Looking down from the sky, a ring about two steps wide, consisting of soil thorns and corpses hanging on it, appeared on the ground, and the soldiers of the Celestial Army stood unscathed inside the ring, and Outside the circle, the remaining mob also fell into a state of sluggishness.

The hundred soldiers of the Celestial Soldier stared blankly at the soil thorns that suddenly appeared and killed their enemies. These mobs were pierced by them, and some of them were still struggling, and they continued from their mouths. Spitting foam, moaning constantly.

And the mob outside this area also reacted instantly after being sluggish, and saw that the large-scale killing spell in front of him was done by the fat man flying in the sky. The arrow shot at Li Yi!

Li Yi chuckled and let these arrows shoot, often when the arrows were about to hit him, there would be a not strong breeze blowing the arrows gently, causing it to deviate from his direction, Li Yi shot across the distance.

Seeing that their bows and arrows are useless to this fat man, these mobs suddenly panicked-they have no other ability than the long-range attack method of bows and arrows to hurt Li Yi, and the contractor is still for them. Too far away, the only ones are not here yet.

Facing a contractor who is completely powerless, they have no chance!

Li Yi gestured again in coordination, his mouth pretending to be nagging, and the mob panicked again at the sight of the situation, and turned around and fled towards Lian Yucheng.

Li Yi smiled and waved his hand. The ring of soil thorns and corpses suddenly disappeared. The bodies on the soil thorns also lost their support and collapsed to the ground one by one.

Li Yi landed slowly among the soldiers, and the soldiers also gathered up.

"I said... I can at least prove that I am not a mob..." Li Yi swallowed and looked at the soldiers coming up, regretting that he didn't take the wind away.

Bai Shibai walked in front of Li Yi, and carefully looked up and down at Li Yi, whispering words like "Royal", "Unlike", "Hmm..." in his mouth.

Li Yi tilted his head and looked at this strange character, full of question marks.

"Your boy is really a royal family?" Bai Shibai asked suddenly, scaring Li Yi back suddenly, "Still a commander? Wouldn't it be the relationship?"

"I am indeed a royal family, and I became the ten commander by virtue of military merit..." Li Yi embraced his chest with both hands, and was still very upset about the suspicion of the other party. "I said, don't judge people by appearance! Although I'm fat point……"

"No no no..." Bai Shibai waved his hand. "It's not your appearance, but... the royal family who came to kill us, except for the third prince Li Yuan, no one can be called a man. It’s a bunch of wine bags, come to kill the Heavenly Army, which is just gilded... aren’t you not our Heavenly Army, but from other legions?"

"I'm killing the heavenly army... ordered by the military department..." Li Yi still felt a little uncomfortable-was suspected by the other party for no reason, can he feel well in his heart? "Moreover, I am indeed the emperor's grandson, Li Yuan is my father..."

"What?!" Bai Shibai was so shocked that the goatee was straight. When this man in his thirties was surprised, it was really easy to make people laugh. Li Yi now bears the urge to laugh and put his face to death. It seemed very stiff, "You said that His Royal Highness the Three Princes is your father? Then you are his son... so to say! You are Li Yi?"

"The nightmare of the bandit group, Li Yi?!" Goat Hu opened his eyes again and looked at Li Yi again, his mouth murmured again.

I rely on... When did I get such a disgusting nickname? Also "nightmare of bandits"? Li Yi lifted the goose bumps all his life-this nickname is too unpleasant, right?

"It is said that His Royal Highness is more than two feet tall, powerful and strong, with a tiger's back and a waist, and his arms have the power of a catty. With a slap, he can shoot a person alive..." The look of His Royal Highness.

"Stop, stop!" Li Yi heard goose bumps off the ground, feeling a chill, and interrupted quickly. "Where did you hear all this from?"

"The Military Department's announcement about the record of His Royal Highness..." Bai Shibai puzzled Li Yi and blinked, then said, "But the problem is that you are not the same as His Royal Highness described by the Military... "

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, ignoring Bai Shibai's suspicious look, and said directly: "You still have to report to yourselves! The situation of the mob attacking the city is different..."

