Qi Tian quietly made a decision in his heart.

Qi Tian was thinking about his decision, but he heard the sound of "Boom" in his ears seeming to fly past something. Looking at it closely, a blue figure quickly passed through his side and fell among the mob.

I saw that the figure shook his arms, and a small flag was added in the hand like a trick, holding a few waves in the air, and the mob suddenly became quiet and orderly, retreating behind the blue figure with a sharp eye, The lineup stood well and did not move.

Xu Wen stopped fighting while the mob retreated, and the only reason told him that the current mob is no longer easy to deal with-with the command of the blue silhouette, the mob’s collective combat ability has risen sharply, although the individual The ability is not strong, but Xu Wen still knows the reason why ants bite the elephant.

The figure gradually raised his head, and his brilliant face appeared under the light of the lights. Li Yi hiding in the dark couldn't help but stunned. This wasn't the aquarium elf he captured, water jelly?

Jellyfish accompanied her face, nibbled at her teeth, waved the flag in her hand, the mob behind her stepped forward one step at a time, and a loud shout broke out in her mouth. Xu Wen stepped back a few steps in horror, the madness in his eyes was lost, and he instantly recovered from the violent state.

Li Yi immediately rushed to Xu Wen's side, appeared in shape, grabbed Xu Wen's arm, stepped on his feet, and flew up: "Your boy is dead, now he stays where he is, he doesn't know how to run what!"

With that said, he dropped Xu Wenyuan far away on the city wall and shouted at Qitian on the wall: "Uncle Qi! Pick him up!"

After Li Yi threw Xu Wen onto the city wall, he quickly fell to the ground. He smiled and looked at the water jade. The sword and shield were in his hand. There was a strong war in his body: "Elf chick, you did not kill you last time. Fortunately, I wanted to put you in captivity for a few days and let you go... Unfortunately, why did you even come to Lianyu City!"

Li Yi drew a sword flower in front of him, and then used Jian Feng to draw a semi-arc in the land in front of him, and said with a smile: "One person challenges an army... Although I know that this is not heroic, it is somewhat Reckless, but deep down in my heart I still want to try my limits..."

"So, you go on!" Li Yi smiled, his fingers quickly cast spells in the air, and at the same time made various spell gestures, he kept chanting mantras in his mouth, and the spells were activated and blessed by him. On his body, the entire northern wall was illuminated by the magic light on Li Yi for a time!

The contract equipment on Li Yi shone with dazzling energy rays, and the fire sword in his hand burned up and held in Li Yi's hand, making him like a heavenly soldier who was thinking of falling from the sky.

Shui Xing snorted softly, looked at Li Yi disdainfully, ignored him, and raised his head directly to Qi Tian, ​​who was standing on the wall and meditating, shouting: "Pray General, can you talk to you?"

"Eh?!" Li Yi froze for a moment, looked at the mob army in front of him, and then looked at the sky and nodded slightly behind the city wall, and this reflected it. It turned out that he wanted to surrender?

In fact, Li Yi has guessed that most of them, Jellyfish did come to surrender.

Watching Qitian jump down the city wall with the ignorant Xu Wen, and before coming to the mob’s army, Jiushui salutes Qitian: "Pray General, this time our behavior will indeed affect you and us. The friendship between Wanqu, but this is just a mistake made by several of our Wanqu organizations, and has nothing to do with other compatriots of Wanqu. I hope that the general will not blame our fellow race..."

"And the consequences of this incident, our brains will accept your trial, and are willing to accept any punishment you drop!" Jessica Yiyi waved his flag awe-inspiringly.

Li Yi and Xu Wen couldn't help but guard Qitian's side, but Qitian slightly pushed the two away, allowing his body to be exposed before the army, and looked blankly at the waving flag of Jessica.

The mob could not help but stagnate for a while after seeing the sign of Jellyfish. After the Jellyfish waved the flag again and repeated the previous sign, they determined what the commander wanted to express.

"Heavenly Army disbanded!" This is what Jessica wants to tell the mob.

The mobs looked at each other, and they inevitably panicked. After being abandoned by the commander, they no longer have leaders, let alone talk about things like resisting the Qin king’s tyranny, and even, from now on, they can only go back to the past. Live in the shadow of harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes!

