She is scorning herself!

Qi Tian's eyes gradually began to turn red, and there was no reason to burst out of anger in his heart, burning up in his chest! His dodge movements are getting faster and faster, and gradually even the wind elves who are the best at speed cannot catch up with him!

Qi Tian soon occupied his first move. After another evasive maneuver, he had stood behind Feng Zi, his hands on his white neck, and a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth.

Under the neck, there are the pulsating blood vessels, and there is the delicious blood in the blood vessels... Qi Tian feels that she is about to be enchanted, and can’t wait to cut the wind purple neck and release the bright red blood in her body. So that you can enjoy yourself! Qi Tian even felt that he had smelled the aroma of blood and the wonderful touch of the red liquid sliding over the tip of his tongue...

Qi Tianbao smiled and gradually exerted his strength...

Suddenly a strong wind blew toward Qitian, and the sudden eruption of wind pressure caused Qitian to stumble. When he recovered, the prey in his hand had disappeared without a trace!

A purple-haired woman quietly floated in the sky, her beautiful face even made the stars at night lose their brilliance in a flash! The helmet that was originally worn on her head was saved in her hand, and it gradually twisted and transformed into a bronze sword!

She let go of her hand, and the big sword began to fly around her. Then she said: "It seems that I have seen you a, please allow me to use weapons to fight you! Yours I'm bound to get the head!"

As soon as the words fell, the big sword shot straight toward Qitian like an arrow from the string, and Qitian didn't do anything!

Feng Zi, who took off the helmet, has completely overlapped with the figure in his mind. The beautiful face gazed affectionately at him, and he continued to say that sentence to him...

"Qi Tian, ​​am I beautiful?..."

Qi Tian looked distractedly at the wind purple floating in the sky, the red awn in his eyes gradually faded, and two lines of tears slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes, across his face, and finally turned into two drops of transparent liquid, dropped on the ground .

In an instant, he seemed to have crossed a hundred years, and once again returned to the past years. At that time, the Yiren was still there. At that time, everything in life was beautiful because of her.

But in a blink of an eye, it has been a century. Now, the Yiren is no longer. Now, his life is left with the oath he once made!

Thoughts returned to the body again, and Qi Tian saw the bronze sword shining with purple light, whirling towards him, but he had lost the power to resist.

She is no longer, what's the point of me living with such a long and persistent breath? !

A sense of death flashed across his eyes, and in a mood of excitement, he chose to die generously, and he couldn't help but recall the legend in Atlantis.

Legend has it that those who died on Atlantis will eventually return to the top of the mountain and return to the most primitive place, and live happily there from now on, without worries or worries, and the juniors will live with their predecessors , Lovers who leave first will also meet again here, forever together...

No ideal or belief is as important as the one you love!

Qi Tian opened his arms, closed his eyes, and waited for the moment when the sword passed through his body...

Bronze Broadsword arrived as scheduled, deeply chopped into Qi Tian's chest, and pain came continuously from the wound, and then became numb and cold, Qi Tian felt the pain gradually away from himself, and a smile of relief burst into bloom On his face.

He fell to the ground, with the big knife in his chest, quietly waiting for death to take his life away, letting his soul return to the top of the mountain, and seeing the beloved one again, never separated again ...

Suddenly, the physical pain became more severe! The big knife in his body flew up and returned to Feng Zi's hands, but Qitian's wound was still painful, and there was no sign of weakening!

The wound started to become itchy, and Qitian could even feel that his wound was constantly sucking back the blood that he shed out! He looked at his chest in surprise, following the hole in his clothes, he saw that his fatal wound was healing!

Qitian suddenly understood what was going on...

"I will give you an immortal body, and I will never die and live with this world from now on! As long as you pay a little price..." A majestic voice flashed from Qi Tian's ear, reminding him of it. After accepting his mission, King Qin said to himself...

Sure enough, it really is not immortal! Although he was blessed with longevity, he couldn't even seek death! Qi Tian struggled to get up from the ground, and Feng Zi couldn't help but clenched his sword.

