Li Yi sank into the wall beneath his feet, and rushed out of his "water and fire whirlwind", and Qi Tian had once again hit the "water and fire whirlwind", and his body was burned by the flame. After being rinsed by the water, there was a lot of pain, which made him scream.

"Little fat man... Uncle is going to eat the flesh from you!" Qi Tian roared and rushed towards the "Water and Fire Cyclone" again, but at this time the duration of the "Water and Fire Cyclone" had come and suddenly dissipated, A shock wave was generated, which interrupted Qitian's forward thrust, and then caused Qitian to fly out!

Li Yi shot at this time!

He quickly used thoughts to create a large group of small things flying in the air with wings, flew to Qitian, and was close to Qitian.

Qi Tian roared up from the ground, and the deep water of Fang Cai did not cause any substantial damage to him, even no scars. He did not care about so many inexplicable baubles around him, rushing straight To Li Yi!

"Boom!" While Qi Tian rushed through the surroundings of these gadgets, the belly of the little thing he hit swelled up. As the belly of these little things grew bigger, the little things exploded instantly. Get up!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"! ! ! The explosion of a small thing turned back to cause the surrounding small things to explode together. Although the explosion of Li Yi’s creation did not cause much damage to Qitian, but so many small things exploded together, the chain reaction formed was not so much. It's simple.

Qi Tian's thin body was blown up by this violent explosion, and the remaining non-explosive creations followed up at the same time, and each one voluntarily ran into Qi Tian's body, and then exploded in succession!

Qi Tian's flesh-blooded body fell heavily from the air, hitting the ground and moving.

"Huh... Fortunately, the master's method is vicious, otherwise, the master's life can be regarded as being here today..." Li Yi wiped the sweat on his forehead before it was so exhausting to create so many explosions. With a little more energy, even Li Yi can't stand it now.

But... he seems to have killed this guy... he is my dad's friend, is that really okay? Li Yi's heart was uneasy, and she slowly walked to the heavens that fell to the ground.

"Ha..." Qi Tian, ​​who was motionless, suddenly exhaled from his mouth, and the whole person instantly changed from lying to standing. Li Yi clearly saw that the wound on the other party's body that had been blown out by him had already healed!

Qi Tian seemed to have nothing to do, and stretched his lazy waist, smiled at Li Yi: "Little fat man... I just blown up so comfortably! Otherwise, try again?"

With a bang, Qitian's body disappeared again. By the time the next second appeared, he had already appeared in front of Li Yi. The nails on his hands were pointed at Li Yi's throat and spurred. Come down!

Li Yi's "body protection light armor" has not dispersed, naturally not afraid of the fierce thorns of Qi Tian's nails, but Li Yi still cautiously raised his sword to block it.

"when"! Li Yi only felt a numbness in his tiger's mouth, and then there were more than ten consecutive percussion sounds. Li Yi's right hand couldn't help but let go of the fire sword!

Li Yi wanted to bend down to pick up, but found that Qi Tian's hands hit again, and had to block it with a giant shield.

As soon as the left arm had a pain in the bone, Li Yi felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person was turned over by Qi Tian violently. Then, he saw Qi Tian's wrinkled face leaning towards himself.

"Go!" Li Yi was finally angry. Whatever elder you are, what general you are, if you want my life, then I will also kill you!

Li Yi gave up the water shield in his hand to resist Qitian. His hands waved, and a rotating black hole appeared in his hand. The constantly rotating black hole had a strong suction, aiming to pray to Li Yi. day!

"Let me die!" Li Yi roared, dragging the black hole between his hands upward when the other party bit his neck, and the mental energy kept flowing towards the black hole, making the rotation speed of the black hole become more and more. The sooner, the suction force generated from it becomes huge!

Although Qitian noticed the clues, the black hole in Li Yi's hands was too powerful. He wanted to retreat, but found that his body was still involuntarily leaning towards Li Yi.

"Come on, since you can't recover your mind, then go to another world!" Li Yi pointed the black hole in his hand at Qitian, slowly stood up, and looked at Qitian with a firm eye.

