Soon, his heart fell, praying for a hiccup, and looking around, all the mobs swept by him could not help but take a step back.

"Hey, don't be afraid... The human heart is too unpalatable, and your blood and meat are unpalatable..." Qi Tian's voice gradually became hoarse, and his body looked a lot thinner, "Here are Ready-made elven flesh, why should I eat yours..."

"Hey, hey..." Qi Tian walked slowly towards Shi Zhong who was lying on the ground like a silly dumb man. "Here is another... delicious thing..."

"The flesh and blood of the elves..." A voice sounded from the sky, with a wild and unrestrained momentum in the roaring voice, "Sure enough, you are no longer a respectable general, you have completely changed into The caveman..."

Qi Tian looked up and saw a human figure composed of a whirlwind floating in the air, and two purple dots in the whirlwind were looking down at him. After praying for a long time, Qitian didn't want to understand what it was, so he asked:

"Hey! What are you?"

The human figure formed by the whirlwind was violently shaken, which was very angry, and said angrily: "I am Ling Feng! You..."

"Oh...Ling Feng, isn't it? If you're okay, please don't bother me. I hate that someone is standing at a place higher than me. Now that I'm in a good mood, you should go away!" Immediately walked in the direction of Shi Zhong.

Ling Feng couldn't do it. The elves of the wind clan had always been strange and changeable in character. Unexpectedly, they met a moody guy such as Qi Tian, ​​which made Ling Feng angry and inexplicable, but he didn't know how to ridicule.

He was first shot down by Qi Tian from the air, and his injuries were so severe that he was almost dying. But Ling Feng was a madman who refused to lose. He breathed into the "eruption" state. Although he knew that he would return to his life as soon as the state ended, it was better than being beaten without a fight back. It is much stronger!

Seeing Qitian ignored him, Ling Feng rushed towards him as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Qin Wang's running dog! Come to life!" Ling Feng gritted his teeth and rushed to Qitian from the air. Dozens of swoosh scythes flew out of his hand, and the goal was also to pray to Shizhong!

Qi Tian turned her head slowly as if she felt, and smiled at Ling Feng.

"It seems that you are really dead? Or, is this just your struggling before dying?" Qi Tian still looked like a smile, suddenly disappeared in place!

The speed of Qitian has reached a level that ordinary people can hardly catch, so that he moves quickly, no one can see his figure at all!

However, Ling Feng is now in an "outbreak" state!

The wind clan elves are good at defending the wind, and the original state after the "burst" is the wind. This state not only changes Ling Feng's body into a wind shape, but also makes his speed more rapid and natural eyesight. It will also become much better.

Although Qitian has disappeared in front of ordinary people, Ling Feng can clearly see that Qitian is bypassing the wind sickle he is releasing at high speed, and is flying straight towards himself in the air!

Qi Tian's hands became claws, with a confident smile, came to Ling Feng.

"Hello..." Qitian's "Hello" word just exited, and he found that the other party also lost his figure in front of his eyes, making Qitian stunned.

And between this stunned god, Ling Feng appeared quietly behind Qitian, his body twirled violently, and punched fiercely in Qitian's back!

The centrifugal force brought by the high-speed rotation makes Ling Feng's punch very powerful. This hammer is on the back of Qi Tian, ​​making Qi Tian fall straight down to the ground like a shell!

"boom"! Qi Tian's body smashed against the city wall and raised a dust.

Ling Feng knew that it was impossible for him to completely defeat Qitian this time, but the smog in the ground made him also dare not go in to check the reality and had to wait quietly in the air.

The smoke disappeared, and the underground was empty!

Ling Feng's eyes widened, making the two purple spots in the whirlwind brighter, but no matter how Ling Feng observed, he could not find a trace of praying for the sky!

How is this going? Ling Feng couldn't help but think of it, and at the same time, he called out a few more powerful whirlwinds around him to protect himself.

"Hey... do you really want to die..." Qi Tian's voice suddenly came from behind Ling Feng. He just wanted to turn his head to look around, but he felt a heavy impact behind him, and he suddenly broke away." "Breakout" state, Ling Feng, who turned back to his body, fell straight down to the ground, and the blood foam spitting out of his mouth was constantly floating in the air.

