The light armor of the body flashed for a while and then gradually disappeared, leaving only the dense light spots distributed around Li Yi's body. It didn't take long for these light spots to disappear.

This is... Li Yi closed her eyes doubtfully and found that the "protector light armor" did not disappear, but entered a state of dormancy. When Li Yi raised his sword and wanted to hurt himself, "protector "Guangjia" suddenly broke out, blocking the fire sword he slashed at himself.

Although this is no different from the original "protector light armor" automatic protector, but now it can make the protective light armor more durable, only when necessary to block the attack, the duration has increased at least five times the above!

In other words...I have almost an hour of invincibility? Li Yi smiled and looked at the apocalypse Fang climbed from the ground.

"Apocalypse, isn't it? I'm sorry, although I don't hate elves very much. On the contrary, I still have several elf friends who have a good relationship... But, to be honest, you are my first annoying elf!" Li Yi smiled and stretched out his arms, "So... you die for me!"

With that, he quickly rushed to the apocalypse!

This time Li Yi found that he had changed a lot!

When he rushed to the apocalypse, Li Yi subconsciously activated the wind spells attached to the boots to lighten his body and improve his speed, but now it is used for Li Yi to find the speed at which he activates the spell It has become extremely fast. Almost as long as I want to use it, I can quickly use the spell instead of waiting for a while before blessing the spell effect on myself!

Li Yi was overjoyed, knowing that his mental strength had been qualitatively improved under repeated stimulation and shouted excitedly!

The speed of starting the spell has been improved. This is not Li Yi's most exciting. What makes Li Yi most excited is that the spell he blessed on his body has been greatly improved!

Take the simple "speeding technique" of the wind system. The spell that Li Yi originally cast can make Li Yi approach the Apocalypse within two breaths. But now Li Yi has not had time to react. He has come to the apocalypse!

"Die!" Li Yi quickly raised the fire sword and chopped it all at once!

Looking at the blazing fire sword, Tianqi greeted him with a smile, his hands crossed, and even stiffly blocked Li Yi's hack!

A golden light gleamed on the arms of the apocalypse, and even the sharpness of the fire sword could not cut his hands!

As soon as Li Yi gritted his teeth, the force of his hands was a little lower, but he still could not successfully break the defense of the Apocalypse.

Tian Qi grinned, the golden light on his arm immediately wrapped around his body, and the golden light suddenly turned into a piece of golden light. A golden armor was formed on Tian Qi's body. Roll around.

Li Yi lost his focus and he could not help but fall forward when his center of gravity shifted forward. He inserted the tip of the sword into the ground, supported the fallen body with a fire sword, and turned his head to look at the Tianqi.

"I can't see it. Your skill is not bad..." Li Yi said with a smile, as if he and Tianqi were not enemies who would fight you to death, but old friends who often practiced with each other.

Tian Qi draws an arc on his hand, with a sneer on his face: "Every other one, you and my martial arts are not so superb, but... I can't think of it, you can break my magic..."

"It's okay...Since illusion doesn't work, let's use contract art and martial arts..." Tian Qi's hands waved, and a golden pattern appeared behind him, slowly rotating, his hands closed together on the right side of the body. Hold, a golden Cancan lightsaber appeared in his hand at the same time.

Tian Qi snorted, and the array behind him turned into a pair of golden arms, holding a golden sledge sledgehammer and a golden shining sword in his hand, together with the lightsaber on his hands, waving at the same time. Run to Li Yi!

"I don't know if you can withstand the three weapons...try it!" Tian Qi shouted, the light knife was split first, then the light hammer came to Li Yi's side, and finally the light sword was stabbed by Tian Qi To Li Yi!

"Oh?! Three swords?" Li Yi said in his mouth, but his heart was filled with strong self-confidence. He stood on the spot and looked at the Apocalypse with a smile, still.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" Three crisp knocks sounded, and the "protective light armor" on Li Yi's dormant body swelled at the same time as Li Yi was in danger, blocking these three dangerously. Golden light weapon attack.

