Li Yuan couldn't understand what his father was talking about, and only thought that Qin Wang had only said a few words, and it was over.

Qi Tian on the ground began to tremble violently as King Qin stopped the strange language, his body twitched as fast as an electric shock, his eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes turned up, revealing a pale white.

Qi Tian was trembling constantly, and white foam began to appear in his mouth. He gritted his teeth, and seemed to be suffering great pain. The sweat beads on the forehead kept dripping, and the ground below was already wet.

Both Li Yuan and King Qin looked at him quietly, and Li Yuan couldn't do anything about what Qitian was like now.

Qi Tian's eyes were only white, with the white of a dead fish belly. Li Yuan looked worriedly at King Qin, but saw the other party cast a reassuring look on him.

Suddenly, Qi Tian's body shook more and more. His eyes turned red again, leaping from the ground, panting and looking at King Qin, a light laughter came under the mask.

"Human King...Guruvaru...Akakarin thought...Brukaru...the first battle..." Qitian said an unbelievable "Guru" and looked at Qin Wang with a grin.

King Qin seemed to be taken aback. He couldn't help but took a step back. He squinted and looked at what hadn't been restored to pray for heaven, what he kept saying.

Qi Tian's body was lifted by an inexplicable force, and fluttered in the air.

Qin Wang squinted and smiled, "King of the caveman, Amacalin, I know you are not praying for heaven now, so I won't have any worries when I start! If you don't want to die, just roll back to me obediently. Deep in your consciousness! Otherwise... wait for the next reincarnation!"

Qin Wang’s remarks were somewhat inexplicable, and Li Yuan didn’t quite understand it, but looking at Qi Tian’s appearance now, Qin Wang’s warning didn’t even hear.

Qitian roared loudly in the air, a faint blood-red light began to reveal throughout the body, and a seemingly absent chant began to sound slowly, making the current Qitian look both strange and holy.

Then he seemed to be a cannonball directed at Qin Wang. Qin Wang found that his ability failed for the first time on his opponent!

King Qin retreated while shouting: "Youngest! Don't help yet!"

"Father Emperor! I'm working hard!" Li Yuan had already taken over, commanding two strong winds to pray to Heaven, but it didn't play a big role.

Qi Tian seemed to ignore the resistance of the wind, and quickly swept to the front of King Qin, stretched his claws, and flew him away from the distance! Immediately afterwards, he caught up with King Qin who was flying halfway. He waved a punch down and smashed him hard to the ground!

"Father Emperor!" Li Yuanxu's frame was about to crack, and he stepped on his feet fiercely, rushing towards Qitian. Between his hands, two whirlwinds that flew like two sharp knives flew past.

Qi Tian's body flickered and escaped these two whirlwinds. He turned his head to look at Li Yuan, hehe smiled, and his right hand became a claw and grabbed the Qin King on the ground!

"bump"! Qi Tian was bounced off again.

King Qin slowly floated from the ground, looked at the heaven that stopped his body rigidly in the air with contempt, and said lightly: "Want my life? Akakarin, your brain is really like an elf As we said, Bai Chang..."

He said a vocabulary in his mouth, and Qi Tian's body was firmly fixed in mid-air, and was slowly pulled to the front of King Qin.

His hands were gradually raised, resting on Qitian's head, and he whispered: "Sleep, Amakalin! It's too early for you to wake up now!"

Having said that, the strange language was spoken again.

Qi Tian's eyelids closed slowly, and the supposed chanting of the hymn became louder and louder. The red light of Qitian's body finally disappeared, and the hymn became louder, but suddenly stopped. .

The halted chants made Li Yuan feel a little uncomfortable, but when he saw that his father was not in trouble, he was relieved, but when he saw the praying heaven held by Qin Wang, his heart was tensed. .

"Father Emperor... pray to him... is it all right?" Li Yuan asked cautiously.

King Qin glanced at him, shook his hand and gave Qi Tian to Li Yuan, turned away, and walked and said: "Send him back to the General Mansion, he is all right now... And, tonight's things, give me Putting the tail away, I don’t want to see all kinds of reports on this matter when I wake up in the morning!"

