Li Yi feels that he is about to run away-even if his identity is questioned, he is now suspected of being a thief by a wicked guy?

Anyway, he is also an upright emperor and grandson. How can he tolerate such a wanton slander by a little centurion? !

So Li Yi once again pulled out his emperor's grandson's waist card and said: "I am a royal family, don't give your face shame!"

Unexpectedly, the other party did not buy his account at all, and he laughed at the brand in Li Yi's hand!

"Oh hey! Emperor Sun? Ah ha ha ha..." Goat Hu smiled non-stop while holding his belly, pointing at the hand of Emperor Li Yi's waist card trembling with his laughter, "You really thought casually Find a brand and engrave the words "Huang Sun". You are the royal family? This mob is a mob, this level of intelligence... No wonder we are repelled every year..."

Li Yi put away the waist card, looked at the goatee with frowns, and asked nonchalantly: "I said, are you finished laughing? Hurry up and flash away, even Yucheng is being attacked, don't you know? "

"Of course we know, don't you mob like to come to seek abuse once a year?" Goat Hu stopped laughing and straightened his waist to pull out the sword from his waist. "Look at your strange costume, it should be from the elves. Benefits? Want to impersonate my new Qin officers and royalty?"

"Shut up!" Goat Hu screamed. As he raised the sword in his hand, the hundreds of soldiers under him took a step forward, and the sharp weapon was one point closer to Li Yi.

Li Yi's brow furrowed, pointing at the tip of the goatee's nose, saying, "No matter how important you are, how did you become a centurion?! Now Lian Yucheng is under siege, so it doesn't matter how you surround me People?"

Goat Hu laughed, and the sword in his hand shook a sword flower, and what the sword pointed to was Li Yi's throat: "Don't tell me the truth, Lao Tzu is the centurion Bai Shi from the third thousandth team of the Tianjun Bai! I now suspect that you are the spy sent by the mob and have the right to detain you back to the military department for trial! Brothers! Take him to me!"

The goatee's men stepped forward again, with the sword tip against the armor on Li Yi's body, and at the same time shouted in unison: "Please catch your hand and catch!"

Hundreds of people drank in unison, and there was indeed a shocking effect.

However, in Li Yi's opinion, it is not a good thing-soldiers are good soldiers, but helplessly have such a stupid officer! I really don't know how many such officers are in the Celestial Army!

Relying on one's military merits and one's own military posts, one can show off one's strength and prestige? Just grab an individual and you can treat him as a spy? What's more, now Lian Yucheng is under siege, and it is precisely when they are needed to fight against the enemy, but they are holding Li Yihu here to stir it! The duty of the Celestial Army is to guard the southwest border, and Lian Yucheng is where their military headquarters is!

But it's no wonder that Li Yi would think this way. The Celestial Army has been stationed on the southwest border for so many years. The mob will be incited by the elves who permeated into Xinqin every year to come to attack Lianyu City, or attack other places. Soldiers are already familiar with this phenomenon-how can an army of only a few thousand people, made up of mobs with only a little military training, be able to confront the tens of thousands of celestial troops?

Only a few people who are stationed in Lianyu City can steadily guard Lianyu City, and even there will be no casualties on their own. Those mobs can't attack for a long time and will naturally retreat in vain.

So that every year when Lian Yucheng is under siege, the team of the Tiantian Army stationed in other parts of the southwest will sneak out some people and run to the side of Lianyu City to "watch the drama".

The goatee sneaked out with his brothers.

It happened that all the teams that didn’t stay in Lianyu City were ordered by their superiors to drive to the edge of the big rift for military exercises, and the 100-man team led by the goatee happened to be a perimeter alert team, and they just met once a year. The mob army attacked the city, so it was time to come and see.

Unfortunately, they met Li Yi.

This goat, Hu Bai and Shi Bai is an out-and-out soldier. Everyone he knows knows that this person has a straightforward personality and everything is on his face. What he likes, he will naturally make friends with the other party, and he hates them, so he will make fun of him.

In his eyes, Li Yi is a synonym for nasty...

When he saw this fat man flying in the sky, he hated it. The fat man was wearing colorful armor. For a person born in Baishibai, who had a unique military aesthetic, it was really ugly! In addition, the other party is still a guy who can use spells, which makes him even more annoying.

