No matter the soldiers of the Celestial Army or the mob, no one made any noise. Although the soldiers of the Celestial Army were now at an absolute disadvantage, the mob didn't know why no one stepped forward and seemed to be afraid of something.

The scene was so deadlocked.

Li Yi was only a little closer to see it. The soldiers of the Celestial Army divided into several pieces were surrounded by a golden barrier to protect them. Among the crowd, a few familiar figures appeared in Li Yi's eyes.

"Gu Lei!" Li Yi shouted with all his strength, quickly flew to his goal.

Li Yi landed in front of the soldiers who were guarding the army beside Gu Lei, arousing a wave of anger. He was excited to push the soldiers in front of him, but found them watching him with vigilance. Don't let yourself step forward.

"Fat fat man! Where have you been these few days!" Gu Lei separated the soldiers who stood in front of him, and pulled Li Yi into the soldiers' protection circle. "The old lady worried about death!"

Speaking, he made an impulsive fight, but when he saw so many people around him looking at him with a blushing face, he couldn't stop.

Li Yi leaned up with a smile on his face, but his eyes were aiming around arbitrarily-when he came down just now, he was too anxious to understand the current situation.

In the area where Li Yi is now, there are only a total of more than 20 fighters of the Celestial Army. They are protected from the front and facing outward. They have never been seen since Gu Lei pulled Li Yi into the protection circle. Li Yi glanced, although the expression on his face was solemn, but the smile on the corner of his mouth had already betrayed their mood.

God! Another contractor came to support us!

In this protection circle, there were a lot of three people who followed Li Yi to the southwest. Liu Changzheng looked back at the situation outside the city, silently, seeing Li Yi just nodded with a smile, and then continued to turn. Looking over the city, I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

Xu Wen seemed a little too excited, staring at the mob outside, and occasionally rubbing his whetstone on his saber. Because he paid too much attention to the movements of the mob, he made his money The whetstone, which was not large, had been grinded to a point, and his sword was sharpened.

Li Yi's arrival did not attract his attention at all. Xu Wen is now excited to die-this is the real war! A place where Iron-Blood Children should fight!

The other divided areas were blocked by dense mobs, and Li Yi could not see anything at all, and could not help regretting not seeing the situation on the city wall when he was just in heaven.

Gu Lei shook his hips, shouting at Li Yi with a spicy look: "Dead fat man, you said, where have you been in these days?"

Li Yi smiled embarrassingly, looked around and whispered, "Oh, my aunt and grandma, what is the situation now! Can you stop talking about these things first? I still take you out of town first Go!"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Lei looked at Li Yi in disbelief. "Why do you think so? Do you want to be a deserter?"

Li Yi feels that she has a big head for a while, how can even Gu Lei think the same way as General Dai? What is this about?

"I said, I said! I will send you out of the city first!" Li Yi felt that his mouth had become unfavorable, and what he said was not convincing. "I have contract equipment and all spells can be used. Especially the wind spells used to escape! But what about you?"

Li Yi pointed to Gu Lei: "You are the contractor of the two lines of light and fire! And the contract technique of the fire department has not seen how you have used it. Can these two contract techniques let you escape?" He pointed to Liu Chang again. , "This guy, is a waste during the day! The dark contract can only play its greatest role at night, don't you know?"

"There is also Xu Wen, a warrior. He is a samurai at most, and he has no way to save lives! If the city is broken..." Li Yi stared at Gu Lei's eyes, saying one by one. , "The three of you can survive in a short time, but in the face of the army of more than 20,000 mobs outside the city, can you survive until the reinforcements come?"

"How do you know we can't hold on?" Gu Lei gave Li Yi a glance, and seemed very dissatisfied with Li Yi's tone similar to despising them. "Do you think we are not good now?"

"But..." Li Yi wanted to go on, but the rioting from the crowd on the side made him have to turn his head to look.

The mob gradually gave way, and along the road came a red-haired woman in a red robe.

She chuckled and looked at the golden barrier in front of her eyes. She turned straight through the seemingly solid barrier and walked into the protective circle.

