Li Yi turned his head to look at Qi Tian, ​​but found that the other party was looking at the figure scattered by the elves with a funny face, not knowing what to think of.

"Uncle Qi... We have no escape route..." Li Yi said, leaning up, pointing to the entrance that was blocked behind him.

"It's okay, it's blocked, can't you get through?" Qi Tian smiled and pointed to the elf who was coming up again in front of him, "Just, I can also kill the Quartet, it's refreshing! This time, but There are enough mouse flies to try it for me..."

There was a chill in Li Yi's heart-again, drink blood to eat heart? !

"You... who the **** are you!" Li Yi frowned, looking at Qi Tian's back, and asked cautiously.

"It seems I am not me, I am not me, why should I care who I am, as long as it is on your side..." Qi Tianna said, turning around and laughing, "Speaking, the body is indeed It’s your uncle, but... conscious, isn’t it...the young body is really energetic and motivating!"

"Sure enough... isn't it..." Li Yi smiled and looked at Qi Tian's blood-red eyes, "Since this... Please return him to me, otherwise, don't blame me and you desperately!"

Qitian raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Boy, do you know the true meaning of desperation? Is to abandon your hope of surviving, in order to achieve the purpose, regardless of means, will ignore your life when necessary... This is desperation , But there should also be a premise that when the gap between the enemy and the enemy is not large... If it is too large, it is not desperate..."

"It's... to die!" Qi Tian sticks his tongue out, licks his upper lip, and then turns around and walks toward the army of elves. "Boy, if you want to kill these mouse flies with me, just follow. Right..."

"Maybe I'm in a good mood, and I will return your uncle Qi to you..." He suddenly stopped and turned to smile.

"I rely on..." Li Yi scolded in his heart, no matter how he disliked some of Qi Tian's practices, but this man is after all his father's best friend, and he must let this strange consciousness out of Qi Tian's body anyway!

Clenching his teeth, Li Yi pulled out his sword shield and followed Qi Tian behind.

"Hello... anyway, we only have two people, should you also pay some respects? Let your head come out!" Qi Tian stopped in front of the army and said aloud.

There was a slight commotion among the elves, and then they calmed down, looking at the two with a blank expression of cold eyes, without saying a word.

Soon, the elves quietly gave way and walked out of an old figure.

Yong Zhou came out with a straight face, looked at the mask on Qi Tian’s face, and the white clothes, and couldn’t help sighing: “It seems that your Excellency should be the new caveman king... able to wear'Amaka "Lin Zhimian", and has the "blood pupil of the king", is indeed the king of the caveman..."

"The crown prince of mankind and the king of cavemen...what a wonderful combination...all kinds of filthy and dirty things are gathered together...really, it's disgusting!" Yong Tian said, gritting his teeth, slowly Waved his hand, "I am useful as a human prince, so keep it! Another one, kill him!"

Speaking, he turned and wanted to leave.

But how can Qitian allow him to leave safely? Yong Zhou only felt a flower in front of him, Qi Tian was already standing in front of him, with a smile full of death, he reached out and grabbed himself!


With a crisp sound, a golden light curtain suddenly appeared between Qi Tian's hand and Yong Tian, ​​and the hands that Qi Tian stretched to Yong Tian were blocked by them!

Qi Tian's eyes flashed with curiosity, and his hands were folded together into a knife, and they were thrust into Yong Tianmeng!


It was still that crisp sound, Qi Tian’s attack was once again blocked by the golden light curtain that appeared between him and Yong Tian. Yong Tian hid under the protection of the light curtain, and the old face smiled slightly at Qi Tian, ​​fiercely. He stepped out of the body a few steps and pulled away from Qi Tian.

Qi Tian licked his lips excitedly, laughing and clinging to him.

Yong Tian was silently meditating on the incantation without even making any gestures, and his right hand pointed at the ground, and gently stroked in front of his eyes.

A shallow ditch suddenly appeared on the ground. When Qitian was about to rush to Yongye, the golden light began to shine. When Qitian rushed across this ditch, even in the ditch Thousands of small golden arrows shot into the sky!

