You can change some rules after the mindfulness practice reaches a certain level, and the burning moon is to rely on the power of changing the rules to break into the golden barrier set by Gu Lei, then in other words, as long as the spell is changed a little Spell rules released by yourself can enhance the effect of spells!

Guessing is still just guessing. Even though Li Yi thinks that he guessed very accurately, it is not easy to ask the person concerned. After all, their identity is now an enemy.

However, Li Yi does not have the ability to change the rules now. The amount of Li Yi's mental power is now very large, but in terms of realm... there is still a gap with Zhuoyue.

Li Yi dodges left and right in the air, all the spells of the burning moon fall in the empty space, and even the flame rays that can turn can't catch up with the footsteps of Li Yi dodge.

The burning moon's chanting seems not yet powerful enough to change the target rules at any distance. At least Li Yi's body has become no longer heavy, and the blessed wind spells have no signs of losing effect.

There are no other spells available for the fire elves except for the use of the fire contract technique and chanting. As for Li Yi’s method of using flames to generate huge buoyancy, can the elves with no modern education understand it?

Therefore, Li Yi and Zhuoyue look a bit strange, a lifeless hiding, a lifeless madness spell-and they are all low-level spells.

During the period, the three men of Gu Lei and the soldiers of the Tianjun Army wanted to attack the burning moon, but found that they could not get close to her. Even the aggressive spells released by Gu Lei and Liu Chang were within two feet of her. The smoke disappeared.

Li Yi couldn't bear such a dodge style of play. I couldn't help thinking, since I can't change the rules, can't I make something to put in my spell?

When he thought about it, Li Yi immediately released a fireball hovering in his hand, and created a pool of acid in the fireball, which was wrapped with mental energy. After throwing his hand, he threw it towards the burning moon.

Li Yi didn't know that Gu Lei and Liu Chang's spells had failed before Burning Moon. When he threw the fireball with acid on Burning Moon, the fact that the other party did not hide made him startled!

This girl, are you looking for death?

The fireball "touched" in front of the burning moon, and the acid inside became extremely hot under the high temperature of the fireball, but it was still blocked by the invisible barrier in front of the burning moon, and dissipated.

Li Yi pouted, knowing what protective spells the other party must be blessing on him now, the most likely way of chanting is, and the most likely thing is to create an invisible barrier with chanting, but it seems that it is possible to change his own rules. ...

Li Yi knew that he once again fell into a situation where he was passively beaten but could not get his hands.

It's another tough bone! There is no way to take her completely! Li Yi thought angrily.

Zhuoyue smiled triumphantly at him below, and by the way dropped a few spells, shouting loudly after Li Yi escaped: "Little fat man! Grandma can't believe you today!"

With that, his hands waved again, and a giant hand composed of two flames appeared in the air, slamming towards Li Yi!

The appearance of the pair of flame giants was unexpected by Li Yi.

Li Yi thought that another senior fire department contractor came to help, but did not expect that these two hands composed of flames were actually done by the burning moon!

Li Yi was dumbfounded. He thought that the other party's contractor was too low, so he could only use enhanced low-level spells, so that although Li Yi felt a bit depressed, he still did not encounter any danger.

But now it's different. The other party is obviously the type that plays the role of a pig and eats a tiger. First, it shows weakness to the enemy, and then kills the enemy with thunder and thunder-Li Yi found the way to burn the moon...

The flaming giant hands slammed Li Yi into the palm of the air, and rubbed it "very well", otherwise Li Yi blessed several defensive spells on his body when he flew into the air. , I am afraid that Li Yi has been tenderized by the roasted outer coke...

After this shoot, the pair of flame giants gradually turned into a kind of ignition star and dissipated, revealing Li Yi inside.

Although Li Yi was unharmed, being treated in this way in front of so many people really made him unbearable.

Li Yi narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth and said: "You stinky girl! It turned out to be a senior contractor... but it doesn't matter, there are several senior contractors who have lost to me! I can't believe it. you!"

Said, the figure flashed, and disappeared in the air.

