Li Yi suddenly caught Qitian's hands with bright eyes: "Great, great! Uncle Qi! Let's go!"

Qi Tian looked at Li Yi in amazement and puzzled: "Go? Isn't this a ready-made one?"

Who knows Li Yi smiled and pointed to the blazing fire on the northern wall: "Here are your hands, let's go to the North Gate, there are many people, and you can practice well!"

"Haha! Good boy, a lot stronger than your father!" Qi Tian laughed with a big smile, slammed Li Yi's shoulder, "Go up against the enemy, don't be afraid of hardships! Good boy!"

Li Yi was about to pull Li Yi to get up and jump away, but Li Yi escaped.

"Why? I regret it again?" Qi Tian asked with a frown.

Li Yi shook Xu Wen with a shy expression and said, "This... this is my little brother. I'll take him with him! He is still young, and he needs to learn something to defend himself..."

Qi Tian leaned down and stared at Xu Wen's eyes carefully, suddenly squinting and laughing: "Okay, this little guy is good, the foundation is really good!"

Qi Tian took Li Yi and him, jumped onto the wall, and leaped towards the northern wall.

After just a short period of rest, Li Yi's mental strength has recovered more than half. Since the top of the gods, Li Yi's mental strength has not only increased a lot in quantity, but also in terms of mental recovery. With great changes, Li Yi is now recovering at a mental speed, and basically no one can catch up with him.

Between the rise and fall, Qi Tian took Li Yi and them to the northern wall. Li Yi could not help but yell at the speed of Qi Tian-joking, this speed is faster than the speed of his blessing with the wind spell! And the other party uses pure physical strength!

Qi Tian gently put down the two of Li Yi and watched the mob surrounding the city wall grinning, and then asked Li Yi: "Boy, see why they didn't attack?"

Li Yi narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the neat mob of the team under the city wall. He could not see the reason. He shook his head and shook his head at Qitian with embarrassment.

"Fool!" Qi Tian slapped Li Yi's head on the head, and then sighed, "Your observation skills are really poor... So do you see the weakness in their lineup?"

Seeing Li Yi still shaking his head, Qi Tian gave up asking about Li Yi's military affairs and turned to Xu Wen, who was eager to try: "Little guy, don't you see it?"

Xu Wen scratched his head embarrassedly and replied: "Actually, according to the situation seen on other parts of the city wall, the only difference between the mobs on the north side of the wall and the mobs in the other three directions is that they There are no elves, that is, they have no commander."

"It can be seen from this that the army formed by the mob is fully controlled by the elves, and the small commanding officers underneath have no actual military power at all..." Xu Wen pointed to the mob under the city wall, "and they The weaknesses are actually not complicated. As long as there are people coaxing out of the crowd, then this mob army without commanders will naturally disperse."

After finishing his speech, Xu Wen looked up to Qitian and asked what the other party meant.

Qi Tian nodded with satisfaction and patted Xu Wen's head and said: "That's right, little guy, you have the potential to become a commanding officer! And you..."

Qi Tian patted Li Yi's shoulder and said: "You may learn the knowledge of commanding in the future, but my evaluation of you now is that you are suitable as a fighting general, rather than hiding behind the army safely. Hand Yunyu..."

"Hey, I didn't like directing anything. It was just fun to direct others before. In fact, my favorite is to bombard each other to the scum, hey..." Li Yi smiled proudly, showing a neat row of front teeth.

"Okay... Then, show your abilities!" Qi Tian waved his hand and pointed to the mob army underneath, "Go and disrupt their formation! With your own strength, let me see what you can do To what extent!"

Li Yi looked at the mob army with a large number of people underneath, and said naively: "I rely on, this is for my old life... so many people, I can still save my life, but Xu Wen just..."

"Slap!" Qi Tian slapped Li Yi's head again, "Do you think I eat dry food? You are in danger, I will come down to save you, but I don't allow you to use the wind system Spells fly, so, this show is really too easy for you!"

Li Yi pouted and asked, "I said, you won't restrict me to use wind spells to speed me up?"

Qitian shook his head and smiled, "Of course I will not, because I can see that your fighting style is related to every contract equipment on you. If you are restricted from accelerating, wouldn't it be necessary to take off all your equipment? Down?"