Across the crowd, the periphery of Lianyu City was a dark yellow, and the number of mobs in the siege had grown to 20,000! In addition, more and more people wearing the same dark yellow one-piece mail are coming from other places!

"Go! Find the big army to report! I have to go to the city to help now!" Li Yi awakened Bai Shibai with a doubtful face, then his legs sang, and once again jumped into the sky and flew by the wind. Lian Yucheng.

Bai Shibai is still in a dumb state, staring at Li Yi flying up into the sky without any movement for a long time.

It took a long time before he came back to God, and said to the soldiers around him: "Whether he is the real emperor or not, we must now pass this news to the big troops! Lian Yucheng is now surrounded by water, it is estimated I can't send out a letter of help...Go! March quickly, rush to the big rift!"

Bai Shibai commanded the soldiers to line up and ran towards the big rift.

Li Yi was flying fast in the air. The contract technique made his body lighter than feathers. A steady stream of wind blew behind Li Yi quickly, making his speed reach a terrible situation.

Li Yi's mood now also began to become anxious.

Lian Yucheng has fallen into the biggest crisis in years! It is possible to destroy the city at any time! The person Li Yi cares most about is in that city!

Faster! Hurry up!

Li Yi knows that if Lian Yucheng is broken, then Gu Lei and others alone will have no chance to escape from this chaotic army. Even if he rushes away, if he can catch up, he can still take them out of the company. Yucheng, but if you are too late...

At the thought of such consequences, Li Yi could not help but shudder, and the speed could not be faster.

Li Yi glanced over the mob army, attracting a branch of arrows that were constantly shooting at him, but none of them could obstruct Li Yi-the protective spells on Li Yi still played a role, making those who tried their best to fly The high-altitude arrow quickly lost its momentum and fell down under the action of gravity.

Several mobs were nailed to the ground by these falling arrows falling from the air.

He soon came to Lianyu City, and the soldiers of Xinqin looked at him in horror, thinking that he was a contractor of the mob army, and shot arrows in his hand at Li Yi.

"I rely on!" Li Yi quickly landed, aroused a burst of smoke, he quickly took out two brands that can prove his identity, one by one raised in his hand and said: "Don't hurt yourself! I am myself!"

The soldiers looked at Li Yi's hand and seemed hesitant.

"He is the mobster of the mob!..." A voice came from the crowd and caused an uproar.

"All **** shut up!" Li Yi, who was continuously treated as a spy, suddenly angered. He stomped indignantly, and the surrounding ground suddenly shook. Taking this opportunity, he shouted, "Laozi is a soldier of heaven. Commander Ten, like you, a soldier of Xinqin! Laozi is still the grandson of Xinqin! They all cheer me up! There is no contractor in the mob army, don’t be suspicious! Keep me a good city! !"

With that said, Li Yi separated the crowd and jumped towards the main palace.

Looking at the close together of the main city mansion and the Celestial Army, Li Yi hesitated again and again, knocking on the closed door of the main city mansion.

The door opened a slit, revealing an old face from inside. Looking at Li Yi's colorful equipment with doubt, he asked strangely, "Who are you?"

"I am the grandson of the new Qin Emperor, Li Yi, the commander-in-chief of the Celestial Army!" Li Yi raised the two signs in his hand to make the old man see more clearly, and said, "Where is the lord?"

"The city master went to the wall to kill the enemy..." The old man said that he wanted to close the door. "You still go!"

"Even Yucheng is almost broken, the city owner is still killing the enemy? What about the evacuation of men, women, children and children in the city!" Li Yi stuck the door with his feet and prevented the old man from closing, "He is now on the city wall Where is it?"

"It's on the main entrance!" The old man stepped on Li Yi's boots, Li Yi immediately retracted his foot in distress, and wiped **** the upper of the shoe, but found that the old man had taken the opportunity to die the door. No matter what Li Yi said, the door will not open.

Li Yi reluctantly turned to look at the main entrance of the fight against the sound of the sky, thinking about it, and turned into the military headquarters of the killing army.

The army has been busy in a ball.

"The pigeons can't be delivered! The mob's archer has sealed the outside of the city!"