Among those who watched the battle, Gu Lei and three others looked at each other and smiled, knowing that Li Yi also used the "double insurance big law" of stealth and falsification. No matter how powerful the fire elf is, it cannot be a warrior. It is impossible to master the skill of blind combat, that is to say, Li Yi has once again taken the lead.

As long as the barrier created by the elf is destroyed.

It's simple to say, but it becomes very difficult to do, at least Li Yi is now in a dilemma.

Li Yi is now two feet away from the burning moon, but no matter how hard he tries, he cannot get close to this elf, and some secretly used methods cannot be used.

Li Yi tried to summon some plants on the ground inside this transparent barrier to trap the elf, but found that the ground in this range was sealed by an invisible force, no matter how hard the plants called by Li Yi struggled Unable to break through this barrier.

I rely on! Damn it! Li Yi stood in front of Zhuoyue with his hands clasped in his chest. He couldn't see him on the other side, and made a few faces at Zhuoyue.

To tell you the truth, Li Yi hasn't understood what the invisible barrier he encountered is now. The only thing that is certain is that this stuff is definitely not a contract!

Isn’t it contracting, then reading? Li Yi scratched his head and squatted on the ground to continue to think about it.

In the case of mind-reading, is this the creation of mind-reading, or is it the result of mind-modified natural rules? The former is fortunate to say that he has 80% certainty that he can get rid of this thing, but if the latter—

Li Yi was helpless.

After all, Li Yi's chanting has not yet reached this state where rules can be modified. Naturally, it is impossible to break this gadget that is similar to a spell, but not like a spell.

Or...I wait for it to fail? Li Yi thought, but soon dispelled the idea.

joke! Who knows how long this thing can be kept? If its timeliness can last till tomorrow morning, do you still have to wait for boredom to die?

Li Yi sighed helplessly and decided to give it a try no matter what.

If it is something made by mind-selling, then I can **** it away by "swallowing a black hole"... Li Yi immediately stretched out his hands, and a rotating black hole suddenly appeared between Li Yi's hands, With the appearance of the black hole, Li Yi quickly posted the black hole on the invisible barrier.

Suddenly, Li Yi's mental power blew away like running water. "Swallowing a black hole" was like a hungry man seeing a table of wine and food, madly absorbing the invisible things in front of him, until the invisible The barrier is completely sucked!

Zhuoyue Zheng was looking around, looking for Li Yi's traces, but was surprised when the other side disappeared without a trace.

Just before the battle, Li Yi has shown the three contractual techniques of wind, fire and darkness, and has also cultivated the mind technique to the state of "gathering Gods for things". This talent is really terrifying!

Zhuoyue didn't know that Li Yi had a full set of contract equipment, and together with the crown prince's ring in his hand, there were a total of eight pieces! The casting ability of Li Yi's multi-system spells is also derived from this set of equipment.

Fortunately, Zhuoyue didn't see the origin of the colorful equipment that Li Yi was wearing. If she let her know, she wouldn't be a pig and eat a tiger to tease Li Yi. The powerful spell kills Li Yi in one fell swoop!

You should know that in the territory of elves, the scarcity of contract equipment is not much better than that of Xinqin. Many elves have never seen any contract equipment in this life.

Zhuoyue didn't expect that Li Yi, a "three-line contractor", was able to completely destroy the "absolute defense" that he had worked so hard on--that is, the invisible barrier.

Surprisingly, what Li Yi used to destroy her "absolute defense" was not any kind of contractual technique, but a constantly rotating black hole that even absorbed the defense made by the burning moon in an instant. The barrier, even after absorbing this barrier, can still feel the force of the black hole.

Li Yi was already in front of Zhuoyue's eyes, holding a black hole with a smile and watching Zhuoyue said: "To be honest, I really don't want to kill you. If we are not hostile to each other, maybe we will I can study the cultivation method of chanting... but it is a pity!"

After finishing his speech, Li Yi extended the black hole in his hand to the burning moon.

The elf became panicked, and she found that all the skills she had learned could not protect her comprehensively, and even the ability to change the rules by mind spells could not be used at this time!

