In the spiritual world, Gu Lei's golden-red mental power fluctuations have become very slow, but Li Yi found out from the ripples emanating from Gu Lei that Gu Lei was comatose because of excessive mental energy consumption.

"Huh..." Li Yi exhaled with confidence, and handed Gu Lei to Xu Wen, said, "Xu Wen, take Gu Lei back to the military, Liu Chang is also in the military now, find a better one for them both. The room allowed them to rest, and by the way, they informed the military personnel that the eastern wall had been cleaned up and quickly sent someone to defend!"

"But, what about you?" Xu Wen looked at Li Yi doubtfully, and helped Gu Lei, who was much taller than himself--although Xu Wen is not young now, the body trained in the army is still relatively strong Yes, Gu Lei is just taller than him. The weight of the whole body is really nothing in Xu Wen's eyes.

"Me? I still have a fish that missed the net..." Li Yi thought of the mad woman with red hair and couldn't help laughing. "I'm going to the main entrance now, and I can just give this fish that leaked the net. Get it!"

With that, Li Yi nodded at Xu Wen, his feet slightly bent, and he immediately flew into the air. In the air, he stepped on the volley and flew in the direction of the main entrance.

Above the main gate of Lianyu City, a **** slaughter show is being staged.

After praying to shoot the dead fly "fly", Qitian went straight to the "mouse" Shi Zhong. Obviously, it was more interesting to shoot a dead fly than to kill a mouse.

The mob on the city wall formed a big circle around Qitian, but no one dared to step forward and attack Qitian-only after their commander's end, they could all see clearly. Obviously, they were not enough for this one. A little red-eyed man stuffed his teeth!

This man, but the famous commander of the Celestial Army! The official worships the new General Qin and has tens of thousands of soldiers! More importantly, this person, he likes to eat human offal!

The act of praying for the gods has left a deep impression on the mob. No one likes to die, and no one wants to send it to others to dig up their hearts...

Qi Tian came slowly to Shi Zhong, looking at the dying Shi Zhong, and couldn't help but laugh: "Mice who are dying? It's hard to shoot...but...hey..."

Qi Tian's smile became cruel in the mob's eyes. He slowly squatted down, stroking Shi Zhong's chest with his right hand, and slammed it down!

Shi Zhong's heart was beating weakly in Qi Tian's hands, gradually returning to peace, Qi Tian excitedly yelled in his throat and bit down!

At the same time, a chubby figure fell beside Qi Tian and shouted: "Well! What a demon! Dare to eat people in front of the young man!"

Who knows that Qitian even ignored it, and continued to taste the "delicious" in his hand, gurgling the blood in his mouth, just like a person who has been thirsty for a long time. As soon as he arrived, he squeezed the heart of the blood-dried heart into his mouth, squeezed a bit, and turned his head.

"Ouch, it's a fat doll..." Qi Tian's blood-red eyes shot two red awns as if they were real, and they disappeared after a few flashes. He looked at Li Yi with a smile and licked the blood on his lips with his tongue. Go, the body gradually becomes dry up, "Come, come to uncle, uncle invites you to eat meat..."

Li Yi stared at the mad man in front of him in amazement, speechless.

It turned pray to heaven! That father regarded as a general friend of heaven! How did he...become this bird again? ! There are so many questions in Li Yi's mind that he doesn't know which should be said first.

"Is that... is Uncle Qi?" Li Yi asked cautiously, seeing Qitian still looking at him and smiling happily, and the secret was not good-Qitian should have become the kind of caveman his father said. The state, and now he looks like this, there is obviously a little sage, but it seems that the surviving sage is not enough to recognize this nephew who has only seen one side.

"Fat baby, come, give your uncle a good look..." Qi Tian's waist has been completely bent and deformed, bowing his waist and looking up at Li Yi, the folds on his face become obvious, but the **** eyes are still Bright and blood-like, with no slight changes.

Qi Tian walked towards Li Yi step by step until he came to Li Yi. He looked up and looked at Li Yi with a smile like an old man, saying, "What a lovely little fat man... so tender and tender." .Juice, delicious..."

