted to empty-handed martial arts routines. For a warrior in battle, it is simply death! What's more, the other party is still the commander of the wind clan patrols, it is impossible for them to lack their own commonly used weapons! The only explanation here is-

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