"It's good..." Li Yi laughed happily, and pulled over some stunned Xu Wen, and jumped directly down the city wall. "Remember to save Xu Wen when he is in danger!"

A strong wind blew violently under Li Yi's feet, slowing down the fall of him and Xu Wen, causing them to fall gently on the ground.

In front, there is an army of mobs!

Xu Wen watched so many mobs staring at himself, could not help but swallow.

From Li Yi's mouth, he learned that the man in white clothes, sometimes mad and sometimes sober and wise, was the commander of the Celestial Army, and the general General prayed to the sky. In Xinqin, few people could get his personal instructions.

Li Yi's consciousness is to let Xu Wenduo learn some martial skills, so that he can save his life in the chaotic army and reduce the use frequency of Xu Wen's state-from Li Yi's perspective, Xu Wen every time Using a state similar to that of the elf after "burst" will damage itself, and it is necessary to reduce the number of times this state is used.

But... that big general praying to heaven is too abnormal! As soon as I came up, let me challenge an army! Even a mob without training, they can drown themselves with a spit! How can people go up against them?

Xu Wen felt uneasy and hoped that his performance would no longer make a bad impression in God’s heart, but Li Yi did not worry so much, patting Xu Wen on the shoulder and said, "It’s okay, you just go up Fight with them and use your state once if you can’t hold it. Can you end the state now? Well, then, okay, protect yourself!"

Speaking of Li Yi, he withdrew his sword shield and came to the mob with a big swing, twisting his **** and said, "Sorry, everyone, today should be your bad luck day. A martial arts master asked me to show his fighting ability to him No way, I can only let you practice with me..."

Li Yi smiled, and didn't wait for the mob to react, then disappeared in front of everyone.

Xu Wen scratched his head, as Li Yi disappeared and came to the mob, saluting said: "Sorry, the master of martial arts wants us two to show the level, so... more offended!"

After talking, Xu Wen pulled out his sword and slashed towards the mob closest to him!

Seeing the other party attacking themselves, the mob discarded all the warning messages of the commander before leaving, and took off their weapons one after another, and surrounded Xu Wen!

Li Yi hid in a noisy crowd by means of dark stealth, and created a military stab with chanting in his hand. He waited for the opportunity to catch a person and then cut and assassinated. The number of people began to drop sharply.

To deal with these people who have not received much training or even seen blood, wouldn’t it be too wasteful to go directly to use spells? Although Li Yi felt a little ashamed of these mobs, but since they chose to fight against the new Qin regime, then Li Yi, a soldier, could only pull his sword.

Just like Qi Tian said, Tian Yi took them to Lianyu City, then Tian Yi let Li Yi end their lives! Li Yi can only comfort himself in this way, so that his heart is no longer guilty.

Li Yi didn’t know how many sentences he said psychologically. I’m sorry. Anyway, there were hundreds of mobs dying under his army stabbing. In the assassination, Li Yi even figured out some assassination tips, sometimes even being able to assassinate When the two are invisible again, the efficiency rises like a straight line.

On the other hand, Xu Wen is not as easy as Li Yi.

Although he can enter a violent state, Xu Wen doesn't want to do this at all now. After all, he hasn't reached the limit yet, and he can't take out the bottom of the box all at once.

Now Xu Wen is playing with a good eye, you attack me to block, I attack you to defend, there are no casualties under his hands!

No... If you continue this way, I will be exhausted by them! Seeing more and more mobs encircling himself, Xu Wen gradually began to attack less and defend more, and the pressure increased greatly, so he had to think of his "bottom card."

Ok! Use it now! Xu Wen gritted his teeth and shouted. The energy in his body suddenly surged. An inexplicable anger was burning on his chest. He shouted, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were red and roared.

A gust of wind rolled up from his side and wrapped around his fist. Xu Wen threw the sword in his hand directly on the ground, slowly bowing down like a beast, using the eyes of the predator Watching the mob around.

"Roar!" With Xu Wen's loud roar, the two hands curled with the gang wind quickly clenched their fists, slammed at one of the mobs, and a punch at the other!

