After saying nothing, Liu Chang walked aside with a sneer, Liu Chang looked nervously at Li Yi, turned his head to the blonde elf and said: "Li Yi, quickly kill this guy now... what are you doing?"

After a while, Liu Chang said to himself again: "Well, what do you want to force? Don't waste time! Hurry and kill him, I take the things on him, you carry his head, and quickly return to the company Yucheng matters!"

Turning his head as he spoke, his fingers flicked, and those shadow tentacles became tighter, Liu Chang's eyes became greedy, staring tightly at Li Yi.

Obviously, according to Liu Chang himself, he is now in the wizard's illusion.

This is good, Li Yi did not make a move, but Liu Chang first hit the opponent's illusion, which made Li Yi suddenly feel his head up-damn it! Liu Chang, the kid, never told me how to dispel the illusion of others!

Li Yi was depressed, seeing that the tentacles on his body became tighter and tighter, he could not help but sigh, and used both "shadow technique" and "virtualization technique" at the same time, Liu Chang only felt a sharp loose between the tentacles, and he never looked again It's Li Yi's figure.

Liu Chang shouted in surprise: "This elf can actually use the dark contract technique! But he is clearly the elf of the light clan! How is this possible!"

Liu Chang turned his head, but found that the blonde elf-that is, "Li Yi" in Liu Chang's eyes, I don't know when it had disappeared. There was only one person in the empty tent.

"Fuck... Li Yi, this kid is not righteous..." Liu Changgang burst out a swearing, he felt a pain in the back of his head, and then the eyes were dark and fainted.

Li Yi's figure with his sword gradually appeared behind Liu Chang. After knocking Liu Chang with the hilt, he quickly blessed several defensive spells on himself, and did not turn his head to find the trace of the blonde elf. .

Sure enough, when he finished the fourth spell, dozens of golden light arrows suddenly appeared from all directions, shooting straight at Li Yi!

The light arrow came fast, but was blocked when Li Yi was still two feet away, hovering in the air, and then the golden light on the light arrow slowly dimmed, these dozens of light arrows It gradually disappeared into the air.

"Huh... Fortunately, I respond quickly..." Li Yi wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead and stared at the surroundings.

There is no one in the tent-of course, Liu Chang lying down on the ground has been neglected by Li Yi. In addition, the tent is empty, except for some furnishings, there are no living things.

I rely on... This illusion is really disgusting, I can't find anyone, what can I do?

Li Yi thought left and right, and he soon had a solution.

Isn't illusion the five senses of deception? What about consciousness? If you use consciousness, then this guy has no way to deceive me?

Li Yi had an idea in his heart, and his heart was settled. Then he closed his eyes. The sound he heard in his ears and the smell he smelled in his nose were also negated by him. His mental energy poured out of his body. Around his body, as Li Yi released more and more mental power, the scope of this spiritual power rotation gradually filled the entire tent.

as predicted! After Li Yi filled the entire tent with spiritual energy, the surrounding environment was truly revealed in his spiritual world.

Li Yi, who entered the spiritual world, can clearly see that everything has become a black silhouette, and each silhouette is constantly spreading out layers of colorful ripples, and the blue emitted from himself The black ripple is the highest frequency in this tent and has the largest diffusion range!

The tent was still that tent, but there was a figure standing quietly in front of him on the right. There was a figure lying behind him, together with Liu Chang and himself fainting at his feet. There were only four living lives in the whole tent!

The standing figure in the spiritual world raised his hand and drew a few strange arcs in the air. As these arcs were drawn, the ripple frequency of the figure's body began to speed up, almost quickly On the ripple frequency emitted by Li Yi!

And the ripples of that figure, like Li Yi's ripples, are blue and black.

Li Yi does not understand what this color represents, but judging from the frequency of the ripples, it seems that the faster the frequency, the stronger the mental strength, and the mental strength of the silhouette is not much different from Li Yi's mental strength.

As the ripples of the person gradually spread, two figures appeared in front of Li Yi, standing there motionless, not knowing what they were doing.