"Sandaoliu? I pooh!" Li Yi used his left hand to show his disdain for the Apocalypse with his middle finger, at the same time quickly removed the water shield from behind, clasped it in his hand, and slammed into the Apocalypse!

With a bang, Tian Qi flew backwards after being hit by Li Yi's forward force. At Li Yi's current speed, Tian Qi wanted to block with both hands behind him too late!

The apocalypse rolled on the ground a few times and stood up quickly, holding his sword in front of his chest with two hands, and the two golden arms behind him also held weapons to protect him behind him, the smile on his face disappeared and turned away Become dignified.

"You human beings, there are really a lot of good things..." Tian Qi carefully observed Li Yi's colorful equipment, and couldn't help but startled, "I only found out now that you have... More contract equipment!"

As he said, the calmness in his eyes gradually became fanatical, staring at Li Yi, and watching Li Yi got goose bumps.

"Hey, hey... I said, I don't like men... Don't look at me so disgustingly!" Li Yi called out loudly, and then looked out of the tent worriedly. No one noticed the inside of the tent. After the movement, he exhaled gently, "You are a pervert, you kill directly!"

As he spoke, he rushed angrily to the apocalypse.

What Li Yi hates most is that other people call him "dead fat man", followed by a big man looking at himself with such "affectionate" eyes. The feeling of being stared at by a man is really bad.

Tianqi looked at Li Yi, the greed in his eyes was even better, he stared at Li Yi closer and closer, then woke up and turned around, two golden weapons waving behind him to see if Li Yi's fire sword was blocked.

"No... There are too many contract weapons on this guy. I can't break the defensive spell just now, maybe he will use what kind of spell he will use..." Tianqi thought, "In case of any powerful offensive spell..."

Thinking of this, the apocalypse could not help but with a cold sweat, the greedy desire in the heart. The fire was instantly extinguished, and while cursing himself, he began to figure out how to deal with Li Yi in the end.

I thought about it, but Tian Qi’s body did not stop. He simply turned around, and the two weapons of his skill struck Li Yi’s sword in sequence. With a light sword in his hand, he slashed to Li Yi, but he was still killed by him. The "body light armor" was blocked.

"Damn it!" Tian Qi scolded, this layer of "protective light armor" on Li Yi was simply a turtle shell! Nothing can break it! The apocalypse could not help anxiously.

Apocalypse is best at illusion. Others such as contract art and martial arts are not high or low. Now his masterpieces have no effect on Li Yi. The only thing he can rely on is the types of contract art he knows. And martial arts.

But now the situation is that any moves of the apocalypse will not work on Li Yi!

If it is said that the apocalypse before Li Shao was not cracked is a difficult bone, then now Li Yi is simply a spiky bone, not only can not bite, but also piercing!

It may even kill Tianqi at once.

Relying on the "body light armor" that can defend everything after the upgrade, Li Yi can run for almost fifty minutes, and often no battle can be carried out for so long. In a sense, as long as Li Yi’s reserve Wang Jie is in hand, and if he does not meet a very powerful person, then Li Yi has almost no danger!

Energy consumption will kill you! This is the only thought in Li Yi's heart.

Li Yi saw Tianqi turned around behind him, and also turned around, hehe smiled, and swooped up!

The fire sword swept straight to take the apocalypse's next plate. After the opponent evaded his sweep, Li Yi raised his shield and tried to knock down the apocalypse again, only to find that the opponent was already there before he rushed away. A light wall was set up in the front to resist Li Yi's forward momentum.

Li Yi bumped into the light wall, and the "protector light armor" opened again in his heart, and he collided with the light wall!

For a time, the golden light rose, and the bright silver spots on the "body light armor" scattered around, and the tent was so dazzling that Li Yi had to cover his eyes with his hands.

I rely on... how does this have the same effect as a flash bomb...

Li Yi only felt that his eyes were sore and swollen. He was blinded by the bright light for a while, but he soon recovered. When he opened his eyes, the apocalypse in front of him had disappeared without a trace!

"Huh? What about people?" Li Yi quickly closed her eyes and entered the spiritual world, carefully observing the situation in the tent.

In the tent, except Liu Chang who was lying on the ground, he was only himself, and even the figure who was lying behind Tian Qi was gone! Li Yi opened his eyes and heard some movement in his ears.