This praying heaven...what kind of monster is it? With such a serious injury, how can you stand up again? Feng Zi was surprised and suspicious in his heart, watching Qi Tian was a bit dull.

Qitian looked up at the Central Mountain Range and said quietly in his heart: "Xia, are you on the top of that mountain, that legendary place? Are you looking at me? Do you know, I really, miss you so much! "

The stars were shining in the sky, watching all this silently, but unable to do anything about it.

A ray of breeze blew through, and opened a gap between the clouds that had not scattered all the year round on top of the gods, and a ray of fire secretly looked at Qitian from that gap, full of affection.

Qi Tian turned around slowly, looking at Feng Zi's face, and sighed secretly: "I didn't expect it, it really looks like it!"

Then he walked slowly to Feng Zi, looked up at her and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm afraid you can't kill me..." Then, he tore off his coat.

The place where the knife was cut was completely healed, and only a shallow scar remained on Qitian's chest, which was also fading away and disappearing.

Feng Zi looked at the incredible scene in front of him in surprise. He grew up with a small mouth and looked up and down to pray to heaven. He said, "Impossible! You have no contract equipment that can automatically treat the injury. What's more, no contract equipment can heal the injury you just suffered... this is impossible!"

Qitian pulled his clothes well and said blushing: "Don't look at it, the men and women don't understand clearly...I just want to show you my state..."

"You can't kill me..." Qi Tian said with a straight face and said seriously.

Unexpectedly, Feng Zi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I don't believe it..."

As soon as the words fell, the big knife in her hand slashed toward Qitian, and the blade was shining with purple fluorescence, which was obviously a rare contract weapon.

Qi Tian's body reacted quickly, and measured his body within a few centimeters. The blade of the big knife wiped Qi Tian's arm and slashed towards the ground, but it was not over! Feng Zi clenched the big knife with both hands, and vigorously exerted force in the air, which changed the sharpness of the big knife into a side shot! Suddenly hit the sky!

Qitian knows that he is blessed without the mask, and his speed will return to its original state, and his original state is not as fast as the wind elves. So he patted the blade of Feng Zi horizontally, flirting again and again by force, and the whole person came to Feng Zi's back.

Qi Tian smiled slightly, and took a palm towards Feng Zi's back.

Just as Qi Tian’s palm was about to touch Feng Zi, a strong wind suddenly appeared behind the wind elf commander, and Qi Tian couldn’t help but step back, while Feng Zi followed this Stretching back, he jumped forward and turned around.

"It seems that General Qin's martial arts are just that..." Feng Zi looked at Qi Tian with a grinning smile, and those big eyes had quietly turned into lavender.

Qi Tian said with a smile: "If it is just a competition, the martial arts below are naturally comparable to Marshal Feng Zi, but if it is a martial arts fighting on the battlefield...I think Martial Marshal Feng Zi's martial arts are not only..."

"You...arrogant!" Feng Zi was furious, and the purple light in his eyes became brighter, like two small lights gleaming in the moonlight.

Qi Tian saw Feng Zi hooked and could not help smiling again, his hands behind his back, quietly waiting to attack him in the opposite direction.

But what Qitian didn't expect was that Feng Zi didn't choose to attack me this time, and he wasn't throwing his big sword far away. Instead, he waved the big sword in his hands so that there was no more wind. Look at him.

This is... Qi Tian's rich combat experience let him know what the other party is about to do, and he hurriedly rushed to the side, but no matter whether he left or right, Feng Zi's body seemed to be pulled by him. Although her eyes are closed, she can always follow Qitian's movements and direct her front to Qitian.

Qi Tian tried to rush up to interrupt Feng Zi's movement of wielding his sword, but Feng Zi's entire body had been tightly protected by a wind wall, making Qi Tian unable to return.

Thinking of his undead body, Qi Tian simply gritted his teeth, his hands crossed in front of him, waiting for the other party's attack.

Feng Zi's attack came as planned. She suddenly stopped waving the sword and slammed it on the ground. Suddenly, a strong storm raged in front of her!