"The fewer people know, the better!" Wang Qin's figure gradually disappeared into the gate of the palace. Li Yuan hugged Qi Tian and looked at his sleeping face, finally letting go.

"Fortunately, you're fine..." Li Yuan held Qiqi up by the wind and flew towards the General's Mansion under the night sky.

In front of the palace under the moonlight, calmness was restored, and no one would think that the king of Xinqin had just fought with people just now, and everything seemed so quiet.

Li Yuan sent Qi Tian to the house, and left after he told his next man.

But when he came to the General Mansion to find Qitian the next morning, he found that Qitian had quietly left.

The servant in the house told Li Yuan that Qi Tian was ordered early in the morning and hurried back to the military headquarters of the killing army.

Li Yi came down from the mountain and drove the carriage back along the trail. It had been a day.

The situation along the way made him feel a little uneasy.

The five military camps passed by were empty, and a group of people went to the camp. But now it doesn't seem to be when the army is training troops, how come there is no one?

I don't have to think about this kind of thing. Li Yi can now be said to be attentive. He hasn't gone back in a week. Are they waiting for Gu Lei?

After a little distance, Lian Yucheng was able to see from a distance.

No... It seems strange in front of the city... Li Yi stood on the carriage and looked at it from a distance, but found that Lian Yucheng was so eccentric in front of the south gate facing him.

"What's the matter..." Li Yi said to herself, while waving the horse whip more vigorously, driving the horse to quickly pull the car toward Lian Yucheng.

He didn't find out until he got closer, it turned out that the black piece in front of Lianyu City turned out to be an entire army! But it is not a celestial army. Looking at their costumes, there is a clear difference from Xinqin's standard armor.

Xinqin's armor, but in terms of appearance, it should belong to the category of light plate armor, and all the troops of Xinqin are like this, except that some special teams wear leather for easy movement, and the rest are the same. Attire.

The dress of this black-pressed team in front of him is obviously very special. A dark yellow jumpsuit can't see the material from Li Yi's distance, but what is certain is that this is definitely not the new Qin standard. Plate.

Li Yi had a bad heart and vaguely guessed the identity of the other party.

Wouldn't it be... a mob on the southwest border... Li Yi knew that the situation in the southwest was not optimistic, but did not expect it to come so fast! Unable to stop waving the horse whip, the advancing horse stopped gradually without the whip from behind, making Li Yi still able to watch the movement of the army far away from the dangerous distance.

No... It's too far to see clearly! Li Yi stood on the top of the carriage and looked at the gazebo with his gazebo. However, because the distance was too far, he could not see clearly the situation ahead.

Li Yi thought about it, considering the battle he might encounter when he returned home, he jumped off the carriage and replaced the contract equipment behind him with his own.

He driven the wind to blow his body into the sky, flipped his right hand, and a pair of binoculars appeared in his hand.

Since passing the test of strength and endurance, Li Yi's mental power has risen sharply, and even his ability to use the mind to create things has become fast. Some non-precise gadgets can be created by him in the blink of an eye.

Through the telescope, Li Yi can finally clearly see the situation in front of Lian Yu City, looking at the black crowd, Li Yi estimates that there are probably thousands of people in the touch, and in front of the team, three are wearing the same dark yellow clothes The man is riding a tall horse standing in front of the battlefield, looking at Lian Yucheng in front, motionless.

Li Yi finally saw what the clothes on them looked like.

The dark yellow clothes on them are armor made of small circles, and the cold light of the metal is shining under the sun. Li Yi does not know what yellow metal can be made. Armor is worn on the body, of course, if these people really have money to use gold as armor material...

The round links of the little rings are together, forming a ring-shaped ring. The whole armor is like a piece of clothing, gently wrapping the owner's body, from head to toe, except for the face. Holes, there is no gap.

How did these people put on this armor? The telescope made by Li Yi is not a cutting-edge military telescope. What he can do is only to help him see clearly the distant scenery.

Li Yi recognized the type of armor on their body. This is the most typical type of armor. Li Yi knew it before when playing computer games...

