"Flies, shoot you!" Qi Tian smiled, slapped on Ling Feng's chest, and shot him towards the city wall below. He also fell with the falling Ling Feng, in the process , Qi Tian patted Ling Feng's chest for more than ten consecutive palms until the two fell to the ground at the same time.

Ling Feng smashed the ground with a "touch", and a big spit of blood blew out in his mouth again, his eyes twitched indifferently on the ground, his chest was deeply sunk in the position where Qi Tian had photographed, A large groove is formed.

Qi Tian lightly landed on Ling Feng's side, looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction, laughing: "Damn the fly swatter dead, then, the next step is to kill these annoying mice..."

Ozuki and Shi Zhong have stood quietly in front of Qi Tian, ​​watching Ling Feng, who is half dead at the foot of Qi Tian, ​​and his eyes full of hatred are shot towards Qi Tian as if they were real. They know that they have no time to save Ling Feng. Life, no amount of sorrow can't get Ling Feng's recovery.

Ozaki sighed, his old face full of guilt.

Although the wood-based contract technique has the ability to heal, it cannot treat some fatal injuries, especially those that bring the dying person back from the death line. The wood-based contract technique cannot do anything at all.

The only thing that can save Ling Feng is the dark contract, but in this situation, where can a dark contract contractor help them? Origami and Shizhong can only watch Ling Feng gradually lose his breath.

Qitian looked around curiously, and asked Ozaki: "Why, you have four people, why are there only three now? That fireman was quite fun before, but now why are they gone? They What about?"

Ozuki and Shi Zhong kept silent, but simply set out their preparatory actions before the battle, using their actions to show their determination to pray to the end!

"Oh... why don't you talk..." Qi Tian scratched his head in distress, and suddenly shouted as if he understood, "Oh! I know... mice don't speak human language! Um... That’s right, hateful mice are best only if they die, they don’t speak, they are messing around everywhere, um! Kill, shoot to death!"

As he said, he hurriedly walked to the two of Ozaki with a smile.

Shi Zhong quickly stood in front of Ozuki, his hands shone with yellow flashes, and shouted: "Damn it! Kill my Wanqu children! Come on!"

Speaking, don't rush up like a life!

Qi Tian greeted him with a smile, and simply threw a punch...

"bump"! Qi Tian's punch was accurately inserted into the gap between Shi Zhong's double fists, hitting Shi Zhong's chest, flying him out again!

Qi Tian just wanted to catch up, but found that his body had been entangled with layers of vine plants. He strangely fiddled with the vines on his body, trying to tear them off.

Ozaki sneered: "Don't bother, I have summoned the most tenacious vajra of my family. Don't say you, even the real cavemen will be firmly secured by this vajra..."

The following words are not finished, because Qi Tian has easily torn off the vines on his body, throwing them away as if throwing away a pile of rubbish, looking at the green vine juice in his hands, and said angrily: "It's really annoying Plants, so many disgusting liquids..."

Ozuki looked at Qitian dullly, not knowing how to express his inner shock.

He started to get a little crazy.

Ozuki continued to recite the mantra, and with his waving hands, Qitian continued to grow more vines at his feet, and wrapped Qitian tightly! Ozaki's eyes sparkled with crazy sparks, and said: "This time, see how you come out!"

As the gesture changed, a sharp barb suddenly grew out of the vines that were encircling Qitian, plunging deeply into Qitian's body, guiding Qitian's blood to the vines .

Under the infiltration of Qitian's blood, the vines that were not very thick actually began to pulsate slowly. With each pulsation, the vines grew a point, and gradually, these vines became more and more Thick and thick, each with the thickness of a human thigh, and the praying heaven wrapped in it can no longer be seen outside.

Origaki then let go of his heart and hurried to Shi Zhong, who had been blown away by Qi Tian, ​​and began to carefully check his injury. At the same time, he shouted to the mob who had been watching around him: "You are not going to attack the city yet. Go! What are you going to stay here to see?"

The mobs were motionless, and apparently they did not recognize Zhemu's identity.