Li Yi opened his eyes secretly, and there really appeared a man and a woman in front of him. The man was the blond elf, and the woman was Zhuoyue, looking at Li Yi with a blank expression.

Li Yi closed his eyes again and saw that the two elves behaved differently in the spiritual world than normal people or things.

In short, there is no such ripple in these two figures.

"In this way, these two elves should be the creation of illusion? If there is no ripple, it means that they are not true. So, as long as I keep my eyes closed and use the spiritual world to observe the surroundings and use it to fight, don't I have to be afraid of being Illusion confuses the mind?" Li Yi thought with pride, and stood up, slashing his sword pretendingly towards the two elves.

Li Yi opened his eyes slightly, and did not see the figure in the spiritual world exuding the same color ripples as himself. He smiled slightly, shouted in his mouth, turned his feet, and bypassed the illusions of these two elves, facing straight The invisible figure went away!

In the spiritual world, the frequency of the ripples on the figure became faster, so that Li Yi just swept over and found that the other party's ripples had almost become a piece, forming a flat surface, and cut the Li Yi's ripples fiercely. Above!

There was a sudden pain in his head. Li Yi suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy. This pain came and went quickly. Li Yi even kneeled on the ground with his head covered in pain before he could even respond. The Fire Sword couldn't take it anymore, and he hummed on the ground with his hands covering his head.

Li Yi's spiritual world also began to blur, the ripples on Li Yi's body were hit by the other party, and the frequency of fluctuations began to slow down.

And the figure came to Li Yi slowly, a golden light flashed, and the elf with blonde hair appeared in Li Yi's eyes, with a cold smile on his face, crouched down, thin Looking at Li Yi's painful face.

"I really don't understand, you with such a strong mental power will not use it..." The elf's handsome smiling face became a little blurry in Li Yi's eyes. He blinked, trying to see the person in front of him, but found his sight. Even worse with your own dizziness!

"No need to say more, I know what you want to do..." The blonde elf sneered to stop what Li Yi wanted to say, and said to himself, "Then... Are you a celestial soldier, or a ligature? What about campers?"

"But it doesn't matter... as long as you prove that you are the enemy... and for us Wanqu people, you humans are all enemies..." The blonde elf looked at Li Yi in disgust, with a loud voice in his mouth, "You see See you... dirty, shameless, and ugly! Really shouldn't live in this world!"

"I'm not going to kill you with my own hands, but it will taint my noble hands..." The blonde elf's smile became cruel. "But... with your current mental strength, it should be impossible to resist my illusion. Is that right?"

Without looking at any movements of the elves, Li Yi felt a pain in his brain again, and the whole person became muddled. He saw a lot of strange things in an instant, but could not distinguish the names of these things.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body began to ache, as if he had cut a steel knife all over him. The severe pain caused Li Yi's heart to beat violently, his blood rising, and his face flushed.

This pain also came and went quickly. After that moment of pain, Li Yi no longer had any other strange feelings. He opened his eyes tremblingly and looked at himself, but he found that his body was intact. !

This is the real power of illusion! When I first came, the pain like a knife was so real!

Li Yi looked at the elf in surprise, but found that the other party's face sneered constantly, and said softly: "Now, it's just beginning..."

Li Yi struggled to stand up, but found that his body was cramped by the severe pain just now, his hands and feet were weak, and dizzy, and the blonde elf squatted beside him and looked at him with a sneer.

Li Yi finally gave up struggling, collapsed to the ground, gasping violently. The struggling just now caused his physical energy to be consumed rapidly, and his limbs and bones revealed a heavy tiredness.

So tired... I want to sleep...

However, the blonde elf couldn't make Li Yi do what he wanted. He got up and kicked Li Yi, who was about to fall into a coma, and said, "Don't be so bad... Come on, get excited..."

His finger pointed at Li Yi, as if he had thought of something, and said, "Oh, yes... I forgot to introduce myself. I am Tian Qi, the Guangzu, and the Eastern Commander of the Tianli Army. For the first time, please advise me..."