When Bai Shibai was young, because he was poor, he couldn't learn the contract technique, so he chose the path of samurai. For this reason, he also began to hate those who can use spells when he was young!

So much money to learn spells? Really a group of contractors who are greedy for money!

And the poor Li Nian, Li Yi, was recognized by Bai Shibai as one of the contractors who were greedy for money.

Seeing that persuasion is not possible, the other party directly wants to be rude to himself, and Li Yi decides not to tell them any reason--since you want to do so, then I will accompany you!

Li Yi hasn't touched people since the top of the gods to see how much his strength has increased. Now that this goatee is fine, it's natural to be desperate.

He smiled, his hands hanging next to him secretly compared to a gesture. Suddenly, Li Yi's side was violently windy, blowing the sand and stones on the ground, and the stones laid on the gravel trail were blown around. Hitting the armor of the soldiers, "Boom".

The soldiers were unstable due to this violent wind, and they were crooked, and the formation surrounding Li Yi gradually became loose.

Goat Hu was shocked, his sight was blocked, and Li Yi in front of him disappeared out of thin air!

When Sha Shi no longer danced, Bai Shibai fixed his eyes, but Li Yi was still standing in front of him. His sword did not know when it reached his hand, and he looked at himself with his head tilted and smiled.

Bai Shibai shouted angrily: "Damn mob! Brothers! Kill him!"

Speaking of bento, he rushed to Li Yi!

Li Yi chuckled and disappeared in front of Bai Shibai's eyes. He lost his goal. Bai Shibai scratched his head strangely, but suddenly found a hand patting on his shoulder.

He turned back suddenly and saw a smiling fat face looking at him over his shoulder.

"Wow!" Bai Shibai was shocked, and the goat on his chin twitched back and said, " mob..."

"Fuck! Master, I said I'm not a mob! You bastard!" Li Yi's smile turned into a red face instantly, struck on Bai Shibai's stomach, but found that the other party was motionless.

It seems that this guy's Centurion rank is not in vain.

Bai Shibai was irritated by Li Yi's foot. He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Everyone, give me ten steps back! See how I clean up this mob!"

Li Yi's face doesn't matter-there is already a goal for practicing hands. Lian Yucheng or something is still slow. Anyway, it is almost impossible for the thousands of people in the mob army to capture this city.

The officers retreated ten steps and surrounded Li Yi and Baishi Baituan in the center.

Withdrawing the fire sword from his waist, he threw the sword in his hand and gave it back to Bai Shibai. Li Yi didn't even take off the shield behind him, so he held the sword and said: "Come on, let me see you centenary How capable it is!"

Bai Shibai gritted his teeth and looked at Li Yi with a fierce force under his feet, wielding his sword straight to Li Yi!

Li Yi blinked, and at the same time his left hand gesture changed, a group of entangled plants emerged from Bai Shibai's feet, forming a mass on Bai Shibai's feet, causing his forward momentum to stop instantly and tripped On the ground.

He angrily slashed a few swords at the roots of the plants with his sword, and finally got out. When he got up again to find Li Yi's figure, he found that the other party was gone again.

"Don't you dare to fight me without a contract!" Bai Shibai yelled to the sky, feeling that she had suffered a lot from the opponent's spell.

But Li Yi's voice came from behind him: "No contract technique? Yes, I don't need contract technique if you don't use martial arts, how?"

Bai Shibai only felt a strong wind in his ear, and he rushed forward, and then stood up and found that Li Yi had stood before him somehow and gave him a punch with a smile.

With Bai Shibai becoming a centuries-old martial art, he can naturally avoid Li Yi's free punch, but Li Yi didn't expect his punch to hit Bai Shibai's nose bridge. When the opponent sideways escaped Li Yi's punch.

As expected by Li Yi, Bai Shibai really avoided Li Yi's attack sideways, but when he wanted to swing his arm and hit Li Yi's nose while he was hiding, he found that he had been surrounded by a golden beam of light falling from the sky. Surrounded by layers!

His swayed arm hit the beam of light fiercely, and immediately cried with his arm in pain.

Li Yi looked at Bai Shibai across the "light cage" with a smile, and said, "Do you want to fight?"