The tens of thousands of golden light arrows shot very fast towards the sky above the ditch, praying to see the situation is not good, even stiffly stopped the forward momentum in the air, his feet slammed in the air. After a harsh piercing sound, Qitian had flew backwards behind him.

"I rely on... Is this the battle between the top warrior and the top contractor?" Li Yi, who knows that he is also a cannon fodder, can only stay behind and watch Qi Tian and Yong Zhou fight while learning Qi Tian and Yong. The skills of the day.

I saw Qitian falling to the ground, and then flashed again, disappearing.

When I saw Qitian again, he already had a one-handed sword shining in red in his hand, blocking all the spells that were flying towards him, and rushed to Yongye again!

Eh? Why does this sword look familiar... Li Yi looked at Qi Tian in a puzzled manner, and then touched his waist-I depend! The fire sword is gone!

If you look closely, the one-handed sword shining with red light in Qitian's hand is not his own fire sword! He took it away without knowing it!

Li Yi couldn't help but praise the speed of praying again.

Qi Tian held the sword in his hand, and a tremendous momentum came into being. The dripping wave of the fire sword waved on his hand did not leak, and in turn threw Yong Tian towards his own spell, and rushed forward in front of Yong Tian. .

What is strange is that there is no trace of panic on Yong Zhou's face. Instead, Yuzai Youzai continued his career of throwing spells, and did not panic at all because Qi Tian was about to kill.

Li Yi soon learned the reason why Yong Tian was so fearless.

When Qitian rushed to Yongye and slashed the fire sword in his hand to Yongye quickly, the old elf suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light, and under the radiance, all the people in front of him were white. A piece of glare glare makes most people blind.

Qi Tian didn't have time to react at all. He was illuminated by the golden light, suddenly dizzy, and his flaming sword became weak, gently knocking on the golden light curtain that appeared around Yong Tian, Then he staggered back.

However, Yong Zhou's attack has just begun!

By praying that Tian can't see anything now, Yong Tian has demonstrated his powerful strength as an elder of the Guang clan. Between them, he threw his spells one after another towards Qitian, one after another, without any gaps, and flew silently to Qitian!

Qi Tian steadily stood firm, showing a smile of excitement, and the whole person disappeared again!

All the spells of Yongtian flying to Qitian hit the empty space, but Yongtian, who had lost his goal, was still preparing the spell as if nothing had happened. There seemed to be nothing that could make his old wave-free face show a panic. .

Qi Tian suddenly appeared beside Yong Tian, ​​and his sword was swung down. In such a short period of time, Qi Tian had recovered from blindness and quickly launched an attack.

But this time, Qitian's attack still had no effect.

I saw a string of tightly-arranged golden columns immediately around Yong Tian, ​​once again protecting Yong Tian's body and blocking the sword of Qi Tian!

But this time, the golden pillar was not as indestructible as the previous light curtain. Under the sword of heaven, the golden pillar was broken. Although it blocked the sword of praying, it had succeeded. Retired and shattered into pieces of golden light.

Qi Tian didn't try to chase. Under Li Yi's stunned attention, he shrugged back. When Li Yi didn't understand the reason of Qi Tian's action, the pieces of golden light shards suddenly formed in the air, forming a small golden light sword. Was stuck in the place where Qi Tian was just now!

"Huh? Isn't this a spell with the same principle as the "Corona Sword"?" The Corona Sword is Gu Lei's spell that can be broken into thousands of small swords. Li Yi gave such a vulgar name.

Thinking about it this way, Li Yi used his little mental strength to condense out a "corona sword" and looked behind him, feeling that it was not very safe and entered the spiritual world.

In the spiritual world, Li Yi hardly needs to aim, as long as he focuses his attention on an object, what he throws out will surely hit the target!

Li Yi doesn't know the principle here. According to him, there are some things that have no effect in the final analysis. The most important thing is to know what to do.

In the spiritual world, the whole day and night are covered with dense golden spiritual ripples. It can be seen that the spiritual power of this old elf is very strong. The gap between the fluctuations of the spiritual ripples has become very small and very small, which makes people look at a glance. I feel that this guy's mental ripples have almost become a piece!

Li Yi locked his spiritual strength firmly into Yong Day, and the "Corona Sword" in his hand was suddenly thrown away by him!