Li Yi was completely shocked and unable to move. Qi Tian said that he understood that the hunchbacked man was not a friend of his father in a sense, but a complete caveman!

Li Yi has never seen what a caveman is. However, Li Yi has seen records about cavemen. They are generally thin and hunched. Because of the hunchback, they do not look very high. Similarly, their hair color It is generally black. The most prominent feature of the entire ethnic group is their abnormally deformed hunchbacks. The rest are no different from ordinary elderly people.

But Li Yi didn't know that there are such cavemen whose entire eyes turn red. What is this? Is red eye disease?

Cavemen love meat, and like to eat raw meat. Elves and human flesh and blood are rare dishes for them, and the act of praying to heaven in front of them is no different from that of ordinary cavemen. They eat the heart of a person.

Oh, no, it's the heart of the elf. Li Yi glanced at the corpse behind Qitian and came to the conclusion that the corpse's hair was khaki, that is to say, it was a Tu elf.

The mob attacked the city and there were elves in it...

Qitian didn't let Li Yi continue to think. He stretched out his hands with a kind smile and touched Li Yi's face: "Come, little fat man, give your uncle a good touch..."

"I rely on..." Li Yimeng was surprised and quickly flew back a few meters. "Dead, don't think that you have a good relationship with my dad and you can play with the"

Li Yi always thought that his speed was fast, but did not expect Qi Tian to be faster. Li Yi just stopped flying back and found that Qi Tian even landed with himself at the same time, still keeping the face that just touched Li Yi's face. Action, continue to touch Li Yi.

"Go away! Old glass..." Li Yi only felt that all the goose bumps had risen, kicking a foot without thinking, kicking fiercely on Qi Tian's stomach.

What Li Yi didn't think was that Qi Tian didn't avoid Li Yi's foot at all. After being kicked in the stomach, Li Yi flew backwards and fell to the ground.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Yi felt very strange. It seems reasonable that since the other party could keep up with themselves, there was no reason to avoid their own feet!

However, Li Yi soon had no time to think about these meaningless things. Qitian appeared again in front of him like a ghost, still touching Li Yi's face with a smile.

This time, Li Yi failed to escape.

Li Yi accidentally met Qi Tian's blood-red eyes, and his heart shivered, and a cold rose inadvertently from the bottom of the foot and spread on his heart. This sudden fear made Li Yi frightened, and it seemed that his eyes were in shock. An endless blood sea appeared, and various bones were constantly rolling in the sea!

The blood sea rushed over to him and drowned him in a sudden. Li Yi only felt a pain in his face, and the whole person was awake from the illusion of the blood pupil!

Li Yi's face was wet and he reached out and touched it. A pool of red liquid covered his hands. He felt tingling on his cheeks. Somehow, his face had been marked out twice. Large and small wounds, blood continuously poured from the wounds.

Qi Tian licked his finger happily in front of Li Yi. The blood on his hands told Li Yi how the wound on his face came from.

"Sweet blood... Human blood can even be delicious to such an extent..." Qi Tian still has a mouthful of mouth, still smiling at Li Yi, "Little fat man, uncle is hungry and thirsty, let uncle be good Take a sip of your blood and taste your meat..."

With that, without Li Yi's consent, he hurriedly grabbed his hands towards Li Yi. When his hands were swayed, he quickly changed, and the fingernails' nails quickly became longer and sharper!

Li Yi’s response was not too slow. When the other party hadn’t finished speaking, he pulled the water shield on his back and blocked it in front of him. But the speed of praying was too fast, Li Yi I didn't have time to cast any spells that could protect myself, and the shield couldn't block the opponent's hands, so I felt a pain in my arms, and suddenly the blood spattered!

Qi Tian screamed happily and threw it on Li Yi's arm, drinking with all his heart!

"Asshole! Let me die!" Li Yi shouted, and then the "protective light armor" was activated by him. The blue and black light film appeared instantly, and Qitian bounced hard.

Li Yi silently cast a wood-based healing spell. After recovering the wound on his face, he raised his sword shield and watched Qitian vigilantly.

He didn't put the "protective light armor" on his body into a dormant state. You must know that the opponent's speed is fast, and Li Yi can't even react. If there is no defensive spell on his body, Li Yi doesn't know if he has a chance. Open the "body light armor"!

