Li Yi felt very strange. An uncomfortable sensation of heat came from behind. He hurriedly blessed himself with a golden light shield, and then swooped forward to escape the heat feeling behind him.

When he looked back, the middle-aged man had already reached behind him, waving the flame sword in his hand across the position where Li Yi had just stood.

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yi and smiled at him again.

impossible! Does he teleport? Li Yi decisively denied this idea in his heart. Teleportation is a unique spell in the game. In Atlantis's spell system, it is impossible to have this type of space spell!

At most, it's fast enough to produce the illusion of a teleport.

However, Li Yi is now standing on the "brilliant earth" he is exhibiting. Every move within the golden range is clear to him. Even if this middle-aged man is fast enough, he cannot escape Li Yi. Perception!

Unless... Li Yi's eyes aimed at the sky above the classroom.

Wind spells? Flying behind me from the air? During the period, a wind avatar attracted my attention? Li Yi thought of turning around, thinking quickly, while climbing from the ground, thinking about countermeasures.

If this is the case... yes, he knows me very well, what kind of spells I use and what kind of mind he is aware of, so that I can really do nothing to him, after all, if he cares nothing If you die with me, the ever-changing flames are still terrifying...

Li Yi looked at the middle-aged man who disappeared from his eyes again, and three figures appeared in his perception constantly leaning towards himself!

calm! calm! calm! ! !

Li Yi took a deep breath and calmed down his mood, and then thought of a way to deal with it.

Since you all know my thoughts, then, look at how you can break this unavoidable heavenly net!

Then he threw his hands in those three directions and threw three lightsabers, and then raised his hands high, a huge golden light net raised up with his hands, covering the entire ceiling of the classroom, and then made a few more Small round things were flying in the sky above him.

After the mental power increased, Li Yi's casting speed and the speed of mind creations also became faster. The speed of mind creations alone was unmatched before.

The lightsaber cracked on the way to the three directions. Tens of thousands of small lightsabers plunged into the three void figures. Obviously, these three were not their goals.

Your own goal is just above this head!

When Li Yi waved his hand, the huge net of gold began to shrink back, and all the things wrapped in it were put into the net. Then, a creation of Li Yi fluttered into the net with his wings, "booming" It burst out!

Suddenly, the entire classroom was illuminated by a dazzling white light.

Li Yi, who closed his eyes, smiled, his left hand behind his back, showing a false grip.

This is not over yet! Li Yi once again commanded the remaining creations to fly into the net pocket and blasted away again!

The white light continued to shine, and it didn't take long for the few creations made by Li Yi to complete his mission in the net bag. Li Yi also opened his eyes and looked at the golden light net bag in the air and laughed. sound.

"Aren't you guilty of drinking Lao Tzu's foot wash..." Li Yi hummed a little song I learned from somewhere, the commander's net fell down, and at the same time, made a pool of dark green dye, right hand With a wave, all the "wow la la" rushed to the center of the net pocket.

Dye splashed empty, nothing in the net pocket!

A hot sensation came from behind Li Yi again, but this time Li Yi did not hide, and something left in his left hand was thrown behind him, and at the same time, a flame spear piercing Li Yi was twisted behind him. Was sucked in by a sudden black hole!

The things thrown by Li Yi burst into a "poo" after landing, and a yellowish gas burst out, exuding a pungent odor.

Li Yi turned around, and he didn't know when he had made a gas mask on his face, and put it on. He smiled straightly.

"Look, you see, haven't you drunk Laozi's footwash?" Li Yi's voice came out through the gas mask, and it looked a little dull, and in front of him, an illusion appeared in the yellow gas. The figure fell to the ground after shaking a few times.

"Let you pretend to be X with the young man! You can close your eyes to avoid the flash, but what about this paralyzing gas? Isn't it a good trick?" Li Yi stepped forward with a smile, making sure that the other party had really fainted Then he flicked his hands to attract a fresh breeze and blew the gas away. Then he removed the mask on his face and restored it to his own spiritual strength.

He squatted in front of the man on the ground and looked at this face that had entered middle age. He was very playful. He made a marker in his hand and lowered his head to spend on the face of the middle age.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged man to appear in the shape of a turtle.

Looking at his work, Li Yi felt that the suffocation he had suffered in the past few days had finally found a vent. When he was thinking of continuing to draw something else, the things in front of him changed, a crocodile His face appeared in front of him, looking at him with a grin.

"Wow!" Li Yi was taken aback and fell back subconsciously. When I looked closely, the face of the crocodile in front of me was not the central dragon!

"Congratulations, you succeeded in breaking through the barriers!" Julong smiled.

Li Yi climbed up from the ground with dissatisfaction, and was not interested in what the dragon said was similar to what the former TV host would say.

What he cares about is how much benefit he can get after passing this trial. This is what he thinks is the most important thing now.

"I said, I passed this test, so what's the benefit? Why didn't I feel the improvement of my ability?" Li Yi asked, looking at the dragon aggressively.

The dragon grinned and looked very happy. He flicked his tail and nodded his forehead with a front paw: "Humans, sometimes, it doesn't matter whether you are powerful or not, what matters is..."

He flicked his tail vigorously, flew around Li Yi twice, and then said it against Li Yi’s nose: "Know that, in a sense, knowledge is more important than power, even if sometimes others are more powerful than power. You are strong, and your knowledge of the world will also make you superior."

After listening to the words of the dragon in the fog, Li Yiyun asked, "I don't know what you mean by saying this?" Is this the reward that I passed?

"Each test will give you different ability enhancements. What you get in strength test is the consolidation of ability, and the test of endurance is to increase your mental strength," Dan Naihe said abruptly. "And this knowledge test, you get one of the most useful truths in this world..."

