Lian Peng smiled embarrassingly, and quickly picked up a spear not far away, stabbing at Amda.

"It's the Celestial Army again..." Amda frowned and split a scimitar to block Lian Peng's stabbing, and said in his mouth, "If your general praying for heaven comes, maybe I will Give some face and don’t help these mob to attack the city...but..."

"It is said that General Qitian has not appeared in the Southwest for a few years..." Amda's smile began to become unbearable, "I will be able to kill a lot..."

The shock of the two swords shook the two besieged him, and then he began to roar!

His body burned flamingly, even with the burning sword in his hand, as if the **** of fire came!

"Outbreak" state!

"Now, let me see how long your strength can hold in my hands?" Amda, who became a Fireman, walked towards the dull duo.

Seeing Amda walking towards them after the "eruption", Lian Peng couldn't help but looked at General Dai, who asked aside, "Xiao Dai, what now?"

"I haven't said it before, just ask me to do the same thing?" General Dai said impatiently, and at the same time pushed Tsui Lianpeng, "You, the city lord, are really right, and now we two of us will definitely not work, just Can't someone from your ligature camp help you?"

Lian Peng shook his head: "If you can, you have called your Heavenly Army soldiers. What joke did you say at this time, do you think they can now withdraw to save people..."

He turned his head to look around, and suddenly sighed: "It seems that I am the last city owner of Lian's family. The old father is no longer capable of any job, and my other brothers... hey! !Don’t dare to fight me to death?"

Seeing more and more mobs climbing up the cloud ladder, the number of new Qin soldiers' defense lines that were obviously not dominant above them continued to shrink. When they saw the fireman who was approaching step by step, Dai Qidao had to sigh: "It seems This can only be the case. It’s not as good as ours. We split our heads to escape the elf, killing the enemies, killing one enemy, enough money, and two earning money. Before the city broke, we would have the most killers than anyone else!"

"How is it?" Dai Qidao looked at Lian Peng with a squinted smile, and rushed into the crowd without waiting for the other party to answer.

Lian Peng laughed, his spear waved, glanced at the burning Amda, and entered the enemy group from the other direction. The spear pointed, no one was spared!

Amda was bathed in flames, seeing that the two prey had escaped into the crowd separately, and could not help making an angry howl, trying to rush to the past, but found that a large number of mobs actually separated themselves from the target Come on!

Amda gritted her teeth and waved her sword hard, not thinking that her flames hurt the "ally", forcibly penetrated the crowd, and chased in the direction of Dai Qidao!

As soon as the melee crowd saw this monster, which was composed entirely of flames, they were immediately frightened and fled around, making Amda pass through the crowd without any effort, and General Dai Qidao was rushing in front of himself!

"One... two! Three!" Dai Qidao, as the deputy general of the celestial army, has a martial arts accomplishment that is naturally different from mortals, but there is still a big gap with the current Amda, the heat coming from behind tells He, the enemy has already caught up!

Dai Qidao was a little anxious, not looking back, he bite down a mob in front of him, and slashed forward in the crowd to escape the death that was constantly approaching behind him.

However, the city wall was so big, and the dense mob in front of him, Dai Qidao wanted to quickly break out of the encirclement but found that reality did not give him any chance at all.

He felt that the armor behind him had already started to heat up, and even his hair had a scorched smell slowly. Dai Qi gritted his teeth, turned around and screamed, raised his sword to Amda !

"Ping"! Dai Qidao's sword was not seen by the opponent at all, Amda blocked his blade with a knife, and the other knife was directly cut on Dai Qidao's chest. Fly and hit the mob!

The flying Dai Qidao smashed a bunch of mobs. He struggled to climb out of the mob, but found that he didn't know when he had been caught by the mob and set up.

He couldn't see any expression on Amda's face in the flames, but he could guess from the degree to which the other flame fluttered. At least, Amda was very excited now.

"This time is over, the hundred people I brought didn't play any role at all, instead I put myself in..." Dai Qi thought self-deprecatingly, looking helplessly at the burning human figure in front of him, Can not help but sigh his life.