"Guru Valu...Guru lalu!" Qi Tian's mouth popped out of a language that Li Yi had never heard of, and seemed very terrified, but Li Yi did not have any pity, and the other party had lost his sanity, if If you leave it alone, all the people in Lianyu City will be killed by him!

The spiritual power continues to flow away, Li Yi's spirit is becoming more and more depressed, but he is still supporting it. Without talking about the great hidden dangers in front of him, all the people in the city are in danger!

Qi Tian was forcibly attracted to Li Yi, and his body began to be deformed by the suction. He screamed painfully, and his claws slammed on Li Yi's shoulder. The sharp nails stabbed into Li. Yi body.

"Gurudawa...Huruda!" Qitian roared loudly. Suddenly, a fierce mask appeared on Qitian's face, and a thick **** light radiated from his body at the same time. Singing came from all directions, even made Qi Tian escape from Li Yi's men!

Qi Tian shouted, his hands grabbed the edge of the black hole, endured the black hole to tear his own strength, and put his hands together together!

The black hole twisted and disappeared in the palm of Qitian!

Li Yi's "swallowing black hole" was forcibly terminated by Qitian! Li Yi looked at his hands with disbelief, and looked at this grisly mask in front of him, and said in his mouth: "Uncle Qi, you turned out to be the mask man..."

Qi Tianbao smiled and put his hands fiercely into Li Yi's chest!

The misty chant gradually became louder, like a bell striking in Li Yi's heart, Li Yi was covered with blood on Qi Tian's hands, the blood in the body gradually drained away, and the wounds on his chest continued Blood squirted out of the body, and the power of his body traced with the blood.

Qi Tian drew a hand from Li Yi’s chest, licked the blood sticking on it with his tongue, and narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the look.

Li Yi's body has begun to get cold. The loss of blood in the body has not only taken away the strength of Li Yi's body, but also taken away the heat of his body. His body temperature has continued to drop, and the sound of his powerful heartbeat has gradually become weak. .

His pupils were loose and there was no trace of focus. Qi Tian knew that the fat man in his hand was dying. He rushed to Li Yi's chest wound while he was still alive, sucking blood.

As Qi Tian swooped, Li Yi's body lost its fulcrum, and fell to the ground. Qi Tian fell with him, but did not affect his eating. He leaned on Li Yi's chest and drank!

The delicious blood in the mouth makes Qi Tian's appetite wide open, and at the same time, the bigger the mouth, the faster the drink, but Qi Tian can't **** the blood in Li Yi's body no matter how hard he **** the blood at Li Yi's wound.

In this way, Qi Tian didn't know how long he had been drinking, it seemed that it had been a long time, or a moment later, the blood at Li Yi's wound seemed to never dry up, let Qi Tian taste it at will.

After tasting more delicious things, it will become tasteless, but Qi Tian never feels any boring feeling, but only feels that this warm and delicious blood is getting sweeter and sweeter, and teaches people to stop talking.

Qi Tian sipped his blood in a big gulp, and the blood spewed into his stomach constantly, but his belly was still flat without any bulging, and even Qi Tian didn't even feel a little full.

Although it feels strange, Qi Tian feels that there is nothing wrong with it. Since the blood in this fat man is inexhaustible, then drink yourself until you are full!

Behind Qitian, a figure appeared gradually. He looked at Qitian with a smile. The figure was close to Qitian, his index finger was extended, and he lightly clicked on the back of Qitian's head.

"Go to sleep...when you wake up, you are the original Qitian..." said the figure, his eyes wide open and looking at Qitian, the blue and black light flashed in his eyes.

After saying this, Qi Tian fell down suddenly and fell asleep, the red light on his body gradually restrained, and the loud chants around him gradually disappeared. Li Yi's body also disappeared in the air, and no trace was seen. Even the blood ejected by Li Yi disappeared without a trace.

The figure smiled and turned around, shouting at the mob: "You fools, don't hurry to escape?! Do you wait for this cannibal to wake up and eat you all one?"

The figure was smiling, and there were two wounds on the round face that had just healed, not who Li Yi was!

The one that Qi Tian had inserted into his chest with both hands was naturally Li Yi's illusion effect.

