"Yes, just one... she is a fire elf, and can initially be determined as a senior fire contractor, but this is not her difficult place..." Li Yi paused and continued, "The problem is that she Still a magician, a powerful magician!"

General Dai frowned once again and took a sip of the tea in the glass, staring at Li Yi’s eyes and asked, “Although I’m just a warrior, I don’t know any spells. Still understand... a senior contractor? It should be nothing to the lady under you... but why do you want to focus on reminding me that the elf is still a powerful magician?"

"Isn't the mind technique used to assist the contract technique? In addition to increasing mental strength and creating some boring little things, what other effect can it have?" General Dai put down the teacup and knocked his fingers harder on the table. "I Waiting for your explanation!"

"General, what you know is nothing more than the world knows... and the real secrets are in the hearts of a few people!" Li Yi explained, "For example, me!"

"I was fortunate to be my teacher's assistant while studying chanting, and I learned some unknown secrets, such as the grading of chanting!" Li Yi spread his right hand and showed five fingers to General Dai .

"Nianshu still has levels? Isn't that Nianshu just a tasteless auxiliary spell classification?" General Dai raised his eyebrows curiously and looked at Li Yi's right hand, "You show me your hand?" What do you mean?"

"General, my teacher used this hand as an example when explaining the hierarchical division of mind-reading..." Li Yi first moved his thumb, "The first rank of mind-reading, condenses the spirit, It is simply to increase the user's mental strength. Since the help provided by this level is not the most important, you can think of it as the shortest thumb among the five fingers..."

"And the second level, focusing on the spirit, that is, using mental power to materialize the imaginary items, chanting began to become more practical at this time, but due to the amount of mental power consumed Many, so it is often seen as an impractical trick... and this level," Li Yi flexed her little thumb, "You can think of it as this."

"The next step is the third level, the combination of God and Spirit, that is, the use of mental power to activate the imaginary things to create a living life. Similarly, the spiritual power that needs to be consumed will double. You can see this level Do this..." Li Yi moved his index finger.

Li Yi once again moved his ring finger: "This represents the fourth level of Nianshu, changing the rules, a very straightforward level name, you can know from this name, when Nianshu reaches the fourth level Some rules can be changed, some rules in nature!"

"And the elf has cultivated the mind-reading skill to the fourth level!" Li Yi sighed. "If she is not very skilled in the use of rules, the four of us will not come back!"

"Changing the rules... the level of chanting..." General Dai murmured these new terms in his mouth, a little fascinated, but he quickly woke up and turned around, "So what is the fifth level?"

"Fifth..." Li Yi compared General Finger to General Dai-he didn't know the meaning of this gesture anyway, and said with a smirk, "That is the highest represented by the middle finger, that is, the rule of creation, once this is reached At this level, you can easily become a true deity!"

Everyone in the house knew for the first time that chanting had such a hierarchy, and for the first time knew that it was not impossible to become a god!

Li Yi looked at the expressions on the faces of the people and knew what was in their hearts. He hurriedly poured cold water into the basin: "Don’t dream, I’m not bragging. My attainments in mind-reading are already talented until now Only reached the third level, only able to create some living creatures, the threshold of the fourth level is not touched yet!"

General Dai waved his hand and said, "I don't know how you guys who play with spells think about it. Now let's make clear the matter of defending the city first!"

"You said that the eastern wall was broken, so that means that the mob's army will soon find this gap in Lianyu City, and we have to send more people!" General Dai pointed to Li Yi, "I need you, Bring your squad... uh, you count only four people... so! I will first appoint you as the wartime special agent, and send you additional staff!"

"You, together with the three of you, I have arranged two teams of ten to give you the command, please make sure to give this gap to the top!" General Dai said hesitantly, "I know all your information, each one It’s a person with strong abilities. In any case, the number of officers in Lianyu City is not much, and all I can do is this!"

"Wait, I will take someone to reinforce the main gate of the main gate. The eastern wall is up to you!" General Dai laughed reluctantly, jokingly, "I don't believe it, three senior contractors and one Samurai with special abilities can't hold such a big place yet!"