Now Ling Feng, who is leading the mob, is dead. There are few people at the scene who can be commanded. The mob without the leader has to wait for the order to be stunned.

Suzuki sighed and decided not to take care of this siege operation, focusing on Shi Zhong's injury.

His hands shone again in emerald green light, and pressed gently on Shi Zhong's chest.

At this time, Shi Zhong's hand grabbed Ozuki, he opened his eyes, shook his head at Ozaki, and pointed in the direction of Ling Feng: "Elder... Ling Feng he..."

Folding wood shook Shi Zhong's hand away, and said a little irritably: "Heal you first, then talk! You shut my mouth for me, and it will be fine soon!"

But this time Shi Zhong's injury was obviously too heavy. After continuous treatment, the forehead of Zigzag was soaked with sweat, but Shi Zhong still did not improve, and his breath began to weaken.

"Damn..." Ozaki couldn't help but want to make a swearing, but heard an unusual sound coming from behind him.

"Puff... puff puff puff!" A burst of crackling came from behind, looking back at Mengmu Meng, but he saw a scene that scared him--

The diamond vine wrapped around Qitian has begun to burst, and the thick green **** juice oozes out from the crack and flows to the ground, while Qitian, which is wrapped heavily, has been forcibly broken from the diamond vine Along the way, stepped out!

Qi Tian was bathed in blood, with his **** double pupils, like a **** **** of war, standing proudly in front of Ozuki!

"This vine...can actually hurt me..." Praying God said, since his martial arts practice to the extreme, everything can't hurt him, and these vines can even pierce his The skin sucked his blood as a raw material for growth, which he had not expected.

"Yes... the mouse has a strong resistance... I will be very happy to shoot..." Qi Tian licked. With a pierced wound on his arm, he grinned grimly...

Suddenly, he lost sight in front of Ozaki!

Zuomu panicked left and right, but he could not find Qitian.

He stood up in a panic, even Shi Zhong underground did not care anymore, turned around and ran to the ladder outside the city wall, trying to escape.

However, how can we let him go so easily in front of the present prayer?

Origaki just ran out a few steps, and there was a fierce flower in front of him. The death-like figure appeared in front of him. He looked at him with a smile, his hands became claws, and he grabbed at Ozaki!

No... I can't die here!

The longer a life lives, the more it cherishes its life. Of course, this sentence is not an absolute case, but it is particularly suitable for folding wood.

Ozaki is already 997 years old this year. After living for so long, he naturally feels the beauty of life. Since he became the elder of his own tribe, this kind of cherishing of life has turned into a dedication to life— -It is better for others to die than to let themselves be hurt in the slightest!

That's why he abandoned Shi Zhong at such a moment and turned to escape.

Qi Tian, ​​however, stopped on the route of Folding Wood without knowing it, and faced him!

Ozaki roared in his heart, his hands waved violently, and he and Qitian suddenly erected a wall composed of vines. Qitian’s hands grabbing Ozuki were blocked by this vine wall, making it broken Wood has more escape world.

In order to survive, Ozaki used an "outbreak" at all costs.

His body began to look like a plant, his whole body was green, his hair became a cluster of hanging willow branches, a few leaves were mixed in his hair, his hands became thin and thin Long, like a dead branch, the sharp fingertips seem to have a sharp cut through everything!

Ozaki's "drinking and drinking" breathing, the older elves generally no longer use the ability of "eruption" that hurts the origin, but the current situation makes it possible for him to hurt his life origin, but also to keep One's own life!

His body was soon protected by a thick layer of bark. This layer of bark seemed tough, but if you look closely, you will find that this layer of protection is not as thick as you think.

Protecting the folding tree is a layer of bark of a decaying uncle. The folding tree knows that he is too old. If he forcibly breaks out, it will not only damage his own life source, but also will not get the normal effect after the "burst". , Could not help but sigh up his age.

I sighed my age, but Ozaki's body didn't stop. After the "burst" state was completed in an instant, he turned and rushed towards the mob, although the layer of bark on his body could not provide much protection. , But the spikes on the bark of the bark made the mob consciously make way for him.