My own life... It seems that before meeting Big Brother Qitian, I was a little **** who was abducted and cheated in the crowd...

With the fighting skills I learned from the market, I would have done nothing if I got out of the pit and swindled. Sometimes, when the "business" is not good, I have to go hungry...

I remember that when I was hungry, I ran from the original town to another small town, begging people for food...

It seems that at that time, I met Brother Qitian...

Although I knew at that time that people in that small town could not steal, this is not a small town where I was originally, although the city is small, but it also has a complete security team, if you fail, you will not be hungry in the future It's time to beg in this small town.

But during the begging process, Brother Qitian saw himself and generously gave himself a silver or two. For himself, it was a huge sum of money! The wealthy fan quickly lost his principle and followed Brother Qitian far away, wanting to get more money from him.

It seems... I have played against Brother Qitian, I was only twelve or three years old at that time, and I was not even an opponent of Brother Qitian-no! Even the current self can't support a round under Brother Qitian!

The kung fu of his three-legged cat soon showed its shortcomings, and it was okay to fight against ordinary people, but the problem was that his opponent at that time was the general of Xin Qin!

In a few moments, he was caught by Brother Qitian, when he clamored and wanted to compare again...

It's so funny! No matter how many years I have practiced, I can’t wait to pray for Brother Tian’s fur. At that time, I was really young and ignorant!

But I didn't expect that Brother Qitian agreed to his stupid request, and now he can still remember the smile in the eyes of Brother Qitian... Obviously, he still failed, but he still refused to refuse to try again. .

"Don't play with you, boy, you have great potential, are you interested in going with me? You don't have to go hungry in the future!" Brother Qitian never forgot this sentence at that time, in order not to go hungry, himself Following behind Qi Tian's elder brother, he came to kill Tian Tianjun.

After so many years, I have made many contributions, and my identity is no longer the recruit of the year, but the current general... General Qi Tian’s deputy, General Dai... What a nice name!

But now, I can't even hold this city! Even if she is alive, what face does he have to face Brother Qitian? ! When he thought of the disappointed expression on Big Brother's face, Dai Qidao felt a tingle in his heart.

Brother...I am ashamed of you! Dai Qidao shouted silently in his heart, looking at the sky with tears in his eyes.

"Brother...If there is an afterlife, I am willing to continue to be your lieutenant, and I am also willing to continue to be your follower!" Dai Qi said with a daze, a line of tears slipped from his eyes and dripped at his feet .

The heat in front of him became stronger and stronger. Amda’s flamboyant fireman had arrived in front of him. The flames kept rising, revealing two red eyes, and looked at him without a trace of expression.

"Come on! Fairy bastard!" Dai Qidao gave Amda a face-to-face spit, and the spit was vaporized and disappeared before approaching Amda.

Amda looked closely at the expression on Dai Qidao's face, and stopped speaking, his two swords raised, poking toward Dai Qidao's chest!

"Slow!" A breathing cry came from behind Amda. Amda ignored it and quickly poked the swords toward Dai Qidao's chest!

"when"! A spear picked up from the side and picked up Amda’s double knives, which made the double knives he poked a lot higher, crossed the face of Dai Qidao, and then pulled back, Dai Qidao There were two more burn marks on that handsome face...

Amda didn't expect that at this time, there were still people who came forward to stop himself. He looked sideways, but saw a middle-aged man with a beard, standing panting with a gun. By his side.

The shot that saved Dai Qidao's life was what this middle-aged man did!

Amda laughed hesitantly: "Lianpeng City Lord, I didn't expect that you are still in the net..."

"Lian Peng! Although you are older than me, I still want to scold you fiercely!" Dai Qidao shouted at this time, "Seeing this elf chasing after me, you quickly escape." ! What are you doing back?! Looking for death!"

Lian Peng laughed: "Xiao Dai, I'm really not used to calling you together, but it doesn't matter anyway. Anyway, even Yucheng is about to be captured by them. If we are so defensive, what's the use? ?"

