Li Yi faintly followed the middle-aged man, and no longer asked any questions, but followed closely behind the other party, constantly walking along this corridor that seemed to have no end.

"Oh! We're here!" The middle-aged man stopped by a small door on the right side of the corridor, turned around and smirked at Li Yi, and Li Yi saw hair straight in his heart, "Next , It’s time to test your knowledge, are you ready now?"

Intellectual challenge? Li Yi jumped out of the idea. Although he knew what he knew, the other party knew it, but the middle-aged man's sudden appearance like this still made him very uncomfortable.

"Well... die if you die!" Li Yi calmed down, grabbed the handle on the door, turned away, and the door creaked open.

Appearing in front of Li Yi is the high school classroom he remembers. Rows of single tables are neatly arranged in the classroom. The tables are cluttered with various test reference books. There is no one in the room. Look out the window When you go, you can also see the playground of Li Yi's school, but it is still empty.

Li Yi stared blankly at everything in the classroom, his eyes moistened.

This is where I have stayed. Although it is not long, it can be regarded as the most memorable place.

Li Yi’s seat is the third in the second row. Looking to the left, it’s the position of the girl she had a crush on...

He couldn't help but walk to his former seat, did it, and looked at the pile of reference books and exercise books in front of him, a feeling of time and space intertwined.

The middle-aged man also walked into the classroom, went to the podium, and wrote five large characters on the clean blackboard with chalk.

"Trial of Knowledge". The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, with a unique stroke, it is actually the handwriting of the language teacher that Li Yi loved most in high school!

"Student Li Yi, let's start the exam now!" The middle-aged man's voice interrupted Li Yi's unrequited memory. He was shocked, and he sat upright with a reflex.

A high school mathematics test paper appeared on his desk. At the same time, there was a draft paper, a pencil, a fountain pen, and rubber exams and other necessary things.

Is this the test of knowledge? High school math problems? Li Yi raised his eyebrows. Isn't it a catch?

But when he moved his eyes to the test paper, he was dumbfounded.

In the second year of high school, wasn't it the year when he was busy playing with Chu Wang and wasting his studies! The teacher basically didn't listen to what was said, and after so long, Li Yi suddenly made a high school math test paper...

Isn't it clear that I should die? Li Yi frowned and asked himself to calm down, not to think about other things, grabbed the pen, and started the question wholeheartedly.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Li Yi had toss about half a day to figure out the first few questions. He didn't even know if he was right or wrong. The middle-aged man on the podium said, "Okay, the exam is over!"

The things in front of Li Yi disappeared in an instant, and even the pen he was holding tightly disappeared.

He raised his head tremblingly, seeing the frowning look of the middle-aged man.

"It turned out to be... zero points!" The middle-aged man sighed and looked at Li Yi. "Young man, you know all the knowledge on this test paper! Although you might say you didn't listen carefully in class , But your ears can always scratch a little knowledge into your head!"

"I didn't expect you to get zero points... OK, you are doomed to pass this knowledge!" The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed, it seemed that it was not Li Yi who tried the test but himself.

Could it be...I am going to die on this math test paper? ! Li Yi felt that he was cold and cold.

Do not! No way! There must be another way! I can't die here! I still have a lot of important things to do! Li Yi's brain is turning crazy, and before the test results are completed, there must be something else to do!

For example...stealing the teacher's test paper? Change your grades?

This method seems feasible, but it is not a real exam now! Moreover, it is impossible to cheat on the exam alone, not to mention, now the results of this test have been judged!

correct! The dragon has not yet announced that his trial has failed, and he is still alive, then this can indicate that the trial is still going on, and the test is not the question on this test paper, but...

Use your knowledge! It must be this! Li Yi thought to himself, but... where should it be used?

Looking at the meticulously serious expression of the middle-aged man on the podium, Li Yi made a bold decision.