"Quick! Where is General Dai? The East City Gate is about to fall! The mobs have occupied the East City Wall!"

"The main gate on the south side has been taken over by the brothers of the ligature camp led by the city owner, and the mob on the wall of the north city has been repelled!"

"Report! There are more mobs coming out of the city! There seems to be elves!"

Li Yi frowned and squeezed into the front door of the military department. After seeing the iron card of the ten commanders and the waist card of the emperor and grandson raised by him, no one stepped forward to intercept him.

He went directly to the second floor and came to the door of General Dai's room.

The door wasn't locked, but Li Yi didn't push it away immediately--the sound of quarrels came from inside the door from time to time.

"General Dai! Let's go quickly! Now the situation of Lianyu City is in crisis, and there is a possibility of breaking the city at any time! For your safety, I suggest that you still bring a team of people and break out of the city..." Li Yi heard this voice It’s familiar, but I can’t remember who it is, but it seems to be persuading General Dai to flee.

There was a sound of clapping the table in the door, and General Dai’s anger also came out from the inside: "Pray that Brother is not here, I am the commander of the Celestial Army, how can the commander escape from the battle! This kind of deserter’s behavior, I Not rare!"


"Pray that I will pat the chest before I leave to assure him that I will coexist and die with this Lianyu City! Don't talk about those that are useless! If the order goes on, all the fortification teams will keep me to death!" General Dai's voice came more and more The lower it becomes, as if it is whispered as if it were inaudible, "I will die if I die... if anyone wants to escape... then go..."

"I can't even send out the distress signal now..." General Dai sighed. "You know, all the beacon towers on the city wall were secretly destroyed by people. The ordered pigeons were shot down as soon as they flew out of the city. Yucheng...has become an isolated city!"

"If you say... The remaining troops of the Celestial Army already know the news that Lian Yucheng is besieged?" Li Yi pushed the door in and saluted.

In the lieutenant general's room, only General Dai and the clerk who had taken Li Yi to the farm were stunned when they saw Li Yi suddenly coming in, and what he said from Li Yi's mouth was a great joy in their hearts. .

"You... are you serious?! The large troops heading to the big rift military exercise already knew the news and are coming?" General Dai no longer had the arrogance and prejudice to meet for the first time, as if to grab a help Straw came out from behind the desk and asked Li Yi by the shoulder.

"I don't know how long the journey will take between Lianyu City and the general rift mentioned by the general? How long will it take for a hundred people to march quickly to reach the rift? And how long will it take for the large force to come to Lianyu City at full speed?" Li Yi looked at General Dai's Asked his eyes.

"If you say so..." General Dai thought for a moment, and then replied, "Big troops will be able to come before the sunrise tomorrow! You mean..."

Li Yi met the Baishibai team led by Bai Shibai and dealt with it, and then told them to bring the news to the large army of the Celestial Army, and originally told General Dai.

General Dai was very happy, and his unidentified hands danced. He said to the clerk who was standing aside: "Old Wei, hurry up, notify everyone quickly, and hold on to tomorrow sunrise! We, we are saved!"

The clerk took his orders, but Li Yi hurriedly stopped him: "Wait! Where are those who come with me?"

"They were sent by me to defend the main goal. Now, they should go to the eastern wall to support..." General Dai replied for the clerk.

Li Yi nodded and left.

"Wait! I remember right...you are the new captain who came a few days ago? Li Yi? I remember you..." General Dai stopped him and looked at him inconceivably.

Li Yi turned his head and smiled, "If the general wants to reward me, let's wait for the battle to end! If nothing else, I'm going to support the East City Wall..."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared, leaving General Dai and the clerk staring blankly at the place where Li Yi had just been.

"It seems that this royal child is really different..." General Dai said naively to the clerk.

Li Yi immediately jumped out of the gate of the military department and hurried away in the direction of the eastern city wall.

On the eastern city wall, the soldiers of the Celestial Army have been surrounded by the mob, and the mob even divided the troops of the Celestial Army, preparing to overwhelm them with a superior number.

Compared with the shouting in several other directions, the eastern wall of the most critical form is a bit weird.

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