The double fists wrapped in the gang wind were as powerful as a blow, and the mob's head was exploded at once. The gang wind rolled the mob's brain and blood, spinning rapidly, sweeping these dirty things to other mobs.

Xu Wen roared excitedly, spit out ambiguous words from his mouth, and rushed to the rest of the mob!

Tigers enter the flock! Li Yi looked at Xu Wen from afar, and the word burst out of his mind.

He twisted the army thorn in his hand and touched a mob again. His left hand pressed the opponent's back. The right hand held the army thorn and bypassed the mob's neck. The left hand pushed hard, and the right hand cooperated with the left hand general's thorn. Swipe across the right side of the opponent's neck.

Suddenly, the blood spewing out of the blood vessel was sprayed, and the pressure in the blood vessel was finally released. The blood in the body was scattered everywhere. The mob struggled violently and wanted to block the mouth on the neck with his hand. Son, but in vain! He wanted to yell, but the cut throat could only make a grunt.

The blood in the body gradually bleeds, and with the meaning of that moment, the mob gradually closes his eyes, and the blood sprayed from the neck gradually decreases, and his body shakes a few times, and he no longer moves.

After Li Yi succeeded, he entered the invisible state again and continued to search for his next goal.

On the city wall, Qi Tian looked at the battle between Li Yi and Xu Wen with satisfaction. The battle between the two was remarkable, especially Li Yi, who satisfied him the most-killing the enemy at the smallest cost, which is on the battlefield The above is the most practical one, but Li Yi's method is more appropriate than it is now.

I would like to ask, what can be more effortless and assassinating than assassination on a night with low visibility?

But Xu Wen's appearance is to make Qitian secretly surprised, others can't see it, why can't Qitian see it? Xu Wen was actually able to control the power of the wind to fight. Unless Xu Wen was a contractor, Xu Wen was the body of the talented contractor out of 10,000!

The only thing that puzzled Qi Tian was Xu Wen’s current state. Although he was able to manipulate the power of the wind, Xu Wen’s appearance became a bit abnormal. That fist-to-meat play and angry roar, it is really to let Qi Qi God feels something wrong.

Let’s not mention the fact that this kind of fighting method consumes a lot of physical strength. It’s strange that his unruly fist is very strange. When Xu Wen used a sword before, Qi Tian thought that this little guy had a good foundation and swordsmanship. It made the board look good, but when he used the power of the wind, he discarded the sword in his hand and instead used his fist.

In addition to greater strength and speed, the wind in your hand can also play some lethality. Others are simply Hu Lai! Qi Tian looked at Xu Wen's movement and inevitably shook his head.

It seems that they still need good training! But the kid from Li Yuan's family is really good. Spells and martial arts, eh? Is there mind-writing? It's really rare to see him integrated into his fighting style!

Qi Tian carefully observed Li Yi's fighting style, and found that Li Yi was not only unique in his own fighting style, but also had endless innovations in the use of magic changes!

I saw that Li Yi used a fireball usually used to directly attack his opponent as a mine. After making the fireball, he buried it in the small pit he dug and filled it with a circle of small pits. All are extremely explosive fireballs, covered with weeds indiscriminately, waiting for the careless mob to step on.

Li Yi immediately revealed his figure and shouted loudly: "Stupid ones, come and catch me!"

As he said, he stood in the "mine circle" and waited for the "prey" to smile with a smile. Sure enough, a small group of mobs were attracted by Li Yi, forming a circle and slowly shrinking towards Li Yi.

"Boom Boom Boom!!!" A series of explosions suddenly sounded from Li Yi's side, and the mob squads all around were killed under the power of "fireball mines", and there was a burst of smoke on the field.

When the smoke dissipated, Li Yi, who was standing in the middle of the "mine circle", had already disappeared. When Qi Tian saw him again, he had already appeared on the other side, and he threw out the grenade with wooden handles happily. .

The sound of explosions came from the mob, all of them were injured by grenades, and they were also disabled.

Qi Tian nodded his head, although he didn’t know what Li Yi was throwing out, but it was obviously the creation of chanting. It seems that Li Yi’s chanting level has reached at least the second level of “gathering for God” degree!

Qi Tian is very satisfied with Li Yi and Xu Wen. One is that the tactics are flexible and the other has great potential!

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