The speed of Qitian... Actually, I couldn’t even see after the "outbreak"... Ling Feng kept thinking about what had just happened in his vague consciousness, and found that he really didn’t see how Qitian was leaping from the ground. Behind him.

Ling Feng's body fell heavily on the ground, and his seriously injured and dying body became weaker in this impact. Ling Feng watched dullly as Qi Tian landed slowly beside him, but could not send any sound.

"I said... how come such a strange thing comes out, is it still you, the elf fly?" Qi Tian chuckled, "Did I just shoot you lightly? The vitality is really tenacious!"

With that, he lifted his foot and stepped on it, stepped on Ling Feng's chest, and exerted a little force. Qitian's entire foot was deeply trapped in it. When he looked at Ling Feng, his eyes were still Dead...

"Huh... The flies are the flies, if you don't shoot hard, it's impenetrable..." Qi Tian pulled his feet away, without looking at Ling Feng, and turned to continue to walk towards Shi Zhong, "but the words of the mouse... hehe , Hehe..."

The team of four people led by Li Yi has fallen into a bitter battle.

Mobs like locusts keep pouring into the city of Lianyu from the rift of the eastern wall. If the wall is intact, Li Yi can stop it for a moment, but now the wall has been hit by the unconscious burning moon after the "eruption". A big mouth makes Li Yi's defensive task even more difficult!

"Gu Lei! Report the number of casualties there!" Li Yi split the mob in front of him with a sword, and hit a note on the opponent's head with a shield, yelling at Gu Lei on his left.

"I'm dead twelve here! Each of the remaining nine people is wounded!" Gu Lei shouted exhaustedly, the golden light flashing on his body, blocking the blade of a mob.

"Are you all right?" Li Yi roared and asked.

"It's okay! Take care of yourself!" Gu Lei replied again.

"Xu Wen! Liu Chang! Report the number of casualties you have!" Li Yi immediately asked the other two.

"I... I have no casualties here!" Xu Wen seemed a little tired, shouting gaspingly.

Li Yi looked suspiciously, but found that Xu Wen seemed to be a bit wrong, and hurriedly asked again: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you use that kind of ability! Now it's war! It's dead! Life is important!"

A sharp arrow shot at Li Yi from the crowd, but was blown away by a wind that was spinning outside his body. It scared Li Yi out of a cold sweat and dared not be distracted again, so he continued to fight.

After splitting two more people in a row, Li Yi felt that something was wrong-why was there no voice in Liu Chang?

Li Yi quickly looked up and found that Liu Chang could not be found in the vast crowd!

At this time, what about Liu Changren? ! Li Yi was in a hurry, his feet were hard, his body jumped up, and his eyes looked far away, and found that Liu Chang even took people to move hard outside the city.

"This bastard!" Li Yi scolded, and immediately turned to Gu Lei, "Gu Lei, I'll go and see what Liu Chang is all about! You are carrying the people under my hands! I can't stand it. Hurry and escape to the city! Find a place to hide!"

With that said, without waiting for Gu Lei's reaction, his body flew towards Liu Chang in a hurry.

"Liu Chang, you bastard! Where are you going!" Li Yi hurriedly landed in front of Liu Chang, kicking a mob that jumped towards them.

Liu Chang looked at Li Yi lightly, and five words popped out of his mouth: "The thief catches the king first."

"What?" Li Yi stunned his head, unable to hear Liu Chang's meaning for a while.

"I said! The thief captures the king first!" Liu Chang explained with some impatience. He pointed in the direction outside the city. "There is their flag outside the city. Their commander must be under that flag. We passed, Assassinate their commander first, and without the commander giving orders, these mobs will be like headless flies..."

Li Yi was overjoyed and smiled, "Since this is the case, let's go together!"

Liu Chang glanced at Li Yi helplessly and smiled reluctantly: "I know you will keep up as soon as you find it. Say it in advance. The things on the commander's body belong to me, the military merits belong to you, can't you?"

Li Yi didn't think so much, and nodded with a smile: "It's easy to talk, let's go!"

After Liu Chang finished speaking, he left and took his team to kill him from the crowd.

Li Yi shook his head and shouted at Liu Chang: "Hey! Are you a fool, do you need to kill this way?" Then he jumped up again and jumped in front of Liu Chang.