This result was completely contrary to the promises made by the elves to incite them. At this time, some bold mobs suddenly clamored and clamored for wanting to slam the unbelieving elf.

However, Qi Tian's iron-blooded wrist stiffly suppressed the violence within the mob.

He didn’t even ask Li Yi and Xu Wen to start, only to see that his figure flashed and disappeared in place. By the time he reappeared, the heads of the most violent mob that had just clamored had already been mentioned by him. He took a glance at the hand, and then fell on the ground in disgust, slamming a few feet!

Qi Tian’s move to kill the chickens and monkeys prevented the remaining mobs from daring to make them again. They had to retreat obediently. Gradually, the crowd began to disperse, bypassing Lianyu City, and walking towards their hometown. Yes, he went to the north with the people he knew, and far away from the turbulent land in the southwest, without even looking back.

Li Yi squinted and looked at the expressionless jellyfish standing in front of everyone, not knowing what kind of idea the other party was playing, and Xu Wen was afraid to stand behind Li Yi, obviously, praying to heaven Scared the child by his means-although Xu Wen dared to kill the enemy, it was still the child's heart, and he would inevitably be scared by the murderous intention revealed by Qi Tian.

Qi Tian looked at Jellyfish after the mob had dispersed, squeezing his mouth and not talking, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Pray generals, don't hide it. This action was initiated by Elder Ozaki. I contracted the Aquarium, Ling Feng of the Feng, and Shi Zhong of the Tu, Amda and Huo of the Huo. A total of nine Wanqus came to the southwest border of your country with the Zhuoyue, the Guangzu's Lengyu and his creation apocalypse, spreading rumors and inciting rebellion...

"Among them, except me and the fire clan's Amda and Zhuoyue, the other Wanqu who came to instigate the rebellion have been killed in battle. Correspondingly, the damage to Lianyu City is also relatively large..." Shuixian lowered his head and voiced It is getting lower and lower, "Now that you have returned, we have no reason to continue this operation..."

"I, Shui Zhuang, are willing to accept your trial of General!" Shui Xing kneeled on one knee and bent her body deeply.

Qi Tianliang didn't say anything for a long time, but just quietly looked at the elf who was kneeling to the ground.

But Li Yi couldn't help but mouthed: "I said, what kind of mentality are you elves! I pray uncle......"

"Shut up..." Qi Tian patted Li Yi's head lightly, and at the same time made the action that shocked Li Yi-he even knelt on the knee against the water jelly, and also bent deeply. He lowered his body and said, "Pray that someone knows that his actions must have misunderstood the noble...but now it is not too late for me to explain..."

"Thank you for always adding words like benevolence, kindness, and virtue to me, but Qimou is simply not suitable for these praise phrases, because Qimou's identity with the present is really not suitable for being praised by the nobles..." Qitian Although his voice was low, he heard it clearly in the ears of everyone.

Shuixing raised his head in doubt, looked at Qitian in a puzzled way, and wanted to raise Qitian in panic.

"The first emperor and the three emperors, the five emperors of merit, are for the emperor, for the emperor! My great Qin Kingdom pursues the three outlines and the five permanents, and the emperor is the focus. Shaking off the hand stretched by Jessica, he continued to lean over and said, "Even if the Emperor makes any disrespectful actions towards the nobility, I pray that he will be sullied and bowed!"

Qi Tianmeng raised his head, his blood-red eyes stared straight at the eyes of Shuixing: "Because of the love of Qi Mou, he made some actions that misunderstood the nobility, so that the nobility loved Qi Mou so deeply, so that Qi Mou should bear the responsibility. Qi! Here, Qimou wants to clarify herself, not to pray for benevolence and virtue, but to pray that she owes too much love in her heart.

Jessie stared blankly at Qitian, her trembling lips betrayed her pretending calmness. She couldn’t believe that the legendary tolerant and generous general General just let go of the elven captives in the jihad for this reason. life! And, listening to what Qitian is saying now, it seems... he won’t do that again?

"The meaning of Qimou's expressions is already clearer... Since then, if the nobles have disturbed my new Qin folk movements, then, Hugh blame me for praying for me to ignore the past's feelings..." Qitian In his eyes, Hong Mang shot straight, and looked straight at the water jade. The water jade was scared under the fierce eyes of Qitian, and he could not help but step back.