Li Yi’s laughter interrupted Dana Black’s words, and Li Yi clung to the abdomen: “This sentence is also true? I knew it when I was in elementary school... Haha... This sentence simply says “Knowledge is power” 'Yeah... just use this to bluff people?'

The laughter gradually diminished, Li Yi still hummed over her stomach, and after breathing, she continued, "Shall I send you some other truth? For example, "Unity is power" or something? Don't use this I am fooling me by saying things that are not painful or itchy, I have already said, but I am a person after nine years of compulsory education and three years of secondary education! I will not understand these simple truths?"

The dragon was floating in the air, unable to speak for a long time, he did not expect that the truth that he had spent thousands of years to understand was so sniffed by this young human being, he just wanted to say something, but was caught in Li Yi's words. The sentence "Unity is power" shocked the mind.

"Unity is strength?" The dragon was completely attracted by this sentence, and couldn't help thinking of the way the various ethnic groups in Wanqu are now falling apart, splitting from the original six ethnic groups into the current seven ethnic groups, if they can unite, That would be beaten so badly by the human king now!

The dragon was silent for a long time, which interrupted Li Yi’s chatter: “In fact, the trial of knowledge can not get any practical benefits. This trial is just to teach you a truth, not to you. The ability to cause any growth trend. However, if you can really use this truth... then your future will be unparalleled!"

"Really... I do understand this truth, but if you really use good knowledge..." Li Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm still far from it!"

Only then did Li Yi understand the intention of the dragon.

A person with well-developed limbs and a simple-minded person can only be regarded as a warrior at most, and a person with equal mind and strength will become the commander of the army, even the king!

Reminiscent of the mission of this "son of **** sign" it the king that the gods want to create? The king of Atlantis?

"Yes, young man, you guessed right, you are the king of Quasi-Atlantis we chose." The dragon could see Li Yi's thoughts and answered Li Yi's doubts.

Li Yi doesn't know whether it is excited or distressed.

Admittedly, being a king worshiped by all is the dream of every boy and boy. Li Yi also has such a dream. However, after all, dreams are only dreams. After all, people will grow up and understand the facts.

I am not a king.

Things like conspiracy and **** are far away from Li Yi. Even, they simply can't catch up with them. Although they say that they still have the dream of being an emperor, it is only a dream.

Li Yi feels that he still likes the carefree life now. There is a hood above, someone underneath can bully, and when it's okay, he can sway around, and he can look around this magical mainland scenery. But if you dominate the king, you will not have such great freedom.

It's really hard to choose! One end is the life in your dreams, and the other is the life you really like now. What kind of choice do you want? This question makes Li Yi very big.

"Young man, the next step is the trial of will. Are you ready?" the dragon suddenly asked.

Li Yi raised his head and looked at the dragon. His face was unnatural: "I...Can I continue the trial?"

As soon as this remark came out, the dragon and Dynamo were surprised at the same time: "What?"

Li Yi has made a choice in his mind-dreams are hard to become a reality, and he is just a small person who has not even been admitted to university. Even if he is sealed as an emperor here, he still lacks all the qualifications to become an emperor. If you are lucky and have passed the trial, you will really be in the position of emperor, and you will not do it yourself!

Still keep your current life reliable! At least, Li Yi is very moist now.

The dragon was stunned by Li Yi's question, twisting his body and swimming around Li Yi for a few times. After seeing Li Yi's real thoughts, he could not help but chuckled: "It was for this!"

"Young man, although I don’t quite understand why you think you can’t be an emperor, but I am very clear about it-if you don’t complete the trial, you will have to die! Don’t think about whether you can dominate the king. Now, let's concentrate on how to deal with this last trial!" Then, he sprayed a fog ball with his mouth open, and Li Yi was thrown into the ball as soon as the tail was flicked.

Realizing that his movements were a little too intense, the dragon smiled embarrassedly at Dai Naihe and said: "Someone finds a person who meets the requirements of the "Child of Divine Sign", I don't want to let him go like this... …"

Dai Naihe looked at me with an expression that I understood, and looked at the mist ball floating quietly in the air.

Li Yi feels that he really took this unscrupulous dragon this time. This is not to force himself to pass the trial and become their "son of the **** sign"!

And looking at the eager look of that unscrupulous dragon, Li Yi can be sure that if he becomes a true "son of the **** sign" through this trial, they will definitely benefit them! And it should be no small benefit!

The poor Central Dragon didn't expect Li Yi to think of him like this. In fact, if Li Yi became a "son of a **** sign" through trials, there would be no benefit at all for him and Dynahe, and even they would have to work hard. It laid the foundation for Li Yi to restore mainland balance.

After all, the central dragon is the embodiment of Atlantis' will. In many cases, he is involuntarily.

This time Li Yi did not faint like the previous trials. He found that the whole person pumped by the dragon's tail was spinning and falling, until he stopped spinning and landed on the ground steadily. Even once again came to the pure white space.

Li Yi looked a little confused after turning around, lying on the ground, and had long sincerely greeted the eighteenth generation of the dragon of the central dragon several times until he felt that the shield behind him was apprehensive. Sit up with his groggy head.

The dragon's voice also sounded again when he sat up: "Young man, this time, is the last of the four trials required by the'son of the **** sign', the trial of will, and the specific trial Content... You will know soon..."

After speaking, no matter how Li Yi swears, he will no longer speak out.

Li Yi had to recognise the reality, no matter what, first pass this test, hug Xiaoming before talking.

Just when he was about to take off his sword shield, he found that all the contract equipment on his body had somehow disappeared! Only the clothes in the armor were left on the whole body, and even the crown prince's ring on his hand disappeared without a trace!

Li Yi couldn't help but panicked, staring blankly at his empty hands, he couldn't help shouting:

"Damn! What the **** are you doing?"

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