The strong wind pressure caused Qi Tianhun's clothes to be torn apart in an instant. The storm rolled up the sand and stone branches on the ground, flying across Qi Tian's body, leaving blood marks and blowing The strong wind coming makes Qitian stand unsteady, and even feel a little bit off the ground!

Qi Tian was busy pressing his weight against the undercarriage, stood in the wind in a horse step posture, his hands and arms crossed on the face were already blown **** by the wind, and soon, Qi Tian didn’t have a good piece all over his body meat.

The storm suddenly stopped, and Qitian lowered her arm with some gasps. The wind pressure just created a low pressure area around Qitian, making Qitian's breathing more and more difficult. During the period, Qitian even had some symptoms of shock!

Fortunately, he survived.

He gasped and looked at Feng Zi, and smiled: "Unexpectedly, you have learned the strongest moves of your Feng clan..."

"Using the intimacy of your natural spirits with the wind and the strength of your body to drive the wind to the enemy, making the powerful wind pressure continue to cause damage to the enemy...'The wind of crowding' is really a good name... …” Qi Tian said with a smile, and gradually straightened his body. In a blink of an eye, the wound on his body disappeared, and he returned to his original smooth skin.

No scars!

On the other hand, Feng Zi is now somewhat exhausted. The whole person stooped on the handle of the sword and began to pant. Obviously, the move just made it out of the price of her body strength.

"Qi Tian! do you know this is, this is our strongest do you know how!" Feng Zi screamed in a frenzy, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"My elf friend told me this..." Qi Tian said faintly, but when he noticed the strange eyes thrown by the elves around him, he found out that he had nowhere to go!

Standing in front of a large group of men and women in a glorious way was not good. Qi Tian’s old face suddenly turned red. He looked at Feng Zi embarrassedly and asked, "Wh... can I get a dress for me?" I look like...not great..."

Unexpectedly, Feng Zi shouted at him with a flushed face: "What clothes to wear! Come and fight with the old lady again!"

The anxious and corrupted Feng Zi changed the respectful and polite attitude of Fang Cai, and the temperament of a fierce woman emerged spontaneously. Obviously, this is what Feng Zi usually looks like.

Qi Tian was stunned by Feng Zi, not knowing what to say. Although he knew that among the elves, the folk customs of the wind clan were the most open, he did not expect it to be so open.

Let a male fight naked against a female? This must be placed in Xinqin, this man will definitely be dragged to march!

What is destructive? What is the difference between men and women? Xinqin's folk customs are actually quite open, but they are not open to the point where a man and a woman can meet frankly.

But obviously, this kind of thing is a bit sparse and common for the wind elves.

Only Feng Zi laughed and said: "Since you feel that you are going to lose money with the old lady naked, then the old lady won't make you anything! We won't make you cheap!"

With that said, take off your tight-fitting suit and stand naked in front of Qi Tian. She raised her hand, and Wei An shook her chest with her movements, and Qi Tian's cheeks suddenly became hot.

What makes Qitian even more unbearable is that all the wind-race elves watching around took off their clothes, and they appeared completely in front of Qitian.

Qi Tian felt that his nose began to get wet, and his face became hotter.

Feng Zi chuckled at Qitian at this moment, breathlessly said, "General, you even have a nosebleed? Haha...haha...really, so funny Now... General Qitian, you will not be, will you not be an old virgin?"

He opened his arms and showed his carcass perfectly in front of Qitian.

The plump chest shivered slightly with Feng Zi's movements, the sloppy waist that was less than a grip, and the slender and long legs, plus her face as if she were in her heart...

Qi Tian's nosebleed remained uncontrollable, and his heart was extremely panicked.

Feng Zi is right, Qi Tian is indeed a virgin... And, it is an old virgin of a few hundred years...

Although it is not the first time Qi Tian has seen a woman's **, but a virgin is a virgin after all, a woman's ** may not be able to cause a change in his state of mind, but dozens, hundreds?

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