"Stop, stop!" Li Yi hurriedly gestured to the new Qin soldiers who were behind Liu Chang. "You have to find a way to join other people, and you can't use so many people for beheading! You go back to the valley when you go back." Command Lei, if the situation is not good, take Gu Lei away! Understand!"

"Li Yi, what are you doing?" Liu Chang frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Li Yi's behavior at this time, "Do you think that the two of us can successfully kill their commander?" "

Li Yi smiled and waved his hands, and the soldiers of Xinqin led away: "Does it mean that so many people can approach the mob's commander without knowing it? We two are enough, many people It is not easy to move!"

Liu Chang shrugged helplessly and waved a shadow to command a mob who wanted to attack Li Yi behind his back, throwing him away, and smiled bitterly: "Well, listen to you... but if our actions are exposed If you do, you have to be responsible for finding a way to escape!"

"Escape or something, don't you believe me? I'm like a fool who likes to play with people..." Li Yi grabbed Liu Chang's arm and smiled, "Ready? Then... we will fly Slightly!"

Before he had finished speaking, Li Yi exerted force at his feet, jumped up with Liu Changteng, and flew straight into the sky!

At the moment they flew, Liu Chang found that his body had disappeared into his own eyes. He looked at Li Yi doubtfully and found that the other party nodded with him, indicating that he should not panic.

"Using stealth spells during the day?" Liu Chang couldn't help but whispered, "Aren't this fat man afraid of being discovered?"

It is not impossible to use stealth spells during the day, but there is a big drawback. If you are invisible during the day, although others can’t see your body, you can see your shadow on the ground, and see Li Yisuo. It is the dark concealment technique used in the dark line contract technique!

This is simply a suicide!

You know, the reason why the dark contractors are weak during the day is because the spells they use have no normal effect during the day-of course, it’s okay if it’s cloudy, sunshine This is the deadliest weakness of the Dark Contract.

No matter how powerful the dark spells will lose their original power under the sunlight, this has been a truth proved by the contractors on Atlantis in thousands of years!

Although thinking this way, Liu Chang did not say it directly. He knew Li Yi's ability. Since the other party dared to do so, there was naturally a way to prevent others from seeing through them.

Sure enough, when Liu Chang looked to the ground, they could not find their shadow at all, and even when they landed on the edge of the flag, the mob soldiers who were guarding the flag did not find them at all, even where they stepped on. And did not leave their footprints!

How did he do that? ! Liu Chang thought in surprise, he knew that Li Yi's strength was very strong, but he did not expect it to be so strong that it could violate the experience accumulated by countless people over thousands of years, which is already what a strong man should have. The most basic thing!

Li Yi looked at Liu Chang with a smile and said directly to him: "I said, next..."

Liu Chang was shocked and rushed up quickly, covering Li Yi's mouth and preventing him from making a noise while whispering, "Do you want to die? Speak so loudly!"

Li Yimeng broke away from Liu Chang and made a disgusting look like: "I said, don't scare yourself! Stopping my mouth... don't you know that I only like beautiful women? interest!"

Liu Chang looked around in panic. The mob soldiers who saw the flag did not find them. Even if Li Yi had just spoken so loudly, there was no response. He couldn't help but looked at Li Yi strangely: "This is..."

"This is my improved Shadow Hidden Technique!" Li Yi proudly supported his hands around his waist, a look that never happened. "No matter how loud you talk, no one will find you! Hey, This was something that was improved when I just had a whim when I was fighting that fire elf!"

Li Yi then explained in detail to Liu Chang the effect of several spells on his body: "In fact, it is improved, it is better to say that I have merged several spells with different attributes. In short, it is the wind system and the dark system. These two spells are merged together, resulting in this effect now!"

"Take the example of the spell that we have now. The wind part is responsible for reducing our weight and confusing the enemy's hearing, and the dark part is responsible for hiding our body shape and erasing the shadow under the foot-it's that simple Ah!" Li Yi patted Liu Chang's shoulder and said, "In fact, as long as the contractors of the dual system can achieve this effect, I really don't know the ideas of you contractors, can't the spells only use the same attribute at the same time? "

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