This guy hasn't gone yet, and it's the key to make it clear! Since it is a test of knowledge, and according to him I have failed, there is no reason to stay here! Waiting for me to leave? Joke, the loser will die! What is he waiting for a dead man?

This guy must be the key to this trial!

Since he is the key, can't he just beat him up?

Li Yi smiled slightly, his hands hidden under the table showed a gesture, and said to the middle-aged man on the podium: "Teacher..."

"What do you call me?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a while, and seemed to be a little slow.

"Look here..." Li Yi's left hand flicked, and a small bird of flames fluttered from the left to the middle-aged man, attracting his attention.

At the same time, Li Yimeng pulled out his fire sword from under the desk, jumped lightly, and rushed to the middle-aged man.

The speed blessing of "Wind of the Wind" started instantly, and at the same time, Li Yi was as light as a bird. He stepped on the desk in front of him and went straight to the middle-aged man on the table. "

The middle-aged man was attracted by the firebird made by Li Yi. He turned his head and heard the sound of Li Yi when he rushed. He turned back and grinned at Li Yi.

Li Yi stabbed with a sword and easily penetrated the middle-aged man. He also slammed into the blackboard behind the middle-aged man.

The sharp blade deeply penetrated the blackboard, and Li Yi was also stunned by this shock. He quickly removed the shield from behind and turned to block in front of him, trying to pull himself out. Weapons, looking at the middle-aged man cautiously.

"Bump!" Firebird hit the middle-aged man's outstretched hand at this time. Suddenly, a flame wrapped him up, and after a while, it gradually extinguished.

The middle-aged man stood there with his back to Li Yi intact.

This... how is this possible? ! Li Yi opened his eyes in surprise.

"What's impossible?" The middle-aged man finally turned to look at Li Yi, with a smile mocked in his smiling eyes, "You will, I will, I just used a "hidden technique" just now , By the way, a body protector film was created by mind-reading, these are all things you will know!"

Li Yi finally pulled out the fire sword embedded in the blackboard, and once again slashed towards the middle-aged man.

The Fire Sword didn't encounter the slightest obstacle, and easily cut into the middle-aged man's body, splitting the lectern behind him in half.

"You see, this is what you know... It seems that you should have guessed that the most critical person in this test is me! Or, another you." The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Li Yi. " I have all the knowledge you have learned, equivalent to another you, and if you defeat me, then you pass this trial!"

"So, let's defeat another you! This is your only way out!" The middle-aged man laughed haha ​​and disappeared in front of Li Yi.

hateful! Li Yi thought of clenching his teeth, so to say, all of his skills will be slightly different from each other? Also his grandmother can cast spells without contract equipment! This makes Li Yi very jealous.

Now that the opponent is obviously invisible, Li Yi has to be more careful to bless several defensive spells on his body to prevent the opponent from sneaking in.

In fact, Li Yi did not think of using the same method to deal with that middle-aged person, but if two people use the same moves and the same spell, wouldn't it be like fighting with themselves in the mirror? How can there be no victory or defeat?

Li Yi decisively chose to defend.

He walked cautiously to the back of the classroom, a small empty place, quietly waiting for the other party to lose patience, and attacked himself first, and at the same time also started a small abacus in his heart.

Since the other party has all his own knowledge, can it be understood that he will follow his own way of thinking? If this is the case, Li Yi's grasp of victory is even greater.

At the same time he also complained in his heart-

Where is this testing your knowledge! This is simply a power test in disguise... It’s just that the opponent has changed to himself...

Li Yi slowly leaned his back against the wall behind the classroom, carefully observing the surrounding movements.

Although he knew that the opponent had performed "dark stealth" and "virtualization", he would not be able to find the opponent because he was not good at blind combat, but Li Yi remained alert.

Because he knew his character, he would not take the initiative to attack before the enemy did not relax, so Li Yi was prepared to deliberately reveal a little bit to let the middle-aged man be fooled.