He looked up to the west, and the setting sun was about to sink: "Since this is the case, then I will try my best for a while... Even a certain person is definitely not the kind of ungrateful, and he knows that the grace of dripping should be the reason for the spring , You saved my life, then I will save your life, why do you only sin?..."

"You two, when the chat is over, let me die!" Amda became violent after the "outbreak", and the burning flames all over him seemed to be telling his nameless anger, He directly interrupted the words between the two, and the double knives stabbed the two respectively, and also greeted the mob to come to help!

Lian Peng avoided the straight stab of the Flame Machete, but found himself trapped in the mob’s encirclement. He was not allowed to escape to rescue Dai Qidao. He could only watch Amda’s Flame Mache stab from General Dai’s chest. Enter, then wear out from behind him!

"No..." Lian Peng took a fierce shot and flew the mob in front of him, rushed out, and had not taken two steps, he was blocked by the mob that kept pouring in.

In the crowd, Lian Peng could only see Dai Qidao smiling at him from afar, and told himself with his mouth—

"Look, you still owe me a life..."

The chest was thrust into the chest with a flame machete, and when it was pulled out again, the wound was already burnt with coke by the hot flame. Dai Qidao felt that his body began to become hot, and the whole body of blood began to accelerate and continued to impact The wound on his chest until--

Dai Qidao's chest began to spur blood, but vaporized when he met Amda.

The pain began to spread throughout Dai Qidao's body. Gradually, his chest began to numb, and the cold after the excessive blood loss spread. He looked at Lian Peng, who was struggling in the crowd, and shouted with all his strength.

"Lian Peng, you idiot city master! You are not **** running!" Dai Qi shouted breathlessly, spitting blood foam in his mouth, "You don't run... who will organize the people in the city Run away..."

"Shut up! I have never owed others anything in Lianpeng's life! You can't do it!" Lianpeng yelled at the gunpoint to spur several mobs away again, rushed to Dai Qi in desperation, but was mob Surrounded again, the grasping hand of the grasping hand, the stopping of the foot, quickly restrained him.

"Don't worry, you'll be here soon..." With a dull sneer, Amda once again inserted the flame machete into Dai Qidao's chest, back and forth a few knives, and a big bite was cut out of the chest. Hole, "Do you know that no one has come to rescue you for so long? Your new Qin soldiers are really vulnerable..."

Lian Peng didn't believe and looked across the crowd. Sure enough, no new Qin warrior could be seen on the city wall either because he died under the mob's knife or was thrown down by the mob to Shengsheng with the advantage of the number.

"The main entrance has been broken, and even the city of feathers has fallen!" Amda roared with a knife and shaking his arms.

For a time, the mobs on the main gate wall also roared together, declaring their success and dissatisfaction with the new Qin regime.

"Now, it's time to cut off your heads and really capture the city..." Amda's eerie voice was heard in Lian Peng's ears, making him sad for a while...

Lianjia has been operating Lianyu City for many years, but it is still ruined in his own hands after all...

After the "Lianzi Camp" is over, Lian Yucheng is out of control, and even the lieutenant of the Celestial Army is half dead!

Lian Peng lowered his head in frustration and burst into tears.

Amda glanced at Lian Peng, not much to say, but simply raised his sword again. This time, he aimed at Dai Qidao's neck!

The machete slashed fiercely, and all the mobs were excited, shouting for days!

At this moment, a distant figure hurried over and kicked over Amda’s flame scimitar on the occasion of a thousand shots. The flame burning on the scimitar did not cause any trouble to the other party. !

The man kicked on both legs, and Amda felt that his hand was numb, and he could no longer hold the blade in his hand. The flame machete in his right hand flew out of his hand, but was caught by the figure and caught in his hand.

Looking at the machete in his hand, the man's eyes showed admiration and sighed: "The knife is a good knife, but the use of weapons to enhance his own force can not be called the right way..."

Blood-red eyes looked at Amda coldly and continued: "Dare to attack Lian Yucheng when I'm away...I really don't know if you should be smart or stupid..."

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