She was too panicked. You must know that Scorching Moon used this "absolute defense" to instigate the southwest storm. The elves of the chaos have stood out. Since she created this barrier with mind, she has never been defeated.

What Chang Sheng's mentality creates is a psychological inability to accept the fact of failure.

Zhuoyue suddenly screamed wildly: "Impossible! How could you break my'absolute defense'! Impossible!" With her crazy shouting, her red hair began to flutter, abnormally fluttering Into the air.

The long red hair was windless and fluttered randomly in the air. Suddenly, it seemed that someone had set a fire, and the long hair of the burning moon burned fiercely!

No, not burning, but really turning into flames!

Burning Moon's eyes are wide open, and flames are constantly being sprayed out, and the whole body is quickly covered by flames. In the blink of an eye, Burning Moon has changed from a living elf into a flame-shaped human figure!

"I'm going to... you die..." The flame figure uttered these words indistinctly, and then it became huge!

damn it! Another "outbreak"! Li Yi watched Zhuoyue growing bigger and bigger in front of him, until it turned into a huge flame, but found that he was really helpless.

If such a big flame, if you want to use the "swallow black hole" to suck, don't you want to kill yourself?

The body after the "Eruption" of Scorching Moon was more than ten people tall, and turned into a round fireball. She spun around in the air for a while, and then pressed against Li Yi!

"I rely on!" Li Yi rushed to the front of a heat wave, the body immediately made the most correct response.

He put away the black hole in his hand, kicked his feet violently on the ground, and came quickly to the three Gu Lei. He put Gu Lei on his back and raised the collars of Liu Chang and Xu Wen with each other. , And took them to fly down the wall.

"Boom!" Li Yigang took the three men to the ground, and heard a deafening roar from the wall behind him. The fireball formed after the burning moon "burst" hit the wall fiercely, and then burst out The more intense flame suddenly blasted this thick wall into a huge pothole!

And so many mobs and celestial warriors on the wall were all burned into flying ash by the burning moon, and the hot flame melted the armor on them and burned their flesh!

Under the high temperature, they even woke up without even realizing the pain!

"Now... what to do now?" Gu Lei asked Li Yi, who was pulling the gods without a master.

Li Yi gasped and replied: "What else can I do? Hurry to the military department and tell General Dai! The eastern wall is broken, the mob will take advantage of it, let him, let him send someone to come and support!"

After the "eruption", the burning moon lost his mind and vented all his anger on the eastern wall. He didn't even notice that he had escaped four people.

Li Yi pulled Gu Lei and ran along with Liu Chang and Xu Wen, during which he blessed them with wind spells, which made their running speed become as fast as the wind, and soon came to the army of the celestial army. Before the department.

Entering the gate, Li Yi shouted loudly: "General Dai! General Dai! The eastern wall is broken! Hurry up and send someone to support!"

Li Yi finished his first call, and when he just wanted to call out the second, General Dai had already jumped up and down the stairs on the second floor, grabbing Li Yi and whispered, "What do you want to do?! Make chaos?"

He grabbed Li Yi with his words and jumped to the second floor during the landing. He said to Gu Lei, who was still on the ground floor, "Come up too!"

General Dai took Li Yi all the way into his office and pointed to the chair in front of the desk: "Sit." He sat at the table himself, frowning tightly, and his right hand did not touch his finger for a moment. Knocking on the table, a pensive look.

Li Yi waited for him to sit down and just wanted to talk, but he was stopped by waving his hand.

"Wait for you... er, it should be a subordinate, um, we will talk after the subordinate comes over!" He took a teacup that was on the table all year round, took a sip, and continued to knock on the table in contemplation.

After Gu Lei entered the "Lieutenant General's Room", General Dai only said: "You... talk about the situation in the eastern city wall..."

Li Yi and the other three looked at each other, and Bento first said: "The eastern wall... has been broken by an elf..."

General Dai interrupted Li Yi's report with a wave of his hand and interjected: "Are you saying, one? An elf?" He was a little surprised to emphasize the tone on the word "one".

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