He stood up and said a military salute to Li Yi and the four of them: "Successful!"

Li Yi had to stand up in return...

The additional manpower was quickly handed over to the four leaders of Li Yi. After counting the number of people, Li Yi led the mighty march towards the eastern city wall.

It is said to be vast, but in fact it is just a little bit of people. There are really too few guards in the city of Lianyu!

"Even the four of us, there are ninety-two people, such a few people..." Li Yi knocked on his helmet with his hand, complaining in frustration, "Such a person, to stop the surging mob, can it work? "General Dai is really too, can't you give me more people?"

"That... Master Li Yi... All the defenders of Lianyu City, as well as the people in the Lianzi camp, are only more than 500 people..." Xu Wen, who followed Li Yi, said quietly, "Except There are more than one hundred ligature camps that General Dai can’t assign, as well as some who died in battle. It’s good to be able to assign so many to us..."

Li Yi shrugged, undecided.

They soon reached the eastern wall, but they were stunned by the sight.

"This... how can this be kept?" Li Yi pointed at the gap that had become bigger and twitched his mouth, "Who can tell me, we ninety-two people are in a row. Is there this? Long gap?"

Looking out of the city through the gap that has become huge, you can see a large black figure rushing towards the wall!

"I'm relying on...it's really loaded this time..." Li Yi began to look left and right, thinking about the escape route that would wait for him and the rest.

Outside the city of Lian Yu, inside a tent behind the army.

There was nothing in the tent, but there were three figures sitting quietly on the ground in the tent without a word.

One of the female openings with blue hair broke the dull atmosphere in the tent: "This year we have invested so much blood, I don’t know if we can attack Lian Yucheng..."

"Jiang Shui, don't think about it for a long time, if you can't attack, we'll be fine. If we can't, we won't have any losses. We just want to mess up the borders of the new Qin. Other... we don't need to say anything! A man with long hair in a yellow shawl said softly, looking at the woman whom he called "water jasmine" with concern, "Your injuries... are you better?"

"Thank you Brother Shizhong for caring...I'm fine..." Shuixing lowered his head and turned to ask the man with short purple hair sitting opposite her, "Brother Lingfeng, you are the tactic for this operation Commander, I don’t know where Amda is now..."

Ling Feng raised his head and smiled, and said, "Sir Amda should have climbed the wall of the main entrance of Lianyu City...It is estimated that the killing ring is opening...I really want to go together!"

"Ling Feng, you kid, the aggressive personality hasn't changed at all for so many years..." Shi Zhonghan smiled. "But it's also impossible. Who makes us wait for the elder's arrival now..."

Ling Feng laughed, Shuixing smiled, and even Shi Zhong showed a simple smile. The three said in unison: "Tianyou Wanqu! Bloody Xinqin!"

The tent fell into the dull state of the beginning again, and the three sat silently, waiting silently.

Lian Peng was already in a bitter fight on the wall of the main entrance.

As the owner of Lianyu City and the organizer of the "Lianzi Camp", he should take the lead and protect the Limin people in the city. Therefore, regardless of everyone's dissuasion, Lian Peng personally put on the battlefield and brought the "Lianzi Camp" Stepped onto the city wall on the main entrance of Lianyu City.

Although Lian Peng is almost middle-aged, is it possible for the courageous and courageous "Lianzi Camp" to be an unrestrained generation? Although as a warrior, Lian Peng’s body is not as flexible as before, and the strength between his arms is not as strong as when he was young, but the thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. Anyway, Lian Peng is still able to follow Any two people in the "Lianzi Camp" play against each other without losing.

Having such a strength is actually enough for a commander.

The problem is that Lian Peng feels that his own strength is not enough now.

A red-haired man holding two flame scimitars climbed the ladder to the city wall, and for a time, no one could beat it! Lian Peng soon noticed the red-haired man, and also saw his race from his bright hair color.

Damn it, let the elves penetrate! I knew that there must be elves from the riots in the southwestern populace! Lian Peng thought bitterly that he squeezed the spear in his hand and came to the red-haired elf from the melee crowd.