The sun is not going down, but the door of Lianyu City is closed. The hundreds of grooves on the door have been inserted with long wooden spikes, which are about one foot long. , Something seemed to be painted on the sharp head, shining black and blue under the reflection of the sun.

According to Li Yi's understanding, these spikes should be used to prevent the enemy from using the siege hammer when attacking the city. The length of the spike is one foot long, and it is covered with strange things. No one should be able to use this gate. Break it?

The high walls of Lianyu City were filled with soldiers of the Celestial Army, each holding a long bow, and the arrow barrel on the back filled with full, waiting in strict array.

The army in front of Lianyu City seemed to have received good military training. Everyone stood neatly and straightly in the formation, motionless, waiting for orders from their leaders.

Finally, the man in the middle of the team ran to the left wing of the team, and then ran from the left wing to the right wing. During this period, his mouth was united and he seemed to be saying something loudly.

Li Yi finally saw this man's face, and he couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out to be Amda!

How did he run out? Li Yi thought suspiciously, but this way, the identity of this army of thousands of people naturally jumped out-the mob! Sure enough, it was an army of mobs!

Amda’s “pre-war mobilization” was obviously very effective. Before he reached the right wing of the team, the soldiers in the team raised their swords in their hands and roared loudly, as he took off behind him. 'S giant bow drove towards Lian Yucheng, and the mob behind them screamed and rushed up.

The soldiers waiting on the wall of Lianyu City bent their bows and arrows, and shot the arrows at a forty-five degree angle. I saw that the curved bow in Amda’s hand was divided into two and became The two flame scimitars flicked out the arrows, and continued to roar towards the city.

The mob behind him is not as good as he is, and one after another was shot by the arrows flying down at high speed and killed on the ground. Few people could block the rain of arrows.

Soon, the number of the mob's ranks plummeted, and they suddenly fell by half.

Li Yi couldn't bear to take the telescope away from his eyes, and said to himself, "Which is siege, is it suicide!"

As soon as the words were finished, a few sharp arrows suddenly shot from below and shot straight at Li Yi floating in the sky. "Human Light Armor" was instantly excited. In the sound of "Ding Dong", the arrow shot at Li Yi was blocked by "Human Light Armor". Li Yi was still floating in the air, looking unharmed. Go down.

"Huh? Isn't this the brothers who killed Heavenly Army?" Li Yi looked at him strangely, only to see a team of one hundred people came to the side of his carriage, and watched Li Yi far away in the sky.

"Heaven, come down! Report your identity!" a young man with a goatee turned his head to Li Yi and raised his bow again.

"I rely on..." Li Yi rolled his eyes and slowly fell from the air. As soon as he landed, the team of 100 people had surrounded him layer by layer, and pointed the swords in his hand to Li Yi one by one.

The goat came out of the crowd leisurely and looked at Li Yi contemptuously, said: "I didn't expect that there were contractors in the mob! Did the **** elves teach you? Honestly! Don't think you are a contractor. Don’t be afraid of us samurai!"

This is...where and where! Li Yi felt that he had a big head for a while, but his military rank is now only a small commander, and the "hundred" in front of the opponent's chest has already explained his rank.

Centurion...Li Yi's head is bigger, Li Yi still knows what is "the first-level official kills people", even if he is a royal aristocrat, as long as he has a military position and is below The other party must obey the other party's orders.

Otherwise, the military law disposes.

Li Yi pouted, not wanting to speak more, but took out the iron captain of the ten captains from his arms and said, "Li Yi, the new captain of the tenth army of the Qin Dynasty, see Master Centurion."

With that said, he performed a military salute properly.

But the goat Hu Centurion ignored him, glanced at the iron card in Li Yi's hand, and sneered: "Thought you could get fooled by getting a fake ten commander's brand? Boy, I have seen many like you. Be a smart mob, don’t think that you can be blinded by this!"

I rely on! I rely on! I rely on!

This guy with short eyes! Li Yi said impatiently: "Is the iron captain in my hand fake?"

"Humph! Who knows if your brand was stolen from the captain? Even the carriage..." Goat Hu Chong Li Yi's carriage carrying meat was stolen. "Maybe you stole it! "

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