Gu Lei suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the red woman in disbelief. She turned to Li Yi and asked, "This... how is this possible! This spell cannot be invalidated without destruction! How can she..."

Li Yi narrowed her eyes and blocked Gu Lei behind, and said softly, "Be careful, this woman should be a magician, and a very smart magician..."

People in the world may only know about the magician only in terms of improving mental strength. At most, they know that the magician can make any item. The powerful magician can even make creatures, but few people know it. After a Nianji is powerful to a certain degree, he can change some rules of nature!

Forced, no need to consider the rationality of the rules, as long as he wants, then he can change!

Of course, it is only a temporary change. When Li Yi studied chanting in the Tianshu Academy, he was fortunate to be his assistant to the chanting teacher, and these secret knowledge was the result of looking at various spell books in the beginning.

However, the legendary state of being a psychicist has reached a certain level, and you can create your own rules to become gods-that is, if a psychicist continues to exercise herself, it is very likely to become God's! This is also the only way Li Yi believes in becoming a god.

But the world often ignores the true side of things and is attracted by its appearance, thus missing many opportunities.

The woman with red body in front of him was the most powerful mind-sculptor Li Yi had ever seen. He was able to change a few rules of Gu Lei's spells and broke into this protective circle!

The woman's long red hair told Li Yi that she was more than just a sorcerer.

The red hair is the fire clan's elf, and the fire clan's elf is a natural attacker. Even if the other party is not a contractor, her "outbreak" state is enough for Li Yi to drink a pot.

Li Yi was sweating nervously, but the expression on his face was very indifferent. He squinted and smiled, separated from the crowd and walked in front of the elf. He said politely: "I don't know if there are fire celebrities here , There is a far-reaching welcome below, but also looking at Haihan! I don’t know how expensive your guests are here at this moment..."

"Insidious humans, don't use such words to cover my truth and reality!" the elf sneered. "My name is Zhuoyue. I'm a magical advisor invited by the heavenly army! Of course, if you say something's a helper! You ,understand?"

Unexpectedly, Li Yi didn't seem to hear the other party's strong smell of gunpowder, and his speech began to become creaky. He said to himself: "We human sages have a cloud: friends come from afar, not to mention it! Miss Zhuoyue came to my Xinqin not far away, I should wait to entertain myself!"

"A glass of muddy wine is not respectable..." Li Yi flipped his left hand, and a jade wine glass suddenly appeared on his hand, and the right hand was on the buckle. When removed, the glass was already filled with transparent liquid.

Li Yi held the wine glass with both hands and presented it to Zhuoyue: "Please..."

Zhuoyue didn't look at the wine glass in Li Yi's hand, but was interested in Li Yi: "I can't see it. There are so young people in mankind who can cultivate the mind-study to "gather God for things". Realm! Yes, yes..."

"So...Don't the VIP give me this master face?" What Li Yi waited for was that the elf didn't take the wine glass in his hand. As soon as his voice fell, he poured the liquid in the glass to the elf!

The transparent liquid quickly became hot in the air and instantly burned up. It was about to splash on the beautiful face of Zhuoyue, but was blocked by a transparent barrier in front of the other party!

"Boy, my aunt and grandma live longer than you. You look a little disrespectful to your elders like you..." Zhuoyue said with a smile, her hands raised slightly, and her slender green onion pointed at Li Yi.

Two slender lines of fire spread to Li Yi in an instant!

I rely on! Another old woman who likes to call herself auntie grandma!

Zhuoyue's appearance is only 18 or 9 years old. Obviously she was just a young adult, but because of her race, she can live longer, and her youthful appearance can be maintained for a long time, so that she calls Li Yi "grandma". Not without reason.

Zhuoyue's age is much older than Li Yi after all.

But the problem is that Li Yi always thinks, which age group you should be that age group, when I was just an adult, you were just an adult, just because your race itself grew slowly, and the number of years you can live is several times or even ten times that of humans. Can I call myself auntie grandma?