The "Corona Sword" was spinning silently in the air, and was stopped by the golden light curtain when it was about to hit Yongye, and it was broken into small pieces, and then turned into a small light sword. In this way, slammed on the golden light curtain!

In the spiritual world, Li Yi secretly observed the golden light curtain that suddenly appeared beside Yong Tian. In the spiritual world, all sources of energy appeared so transparent. Li Yi saw at a glance that the golden light curtain was not Indestructible, but with the help of the body of Yong Day, it continuously provides the energy of the light system in nature, and at the moment of being attacked, it uses the absorbed energy to supplement the damaged part of itself, resulting in the illusion of being indestructible.

However, even if this is the case, this golden light curtain is relatively indestructible.

In this case... as long as the source of his light energy is not cut off? Such an almost impossible idea popped out of Li Yi's heart.

Qitian keeps trying to attack Yongtian, Yongye also keeps trying to attack Zhongqi, but one has a speed that even the wind clan elves can't catch up with, the other has an indestructible protective spell, and they can't help each other at all. .

No, if you go on like this, Uncle Qi's physical recovery can't keep up with his physical exertion, but the spiritual power of the old thing Yong Yong is sufficient and strong. If it is consumed like this, Qi Tian can hardly win Yong Tian.

Li Yi squinted, thinking hard.

Admittedly, it is almost impossible to cut off the connection between the natural energy of an elf and nature, at least Li Yi has no way to cut off the connection between the other party and natural energy.

Qi Tian's physical strength is constantly being consumed, and the speed has begun to slow down. The speed of the sword swing is not as fast as before. The red light in his eyes begins to dim at the same time.

Without saying a word, he continued to rush towards his opponent.

However, under the obstruction of the other party's light curtain that can instantly replenish the energy repair, Qitian didn't hurt the other party except that his physical strength was constantly consumed.

There is no way to completely block the link between the caster and natural energy... There is no way! Li Yi knocked on his helmet in distress, frowning and roaring in his heart.

I haven't recovered much of my spiritual power at all, and I can't go forward to attack Heaven with Qitian. Without saying that my spells have no effect now, even if my spells work, I can't break that light curtain!

If you are injured, you will repair yourself, and the repair energy comes from nature, with a defensive spell that has a continuous source of energy...It is even better than the turtle shell!

At this moment, Qi Tian made an inhuman roar in his mouth, with a strong murderous intention in his husky. Suddenly, Qi Tian shone with a blood-red light around him, and the whole person was bathed in this red light, Along with the fire sword in his hand, he also burned a **** flame!

The loud chants rang through the entire rift, as if hundreds of millions of people were cheering for the heavens! At this moment, this man, like the God of War bathed in blood from the beginning of time, stood proudly in front of Yong Tian, ​​gently waving the burning fire sword in his hand, the sound of gas explosion suddenly sounded, and disappeared again. !

When it appeared, Qi Tian had cut the fire sword fiercely on the golden light curtain in front of Yong Tian! The flaming blade of the fire cut the light curtain one by one, but the golden light that was suddenly exploded when it was about to be cut on Yong Tian was bounced back!

Li Yi in the spiritual world saw that at that moment, the energy of the light system in nature was like a turbulent flood flooding to Yongye, transmitted through his body to the light curtain around him, and the light curtain was completed in an instant. The loss of energy and the use of energy to explode the impulse of Qitian's attack!

Li Yi was even more anxious, constantly talking about nouns such as "energy transmission", and the brain kept thinking hard about how to deal with it.

I can't completely cut off the energy connection between Yongdi and nature. If I just want to do this, with my current mental capacity, I can only block the two for a short period of time! But even if you do this... is it useful?

In any case, you still have to give it a try!

Li Yi shouted loudly to Qi Tian who was about to rush up again: "Pray... Uncle! Wait for my instructions to attack! I have a way to break this old guy's defense!"

Qi Tian was fighting on the head, Li Yi shouted suddenly, and looked at Li Yi suspiciously. The body also dodged the attack spell thrown at him by Yong Tian at the same time. After watching Li Yi for a while, it was slightly Nodded.

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