Li Yi failed to wait for Bai Shibai's answer.

A deafening shout of killing sounded from all around, Li Yi at first thought that the brothers of the Celestial Army around him were preparing to attack themselves, suddenly the whole body was tight, a wind spell was completed in an instant, and he was ready to escape at any time.

joke! There are a hundred and ten people in a hundred team, no matter how powerful Li Yi will be drowned by them!

But when you listen carefully, the shouting is different. Although the momentum is huge, it makes people feel a strange lack of energy. What is going on?

Li Yi looked around, but found that the soldiers of the Celestial Army around him had all faced the outside of the encircling circle, and they were resisting something.

Looking through the gap between the crowd, you can see the figures wearing dark yellow one-piece chain mails flashing continuously.

This is the shouting of these people wearing dark yellow conjoined armor. Due to the large number of people, the momentum is huge. However, due to the lack of training, the murderousness is not enough, and it seems that there is a lack of energy.

Is it a mob army? ! When did they come here? Could it be that they failed to attack Lianyu City and instead chose to retreat, just because these people were blocking their way back?

Li Yi had to jump up from the ground, flying high in the air, the door of Lianyu City was still black, Li Yi took out the telescope to see, but found that the siege party did not know when it had been taken The ladder was raised, and the troops defending the city wall suffered heavy casualties, and people continued to scream and fell from the wall.

Eight troops appeared around the city of Lianyu, and they rushed towards the city together. The dark yellow conjoined mail armor reflected a different kind of light under the sunshine!

Each of these eight armies looks like thousands of people. If they add up together, they will almost reach the number of 20,000!

Where do they come from? ! Li Yi was anxious, knowing that Gu Lei and they must be in the city now. If the city is broken, they will face danger in the face of so many enemies!

Li Yigang wanted to fly to Lianyu City desperately, but Bai Shibai's screaming under him shouted at him.

"That... Mr. Contractor! Please let me go! My brother is fighting, I can't just stay here and do nothing!" Bai Shibai shouted, looking up at the undulating waves in the air. Li Yi.

Li Yi looked to the ground, and the soldiers of the 100th or so of the Celestial Soldiers were resisting the offensive of the mob army. There were more than three hundred mobs wearing dark yellow armor!

But fortunately, the soldiers of the Celestial Army were well-trained, and they were all veterans who had really seen the blood on the battlefield, so that they were still somewhat at ease with these under-trained mobs. The mobs just rely on their large number of people, temporarily accounting for It's just an advantage.

Li Yi thought for a moment, waved his hand, and the golden light column trapped around Bai Shibai disappeared suddenly.

As soon as he was free, the centurion with a goatee immediately picked up the saber dropped on the ground, thanked Li Yi in the sky, and joined the soldiers who resisted the mob army.

This guy...Li Yi pouted, decided to help them.

He floated so high in the air that his body began to be protected by spells that shone with various rays of light, so that he was free from the harassment of the enemy's bow and arrow. Immediately, he opened his hands wide and recited the mantra loudly. .

Fluctuations visible to the naked eye surged from all directions to Li Yi, and gathered together on Li Yi's "Tai Kai Kai", making Tu Zhikai shine a dazzling yellow light!

Li Yi sweated and kept his hands wide open. The spell in his mouth has never been broken. The long spell shows that Li Yi is about to cast a powerful spell so that the fluctuations of these natural forces can be caught. Perceive with the naked eye.

This spell called "Thousand Earth Spikes" is easy to be interrupted in combat due to the long casting time. This is the first time Li Yi has used it, and it is not so good to master, so that the casting time becomes more Long, but it doesn’t matter-as long as it works!

As Li Yi's mantra gradually came to an end, the land at the foot of the mob army became unstable and trembling, they looked at their feet in panic, some inattentive people were also cut by the soldiers of the Celestial Army Head off.

Li Yi's mantra was finally finished. He exhaled, his hands snapped together on his chest, his fingers clenched tightly, and he shouted!

"Get up!" With Li Yi's shouting, the land at the feet of the mob suddenly shook even more fiercely. Thick soil thorns suddenly protruded from the ground, leaving the mob standing on this land. Once he poked from the sole of his foot to the top of his head, the dead can't die anymore!

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