"Drink!" Lian Peng shouted and swept the gun towards the opponent's chassis, hoping to bring him some balance problems, but found that his long gun sweep was on the other person's leg joints, but the other party But the lines are still. Obviously, the Kung Fu is much better than Lian Peng expected.

If you can't hit it, escape immediately! Lian Peng understood this point in the melee, and saw that his attack could not interfere with the other party, so he walked away.

But the elf seemed to have amazing insights in this melee, and after Lian Peng hit his leg joint, he quickly found the source of the attack, a medium-length bearded man.

The elf chuckled, splitting the two knives in succession, and drove away the soldiers from the ligature camps around him, quickly followed them, and said with a mouthful: "Sneak attack and want to go? Come on!"

The two knives were instantly combined in his hand and turned into a giant singular bow. He removed the arrow from the back of the arrow barrel and quickly took a bow with a string, aiming at Lian Peng's back.

"Medium!" The elf spit out the word from his mouth and shot the arrow in his hand.

Lian Peng only felt that his back was cold, and the habit he had developed for many years made him not turn his head to look around, but quickly flicked forward, rolled in place, and lay on the ground.

A long arrow was inserted in front of him, making him startled suddenly.

When did the mob attacking the city wall bring a longbow up? This kind of long arrow can only be used with the corresponding long bow, but looking at the engraved pattern on this arrow, it is not like what the new Qin people did.

Is it another elf?

Lian Peng hurriedly turned his head to look around, and wanted to confirm his guess. It happened that the red-haired elf had separated the giant bow and changed into two flame scimitars rushing towards himself!

It turned out that these two scimitars can also be combined into a bow! Lian Peng didn't have time to sigh, quickly got up from the ground, picked up the spear that fell on the side, and greeted the red-haired elf.

"Remember who you died under!" Flame's double swords slashed towards Lian Peng, and the elf said, "My fire is Amda! I die under my hands, you are not wrong!"

Lian Peng smiled and turned his spear across to block Amda’s double-knife attack. He said in his mouth: "Whoever wins or who doesn't know is not known yet! But I will never lose to you! Remember, The person who will kill you is the current city owner of Lian Yu City, the son of Lian Yu, Lian Peng!"

Amda raised her eyebrows and laughed: "Unexpectedly, you have to come without any effort! It's you who killed!"

He said, with a spin, the double knives cut into Lian Peng's side ribs in turn, but the other side escaped again. Lian Peng's spear twitched, and with the length of the weapon, he thrust straight into Amda's chest .

One inch is long and one inch is strong. Lian Peng knows that his weapon is dominant. Even if the other party is strong, at least he will deflate under his own spear, and it is a matter of time before he wins or loses.

Unexpectedly, Amda's smile was heavier when he saw him stab at him so straight, his two knives retracted, and a cross in front of him pressed down the spear pierced by Lian Peng. Said: "Trick and squid..."

Amda immediately kicked Lian Peng's neck with his right foot on the side of his body!

Lian Peng only felt that he was kicked and flew out in a dizzy light, and secretly said that the other party's strength was strong, and he fell to the side. The spear had also disengaged, and he watched Amda walking toward him step by step, defenseless.

"I said, you are not wronged to die under my men. After all, the current fire clan martial arts chief was taught by me..." Amda came to Lian Peng with a confident smile. Is he improved by pushing down and kicking sideways..."

With that said, without waiting for any response from Lian Peng, the flame double knives pierced him!

"Your head...I'm going to fix it!" Amda said with a smug smile.

Lian Peng closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of death, but found that the expected pain had not arrived. He opened his eyes, but saw Amda in front of him already fighting with a man wearing a new Qin standard armor!

Lian Peng fixed his eyes on this, it was General Dai who killed the Celestial Army who was inseparable from Amda!

"City Lord, if you want to watch martial arts performances, I don't mind, but now it's a real war! Are you a little unkind like this?" General Dai evaded Amda's double swords. Waving away, but he was always blocked by the other party, he gasped and yelled at Lian Peng, "Not yet come to help! Is there [笔趣阁www.xbqg5200.info] Are you so kind to friends?"

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