Qi Tian sucked his mouth, tasted it carefully, and his eyes narrowed slightly, looking completely unprepared.

It's now! Seeing that the other party was not fortified at all, Li Yi immediately violently waved his sword and waved toward Qitian.

Whether you are a friend of my dad or not, even if you are unconscious, I will not forgive you if you take such a hand against your friend's son! Li Yi is a person with clear grievances and grievances. If you are kind to me, I will repay you. As long as you hurt me, then I will let you return!

At the same time as Li Yi wielded his sword, he summoned the "Light Cage" and trapped Qitian, so that his attack was more secure, but he forgot one thing, that is, the other party had faster than himself. speed!

Qi Tian opened his eyes when Li Yi waved his sword and slashed towards himself, and smiled at Li Yi. He didn’t hide when he saw Li Yi summoning the "Light Cage", and he was trapped in this spell cage. within.

And just when Li Yi was about to cut down to pray to heaven, the humpback man in front of him disappeared without a trace!

The same thing happened to Li Yi’s enemies, but Li Yi’s speed was still traceable, and Qitian was like the teleportation in the game. With Li Yi’s current eyesight, he could not see him Where did it go!

Li Yi quickly recruited on the way, the sword and the shield instantly glowed with red and blue light, he stopped violently, and then the inertia of the forward slammed the sword back, driving his body quickly. Spin it up!

The power of water and fire erupted, forming a rotating water and fire vortex under the rotation of Li Yi. Only the sound of "ding" was heard, and a figure covered with fire was shot hard from the edge of the water and fire vortex. After standing on the ground for a while, he stood up, and the ignited flame on his body extinguished automatically!

Li Yi also stopped turning, shook his slightly dizzy head, and quickly blessed several defensive spells on his body, still watching the humane alertly: "Hey, do you remember who you are?"

"It doesn't matter who I am... your flesh and blood is the most important thing I have now..." Qi Tianbao smiled and threw up again!

Seeing that Qi Tian greeted himself fiercely, he turned his body again, and the power of water and fire exploded instantly. Li Yi's body drove these two energies to rotate rapidly, and the energy around the whole person formed a fire dragon. volume!

This trick Li Yi once used when he was fighting Liu Changsheng, but it was full of loopholes. It was deadly enough just to rotate too fast. Li Yi carefully improved this after the war. The fusion of spells and martial arts.

It is naturally a good choice to use the wind to urge your body to rotate, which can not only save physical energy, but also drag your body steadily with the wind, so that you will not lose your balance due to the speed problem.

And Li Yi caused a big loss in this aspect of the wind-that is, using the wind to push the body to rotate too fast, Li Yi had no time to stop and had already lost his balance and collapsed to the ground.

Li Yi tried it several times later, no matter how quickly he urged the wind energy to stop himself, it was too late to catch up with his fainting speed. Helpless Li Yi only reduced the speed, but the fusion technique after the speed was reduced Losing the original effect, the composition of the cyclone is full of loopholes, it is better not to use.

The stubborn Li Yi studied this spell again and again, and found that if he just turned his body first, and then guided the two energies of water, fire, and water to rotate around himself with the inertia brought by the turning body, his body could stop, and This way, the effect of the fusion technique is no worse than that of turning the energy.

At most, there is no fire sword and water shield to continuously guide the energy between nature for this rotating water and fire. The lasting ability of this fusion technique is not very long.

However, this fusion technology that can only persist in the near future is just right to deal with the current situation.

Qi Tian's speed is so fast that Li Yi simply has no time to react, and the duration of the fusion technique is not lasting. It just happens to be able to resist Qi Tian's attack in advance.

This fusion technique was named "Water, Fire and Tornado" by Li Yi.

The water and fire whirlwind was spinning rapidly, and Li Yi stood in the whirlwind, and the whole person gradually fell into the city wall under his feet!

The "earthwalking technique" of the earth system is applicable to any substantial terrain, allowing the caster to travel freely through the ground under his feet. In theory, he can pass through any solid matter, and this is what Li Yi used to fight Tianqi. Spells.

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