"So, you still take your surviving kin, and you will go to the West! Qi Tian of the Heavenly Army, you are not welcome..." Qi Tian only stood up, waved his hand, and turned and jumped onto the city wall.

Jellyfish helplessly covered her mouth and looked at Qi Tian's figure away, weeping silently.

Li Yi pouted, looked at Shuixing, and then looked at the distant Qitian. He sighed helplessly, said to Shuixing, "Walk not to send," and then pulled Xu Wenfei up the city wall and prayed. Days chasing away.

When they found Qitian, they found that Qitian was sitting on the top of the tower between the city walls, holding a bottle of wine in his hand that he didn't know where to get it, and was silently pouring himself to drink.

Li Yi asked Xu Wen to return to the military department to take care of Gu Lei. They flew up to the top of the tower, sat beside Qi Tian, ​​and followed his eyes toward the fiercely fighting western city wall.

"Boy, do you see that?" Qi Tian poured a sip of liquor into his mouth and looked at Li Yi with a wry smile.

Li Yi smiled, grabbed the glass from Qi Tian's hand, poured it into his mouth slowly, and took a big sip. After gurgling and drinking, he exhaled and replied: "I don't see it, but I don't see it. ...Uncle Qi, I don’t know how you usually lie. If you have just lied, then you are the best actor!"

"Everything you just said was just an excuse, a lie, a reason that would prevent the elves from going to death needlessly...Of course, this is just my guess. If the guess is wrong, please ask Uncle to give me advice. "Li Yi returned the bottle in his hand to Qi Tian, ​​exhaled and looked at the moon in the sky.

Qi Tian laughed loudly and patted Li Yi on the shoulder and said: "I know your kid is a person who came back from the outside world. The opinion is different from the ordinary people... Yes, everything I said before is just an excuse, Or, I did lie..."

"Nonsense... If you are really hardhearted, how can you secretly help the elves in the new city to escape? If I can't see it, wouldn't I be a fool..." Li Yi murmured quietly, but didn't want to He was heard by Qi Tian, ​​who was on the tip of his ear, and slapped his head fiercely.

"You really aren't big or small... and your father's character is simply carved out of a mold..." Qi Tian looked at Li Yi carefully, and suddenly he laughed, "We will not Talk, I just suddenly had an idea, I don’t know if you are interested..."

"Is it good?" Li Yi suddenly spread his right hand in front of Qi Tian and asked with a grin.

Qi Tian looked helplessly at Li Yi's shameless ruffian and smiled, "Well...you don't have to think about the material, I have no long body, even a hand-held weapon No, not to mention that you can come up with something better than your contract equipment...but other things..."

"I don't know if I personally taught you the martial arts of your little friend. Is this a benefit?" Qi Tian looked at Li Yi with a smile, and his face was peaceful.

"Wow...wow...wow..." Li Yi exclaimed three times in a row, and at the same time turned tautly on one knee and knelt in front of Qitian, shouting: "Master is on, please pray! "

Qitian came to Li Yi's back and kicked on Li Yi's butt, laughing and scolding: "You **** boy, if I accept you as an apprentice, the old and inferior guy in your house will not be dismantled Me! Hurry up, you are the royal family! The knees of the royal family are not just kneeling on the ground!"

Li Yi laughed and stood up, said: "What's wrong with the royal family, saying that to recognize others as masters, it is natural to bow down and something, it is normal..."

"Don't worry, even if I don't accept you as an apprentice, I will teach you all the tricks I will do! This is what I promised your father..." Qi Tian patted Li Yi's head with a smile , Then said, "However, your kid is a good material for an apprentice..."

"What?! Do you want to accept Xu Wenwei as a disciple?!" Li Yi's surprised eyes opened the boss.

"That's what I meant!" Qi Tian nodded and smiled, swallowed the bottle of liquor, and threw the bottle away. Then he stood up, looked at the battle under the western city wall, and said back, "Let's go, we can go back to wash and sleep, and the battle below should be over..."

Li Yi looked in the direction of the western city wall and saw that the mob had withdrawn from the battlefield in groups and ran in the opposite direction. The soldiers who had killed the army behind him were desperately chasing them, as if to kill these mobs Only willing to take a break.

"Aren't you going to let the brothers withdraw their troops?" Li Yi questioned Qitian doubtfully, saying that he wanted to rush to the battlefield and call the soldiers back.

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