Go away! Go away! After "Folding" Ozaki felt an endless stream of power from nature, the pace at his feet also became fast, and on the way he passed a bunch of strange-shaped plants grew behind him. 'S enemies are ready for an unexpected "surprise".

Those strange plants have twisted branches that grow quickly after growing out of the ground, gradually practising into a piece, blocking the prayer to chase the folded trees.

Qitian looked at the plants in front of him, looked at the mob beside the plants, smiled, and reached out to grab the root of a plant in front of him, ready to uproot it!

joke! If you chase from these mobs, you don't know how much time is wasted! With so many people on the city wall, don’t I want to kill them one by one? Tired and exhausted!

Qi Tian thought this way, he kept his hands busy, and grabbed the root of the plant and pulled it!

"Huh?" Qi Tian looked at this plant strangely, his eyes full of curiosity and doubts-this strange plant couldn't be pulled out by his own strength?

Before Qitian had time to think about it, the plants in front of him quickly shook, and suddenly a large mouth with toothy teeth stretched out from the overgrown branches, biting hard to Qitian!

"Carnivorous?" Qi Tian smiled, "What a lovely little thing...if it can be brought back between the mountains...It's also a good thing for the janitor..."

Qi Tian leaned back, his hands propped on the ground, and then he lifted his right foot with a kick. The branch behind the big mouth was in the middle. With a "Gaba" sound, the big mouth fell in response, constantly struggling to bite on the ground .

Qi Tian smiled and turned to the mob.

"It's obviously much more difficult to deal with this plant than to deal with these mobs. There is no way. That mouse is too annoying and must be caught up with the shoot!" Qi Tian sighed in his heart, but said on his mouth, "I don't want to die, give me Give Way……"

Those mobs were not really **** real men. After seeing the horror of praying for heaven, they had to make way for them before they finished speaking. After rough military training, they at least understood what they were. The order was forbidden, the commander did not order, and none of them acted rashly.

And the commanders of the mob... either died or escaped secretly-the generals of the Celestial Army have returned, and what city are they attacking? Go home early and take your wife and children, pack up and go to other places to take refuge!

As a result, the mob consciously opened a way to pray for the sky. At the end of the road, Ozuki was struggling to escape through the crowd.

Qi Tian smiled, and a "poo" sound passed through the crowd and caught up.

Ozaki's age is really a bit older. Although he felt that the whole body had unstoppable energy for a while after the "burst" state, he began to gasp for breath before long.

The state of "explosion" is about to disappear, and the strength of the whole body is constantly passing. The whole person is surrounded by a tired feeling of wanting to sit down and rest immediately, but he has not escaped the dying death behind him, how can he rest? ? !

Ozaki gasped and walked towards the crowd step by step, his pace slower and slower, the bark protecting his body began to fall to the ground one by one.

Hurry up! As long as I pass through here to the edge of the city wall, I will be saved! Ozuki continually buoyed himself in his heart, but found that he was really overwhelmed.

Qi Tian's figure flashed and appeared again in front of Ozuki.

"This time, I won't let you this cute mouse run away..." Qi Tian laughed, and put his hands on the increasingly thin and dry shoulders of Ozuki, with a little hard work, he will fold Ozuki The whole was brought up.

"So, you go to die!" Qi Tian licked his upper lip, and the force of his arm was so strong that he actually tore Origami into two! The internal organs fell on his body with the blood "wow", and he drenched his whole body!

Poor Ozuki, even without a scream, was suddenly killed by Qi Tian who could not die anymore.

Qi Tian was enjoying this **** bath. His eyes were swiftly digging from the chest where the origami cracked, and a red flesh appeared in his hand, constantly beating.

"The heart of the elf is the most delicious..." Qi Tian swallowed and murmured to himself, slowly bringing the heart close to his lips. "For a long time... I haven't tasted such a fresh elf heart in a long time... "

He opened his mouth and bit it fiercely, his heart was squeezed and deformed by Qi Tian’s teeth, and the blood inside was sprayed out along the blood vessels as the pressure continued to increase, Qi Tian happily ate the heart of Okigi, It seems to be tasting a delicious juicy fruit.

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