When Li Yi used the devoured black hole, he already thought about the countermeasures. When Qitian was attracted by the black hole to his full attention, he had entered the spiritual world, and all the spiritual power gathered and rushed towards The spiritual fluctuations exuded from Qitian's body!

After Qitian became a caveman, he became very vulnerable in the spiritual world. Li Yi easily controlled Qitian according to his own thoughts, so that the other party saw the illusion of killing Li Yi.

And the act of praying for the hands to engulf the black hole is even more unexpected than Li Yi thought. Isn't it death? Who reached out to the black hole with his hand? So Li Yi followed Qi Tian's actions to withdraw the engulfed black hole, and by the way Qi Qitian created his own illusion in his brain and escaped.

And what happened afterwards was the result of Li Yi’s directing. In fact, what the mob saw was that Qi Tian froze for a while when he caught the black hole. Li Yi quickly took the opportunity to pray Behind the sky, at the same time, Qi Tian once again had a move-it was Qi Tian who played a one-man show there alone.

Li Yi's figure became very tall in the eyes of the mob, and even had a feeling of wanting to retreat quickly-joking, this is able to defeat the man who eats the demon! Is there any way for us little shrimp?

The mob backed away one after another, and even some people ran back to the ladder in a panic and climbed out of the city.

It's much easier to do everything if only someone takes the lead. Watching someone escape first, the rest of the mob also flooded the ladder. I have to say that the quality of the mob that attacked the main entrance is much higher than that of the eastern wall. At least, the mob Our retreating movements were very orderly, lined up one by one and climbed down the ladder.

However, it seems that Li Yi is particularly unhappy today.

Several screams from the mob rang under the wall, so the mob climbed back again and surrounded Li Yi nervously on the wall.

"Eh?" Li Yi touched his head, looked at the darkened sky, and said inexplicably, "What are you doing? Do you still want to attack the city? Please, eh, don't you look at what is happening now? Time? Don’t you want to eat? Even Yucheng is now like a bird, but will not keep you for dinner..."

"Can't see it, this man is quite humorous...I wonder if it's true humor, or is he already scared with soft legs and a strong mouth?" A cold male voice came from behind the mob, and the mob gradually let out Along the way, a blond man walking through the mob came to Li Yi.

Li Yi's eyes were round, and the elf that appeared in front of him made him feel that this world is really amazing-the guy whose head was cut off by himself can still be resurrected? !

" could you still be alive?" Li Yi asked, incoherently, pointing at the elf in front of him. When he was fighting, he discovered that Qitian was entrusting himself to help the elf escape the masked man in the new city. After killing the Apocalypse for a short time, normal people have been dizzy.

That's right, it was Tian Qi that appeared in front of Li Yi.

"No, no... I think you have recognized the wrong person... It seems that the Apocalypse has been killed by you? Then I think we should know each other again..." The blonde elf bent down gracefully against Li Yi, Said, "I am Leng Yu, the real commander of the Eastern Tianli Army, and that Apocalypse is actually an avatar that I made with the mind..."

"Why? Surprised?" Leng Yu smiled, but his smile did not include any emotional components, and some had only boundless coldness, "Don't be surprised, you can see that you are also a good idea Sorcerer, should I know the principle of mind creation?"

Seeing Li Yi nodded, Leng Yu went on to say: "The apocalypse was created by my mind, a living elf!"

Able to create a life with wisdom and even strength! What level is this? Are the elves good at chanting? Many questions flashed in Li Yi's mind, but none of them knew the answer.

But Li Yi doesn't need to know so much now, because Leng Yu has sent him a duel invitation.

Leng Yu bowed deeply to Li Yi and said coldly, "Since you have killed him, it means you destroyed my personal belongings. Then, according to the default custom of Atlantis, I Have the right to ask you for a life-and-death fight... Then... let us not die!"

Leng Yu smiled slightly at Li Yi, revealing a row of white and shiny teeth, and her cold face looked so cold!

"Hey! You are fighting life and death as soon as you come up, you are sick!" Li Yi yelled and took off his sword shield by the way. Although he said it on the mouth, he already made his own wishes with action-war In battle, who is afraid of whom?

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