This is the same as a person who has lived for more than 40 years but has a psychological age but only a teenager and a person who has a 20-year-old physical psychology who claims to be a father. It makes people feel uncomfortable.

And Li Yi doesn't matter what age the opponent is, anyway, you have made it clear what kind of "Heavenly Army" to help, then it is the enemy of Xin Qin. Moreover, the opponent also participated in the siege battle, so Li Yi made up his mind to fight Take this elf.

Li Yi instantly replaced the wine in the glass with gasoline, and burned it in the air to deter the other party.

However, since he knew that the other party was also a sorcerer, Li Yi did not have much hope that his little trick would have any effect-Sure enough, Sue Moon blocked the burning liquid and shot two to himself. Flame rays!

Flame rays? This thing...Li Yi's mouth was drawn, this flame ray is a relatively low-level spell in the fire contract technique, use this to deal with Li Yi...

I really don’t know if the opponent is underestimating the enemy or if the level is really limited. Is the mind-reading technique strong but the contract technique weak?

Anyway, this ray of flame for Li Yi can be avoided with just a flash, and the "foot of the wind" at the foot is not a decoration.

Thinking about it in my heart, Li Yi's body still moved. He turned around gently and moved a few steps to avoid the flames from the burning moon.

But the strange thing is, why the burning moon's attack failed, but she still had that very confident smile on her face?

Before Li Yi thought about it, Zhuoyue told him the answer by action.

Which flame ray actually turns? ! Originally, this low-level fire spell could only shoot straight forward, but it was different when it was cast in the burning moon, but she saw her fingers tremble, and the two red rays that were less than the thickness of the finger were actually there. A fold in the air, quickly shot towards Li Yi!

The burning spell has surpassed the normal spell speed. At first glance, it turned into Li Yi as if it were two lasers.

Li Yi only felt that the side ribs were hot, and the armor on his upper body shook suddenly, almost falling.

Looking down, the two rays just hit his armor, and with the defensive ability of "Night of Earth", this low-level spell has no ability to cause damage to Li Yi.

However, the speed of this ray is really fast! Like the laser gun in a science fiction movie, even the "protective body armor" had hit Li Yi before it appeared. This made Li Yi suddenly afraid.

If this spell is not aimed at his upper body, but at a place on his head that is not protected...

Li Yi looked at Zhuoyue with cold sweat, but saw her smile slightly, waved his hands again, dozens of hot rays suddenly came to Li Yi!

Li Yi wanted to avoid it again and cast a spell to protect himself, but found that his body didn't know when it became very heavy, and even the movement of raising his legs became very difficult!

damn it! This elf must have changed the natural rules of my body! Li Yi was so anxious in his heart that he had to raise his hands with difficulty, blocking it in front of himself.

The dozens of flame rays fired from this actually produced a huge force, and all of them hit Li Yi's arm all at once. Because Li Yi subconsciously inspired the power of the crown prince, the "protective light armor" was in him. The moment he raised his hand appeared on his body, protecting his body perfectly.

However, the "body protection light armor" can only protect the body from harm, but it cannot ignore some physical rules-for example, Li Yi has been blown out by the force transmitted from these rays. It stopped after breaking over a few people.

"I rely on!" Li Yi climbed up from the crowd and scolded angrily, but before he raised his head, there was a rush of heat on his face, which scared him to jump towards the sky and escaped. These fireballs flying towards him.

Li Yi exhaled in the air, twisted his body, and once again escaped the fire spells flying to him, thinking to himself a question-this elf, are these really only low-level spells? But even so, the power of her low-level spells is really scary!

But... how did she increase the power of these low-level spells? Li Yi dodged in the air, his brain was thinking quickly-could it be said that it was to modify the spell and gestures?

This guess was quickly negated by Li Yi himself. The gesture of the elf before casting is the same as the normal casting gesture. After carefully observing the mouth shape of the other party, Li Yi also determined that the other party’s spell was not. any problem.

But how did she enhance the spell?

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Li Yi suddenly thought of another identity of the other party, chanter!

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