Tian Qi's fingers lightly touched Li Yi's body. Li Yi only felt that all the nerves in his body were awakened at once. He splayed his arms violently and waved wildly in the air, saying no The clear pleasure swept through his body like an electric current, causing the muscles of his body to tremble violently!

Li Yi's lower body grew up with blood, and a tall tent was raised on the pants under the armor. His eyes were crimson, his arms flew in the air for a while, then he suddenly put it down, and he grabbed on the ground indiscriminately, with his mouth inside Can not help but make a wheezing breath.

That pleasure was just like when he came, and suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only Li Yi's tired body on the ground, shaking involuntarily.

Li Yi looked at Tianqi reluctantly and said: "You..."

Not allowing Li Yi to finish his speech, Tian Qi poked his finger on Li Yi again, and this time, it was a violent itch! Li Yi only felt that there were tens of thousands of ants crawling all over his body. The tingling and itchy feeling made him stretch out his hands and scratched him, but because of his weak hands, he couldn't get the tickle at all. Kind of pleasure.

The itching disappeared, followed by soreness, and after the soreness, it was colic in the belly...

Li Yi didn't know how many unbearable feelings he had endured. He clenched his teeth and held it back, snarling in his heart and could not succumb to this elf, and Tian Qi seemed to make Li Yi every time on the edge of Li Yi's limit The disappearance of this illusion has made Li Yi at the edge of the limit.

"You see, humans are actually very fragile," Tianqi said slightly with excitement. "Any physical sensation can't be tolerated to a certain degree, whether it's pain or comfort..."

The apocalypse tortured Li Yi indiscriminately. During the period, he also tried to make Li Yi's body separate, half painful and half soothing.

No... I have to think of a way... Li Yi tried hard to persist. His physical fatigue was abnormal, causing his current mental strength to shrink. The extremely shrinking mental strength prevented Li Yi from entering the spiritual world. At this time, use the technique of contract or mindfulness.

What is even more hateful is that the apocalypse’s simulated feeling on Li Yi is not true, so that although Li Yi’s body was deceived, the crown prince’s ring did not respond in any way-that is, the crown prince Jie felt that Li Yi was not in danger at all.

Not in danger? ! Li Yi felt that his eyes lighted up, and the physical pain suddenly eased a lot! Although the body is still stubbornly thinking that he is suffering, Li Yi himself understands that this kind of thing is just an illusion-can illusion be taken seriously?

Since the illusion is not real, then you should have a way to solve the present dilemma!

The physical feeling is not as sensitive as before, but he can still feel the "feeling meal" tailor-made for Li Yi by Tian Qi, but it is within the range that Li Yi can accept.

The situation now is to wait for the strength to recover a little... Then... Li Yi narrowed his eyes at Tianqi, smiled in his heart, and then, it was time to kill you!

Tianqi didn’t know that Li Yi’s situation had improved. He was thinking about how to unload himself. Now Tianqi has found an excellent experimental object and imposed all kinds of feelings on Li Yi. , Carefully observe the results.

While holding Li Yi as an experimental subject, he said to Li Yi with a cold face: "Your feelings are really strange... you see this... there is this... yes, there is this , Very good..."

Li Yi's closed eyes secretly opened a slit, watching Tian Qi's busy poke on him, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Now the illusion in Li Yi can no longer be completely felt. After constantly brainwashing himself and the amount of Li Yi's own mental power, the illusion of Apocalypse finally lost its effect on Li Yi!

And now, this is the moment of revenge!

Li Yimeng's eyes widened, and with his scream, the crown prince in his hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling blue-black light, and the "protective light armor" came forth suddenly, even apocalyptic to the flying impact Go out!

This time, the "protective light armor" has undergone tremendous changes. It used to be only a thin layer of light film ten centimeters away from Li Yi's body, but now it has become thicker and the light film has become as clear as the naked eye. The stars above are dotted with bright silver dots. Although they can only be opened to a distance of ten centimeters away from Li Yi as before, they seem to have undergone a huge qualitative change!

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