The curtain of the tent was lifted at once, and a group of mob guards swarmed in, and the weapons in each hand were aimed at Li Yi, very nervous.

Tian Qi protruded his head from behind the guards and sneered, "You, take this assassin for me!"

As he said, he turned around and picked up a woman from the ground, called a carriage, and sat up. When he arrived, he waved at Li Yi and smiled.

"Damn it!" Li Yi watched so many mobs crowded into the tent, and couldn't help feeling that his head was as big as a fight-I depend! The patrol outside the door came in at once!

Li Yi sighed and walked to Liu Chang, who was still sleeping, kicked him fiercely in his intercostal space, and leaned down and yelled in his ear: "Yaya! Get up! Get started! !"

Being kicked in the middle of the intercostal space by Li Yi, the severe pain caused Liu Changmeng to wake up, and his confused eyes looked up at Li Yi, and asked lazily, "Eh? What time is it?"

Li Yi once again caught Liu Chang's intercostal space, so that he jumped up immediately and broke his mouth and scolded: "Li Yi, you bastard! You want to..."

When Liu Chang jumped up, he realized that the mob soldiers who had been surrounded by heavily armed mob around him couldn't help but tremble in his heart and asked, "What... what's the situation?"

Li Yi glanced at Liu Chang and shouted, "I'm not ready to fight! Are you waiting to be drowned by them?!" Then, he kicked Liu Chang's leg fiercely.

Liu Chang suddenly woke up and cast his spells in a hurry.

Before Liu Chang fully blessed a spell, the mob guards who surrounded them shouted in unison, holding their swords up toward them! Liu Chang only had time to use the super-fast casting ability to barely bless several defensive spells on his body, and he was knocked down by the mob swarming!

"Li Yi! Help!" While being knocked down by the mob, Liu Chang's body suddenly lit up several layers of blue and black light film, protecting Liu Chang, but there are too many mobs, one punch, one person One foot, even the sword was useless, and he already beat Liu Changqi to eight.

Spells cast by Liu Chang with super-fast casting ability are certainly fast. Spells cast using this ability can never have full power, especially defensive spells. Even, the decline in power is even greater than offensive spells. Come more!

Therefore, under the siege of so many people, Liu Chang’s temporary spells were instantly broken, and the mob hitting Liu Chang’s body with fists, making him cry out!

Li Yi quickly leaped into the sky when the mob swarmed and fell on the top of the tent. The mob squeezed into the tent could not touch him at all, even the sword that Li Yi threw over was exploded from his body. The "protective body armor" was blocked, causing the mob to vent their anger on Liu Chang.

"Liu Chang, you are patient..." Li Yi said with a smile, then closed his eyes, grabbed the rope on the top of the tent with his right hand, and began to circle regularly in the air with his left hand.

After four or five laps, Li Yi opened his eyes violently, revealing a strange light in his eyes, and looked to the mob who was besieging Liu Chang underneath.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop, and the mob movements stopped instantly. They looked at each other with dull eyes, opened their mouths, and stood stunned in the previous posture.

Liu Chang struggled to stand up, looked around in confusion, rubbed his purple parts, and said to Li Yi, who still fell on the tent, "Hey... Li Yi, what did you just do?" Why are they motionless?"

"Uh... nothing..." Li Yi looked a little tired, jumped from the top of the tent, and gasped slightly. "They... caught my illusion..."

Liu Chang's eyes suddenly opened up, looking at Li Yi in disbelief, and asked, "You? Your illusion? Don't be funny, how can you learn illusion so quickly..."

After Liu Changgang finished talking, he found Li Yizheng looking at himself with a smile, and then he gently waved his left hand. The mob guards even answered "Yes" in unison in the tent, and walked out of the tent one by one.

"This..." Liu Chang looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, Liu Chang would still think that Li Yi was lying to him, but the facts in front of him told Liu Chang that this is definitely the effect of illusion!

Liu Chang immediately looked at Li Yi and asked, "How did you learn illusion? And, you can create the effect just now... You are already an illusion master!"

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