Sure enough, when Li Yi pretended to lift his right hand to tickle, the air on Li Yi's right hand twisted, and a transparent human figure appeared instantly, holding a giant flame sword in his hand, and his hands were lifted towards Li Yi!

With a sneer, Li Yi quickly lifted the shield and blocked the cut.

But Li Yi didn't expect that the other party just swaggered a trick, and didn't use any force at all. Taking advantage of Li Yi's opportunity to lift the shield, the flame giant sword instantly deformed, and turned into a sickle. From top to bottom, he crossed Li Yi's shield and pierced him!

Li Yi couldn't help but lifted the shield's left arm and was stuck straight. The painful Li Yi shouted and pushed forward hard against the shield, pushing the other side away.

The place where the flame was sickened by the flame was burned up by the hot flame, and no blood flowed out. A burst of pain came from the arm. The pain caused Li Yi to bite his teeth and endure cold sweat.

I certainly won't do this spell! and! I have just ignored my defensive spells-he is not only my ability, but also other abilities that I don't know!

Li Yi was terrified in his heart, but he was not clever in his face.

The middle-aged man gradually appeared, looking at Li Yi and sneered: "Do you think I will be as stupid as you? Don't understand anything at all? Obediently lose to my hands!"

With that, he lost his figure again.

Grandma's, he was stunned by this guy who used the same tricks! Li Yi was annoyed at once.

Since you like to use my common tricks, then I will play with you!

Li Yi waved his hands and wanted to use his best double insurance stealth method, but just when he cast the spell halfway, the middle-aged man appeared again and kicked him off with one foot, not ready yet The spell failed.

Li Yi struggled to get up from the ground and looked at the middle-aged man who was smiling violently at him.

"Young man, since you called my teacher, then I will teach you..." The middle-aged man holds a flame in his hand and changes from time to time into various weapons. "A man who uses spells should be in Prepare yourself to protect yourself before the spell is cast, not to mention the person you are facing but who can be invisible and virtual..."

"Next, it depends on your perception!" After [Baidu novel], Li Yi once again lost the middle-aged figure.

Li Yi took the opportunity to meditate on a mantra of wood treatment, first heal the wound on his body before talking! This time, the middle-aged man didn't show up and interrupted his spellcasting, so that he didn't receive the slightest interference until he finished using the spell.

"Huh? People can't hide again..." Li Yi looked around again, but this time he didn't show some crappy "horse feet" again, because he knew that if he did so, he would be known by the other party. Instead, he endured the hardship.

Li Yi once again chose a good combat plan. The defensive spells on his body were not worth mentioning in front of the other party's flame that could transform into any weapon. It would be better to use some other methods to force him out to confront him!

Li Yi suddenly thought of the spell Gu Lei used to deal with himself, and quickly used it.

A small piece of gold spread quickly from under Li Yi's feet, directly dyeing the entire classroom floor to gold. Li Yi smiled and looked in one direction.

right here! Li Yi quickly created a golden lightsaber in his hand, the dazzling golden light shining on the neck necklace. As Li Yi threw the lightsaber in his hand in that direction, a sharp flash!

Li Yi closed his eyes so that he would not be affected by the light that could flash blind people's eyes, waiting for the broken sound of lightsaber hitting the target.

It is Gu Lei's high-level light contract that Li Yi used to break into countless small lightsabers!

Li Yi later found Gu Lei to seriously learn these powerful high-level light system contract techniques, and learned the names of these spells. The defensive-aware spell that Li Yi first used was called "Glory Earth", and he could perceive everything in the golden diffuse range.

The name of the lightsaber made by Li Yi afterwards is the "Corona Sword"... The real name has long been concealed in history. This name was given by Li Yi. How do you think about it?

However, the effect of this "corona sword" is indeed enough to pull the wind.

The lightsaber shouted into the air and shattered like glass, and then the fragments changed into a look like a small lightsaber, plunging into the center!

Li Yi looked upset, knowing that he had found his goal, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see the opponent's invisibility spell because of his injury.

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